linux-s390x-ibm at d95b7980aa1ef94983983cd98e005947e83d562d :: Running /data/golang/workdir/go/src/make.bash with args ["/data/golang/workdir/go/src/make.bash" "-force"] and env ["LANG=en_US.UTF-8" "HOME=/root" "LOGNAME=root" "USER=root" "SHELL=/bin/sh" "INVOCATION_ID=540dd8bfde0249a789840c868096d29f" "JOURNAL_STREAM=9:470471697" "META_BUILDLET_BINARY_URL=" "GO_STAGE0_NET_DELAY=100ms" "GO_STAGE0_DL_DELAY=600ms" "WORKDIR=/data/golang/workdir" "GO_BUILDER_NAME=linux-s390x-ibm" "GO_BUILDER_FLAKY_NET=1" "GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=5" "GOBIN=" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=" "TMPDIR=/data/golang/workdir/tmp" "GOCACHE=/data/golang/workdir/gocache" "GOPLSCACHE=/data/golang/workdir/goplscache" "PATH=/data/golang/workdir/go1.4/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin" "PWD=/data/golang/workdir/go/src"] in dir /data/golang/workdir/go/src WARNING: /root/go1.4/bin/go does not exist, found /data/golang/workdir/go1.4/go/bin/go from env WARNING: set /data/golang/workdir/go1.4/go as GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP Building Go cmd/dist using /data/golang/workdir/go1.4/go. (go1.22.6 linux/s390x) Building Go toolchain1 using /data/golang/workdir/go1.4/go. Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1. Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1. Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2. Building packages and commands for linux/s390x. --- Installed Go for linux/s390x in /data/golang/workdir/go Installed commands in /data/golang/workdir/go/bin *** You need to add /data/golang/workdir/go/bin to your PATH. ##### Test execution environment. # GOARCH: s390x # CPU: # GOOS: linux # OS Version: Linux 4.18.0-372.19.1.el8_6.s390x #1 SMP Mon Jul 18 11:11:32 EDT 2022 s390x ##### Testing packages. ok archive/tar 0.576s ok archive/zip 1.220s ok bufio 0.396s ok bytes 0.640s ok cmp 0.037s ok compress/bzip2 0.252s ok compress/flate 3.210s ok compress/gzip 4.379s ok compress/lzw 0.476s ok compress/zlib 2.339s ok container/heap 0.003s ok container/list 0.002s ok container/ring 0.768s ok context 0.381s ok crypto 2.258s ok crypto/aes 0.035s ok crypto/cipher 2.654s ok crypto/des 0.018s ok crypto/dsa 0.117s ok crypto/ecdh 0.105s ok crypto/ecdsa 0.092s ok crypto/ed25519 0.083s ok crypto/elliptic 0.017s ok crypto/hmac 0.019s ok crypto/internal/alias 0.007s ok crypto/internal/bigmod 0.146s ok crypto/internal/boring 0.002s ok crypto/internal/boring/bcache 0.214s ok crypto/internal/edwards25519 0.135s ok crypto/internal/edwards25519/field 0.051s ok crypto/internal/fips 0.027s ok crypto/internal/fips/sha3 8.926s ok crypto/internal/fips/subtle 0.121s ok crypto/internal/hpke 0.104s ok crypto/internal/mlkem768 1.940s ok crypto/internal/nistec 0.176s ok crypto/internal/nistec/fiat 0.021s [no tests to run] ok crypto/md5 0.040s ok crypto/rand 0.563s ok crypto/rc4 0.032s ok crypto/rsa 1.928s ok crypto/sha1 0.015s ok crypto/sha256 0.335s ok crypto/sha512 0.013s ok crypto/subtle 0.112s ok crypto/tls 0.723s ok crypto/x509 0.341s ok database/sql 2.152s ok database/sql/driver 0.024s ok debug/buildinfo 0.020s ok debug/dwarf 0.012s ok debug/elf 0.139s ok debug/gosym 0.136s ok debug/macho 0.007s ok debug/pe 0.033s ok debug/plan9obj 0.007s ok embed 0.007s [no tests to run] ok embed/internal/embedtest 0.174s ok encoding/ascii85 0.003s ok encoding/asn1 0.313s ok encoding/base32 0.964s ok encoding/base64 0.060s ok encoding/binary 0.109s ok encoding/csv 0.040s ok encoding/gob 11.925s ok encoding/hex 0.011s ok encoding/json 1.236s ok encoding/pem 1.269s ok encoding/xml 0.363s ok errors 0.165s ok expvar 0.200s ok flag 0.893s ok fmt 0.606s ok go/ast 0.038s ok go/ast/internal/tests 0.013s ok go/build 8.946s ok go/build/constraint 0.054s ok go/constant 0.009s ok go/doc 0.054s ok go/doc/comment 3.311s ok go/format 0.024s ok go/importer 4.244s ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 0.470s ok go/internal/gcimporter 9.322s ok go/internal/srcimporter 22.904s ok go/parser 0.655s ok go/printer 0.911s ok go/scanner 0.019s ok go/token 0.038s ok go/types 55.838s ok go/version 0.009s ok hash 0.002s ok hash/adler32 0.046s ok hash/crc32 0.100s ok hash/crc64 0.099s ok hash/fnv 0.013s ok hash/maphash 2.404s ok html 0.002s ok html/template 0.381s ok image 0.051s ok image/color 0.043s ok image/draw 0.876s ok image/gif 1.941s ok image/jpeg 1.960s ok image/png 1.218s ok index/suffixarray 1.952s ok internal/abi 0.228s ok internal/buildcfg 0.008s ok internal/chacha8rand 0.198s ok internal/concurrent 0.325s ok internal/coverage/cfile 2.551s ok internal/coverage/cformat 0.120s ok internal/coverage/cmerge 0.119s ok internal/coverage/pods 0.034s ok internal/coverage/slicereader 0.003s ok internal/coverage/slicewriter 0.138s ok internal/coverage/test 0.006s ok internal/cpu 0.058s ok internal/dag 0.023s ok internal/diff 0.013s ok internal/fmtsort 0.003s ok internal/fuzz 0.010s ok internal/godebug 4.501s ok internal/godebugs 24.223s ok internal/gover 0.005s ok internal/itoa 0.007s ok internal/pkgbits 0.008s ok internal/platform 6.430s ok internal/poll 1.223s ok internal/profile 0.143s ok internal/reflectlite 0.015s ok internal/runtime/atomic 1.335s ok internal/runtime/maps 0.002s ok internal/runtime/math 0.003s ok internal/runtime/sys 0.004s ok internal/runtime/syscall 0.008s ok internal/saferio 2.175s ok internal/singleflight 0.027s ok internal/syscall/unix 0.005s ok internal/sysinfo 0.014s ok internal/testenv 1.289s ok internal/trace 74.815s ok internal/trace/internal/oldtrace 0.333s ok internal/types/errors 2.284s ok internal/unsafeheader 0.015s ok internal/weak 0.106s ok internal/xcoff 0.006s ok internal/zstd 0.038s ok io 0.127s ok io/fs 0.240s ok io/ioutil 0.316s ok iter 0.026s ok log 0.008s ok log/slog 0.018s ok log/slog/internal/benchmarks 0.008s ok log/slog/internal/buffer 0.005s ok log/syslog 2.724s ok maps 0.003s ok math 0.050s ok math/big 9.694s ok math/bits 0.020s ok math/cmplx 0.003s ok math/rand 2.479s ok math/rand/v2 0.957s ok mime 0.285s ok mime/multipart 7.611s ok mime/quotedprintable 0.861s ok net 33.490s ok net/http 25.427s ok net/http/cgi 1.680s ok net/http/cookiejar 0.010s ok net/http/fcgi 0.446s ok net/http/httptest 0.506s ok net/http/httptrace 0.003s ok net/http/httputil 2.106s ok net/http/internal 1.568s ok net/http/internal/ascii 0.067s ok net/http/pprof 5.974s ok net/internal/cgotest 0.011s ok net/internal/socktest 0.003s ok net/mail 0.006s ok net/netip 2.674s ok net/rpc 1.673s ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 0.008s ok net/smtp 0.022s ok net/textproto 0.873s ok net/url 0.631s ok os 7.452s ok os/exec 1.191s ok os/exec/internal/fdtest 0.802s ok os/signal 16.631s ok os/user 0.821s ok path 0.595s ok path/filepath 0.013s ok plugin 0.106s ok reflect 10.834s ok regexp 2.026s ok regexp/syntax 3.054s --- FAIL: TestCrashDumpsAllThreads (1.36s) crash_unix_test.go:145: found 1 instances of main.crashDumpsAllThreadsLoop; expected 4 crash_unix_test.go:146: SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x9e3de m=1 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 gp=0xc000004540 m=1 mp=0xc000054008 [idle]: runtime.rtsigprocmask(0x2, 0xc000025f98, 0x0, 0x8) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/sys_linux_s390x.s:392 +0x1e fp=0xc000025f70 sp=0xc000025f70 pc=0x9e3de runtime.sigprocmask(...) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/os_linux.go:451 runtime.minitSignalMask() /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/signal_unix.go:1347 +0x11a fp=0xc000025fa0 sp=0xc000025f70 pc=0x7232a runtime.minitSignals() /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/signal_unix.go:1306 +0x2a fp=0xc000025fa8 sp=0xc000025fa0 pc=0x7203a runtime.minit() /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/os_linux.go:397 +0x24 fp=0xc000025fb8 sp=0xc000025fa8 pc=0x4f524 runtime.mstart1() /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/proc.go:1836 +0x66 fp=0xc000025fd8 sp=0xc000025fb8 pc=0x59b56 runtime.mstart0() /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/proc.go:1802 +0x8c fp=0xc000025ff8 sp=0xc000025fd8 pc=0x59acc runtime.mstart() /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/asm_s390x.s:174 +0x18 fp=0xc000026000 sp=0xc000025ff8 pc=0x9b3d8 goroutine 1 gp=0xc0000041c0 m=nil [select (no cases)]: runtime.gopark(0x0, 0x0, 0xa, 0x1, 0x1) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/proc.go:435 +0x136 fp=0xc00009edf0 sp=0xc00009edd8 pc=0x965c6 runtime.block() /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/select.go:104 +0x3c fp=0xc00009ee18 sp=0xc00009edf0 pc=0x6c2fc main.CrashDumpsAllThreads() /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/testdata/testprog/crashdump.go:38 +0x258 fp=0xc00009eec8 sp=0xc00009ee18 pc=0x130868 main.main() /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/testdata/testprog/main.go:34 +0x1ac fp=0xc00009ef68 sp=0xc00009eec8 pc=0x13760c runtime.main() /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/proc.go:283 +0x2ea fp=0xc00009efd8 sp=0xc00009ef68 pc=0x5591a runtime.goexit({}) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/asm_s390x.s:797 +0x2 fp=0xc00009efd8 sp=0xc00009efd8 pc=0x9d792 goroutine 2 gp=0xc000004700 m=nil [force gc (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x183070, 0x26e2e0, 0x11, 0xa, 0x1) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/proc.go:435 +0x136 fp=0xc00004efb0 sp=0xc00004ef98 pc=0x965c6 runtime.goparkunlock(...) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/proc.go:441 runtime.forcegchelper() /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/proc.go:348 +0xd2 fp=0xc00004efd8 sp=0xc00004efb0 pc=0x55d42 runtime.goexit({}) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/asm_s390x.s:797 +0x2 fp=0xc00004efd8 sp=0xc00004efd8 pc=0x9d792 created by runtime.init.6 in goroutine 1 /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/proc.go:336 +0x30 goroutine 3 gp=0xc000004c40 m=nil [GC sweep wait]: runtime.gopark(0x183070, 0x26e500, 0xc, 0x9, 0x1) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/proc.go:435 +0x136 fp=0xc00004f790 sp=0xc00004f778 pc=0x965c6 runtime.goparkunlock(...) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/proc.go:441 runtime.bgsweep(0xc00006e000) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/mgcsweep.go:277 +0xaa fp=0xc00004f7c8 sp=0xc00004f790 pc=0x3bf6a runtime.gcenable.gowrap1() /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:203 +0x5e fp=0xc00004f7d8 sp=0xc00004f7c8 pc=0x2d84e runtime.goexit({}) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/asm_s390x.s:797 +0x2 fp=0xc00004f7d8 sp=0xc00004f7d8 pc=0x9d792 created by runtime.gcenable in goroutine 1 /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:203 +0xa8 goroutine 4 gp=0xc000004e00 m=nil [GC scavenge wait]: runtime.gopark(0x183070, 0x26e760, 0xd, 0xa, 0x2) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/proc.go:435 +0x136 fp=0xc00004ff80 sp=0xc00004ff68 pc=0x965c6 runtime.goparkunlock(...) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/proc.go:441 runtime.(*scavengerState).park(0x26e760) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/mgcscavenge.go:425 +0x72 fp=0xc00004ffa8 sp=0xc00004ff80 pc=0x39292 runtime.bgscavenge(0xc00006e000) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/mgcscavenge.go:653 +0x5a fp=0xc00004ffc8 sp=0xc00004ffa8 pc=0x3991a runtime.gcenable.gowrap2() /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:204 +0x5e fp=0xc00004ffd8 sp=0xc00004ffc8 pc=0x2d7ce runtime.goexit({}) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/asm_s390x.s:797 +0x2 fp=0xc00004ffd8 sp=0xc00004ffd8 pc=0x9d792 created by runtime.gcenable in goroutine 1 /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:204 +0x10e goroutine 17 gp=0xc000082380 m=nil [finalizer wait]: runtime.gopark(0x182de8, 0x29cb20, 0x10, 0xa, 0x1) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/proc.go:435 +0x136 fp=0xc00004e718 sp=0xc00004e700 pc=0x965c6 runtime.runfinq() /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/mfinal.go:193 +0x13a fp=0xc00004e7d8 sp=0xc00004e718 pc=0x2c3ba runtime.goexit({}) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/asm_s390x.s:797 +0x2 fp=0xc00004e7d8 sp=0xc00004e7d8 pc=0x9d792 created by runtime.createfing in goroutine 1 /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/mfinal.go:163 +0x64 goroutine 18 gp=0xc000082540 m=4 mp=0xc000080008 [running]: goroutine running on other thread; stack unavailable created by main.CrashDumpsAllThreads in goroutine 1 /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/testdata/testprog/crashdump.go:24 +0x54 goroutine 19 gp=0xc000082700 m=3 mp=0xc000055008 [running]: goroutine running on other thread; stack unavailable created by main.CrashDumpsAllThreads in goroutine 1 /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/testdata/testprog/crashdump.go:24 +0x54 goroutine 20 gp=0xc0000828c0 m=2 mp=0xc000054808 [running]: goroutine running on other thread; stack unavailable created by main.CrashDumpsAllThreads in goroutine 1 /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/testdata/testprog/crashdump.go:24 +0x54 goroutine 21 gp=0xc000082a80 m=0 mp=0x26f0a0 [running]: goroutine running on other thread; stack unavailable created by main.CrashDumpsAllThreads in goroutine 1 /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/testdata/testprog/crashdump.go:24 +0x54 r0 0xc000025f98 r1 0xaf r2 0x0 r3 0xc000025f98 r4 0x0 r5 0x8 r6 0x1 r7 0xc000054008 r8 0xc000004540 r9 0x9b3c0 r10 0x29ca62 r11 0xc000004540 r12 0x3ffcf77eeb8 r13 0xc000004540 r14 0x7232a r15 0xc000025f70 pc 0x9e3de link 0x7232a ----- SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x1308f0 m=0 sigcode=0 goroutine 21 gp=0xc000082a80 m=0 mp=0x26f0a0 [running]: main.crashDumpsAllThreadsLoop(...) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/testdata/testprog/crashdump.go:44 main.CrashDumpsAllThreads.gowrap1() /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/testdata/testprog/crashdump.go:24 +0x70 fp=0xc00004bfd8 sp=0xc00004bfc8 pc=0x1308f0 runtime.goexit({}) /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/asm_s390x.s:797 +0x2 fp=0xc00004bfd8 sp=0xc00004bfd8 pc=0x9d792 created by main.CrashDumpsAllThreads in goroutine 1 /data/golang/workdir/go/src/runtime/testdata/testprog/crashdump.go:24 +0x54 r0 0xb03cc4d r1 0x26f310 r2 0x0 r3 0xc000082a80 r4 0x26f0a0 r5 0x0 r6 0x130880 r7 0xc00004b800 r8 0x26f0a0 r9 0x0 r10 0x0 r11 0xdeb851eb85036b89 r12 0xc0000b4090 r13 0xc000082a80 r14 0x1308de r15 0xc00004bfc8 pc 0x1308f0 link 0x1308de ----- FAIL FAIL runtime 234.924s ok runtime/cgo 0.073s ok runtime/debug 1.295s FAIL go tool dist: Failed: exit status 1