darwin-amd64-longtest at e356aa656d92ffd551e89edd9ed6ac00ea0278ef :: Running /tmp/buildlet/go/src/make.bash with args ["/tmp/buildlet/go/src/make.bash"] and env ["TERM_PROGRAM=Apple_Terminal" "SHELL=/bin/zsh" "TERM=xterm-256color" "TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION=447" "TERM_SESSION_ID=12C6F511-D3F4-4483-A59B-EF28B93F897D" "USER=gopher" "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/private/tmp/com.apple.launchd.px1eG2c4vP/Listeners" "PATH=/usr/local/bin:/System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" "GO_BUILDER_ENV=qemu_vm" "LaunchInstanceID=14529CFE-64F1-4899-A4EF-F5D6DDFC8533" "__CFBundleIdentifier=com.apple.Terminal" "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" "XPC_FLAGS=0x0" "XPC_SERVICE_NAME=0" "HOME=/Users/gopher" "SHLVL=2" "LOGNAME=gopher" "SECURITYSESSIONID=186ad" "_=/Users/gopher/go/bin/buildlet" "WORKDIR=/tmp/buildlet" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/tmp/buildlet/go1.4" "GO_BUILDER_NAME=darwin-amd64-longtest" "GO_TEST_SHORT=0" "GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=10" "GOBIN=" "TMPDIR=/tmp/buildlet/tmp" "GOCACHE=/tmp/buildlet/gocache" "GOPLSCACHE=/tmp/buildlet/goplscache" "PWD=/tmp/buildlet/go/src"] in dir /tmp/buildlet/go/src Building Go cmd/dist using /tmp/buildlet/go1.4. (go1.20.6 darwin/amd64) Building Go toolchain1 using /tmp/buildlet/go1.4. Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1. Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1. Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2. Building packages and commands for darwin/amd64. --- Installed Go for darwin/amd64 in /tmp/buildlet/go Installed commands in /tmp/buildlet/go/bin *** You need to add /tmp/buildlet/go/bin to your PATH. ##### Test execution environment. # GOARCH: amd64 # CPU: # GOOS: darwin # OS Version: Darwin 22.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.1.0: Sun Oct 9 20:14:54 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8792.41.9~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 ##### Testing packages. ok archive/tar 0.416s ok archive/zip 42.041s ok bufio 0.187s ok bytes 2.217s ok cmp 0.064s ok compress/bzip2 0.157s ok compress/flate 17.102s ok compress/gzip 2.807s ok compress/lzw 0.221s ok compress/zlib 1.555s ok container/heap 0.040s ok container/list 0.035s ok container/ring 0.033s ok context 0.120s ok crypto 0.043s ok crypto/aes 0.111s ok crypto/cipher 0.300s ok crypto/des 0.030s ok crypto/dsa 27.406s ok crypto/ecdh 1.694s ok crypto/ecdsa 1.060s ok crypto/ed25519 0.922s ok crypto/elliptic 0.922s ok crypto/hmac 0.052s ok crypto/internal/alias 0.051s ok crypto/internal/bigmod 0.359s ok crypto/internal/boring 0.037s ? crypto/internal/boring/bbig [no test files] ? crypto/internal/boring/sig [no test files] ok crypto/internal/boring/bcache 0.288s ok crypto/internal/edwards25519 6.825s ok crypto/internal/edwards25519/field 5.532s ok crypto/internal/nistec 7.101s ? crypto/internal/randutil [no test files] ok crypto/internal/nistec/fiat 0.029s [no tests to run] ok crypto/md5 0.043s ok crypto/rand 0.357s ok crypto/rc4 0.051s ok crypto/rsa 4.330s ok crypto/sha1 0.058s ok crypto/sha256 0.034s ok crypto/sha512 0.041s ok crypto/subtle 13.906s ok crypto/tls 8.876s ok crypto/x509 4.441s ? crypto/x509/internal/macos [no test files] ? crypto/x509/pkix [no test files] ok database/sql 1.471s ok database/sql/driver 0.034s ok debug/buildinfo 18.643s ok debug/dwarf 0.080s ok debug/elf 0.311s ok debug/gosym 6.771s ok debug/macho 0.033s ok debug/pe 0.114s ok debug/plan9obj 0.049s ok embed 0.067s [no tests to run] ? encoding [no test files] ok embed/internal/embedtest 0.043s ok encoding/ascii85 0.022s ok encoding/asn1 0.046s ok encoding/base32 0.093s ok encoding/base64 0.021s ok encoding/binary 0.062s ok encoding/csv 0.048s ok encoding/gob 1.977s ok encoding/hex 0.033s ok encoding/json 1.676s ok encoding/pem 0.685s ok encoding/xml 10.114s ok errors 0.075s ok expvar 0.066s ok flag 0.177s ok fmt 0.115s ok go/ast 0.064s ok go/build 2.081s ok go/build/constraint 0.023s ok go/constant 0.026s ok go/doc 0.098s ok go/doc/comment 1.962s ok go/format 0.028s ok go/importer 1.313s ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 0.042s ok go/internal/gcimporter 321.252s ? go/internal/typeparams [no test files] ok go/internal/srcimporter 19.578s ok go/parser 12.344s ok go/printer 0.415s ok go/scanner 0.038s ok go/token 0.038s ok go/types 31.103s ok hash 0.042s ok hash/adler32 0.047s ok hash/crc32 0.041s ok hash/crc64 0.033s ok hash/fnv 0.019s ok hash/maphash 139.966s ok html 0.028s ok html/template 0.339s ? image/color/palette [no test files] ok image 0.251s ok image/color 0.043s ? image/internal/imageutil [no test files] ok image/draw 0.130s ok image/gif 13.705s ok image/jpeg 4.329s ok image/png 1.459s ok index/suffixarray 82.574s ? internal/bisect [no test files] ok internal/abi 0.645s ok internal/buildcfg 0.050s ? internal/bytealg [no test files] ? internal/cfg [no test files] ? internal/coverage [no test files] ? internal/coverage/calloc [no test files] ok internal/coverage/cformat 0.024s ok internal/coverage/cmerge 0.033s ? internal/coverage/covcmd [no test files] ? internal/coverage/decodecounter [no test files] ? internal/coverage/decodemeta [no test files] ? internal/coverage/encodecounter [no test files] ? internal/coverage/encodemeta [no test files] ok internal/coverage/pods 0.031s ? internal/coverage/rtcov [no test files] ok internal/coverage/slicereader 0.035s ok internal/coverage/slicewriter 0.044s ? internal/coverage/stringtab [no test files] ? internal/coverage/uleb128 [no test files] ok internal/coverage/test 0.034s ok internal/cpu 0.064s ok internal/dag 0.028s ok internal/diff 0.028s ? internal/goarch [no test files] ok internal/fmtsort 0.034s ok internal/fuzz 0.036s ? internal/goexperiment [no test files] ok internal/godebug 2.157s ok internal/godebugs 0.041s ? internal/goos [no test files] ? internal/goroot [no test files] ? internal/goversion [no test files] ? internal/lazyregexp [no test files] ok internal/intern 7.907s ok internal/itoa 0.029s ? internal/lazytemplate [no test files] ? internal/nettrace [no test files] ? internal/obscuretestdata [no test files] ? internal/oserror [no test files] ? internal/pkgbits [no test files] ok internal/platform 1.429s ? internal/race [no test files] ok internal/poll 0.568s ok internal/profile 0.026s ok internal/reflectlite 0.095s ok internal/safefilepath 0.073s ok internal/saferio 0.217s ? internal/syscall/execenv [no test files] ? internal/syscall/unix [no test files] ok internal/singleflight 0.036s ? internal/sysinfo [no test files] ? internal/testlog [no test files] ok internal/testenv 0.608s ? internal/testpty [no test files] ? internal/txtar [no test files] ok internal/trace 1.689s ok internal/types/errors 1.739s ok internal/unsafeheader 0.053s ok internal/xcoff 0.036s ok internal/zstd 0.044s ok io 0.151s ok io/fs 0.405s ? log/internal [no test files] ok io/ioutil 0.049s ok log 0.059s ? log/slog/internal [no test files] ok log/slog 0.321s ok log/slog/internal/benchmarks 0.031s ? log/slog/internal/slogtest [no test files] ok log/slog/internal/buffer 0.041s ok log/syslog 1.306s ok maps 0.074s ok math 0.055s ok math/big 5.434s ok math/bits 0.044s ok math/cmplx 0.036s ok math/rand 5.942s ok mime 0.035s ok mime/multipart 2.158s ok mime/quotedprintable 3.674s ok net 84.472s PASS Too many goroutines running after net/http test(s). 1 instances of: net/http_test.testServerGracefulClose.func1.2() /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:3142 +0x4a created by net/http_test.testServerGracefulClose.func1 in goroutine 13765 /tmp/buildlet/go/src/net/http/serve_test.go:3140 +0x30f FAIL net/http 103.498s ok net/http/cgi 3.281s FAIL go tool dist: Failed: exit status 1