freebsd-amd64-race at 677b6cc17544e5e667d4bb67d063f5d775c69e32 :: Running /tmp/workdir/go/src/make.bash with args ["/tmp/workdir/go/src/make.bash" "-force"] and env ["LANG=C.UTF-8" "HOME=/" "MM_CHARSET=UTF-8" "RC_PID=16" "BLOCKSIZE=K" "WORKDIR=/tmp/workdir" "GO_BUILDER_NAME=freebsd-amd64-race" "GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2" "GOBIN=" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=" "TMPDIR=/tmp/workdir/tmp" "GOCACHE=/tmp/workdir/gocache" "GOPLSCACHE=/tmp/workdir/goplscache" "PATH=/tmp/workdir/go1.4/go/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" "PWD=/tmp/workdir/go/src"] in dir /tmp/workdir/go/src WARNING: //go1.4/bin/go does not exist, found /tmp/workdir/go1.4/go/bin/go from env WARNING: set /tmp/workdir/go1.4/go as GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP Building Go cmd/dist using /tmp/workdir/go1.4/go. (go1.22.6 freebsd/amd64) Building Go toolchain1 using /tmp/workdir/go1.4/go. Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1. Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1. Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2. Building packages and commands for freebsd/amd64. --- Installed Go for freebsd/amd64 in /tmp/workdir/go Installed commands in /tmp/workdir/go/bin *** You need to add /tmp/workdir/go/bin to your PATH. :: Running /tmp/workdir/go/bin/go with args ["/tmp/workdir/go/bin/go" "install" "-race" "std"] and env ["PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" "LANG=C.UTF-8" "HOME=/" "MM_CHARSET=UTF-8" "RC_PID=16" "BLOCKSIZE=K" "WORKDIR=/tmp/workdir" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/tmp/workdir/go1.4" "GO_BUILDER_NAME=freebsd-amd64-race" "GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2" "GOBIN=" "TMPDIR=/tmp/workdir/tmp" "GOCACHE=/tmp/workdir/gocache" "GOPLSCACHE=/tmp/workdir/goplscache" "PWD=/tmp/workdir/go/bin"] in dir /tmp/workdir/go/bin ##### Test execution environment. # GOARCH: amd64 # CPU: AMD EPYC 7B12 # GOOS: freebsd # OS Version: FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE #0 stable/13-n248759-3684bb89d52: Thu Dec 30 02:37:49 UTC 2021 amd64 ##### Testing packages. ok archive/tar 1.531s ok archive/zip 2.223s ok bufio 1.224s ok bytes 1.837s ok cmp 1.072s ok compress/bzip2 1.359s ok compress/flate 4.848s ok compress/gzip 9.889s ok compress/lzw 1.601s ok compress/zlib 4.072s ok container/heap 1.021s ok container/list 1.065s ok container/ring 1.026s ok context 1.103s ok crypto 2.093s ok crypto/aes 1.053s ok crypto/cipher 2.644s ok crypto/des 1.093s ok crypto/dsa 1.078s ok crypto/ecdh 1.238s ok crypto/ecdsa 1.167s ok crypto/ed25519 1.330s ok crypto/elliptic 1.039s ok crypto/hmac 1.039s ok crypto/internal/alias 1.020s ok crypto/internal/bigmod 1.376s ok crypto/internal/boring 1.020s ok crypto/internal/boring/bcache 1.396s ok crypto/internal/edwards25519 1.639s ok crypto/internal/edwards25519/field 1.129s ok crypto/internal/hpke 1.076s ok crypto/internal/mlkem768 1.500s ok crypto/internal/nistec 1.692s ok crypto/internal/nistec/fiat 1.077s [no tests to run] ok crypto/md5 1.056s ok crypto/rand 1.236s ok crypto/rc4 1.380s ok crypto/rsa 2.195s ok crypto/sha1 1.030s ok crypto/sha256 1.047s ok crypto/sha512 1.047s ok crypto/subtle 1.331s ok crypto/tls 3.041s ok crypto/x509 1.876s ok database/sql 1.545s ok database/sql/driver 1.058s ok debug/buildinfo 1.067s ok debug/dwarf 1.107s ok debug/elf 1.709s ok debug/gosym 1.088s ok debug/macho 1.087s ok debug/pe 1.095s ok debug/plan9obj 1.019s ok embed 1.019s [no tests to run] ok embed/internal/embedtest 1.071s ok encoding/ascii85 1.066s ok encoding/asn1 1.077s ok encoding/base32 1.123s ok encoding/base64 1.081s ok encoding/binary 1.083s ok encoding/csv 1.059s ok encoding/gob 12.860s ok encoding/hex 1.020s ok encoding/json 1.731s ok encoding/pem 2.310s ok encoding/xml 1.179s ok errors 1.078s ok expvar 1.078s ok flag 3.234s ok fmt 1.480s ok go/ast 1.070s ok go/build 5.080s ok go/build/constraint 1.078s ok go/constant 1.078s ok go/doc 1.182s ok go/doc/comment 2.308s ok go/format 1.051s ok go/importer 1.491s ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 1.037s ok go/internal/gcimporter 8.548s ok go/internal/srcimporter 10.833s ok go/parser 1.813s ok go/printer 1.943s ok go/scanner 1.075s ok go/token 1.135s ok go/types 27.860s ok go/version 1.018s ok hash 1.067s ok hash/adler32 1.062s ok hash/crc32 1.039s ok hash/crc64 1.077s ok hash/fnv 1.073s ok hash/maphash 1.073s ok html 1.014s ok html/template 1.220s ok image 1.349s ok image/color 1.043s ok image/draw 1.444s ok image/gif 1.559s ok image/jpeg 1.887s ok image/png 3.103s ok index/suffixarray 1.696s ok internal/abi 1.043s ok internal/buildcfg 1.043s ok internal/chacha8rand 1.073s ok internal/concurrent 1.961s ok internal/coverage/cfile 2.235s ok internal/coverage/cformat 1.012s ok internal/coverage/cmerge 1.045s ok internal/coverage/pods 1.045s ok internal/coverage/slicereader 1.031s ok internal/coverage/slicewriter 1.071s ok internal/coverage/test 1.099s ok internal/cpu 3.132s ok internal/dag 1.022s ok internal/diff 1.021s ok internal/fmtsort 1.041s ok internal/fuzz 1.030s ok internal/godebug 19.164s ok internal/godebugs 55.436s ok internal/gover 1.055s ok internal/itoa 1.055s ok internal/pkgbits 1.071s ok internal/platform 1.528s ok internal/poll 1.258s ok internal/profile 1.078s ok internal/reflectlite 1.035s ok internal/runtime/atomic 1.117s ok internal/runtime/math 1.035s ok internal/runtime/sys 1.022s ok internal/saferio 1.056s ok internal/singleflight 1.055s ok internal/syscall/unix 1.071s ok internal/sysinfo 1.070s ok internal/testenv 1.140s ok internal/trace 34.456s ok internal/trace/internal/oldtrace 1.457s ok internal/types/errors 1.292s ok internal/unsafeheader 1.076s ok internal/weak 1.076s ok internal/xcoff 1.083s ok internal/zstd 1.498s ok io 1.074s ok io/fs 1.270s ok io/ioutil 1.026s ok iter 1.016s ok log 1.059s ok log/slog 1.075s ok log/slog/internal/benchmarks 1.073s ok log/slog/internal/buffer 1.072s ok log/syslog 2.300s ok maps 1.081s ok math 1.084s ok math/big 2.989s ok math/bits 1.020s ok math/cmplx 1.020s ok math/rand 3.558s ok math/rand/v2 2.343s ok mime 1.031s ok mime/multipart 4.363s ok mime/quotedprintable 1.063s ok net 8.787s ok net/http 9.483s ok net/http/cgi 28.561s ok net/http/cookiejar 1.052s ok net/http/fcgi 1.235s ok net/http/httptest 1.194s ok net/http/httptrace 1.076s ok net/http/httputil 1.649s ok net/http/internal 2.301s ok net/http/internal/ascii 1.021s ok net/http/pprof 6.225s ok net/internal/cgotest 1.020s ok net/internal/socktest 1.020s ok net/mail 1.020s ok net/netip 1.435s ok net/rpc 1.105s ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 1.082s ok net/smtp 1.091s ok net/textproto 1.090s ok net/url 1.026s ok os 6.831s ok os/exec 8.436s ok os/exec/internal/fdtest 1.062s ok os/signal 20.530s ok os/user 1.072s ok path 1.025s ok path/filepath 1.079s ok plugin 1.078s ok reflect 1.323s ok regexp 3.026s ok regexp/syntax 4.797s ok runtime 39.201s ok runtime/cgo 1.077s ok runtime/debug 2.112s ok runtime/internal/wasitest 1.029s ok runtime/metrics 1.029s ok runtime/pprof 28.797s ok runtime/race 8.512s ok runtime/trace 1.133s ok slices 1.323s ok sort 1.449s ok strconv 2.650s ok strings 1.870s ok sync 1.517s ok sync/atomic 4.037s ok syscall 6.977s ok testing 3.929s ok testing/fstest 1.074s ok testing/iotest 1.073s ok testing/quick 1.152s ok testing/slogtest 1.016s ok text/scanner 1.074s ok text/tabwriter 1.068s ok text/template 1.089s ok text/template/parse 1.088s ok time 13.047s ok unicode 1.024s ok unicode/utf16 1.024s ok unicode/utf8 1.045s ok unique 1.250s ok cmd/addr2line 4.452s ok cmd/api 10.229s ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 3.480s ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 1.018s ok cmd/cgo/internal/swig 1.020s ok cmd/cgo/internal/test 1.528s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testcarchive 17.642s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testcshared 4.119s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testerrors 7.746s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testfortran 1.023s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testgodefs 1.427s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testlife 1.427s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testnocgo 1.051s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testplugin 29.339s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testsanitizers 15.729s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testshared 1.052s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testso 1.994s ok cmd/cgo/internal/teststdio 2.037s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testtls 1.077s ok cmd/compile 18.733s ok cmd/compile/internal/abt 1.047s ok cmd/compile/internal/amd64 1.047s ok cmd/compile/internal/base 1.046s ok cmd/compile/internal/compare 1.046s ok cmd/compile/internal/devirtualize 1.023s ok cmd/compile/internal/dwarfgen 1.459s ok cmd/compile/internal/importer 1.658s ok cmd/compile/internal/inline/inlheur 1.383s ok cmd/compile/internal/ir 1.080s ok cmd/compile/internal/liveness 1.080s ok cmd/compile/internal/logopt 1.142s ok cmd/compile/internal/loopvar 1.020s ok cmd/compile/internal/noder 1.083s ok cmd/compile/internal/rangefunc 1.082s ok cmd/compile/internal/reflectdata 1.015s [no tests to run] ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 6.716s ok cmd/compile/internal/ssagen 1.029s ok cmd/compile/internal/syntax 1.099s ok cmd/compile/internal/test 10.815s ok cmd/compile/internal/typecheck 1.220s ok cmd/compile/internal/types 1.040s ok cmd/compile/internal/types2 8.082s ok cmd/covdata 1.017s ok cmd/cover 17.284s ok cmd/dist 1.039s ok cmd/distpack 1.039s ok cmd/doc 1.694s ok cmd/fix 2.416s ok cmd/go 302.238s ok cmd/go/internal/auth 1.029s ok cmd/go/internal/cache 1.116s ok cmd/go/internal/cfg 1.036s [no tests to run] ok cmd/go/internal/envcmd 1.068s ok cmd/go/internal/fsys 1.067s ok cmd/go/internal/generate 1.067s ok cmd/go/internal/gover 1.077s ok cmd/go/internal/imports 1.066s ok cmd/go/internal/load 1.084s ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile 2.433s ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock 2.148s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch 1.080s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost 1.839s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/zip_sum_test 1.041s ok cmd/go/internal/modindex 1.548s ok cmd/go/internal/modload 1.058s ok cmd/go/internal/mvs 1.057s ok cmd/go/internal/str 1.057s ok cmd/go/internal/test 1.079s ok cmd/go/internal/toolchain 1.079s ok cmd/go/internal/vcs 1.079s ok cmd/go/internal/vcweb 1.019s ok cmd/go/internal/vcweb/vcstest 2.551s ok cmd/go/internal/web 1.023s ok cmd/go/internal/work 1.231s ok cmd/gofmt 1.169s ok cmd/internal/archive 1.415s ok cmd/internal/bootstrap_test 1.041s ok cmd/internal/buildid 1.373s ok cmd/internal/cov 1.204s ok cmd/internal/dwarf 1.100s ok cmd/internal/edit 1.071s ok cmd/internal/goobj 1.072s ok cmd/internal/moddeps 1.653s ok cmd/internal/obj 1.404s ok cmd/internal/obj/arm64 1.570s ok cmd/internal/obj/loong64 1.093s ok cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 1.073s ok cmd/internal/obj/riscv 1.053s ok cmd/internal/obj/s390x 1.053s ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 3.016s ok cmd/internal/objabi 1.044s ok cmd/internal/par 1.120s ok cmd/internal/pgo 1.058s ok cmd/internal/pkgpath 5.294s ok cmd/internal/pkgpattern 1.058s ok cmd/internal/quoted 1.047s ok cmd/internal/src 1.014s ok cmd/internal/sys 1.013s ok cmd/internal/test2json 1.613s ok cmd/link 17.325s ok cmd/link/internal/benchmark 1.025s ok cmd/link/internal/ld 6.498s ok cmd/link/internal/loader 1.036s ok cmd/nm 9.457s ok cmd/objdump 4.892s ok cmd/pack 7.648s ok cmd/pprof 3.547s ok cmd/relnote 1.044s ok cmd/trace 1.233s ok cmd/vet 45.821s ##### Running benchmarks briefly. goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: archive/tar cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 Benchmark/Writer/USTAR-4 5508 19515 ns/op 1128 B/op 10 allocs/op Benchmark/Writer/GNU-4 3820 29714 ns/op 1667 B/op 25 allocs/op Benchmark/Writer/PAX-4 2829 38351 ns/op 2112 B/op 32 allocs/op Benchmark/Reader/USTAR-4 5370 18716 ns/op 5156 B/op 16 allocs/op Benchmark/Reader/GNU-4 9141 13526 ns/op 5222 B/op 15 allocs/op Benchmark/Reader/PAX-4 2966 39031 ns/op 8798 B/op 33 allocs/op PASS ok archive/tar 1.827s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: archive/zip cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkCompressedZipGarbage-4 1 250362633 ns/op 15264 B/op 67 allocs/op BenchmarkZip64Test-4 2 109128013 ns/op BenchmarkZip64TestSizes/4096-4 2553 45703 ns/op BenchmarkZip64TestSizes/1048576-4 253 493753 ns/op BenchmarkZip64TestSizes/67108864-4 1 112846036 ns/op PASS ok archive/zip 2.284s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: bufio cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkReaderCopyOptimal-4 354614 325.9 ns/op BenchmarkReaderCopyUnoptimal-4 224247 525.4 ns/op BenchmarkReaderCopyNoWriteTo-4 10000 12855 ns/op BenchmarkReaderWriteToOptimal-4 14545 8454 ns/op BenchmarkReaderReadString-4 203541 604.3 ns/op 144 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkWriterCopyOptimal-4 327986 362.4 ns/op BenchmarkWriterCopyUnoptimal-4 328485 347.3 ns/op BenchmarkWriterCopyNoReadFrom-4 12426 9300 ns/op BenchmarkReaderEmpty-4 66565 1778 ns/op 4224 B/op 3 allocs/op BenchmarkWriterEmpty-4 53509 2317 ns/op 4096 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkWriterFlush-4 645580 155.3 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok bufio 2.651s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: bytes cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkReadString-4 7909 13693 ns/op 2393.08 MB/s BenchmarkWriteByte-4 607 194694 ns/op 21.04 MB/s BenchmarkWriteRune-4 340 352957 ns/op 34.81 MB/s BenchmarkBufferNotEmptyWriteRead-4 38 2688779 ns/op BenchmarkBufferFullSmallReads-4 146 838355 ns/op BenchmarkBufferWriteBlock/N4096-4 13369 10038 ns/op 14336 B/op 6 allocs/op BenchmarkBufferWriteBlock/N65536-4 811 154054 ns/op 260096 B/op 14 allocs/op BenchmarkBufferWriteBlock/N1048576-4 30 3716388 ns/op 4192268 B/op 22 allocs/op BenchmarkBufferAppendNoCopy-4 20 5717762 ns/op 2934.23 MB/s 1677721 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkIndexByte/10-4 5980491 20.03 ns/op 499.23 MB/s BenchmarkIndexByte/32-4 5770454 20.63 ns/op 1550.90 MB/s BenchmarkIndexByte/4K-4 1524466 74.57 ns/op 54930.22 MB/s BenchmarkIndexBytePortable/10-4 1217884 98.20 ns/op 101.83 MB/s BenchmarkIndexBytePortable/32-4 405098 288.3 ns/op 111.00 MB/s BenchmarkIndexBytePortable/4K-4 3368 31309 ns/op 130.82 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRune/10-4 1624930 72.95 ns/op 137.07 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRune/32-4 1628110 74.00 ns/op 432.43 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRune/4K-4 778527 130.3 ns/op 31444.76 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRuneASCII/10-4 5724372 21.00 ns/op 476.09 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRuneASCII/32-4 5500549 20.87 ns/op 1533.36 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRuneASCII/4K-4 1604539 75.39 ns/op 54331.29 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRuneUnicode/Latin/10-4 1861328 62.03 ns/op 161.22 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRuneUnicode/Latin/32-4 1869380 64.04 ns/op 499.70 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRuneUnicode/Latin/4K-4 245424 484.2 ns/op 8459.13 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRuneUnicode/Cyrillic/10-4 1607024 73.59 ns/op 135.89 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRuneUnicode/Cyrillic/32-4 1633024 73.80 ns/op 433.62 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRuneUnicode/Cyrillic/4K-4 78223 1478 ns/op 2770.49 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRuneUnicode/Han/10-4 984679 106.4 ns/op 94.02 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRuneUnicode/Han/32-4 1220142 98.58 ns/op 324.62 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRuneUnicode/Han/4K-4 147345 748.2 ns/op 5474.22 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/0-4 9413092 12.74 ns/op BenchmarkEqual/same/1-4 2102366 54.74 ns/op 18.27 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/same/6-4 2201298 54.54 ns/op 110.01 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/same/9-4 2119572 55.93 ns/op 160.92 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/same/15-4 2122174 57.51 ns/op 260.81 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/same/16-4 2113777 57.00 ns/op 280.72 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/same/20-4 2076378 57.75 ns/op 346.33 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/same/32-4 2027983 59.17 ns/op 540.79 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/same/4K-4 160219 714.7 ns/op 5730.81 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/1-4 2097487 57.96 ns/op 17.25 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/6-4 1983566 59.78 ns/op 100.37 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/9-4 2045950 59.15 ns/op 152.15 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/15-4 1970432 61.49 ns/op 243.95 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/16-4 2021719 59.39 ns/op 269.39 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/20-4 1925443 62.97 ns/op 317.62 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/32-4 1820660 63.18 ns/op 506.50 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/4K-4 106238 1171 ns/op 3498.54 MB/s BenchmarkEqualBothUnaligned/64_0-4 2114373 57.55 ns/op 1112.03 MB/s BenchmarkEqualBothUnaligned/64_1-4 1852611 64.23 ns/op 996.41 MB/s BenchmarkEqualBothUnaligned/64_4-4 1983266 59.71 ns/op 1071.79 MB/s BenchmarkEqualBothUnaligned/64_7-4 2028141 60.21 ns/op 1062.90 MB/s BenchmarkEqualBothUnaligned/4096_0-4 157420 760.6 ns/op 5385.39 MB/s BenchmarkEqualBothUnaligned/4096_1-4 106471 1084 ns/op 3779.34 MB/s BenchmarkEqualBothUnaligned/4096_4-4 157140 764.1 ns/op 5360.46 MB/s BenchmarkEqualBothUnaligned/4096_7-4 149234 761.7 ns/op 5377.22 MB/s BenchmarkIndex/10-4 4194042 29.01 ns/op 344.66 MB/s BenchmarkIndex/32-4 4493164 26.14 ns/op 1224.10 MB/s BenchmarkIndex/4K-4 42800 2791 ns/op 1467.75 MB/s BenchmarkIndexEasy/10-4 4313437 27.83 ns/op 359.34 MB/s BenchmarkIndexEasy/32-4 4470848 26.46 ns/op 1209.32 MB/s BenchmarkIndexEasy/4K-4 816919 144.9 ns/op 28262.62 MB/s BenchmarkCount/10-4 2149917 57.98 ns/op 172.47 MB/s BenchmarkCount/32-4 2192545 54.82 ns/op 583.77 MB/s BenchmarkCount/4K-4 42429 2813 ns/op 1456.34 MB/s BenchmarkCountEasy/10-4 2188668 54.93 ns/op 182.05 MB/s BenchmarkCountEasy/32-4 2238242 53.48 ns/op 598.33 MB/s BenchmarkCountEasy/4K-4 629434 173.5 ns/op 23605.95 MB/s BenchmarkCountSingle/10-4 3815941 31.24 ns/op 320.09 MB/s BenchmarkCountSingle/32-4 3747613 31.53 ns/op 1014.76 MB/s BenchmarkCountSingle/4K-4 1250570 95.91 ns/op 42708.62 MB/s BenchmarkToUpper/#00-4 3571002 34.12 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/ONLYUPPER-4 428619 264.9 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/abc-4 708595 155.7 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/AbC123-4 443068 238.8 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/azAZ09_-4 458791 253.3 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/longStrinGwitHmixofsmaLLandcAps-4 135148 870.2 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/longɐstringɐwithɐnonasciiⱯchars-4 55761 2148 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/ɐɐɐɐɐ-4 83864 1449 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/a\u0080\U0010ffff-4 176842 677.3 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/#00-4 3475983 32.50 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/abc-4 693207 171.5 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/AbC123-4 452600 240.1 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/azAZ09_-4 456146 260.1 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/longStrinGwitHmixofsmaLLandcAps-4 132112 887.4 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/LONGⱯSTRINGⱯWITHⱯNONASCIIⱯCHARS-4 59154 2071 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/ⱭⱭⱭⱭⱭ-4 96134 1239 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/A\u0080\U0010ffff-4 171535 682.8 ns/op BenchmarkFields/ASCII/16-4 207255 570.3 ns/op 28.06 MB/s 96 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/ASCII/256-4 16185 7346 ns/op 34.85 MB/s 480 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/ASCII/4096-4 921 120074 ns/op 34.11 MB/s 9472 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/ASCII/65536-4 57 2058089 ns/op 31.84 MB/s 147456 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/ASCII/1048576-4 4 31856144 ns/op 32.92 MB/s 2277376 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/Mixed/16-4 135097 892.4 ns/op 17.93 MB/s 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/Mixed/256-4 8998 12570 ns/op 20.37 MB/s 576 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/Mixed/4096-4 542 216373 ns/op 18.93 MB/s 24832 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/Mixed/65536-4 30 3628914 ns/op 18.06 MB/s 512259 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/Mixed/1048576-4 2 61492392 ns/op 17.05 MB/s 11219200 B/op 24 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/ASCII/16-4 199003 608.4 ns/op 26.30 MB/s 96 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/ASCII/256-4 17967 6872 ns/op 37.25 MB/s 480 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/ASCII/4096-4 1015 118052 ns/op 34.70 MB/s 24832 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/ASCII/65536-4 51 2109951 ns/op 31.06 MB/s 512256 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/ASCII/1048576-4 3 37613839 ns/op 27.88 MB/s 11219200 B/op 24 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/Mixed/16-4 192664 633.5 ns/op 25.26 MB/s 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/Mixed/256-4 13450 8935 ns/op 28.65 MB/s 576 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/Mixed/4096-4 753 160604 ns/op 25.50 MB/s 24832 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/Mixed/65536-4 39 2750932 ns/op 23.82 MB/s 512256 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/Mixed/1048576-4 3 47934974 ns/op 21.87 MB/s 11219200 B/op 24 allocs/op BenchmarkTrimSpace/NoTrim-4 2779479 43.21 ns/op BenchmarkTrimSpace/ASCII-4 1428676 90.71 ns/op BenchmarkTrimSpace/SomeNonASCII-4 156591 778.9 ns/op BenchmarkTrimSpace/JustNonASCII-4 72888 1661 ns/op BenchmarkToValidUTF8/Valid-4 747504 150.7 ns/op BenchmarkToValidUTF8/InvalidASCII-4 468025 224.4 ns/op BenchmarkToValidUTF8/InvalidNonASCII-4 152302 790.4 ns/op BenchmarkIndexHard1-4 1262 93642 ns/op 11197.66 MB/s BenchmarkIndexHard2-4 901 131541 ns/op 7971.44 MB/s BenchmarkIndexHard3-4 188 630217 ns/op 1663.82 MB/s BenchmarkIndexHard4-4 181 657419 ns/op 1594.98 MB/s BenchmarkLastIndexHard1-4 7 14674144 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexHard2-4 6 16667584 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexHard3-4 6 19131743 ns/op BenchmarkCountHard1-4 1281 93715 ns/op BenchmarkCountHard2-4 915 131160 ns/op BenchmarkCountHard3-4 190 627050 ns/op BenchmarkSplitEmptySeparator-4 2 67617468 ns/op BenchmarkSplitSingleByteSeparator-4 32 4415930 ns/op BenchmarkSplitMultiByteSeparator-4 19 5553956 ns/op BenchmarkSplitNSingleByteSeparator-4 310254 406.0 ns/op BenchmarkSplitNMultiByteSeparator-4 113462 1095 ns/op BenchmarkRepeat-4 264970 412.2 ns/op BenchmarkRepeatLarge/256/1-4 215812 545.4 ns/op 469.39 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/256/16-4 335692 362.7 ns/op 705.91 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/512/1-4 161625 723.5 ns/op 707.66 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/512/16-4 231033 535.2 ns/op 956.62 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1024/1-4 112572 1044 ns/op 980.43 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1024/16-4 145668 841.3 ns/op 1217.21 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/2048/1-4 74992 1603 ns/op 1277.66 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/2048/16-4 86823 1465 ns/op 1397.52 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/4096/1-4 40120 2757 ns/op 1485.41 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/4096/16-4 49113 2597 ns/op 1577.09 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8192/1-4 23920 5353 ns/op 1530.23 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8192/16-4 24447 4514 ns/op 1814.84 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8192/4097-4 50066 2579 ns/op 1588.67 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16384/1-4 13112 8606 ns/op 1903.83 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16384/16-4 13339 8963 ns/op 1827.98 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16384/4097-4 17240 7086 ns/op 1734.61 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/32768/1-4 7753 17132 ns/op 1912.63 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/32768/16-4 7638 16555 ns/op 1979.33 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/32768/4097-4 7828 15108 ns/op 1898.30 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/65536/1-4 3553 33424 ns/op 1960.73 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/65536/16-4 3210 34664 ns/op 1890.59 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/65536/4097-4 3672 33155 ns/op 1853.58 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/131072/1-4 1016 118322 ns/op 1107.76 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/131072/16-4 1170 115827 ns/op 1131.62 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/131072/4097-4 1093 111332 ns/op 1140.80 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/262144/1-4 492 232630 ns/op 1126.87 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/262144/16-4 514 229854 ns/op 1140.48 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/262144/4097-4 547 218007 ns/op 1183.96 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/524288/1-4 261 436236 ns/op 1201.85 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/524288/16-4 273 438782 ns/op 1194.87 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/524288/4097-4 296 450741 ns/op 1154.36 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1048576/1-4 136 895059 ns/op 1171.52 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1048576/16-4 138 853415 ns/op 1228.68 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1048576/4097-4 141 849280 ns/op 1230.14 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/2097152/1-4 72 1686077 ns/op 1243.81 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/2097152/16-4 60 1706990 ns/op 1228.57 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/2097152/4097-4 66 1742844 ns/op 1201.24 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/4194304/1-4 32 3286045 ns/op 1276.40 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/4194304/16-4 34 3348370 ns/op 1252.64 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/4194304/4097-4 32 3405817 ns/op 1230.61 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8388608/1-4 16 6346372 ns/op 1321.80 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8388608/16-4 18 6356243 ns/op 1319.74 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8388608/4097-4 18 6418304 ns/op 1306.66 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16777216/1-4 8 12902987 ns/op 1300.26 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16777216/16-4 8 12674637 ns/op 1323.68 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16777216/4097-4 8 12699686 ns/op 1321.07 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/33554432/1-4 4 26861733 ns/op 1249.15 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/33554432/16-4 4 25284609 ns/op 1327.07 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/33554432/4097-4 5 24932785 ns/op 1345.80 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/67108864/1-4 2 51092914 ns/op 1313.47 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/67108864/16-4 3 52006594 ns/op 1290.39 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/67108864/4097-4 3 50058356 ns/op 1340.61 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/134217728/1-4 2 102675822 ns/op 1307.20 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/134217728/16-4 2 98337049 ns/op 1364.87 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/134217728/4097-4 2 98017208 ns/op 1369.33 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/268435456/1-4 1 195028646 ns/op 1376.39 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/268435456/16-4 1 194015476 ns/op 1383.58 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/268435456/4097-4 1 194737516 ns/op 1378.45 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/536870912/1-4 1 423786701 ns/op 1266.84 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/536870912/16-4 1 391663675 ns/op 1370.74 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/536870912/4097-4 1 387613751 ns/op 1385.07 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1073741824/1-4 1 846208210 ns/op 1268.89 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1073741824/16-4 1 783875968 ns/op 1369.79 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1073741824/4097-4 1 778664824 ns/op 1378.95 MB/s BenchmarkBytesCompare/1-4 12743996 8.773 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/2-4 12298106 8.793 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/4-4 12243811 8.810 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/8-4 12330522 8.831 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/16-4 12643384 8.222 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/32-4 12313276 9.403 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/64-4 11404795 8.886 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/128-4 10746457 9.455 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/256-4 9658770 11.19 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/512-4 7498362 14.75 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/1024-4 5120632 22.59 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/2048-4 3042542 37.86 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:1-4 3091432 38.05 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:2-4 3265909 37.90 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:4-4 3476247 37.35 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:8-4 3187519 34.48 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:16-4 3298200 36.45 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:32-4 3550922 34.81 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:64-4 3254989 37.13 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:1-4 3095847 39.94 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:2-4 470292 243.8 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:4-4 496174 229.2 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:8-4 474718 257.5 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:16-4 450945 261.3 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:32-4 377473 298.7 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:64-4 332100 341.1 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:1-4 3012478 42.24 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:2-4 35004 3407 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:4-4 35228 2966 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:8-4 35161 3474 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:16-4 34974 3270 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:32-4 34652 3512 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:64-4 34125 3597 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:1-4 3150694 33.43 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:2-4 3144018 37.72 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:4-4 3249729 35.12 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:8-4 3265526 34.44 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:16-4 3264039 36.00 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:32-4 3194199 38.02 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:64-4 3181189 38.10 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:1-4 216901 547.1 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:2-4 382089 297.8 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:4-4 410095 291.3 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:8-4 380594 298.3 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:16-4 413918 288.4 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:32-4 385002 298.0 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:64-4 369200 296.0 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:1-4 14367 7946 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:2-4 28311 3883 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:4-4 28773 4158 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:8-4 28801 4153 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:16-4 29962 4037 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:32-4 28784 4166 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:64-4 28532 3835 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:1-4 3239326 37.54 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:2-4 3182227 37.36 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:4-4 3215587 37.35 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:8-4 3211975 37.68 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:16-4 3226929 36.30 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:32-4 3154095 37.74 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:64-4 3230187 34.53 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:1-4 457040 247.1 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:2-4 436898 251.8 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:4-4 473107 254.4 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:8-4 447748 256.6 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:16-4 427212 270.0 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:32-4 387570 307.7 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:64-4 315565 379.1 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:1-4 34614 3497 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:2-4 33524 3550 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:4-4 33130 3557 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:8-4 32988 3541 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:16-4 33408 3166 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:32-4 33049 3539 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:64-4 33108 3684 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:1-4 3201800 37.69 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:2-4 3175155 37.63 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:4-4 3185868 37.80 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:8-4 3162016 37.65 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:16-4 3282996 36.99 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:32-4 3250484 37.76 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:64-4 3191109 33.78 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:1-4 309843 354.3 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:2-4 406224 297.2 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:4-4 409681 290.8 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:8-4 404718 270.5 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:16-4 387333 261.8 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:32-4 382597 277.2 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:64-4 391390 296.2 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:1-4 22138 5318 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:2-4 28834 4200 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:4-4 28526 3842 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:8-4 28866 4172 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:16-4 31914 3779 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:32-4 28506 4149 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:64-4 28760 3980 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/1:1-4 3697305 30.13 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/1:2-4 3086666 38.66 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/1:4-4 3014870 39.55 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/1:8-4 2863953 42.01 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/1:16-4 2191154 54.67 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/16:1-4 633170 174.1 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/16:2-4 427732 258.8 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/16:4-4 441228 230.4 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/16:8-4 422443 238.9 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/16:16-4 430338 242.3 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/256:1-4 54129 2272 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/256:2-4 33692 3516 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/256:4-4 33679 3419 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/256:8-4 33714 3571 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/256:16-4 33414 3570 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/4096:1-4 3288 35870 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/4096:2-4 2066 55763 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/4096:4-4 2085 56460 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/4096:8-4 2056 53695 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/4096:16-4 2082 56315 ns/op BenchmarkTrimByte-4 2950120 41.18 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic2-4 20233 5919 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic4-4 20179 5940 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic8-4 891 132496 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic16-4 1740 66227 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic32-4 3349 32767 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic64-4 7062 16920 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesEqual-4 13658670 8.698 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesToNil-4 15456393 6.941 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesEmpty-4 16105725 7.447 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesIdentical-4 16117710 7.476 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesSameLength-4 13796326 9.024 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesDifferentLength-4 13669345 8.958 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesBigUnaligned/offset=1-4 4395 26309 ns/op 39857.01 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigUnaligned/offset=2-4 4413 35135 ns/op 29844.47 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigUnaligned/offset=3-4 3252 33030 ns/op 31746.51 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigUnaligned/offset=4-4 3316 35120 ns/op 29857.13 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigUnaligned/offset=5-4 3033 37147 ns/op 28227.93 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigUnaligned/offset=6-4 3196 32352 ns/op 32411.48 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigUnaligned/offset=7-4 4316 26673 ns/op 39312.01 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigBothUnaligned/offset=0-4 4479 26285 ns/op 39892.44 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigBothUnaligned/offset=1-4 2851 35548 ns/op 29497.86 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigBothUnaligned/offset=2-4 4572 36111 ns/op 29037.69 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigBothUnaligned/offset=3-4 4323 27166 ns/op 38599.53 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigBothUnaligned/offset=4-4 3379 37254 ns/op 28146.91 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigBothUnaligned/offset=5-4 4369 37460 ns/op 27992.32 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigBothUnaligned/offset=6-4 3241 34663 ns/op 30250.74 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigBothUnaligned/offset=7-4 3028 35015 ns/op 29946.71 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBig-4 4581 26836 ns/op 39073.95 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigIdentical-4 15484155 7.760 ns/op 135134238.00 MB/s PASS ok bytes 57.728s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: compress/bzip2 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkDecodeDigits-4 2 56841098 ns/op 1.76 MB/s 3611392 B/op 27 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeNewton-4 1 222456669 ns/op 2.55 MB/s 3629184 B/op 26 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeRand-4 6 18086014 ns/op 0.91 MB/s 3642669 B/op 26 allocs/op PASS ok compress/bzip2 1.941s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: compress/flate cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Huffman/1e4-4 78 1372962 ns/op 7.28 MB/s 42641 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Huffman/1e5-4 8 13480462 ns/op 7.42 MB/s 42647 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Huffman/1e6-4 1 136441515 ns/op 7.33 MB/s 49264 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Speed/1e4-4 80 1373902 ns/op 7.28 MB/s 43079 B/op 8 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Speed/1e5-4 8 13909942 ns/op 7.19 MB/s 43962 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Speed/1e6-4 1 141818301 ns/op 7.05 MB/s 53024 B/op 77 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Default/1e4-4 81 1346921 ns/op 7.42 MB/s 42501 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Default/1e5-4 8 13170200 ns/op 7.59 MB/s 42927 B/op 13 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Default/1e6-4 1 128265111 ns/op 7.80 MB/s 53384 B/op 83 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Compression/1e4-4 85 1353170 ns/op 7.39 MB/s 42610 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Compression/1e5-4 8 13248576 ns/op 7.55 MB/s 42927 B/op 13 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Compression/1e6-4 1 133356703 ns/op 7.50 MB/s 53384 B/op 83 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Huffman/1e4-4 76 1509153 ns/op 6.63 MB/s 43083 B/op 14 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Huffman/1e5-4 7 14730591 ns/op 6.79 MB/s 46256 B/op 23 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Huffman/1e6-4 1 149224128 ns/op 6.70 MB/s 88512 B/op 165 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Speed/1e4-4 99 1154574 ns/op 8.66 MB/s 43893 B/op 18 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Speed/1e5-4 12 9935203 ns/op 10.07 MB/s 45809 B/op 31 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Speed/1e6-4 1 100495646 ns/op 9.95 MB/s 89696 B/op 232 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Default/1e4-4 100 1034765 ns/op 9.66 MB/s 43104 B/op 15 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Default/1e5-4 14 7926683 ns/op 12.62 MB/s 45851 B/op 32 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Default/1e6-4 2 76803560 ns/op 13.02 MB/s 70060 B/op 161 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Compression/1e4-4 116 1028325 ns/op 9.72 MB/s 42890 B/op 15 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Compression/1e5-4 14 7915222 ns/op 12.63 MB/s 45264 B/op 32 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Compression/1e6-4 2 78633052 ns/op 12.72 MB/s 71860 B/op 153 allocs/op BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Huffman/1e4-4 138 857013 ns/op 11.67 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Huffman/1e5-4 14 8325751 ns/op 12.01 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Huffman/1e6-4 2 81699144 ns/op 12.24 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Speed/1e4-4 67 1681499 ns/op 5.95 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Speed/1e5-4 7 14616762 ns/op 6.84 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Speed/1e6-4 1 145543314 ns/op 6.87 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Default/1e4-4 27 4069068 ns/op 2.46 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Default/1e5-4 2 53806077 ns/op 1.86 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Default/1e6-4 1 565584232 ns/op 1.77 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Compression/1e4-4 26 4112587 ns/op 2.43 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Compression/1e5-4 2 53463390 ns/op 1.87 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Compression/1e6-4 1 564441761 ns/op 1.77 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Huffman/1e4-4 100 1064966 ns/op 9.39 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Huffman/1e5-4 13 8931589 ns/op 11.20 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Huffman/1e6-4 2 88048440 ns/op 11.36 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Speed/1e4-4 72 1556821 ns/op 6.42 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Speed/1e5-4 9 11755174 ns/op 8.51 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Speed/1e6-4 1 115911738 ns/op 8.63 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Default/1e4-4 28 3968639 ns/op 2.52 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Default/1e5-4 3 49979436 ns/op 2.00 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Default/1e6-4 1 514464207 ns/op 1.94 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Compression/1e4-4 30 4009977 ns/op 2.49 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Compression/1e5-4 2 62242968 ns/op 1.61 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Compression/1e6-4 1 658461402 ns/op 1.52 MB/s PASS ok compress/flate 14.505s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: compress/lzw cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkDecoder/1e4-4 66 1748628 ns/op 5.72 MB/s BenchmarkDecoder/1e-Reuse4-4 60 1837010 ns/op 5.44 MB/s BenchmarkDecoder/1e5-4 6 17587797 ns/op 5.69 MB/s BenchmarkDecoder/1e-Reuse5-4 6 16904430 ns/op 5.92 MB/s BenchmarkDecoder/1e6-4 1 176624811 ns/op 5.66 MB/s BenchmarkDecoder/1e-Reuse6-4 1 180700864 ns/op 5.53 MB/s BenchmarkEncoder/1e4-4 72 1472239 ns/op 6.79 MB/s BenchmarkEncoder/1e-Reuse4-4 72 1414220 ns/op 7.07 MB/s BenchmarkEncoder/1e5-4 7 14774901 ns/op 6.77 MB/s BenchmarkEncoder/1e-Reuse5-4 7 14672187 ns/op 6.82 MB/s BenchmarkEncoder/1e6-4 1 150999569 ns/op 6.62 MB/s BenchmarkEncoder/1e-Reuse6-4 1 147426785 ns/op 6.78 MB/s PASS ok compress/lzw 3.036s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: container/heap cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkDup-4 34 3244224 ns/op PASS ok container/heap 1.188s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: context cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkCommonParentCancel-4 27823 3659 ns/op BenchmarkWithTimeout/concurrency=40-4 5338 22357 ns/op BenchmarkWithTimeout/concurrency=4000-4 4888 22543 ns/op BenchmarkWithTimeout/concurrency=400000-4 7317 22206 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=1/Root=Background-4 642964 176.1 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=1/Root=OpenCanceler-4 20331 6016 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=1/Root=ClosedCanceler-4 26980 5029 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=10/Root=Background-4 3909 25837 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=10/Root=OpenCanceler-4 2787 40381 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=10/Root=ClosedCanceler-4 3976 28134 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=100/Root=Background-4 427 287066 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=100/Root=OpenCanceler-4 291 414637 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=100/Root=ClosedCanceler-4 454 268112 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=1000/Root=Background-4 39 2860444 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=1000/Root=OpenCanceler-4 27 4797687 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=1000/Root=ClosedCanceler-4 46 2607539 ns/op BenchmarkCheckCanceled/Err-4 442134 264.7 ns/op BenchmarkCheckCanceled/Done-4 702192 171.0 ns/op BenchmarkContextCancelDone-4 742872 160.9 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueNewGoRoutine/depth=10-4 20769 5295 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueNewGoRoutine/depth=20-4 18157 6488 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueNewGoRoutine/depth=30-4 17199 7091 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueNewGoRoutine/depth=50-4 14096 8047 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueNewGoRoutine/depth=100-4 13681 9025 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueSameGoRoutine/depth=10-4 559645 210.3 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueSameGoRoutine/depth=20-4 321324 380.8 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueSameGoRoutine/depth=30-4 221529 547.9 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueSameGoRoutine/depth=50-4 137967 868.6 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueSameGoRoutine/depth=100-4 79314 1694 ns/op PASS ok context 10.948s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/aes cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkEncrypt/AES-128-4 4179774 28.56 ns/op 560.23 MB/s BenchmarkEncrypt/AES-192-4 4077028 29.13 ns/op 549.25 MB/s BenchmarkEncrypt/AES-256-4 4067094 29.60 ns/op 540.62 MB/s BenchmarkDecrypt/AES-128-4 4080927 29.69 ns/op 538.91 MB/s BenchmarkDecrypt/AES-192-4 4034073 28.60 ns/op 559.52 MB/s BenchmarkDecrypt/AES-256-4 4065132 29.80 ns/op 536.99 MB/s BenchmarkExpand/AES-128-4 2100758 57.55 ns/op BenchmarkExpand/AES-192-4 2042950 59.21 ns/op BenchmarkExpand/AES-256-4 1820899 66.33 ns/op BenchmarkCreateCipher/AES-128-4 327895 349.4 ns/op 512 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkCreateCipher/AES-192-4 361393 350.5 ns/op 512 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkCreateCipher/AES-256-4 281007 393.6 ns/op 512 B/op 1 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/aes 2.994s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/cipher cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkAESGCM/Open-128-64-4 262908 440.1 ns/op 145.42 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Seal-128-64-4 556430 205.4 ns/op 311.60 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Open-256-64-4 258458 440.8 ns/op 145.18 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Seal-256-64-4 548864 213.8 ns/op 299.38 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Open-128-1350-4 162234 743.0 ns/op 1816.98 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Seal-128-1350-4 234943 512.6 ns/op 2633.72 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Open-256-1350-4 152168 776.6 ns/op 1738.33 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Seal-256-1350-4 207829 569.9 ns/op 2368.64 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Open-128-8192-4 55404 2138 ns/op 3831.06 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Seal-128-8192-4 61264 1957 ns/op 4186.84 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Open-256-8192-4 49801 2412 ns/op 3396.53 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Seal-256-8192-4 53850 2223 ns/op 3684.68 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESCFBEncrypt1K-4 9996 10804 ns/op 94.32 MB/s BenchmarkAESCFBDecrypt1K-4 11040 10955 ns/op 93.02 MB/s BenchmarkAESCFBDecrypt8K-4 1364 88260 ns/op 92.76 MB/s BenchmarkAESOFB1K-4 16905 7027 ns/op 145.02 MB/s BenchmarkAESCTR1K-4 21978 5401 ns/op 188.66 MB/s BenchmarkAESCTR8K-4 2780 42958 ns/op 190.58 MB/s BenchmarkAESCBCEncrypt1K-4 24172 5507 ns/op 185.93 MB/s BenchmarkAESCBCDecrypt1K-4 34756 3384 ns/op 302.62 MB/s PASS ok crypto/cipher 3.933s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/des cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkEncrypt-4 113775 1031 ns/op 7.76 MB/s BenchmarkDecrypt-4 116172 1024 ns/op 7.81 MB/s BenchmarkTDESEncrypt-4 39504 2674 ns/op 2.99 MB/s BenchmarkTDESDecrypt-4 38925 2877 ns/op 2.78 MB/s PASS ok crypto/des 1.622s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/ecdh cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkECDH/P256-4 1341 87985 ns/op 760 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkECDH/P384-4 18 6348147 ns/op 1091 B/op 21 allocs/op BenchmarkECDH/P521-4 7 16364161 ns/op 1534 B/op 21 allocs/op BenchmarkECDH/X25519-4 126 947286 ns/op 376 B/op 9 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/ecdh 1.720s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/ecdsa cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkSign/P256-4 2660 43477 ns/op 2448 B/op 30 allocs/op BenchmarkSign/P384-4 42 2666687 ns/op 2616 B/op 31 allocs/op BenchmarkSign/P521-4 18 6768132 ns/op 2997 B/op 32 allocs/op BenchmarkVerify/P256-4 1302 91302 ns/op 432 B/op 8 allocs/op BenchmarkVerify/P384-4 16 7162296 ns/op 592 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkVerify/P521-4 6 18279502 ns/op 912 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkGenerateKey/P256-4 5865 18519 ns/op 896 B/op 14 allocs/op BenchmarkGenerateKey/P384-4 73 1613121 ns/op 1095 B/op 17 allocs/op BenchmarkGenerateKey/P521-4 30 3886329 ns/op 1414 B/op 17 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/ecdsa 2.436s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/ed25519 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkKeyGeneration-4 453 261178 ns/op BenchmarkNewKeyFromSeed-4 457 260767 ns/op BenchmarkSigning-4 430 276088 ns/op BenchmarkVerification-4 273 436807 ns/op PASS ok crypto/ed25519 1.675s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/elliptic cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkScalarBaseMult/P256-4 7317 15925 ns/op 368 B/op 6 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarBaseMult/P224-4 190 622557 ns/op 376 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarBaseMult/P384-4 70 1640954 ns/op 504 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarBaseMult/P521-4 28 3950283 ns/op 696 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarMult/P256-4 1900 62644 ns/op 448 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarMult/P224-4 74 1592440 ns/op 440 B/op 10 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarMult/P384-4 26 4428815 ns/op 616 B/op 10 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarMult/P521-4 9 11792629 ns/op 840 B/op 10 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalUnmarshal/P256/Uncompressed-4 25354 4797 ns/op 544 B/op 8 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalUnmarshal/P256/Compressed-4 9092 12602 ns/op 592 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalUnmarshal/P224/Uncompressed-4 5911 18324 ns/op 560 B/op 14 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalUnmarshal/P224/Compressed-4 112 1055903 ns/op 592 B/op 15 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalUnmarshal/P384/Uncompressed-4 3752 29449 ns/op 784 B/op 14 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalUnmarshal/P384/Compressed-4 403 290440 ns/op 848 B/op 15 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalUnmarshal/P521/Uncompressed-4 2512 46067 ns/op 1104 B/op 14 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalUnmarshal/P521/Compressed-4 133 890084 ns/op 1184 B/op 15 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/elliptic 3.441s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/hmac cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkHMACSHA256_1K-4 64958 1805 ns/op 567.46 MB/s BenchmarkHMACSHA256_32-4 90314 1308 ns/op 24.46 MB/s BenchmarkNewWriteSum-4 23701 4925 ns/op 6.50 MB/s PASS ok crypto/hmac 1.480s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/internal/bigmod cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkModAdd-4 62776 1820 ns/op BenchmarkModSub-4 66294 1800 ns/op BenchmarkMontgomeryRepr-4 41089 2925 ns/op BenchmarkMontgomeryMul-4 41230 2917 ns/op BenchmarkModMul-4 20044 5987 ns/op BenchmarkExpBig-4 26 4487982 ns/op BenchmarkExp-4 8 12704678 ns/op PASS ok crypto/internal/bigmod 2.070s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/internal/edwards25519 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkEncodingDecoding-4 5048 20890 ns/op BenchmarkScalarBaseMult-4 480 245975 ns/op BenchmarkScalarMult-4 207 575607 ns/op BenchmarkVarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMult-4 295 408695 ns/op PASS ok crypto/internal/edwards25519 1.604s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/internal/edwards25519/field cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkAdd-4 614655 185.0 ns/op BenchmarkMultiply-4 5915695 20.22 ns/op BenchmarkSquare-4 7828700 15.37 ns/op BenchmarkInvert-4 28882 4162 ns/op BenchmarkMult32-4 1735683 68.28 ns/op PASS ok crypto/internal/edwards25519/field 1.830s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/internal/mlkem768 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkKeyGen-4 319 372697 ns/op BenchmarkEncaps-4 223 539113 ns/op BenchmarkDecaps-4 187 684536 ns/op BenchmarkRoundTrip/Alice-4 100 1092167 ns/op BenchmarkRoundTrip/Bob-4 226 547782 ns/op PASS ok crypto/internal/mlkem768 1.891s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/internal/nistec cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkScalarMult/P224-4 70 1558522 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarMult/P256-4 2102 56769 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarMult/P384-4 25 4238232 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarMult/P521-4 9 11379466 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarBaseMult/P224-4 207 576193 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarBaseMult/P256-4 10000 10913 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarBaseMult/P384-4 80 1429005 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarBaseMult/P521-4 31 3527040 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/internal/nistec 2.062s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/internal/nistec/fiat cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkMul/P224-4 681589 171.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMul/P384-4 351735 329.5 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMul/P521-4 145645 822.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkSquare/P224-4 652840 172.5 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkSquare/P384-4 349890 333.6 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkSquare/P521-4 147757 813.1 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/internal/nistec/fiat 1.779s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/md5 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkHash8Bytes-4 279649 430.1 ns/op 18.60 MB/s BenchmarkHash64-4 295654 397.2 ns/op 161.11 MB/s BenchmarkHash128-4 248378 485.6 ns/op 263.59 MB/s BenchmarkHash256-4 179152 667.9 ns/op 383.31 MB/s BenchmarkHash512-4 117609 1021 ns/op 501.55 MB/s BenchmarkHash1K-4 68996 1737 ns/op 589.41 MB/s BenchmarkHash8K-4 9951 11826 ns/op 692.72 MB/s BenchmarkHash1M-4 70 1469765 ns/op 713.43 MB/s BenchmarkHash8M-4 9 11792330 ns/op 711.36 MB/s BenchmarkHash8BytesUnaligned-4 271890 424.5 ns/op 18.85 MB/s BenchmarkHash1KUnaligned-4 68856 1739 ns/op 588.95 MB/s BenchmarkHash8KUnaligned-4 10000 11782 ns/op 695.28 MB/s PASS ok crypto/md5 2.673s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/rand cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkRead/32-4 131686 895.0 ns/op 35.75 MB/s BenchmarkRead/4K-4 5460 19524 ns/op 209.80 MB/s BenchmarkPrime-4 1 154847732 ns/op PASS ok crypto/rand 1.446s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/rc4 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkRC4_128-4 18421 6434 ns/op 19.89 MB/s BenchmarkRC4_1K-4 2246 51844 ns/op 19.75 MB/s BenchmarkRC4_8K-4 292 394380 ns/op 20.53 MB/s PASS ok crypto/rc4 1.543s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/rsa cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkDecryptPKCS1v15/2048-4 14 8808602 ns/op BenchmarkDecryptPKCS1v15/3072-4 6 18326082 ns/op BenchmarkDecryptPKCS1v15/4096-4 3 35571767 ns/op BenchmarkEncryptPKCS1v15/2048-4 954 122727 ns/op BenchmarkDecryptOAEP/2048-4 13 8401649 ns/op BenchmarkEncryptOAEP/2048-4 882 131979 ns/op BenchmarkSignPKCS1v15/2048-4 14 8262458 ns/op BenchmarkVerifyPKCS1v15/2048-4 990 121062 ns/op BenchmarkSignPSS/2048-4 13 8300354 ns/op BenchmarkVerifyPSS/2048-4 913 131011 ns/op PASS ok crypto/rsa 2.466s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/sha1 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkHash8Bytes/New-4 239024 492.9 ns/op 16.23 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8Bytes/Sum-4 294638 404.7 ns/op 19.77 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash320Bytes/New-4 135730 878.6 ns/op 364.21 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash320Bytes/Sum-4 155520 769.3 ns/op 415.94 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash1K/New-4 82086 1459 ns/op 701.86 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash1K/Sum-4 88777 1352 ns/op 757.43 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8K/New-4 15493 7737 ns/op 1058.84 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8K/Sum-4 15744 7631 ns/op 1073.49 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/sha1 2.253s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/sha256 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkHash8Bytes/New-4 266818 438.5 ns/op 18.25 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8Bytes/Sum224-4 317390 361.3 ns/op 22.14 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8Bytes/Sum256-4 338180 358.7 ns/op 22.30 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash1K/New-4 125133 964.7 ns/op 1061.47 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash1K/Sum224-4 137232 881.1 ns/op 1162.20 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash1K/Sum256-4 137313 871.8 ns/op 1174.64 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8K/New-4 22105 5446 ns/op 1504.14 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8K/Sum224-4 22388 5363 ns/op 1527.49 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8K/Sum256-4 22353 5349 ns/op 1531.60 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/sha256 2.362s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/sha512 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkHash8Bytes/New-4 154897 755.4 ns/op 10.59 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8Bytes/Sum384-4 197062 598.9 ns/op 13.36 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8Bytes/Sum512-4 195788 612.2 ns/op 13.07 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash1K/New-4 55429 2151 ns/op 476.14 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash1K/Sum384-4 60535 1979 ns/op 517.49 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash1K/Sum512-4 60380 1990 ns/op 514.59 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8K/New-4 9469 12639 ns/op 648.18 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8K/Sum384-4 9583 12511 ns/op 654.78 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8K/Sum512-4 9615 12476 ns/op 656.60 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/sha512 2.244s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/subtle cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkConstantTimeByteEq-4 20240060 5.895 ns/op BenchmarkConstantTimeEq-4 20076873 5.895 ns/op BenchmarkConstantTimeLessOrEq-4 20382252 5.893 ns/op BenchmarkXORBytes/8Bytes-4 5888137 20.75 ns/op 385.62 MB/s BenchmarkXORBytes/128Bytes-4 5399208 22.83 ns/op 5606.22 MB/s BenchmarkXORBytes/2048Bytes-4 1780275 68.08 ns/op 30082.35 MB/s BenchmarkXORBytes/32768Bytes-4 110638 1004 ns/op 32644.78 MB/s PASS ok crypto/subtle 2.064s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/tls cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkCertCache/0-4 279 409318 ns/op BenchmarkCertCache/1-4 314 452998 ns/op BenchmarkCertCache/2-4 282 450470 ns/op BenchmarkCertCache/3-4 248 447695 ns/op BenchmarkHandshakeServer/RSA-4 22 5186805 ns/op BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-P256-RSA/TLSv13-4 20 5787716 ns/op BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-P256-RSA/TLSv12-4 21 5338762 ns/op BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-P256-ECDSA-P256/TLSv13-4 241 493829 ns/op BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-P256-ECDSA-P256/TLSv12-4 414 294502 ns/op BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-X25519-ECDSA-P256/TLSv13-4 82 1427567 ns/op BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-X25519-ECDSA-P256/TLSv12-4 97 1226528 ns/op BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-P521-ECDSA-P521/TLSv13-4 5 25770026 ns/op BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-P521-ECDSA-P521/TLSv12-4 4 25129301 ns/op BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/1MB/TLSv12-4 7 16463173 ns/op 63.69 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/1MB/TLSv13-4 5 20681638 ns/op 50.70 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/2MB/TLSv12-4 5 24377527 ns/op 86.03 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/2MB/TLSv13-4 4 32507498 ns/op 64.51 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/4MB/TLSv12-4 3 39337604 ns/op 106.62 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/4MB/TLSv13-4 2 56950938 ns/op 73.65 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/8MB/TLSv12-4 2 71194631 ns/op 117.83 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/8MB/TLSv13-4 2 102747172 ns/op 81.64 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/16MB/TLSv12-4 1 130455472 ns/op 128.60 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/16MB/TLSv13-4 1 193031814 ns/op 86.91 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/32MB/TLSv12-4 1 262222384 ns/op 127.96 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/32MB/TLSv13-4 1 365242531 ns/op 91.87 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/64MB/TLSv12-4 1 524101256 ns/op 128.05 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/64MB/TLSv13-4 1 744923376 ns/op 90.09 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/1MB/TLSv12-4 7 16692158 ns/op 62.82 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/1MB/TLSv13-4 5 21213364 ns/op 49.43 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/2MB/TLSv12-4 4 25693819 ns/op 81.62 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/2MB/TLSv13-4 4 32230005 ns/op 65.07 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/4MB/TLSv12-4 3 41235939 ns/op 101.71 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/4MB/TLSv13-4 2 54773502 ns/op 76.58 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/8MB/TLSv12-4 2 72284806 ns/op 116.05 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/8MB/TLSv13-4 1 101959246 ns/op 82.27 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/16MB/TLSv12-4 1 132834453 ns/op 126.30 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/16MB/TLSv13-4 1 194858887 ns/op 86.10 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/32MB/TLSv12-4 1 265204067 ns/op 126.52 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/32MB/TLSv13-4 1 384408319 ns/op 87.29 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/64MB/TLSv12-4 1 551695831 ns/op 121.64 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/64MB/TLSv13-4 1 736339558 ns/op 91.14 MB/s BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/200kbps/TLSv12-4 1 701428368 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/200kbps/TLSv13-4 1 705084182 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/500kbps/TLSv12-4 1 285976044 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/500kbps/TLSv13-4 1 286918466 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/1000kbps/TLSv12-4 1 147330036 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/1000kbps/TLSv13-4 1 147866125 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/2000kbps/TLSv12-4 2 77652441 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/2000kbps/TLSv13-4 2 77649951 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/5000kbps/TLSv12-4 3 36378324 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/5000kbps/TLSv13-4 3 35949980 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/200kbps/TLSv12-4 1 140723859 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/200kbps/TLSv13-4 1 144614973 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/500kbps/TLSv12-4 2 61388682 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/500kbps/TLSv13-4 2 62598738 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/1000kbps/TLSv12-4 3 35249800 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/1000kbps/TLSv13-4 3 35556327 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/2000kbps/TLSv12-4 5 21770421 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/2000kbps/TLSv13-4 5 21807671 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/5000kbps/TLSv12-4 8 14084191 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/5000kbps/TLSv13-4 8 13679958 ns/op PASS ok crypto/tls 16.638s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/x509 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkOIDMarshalUnmarshalText-4 17854 6529 ns/op BenchmarkCreateCertificate/RSA_2048-4 13 8676435 ns/op BenchmarkCreateCertificate/ECDSA_P256-4 489 233055 ns/op BenchmarkParseCertificate/ecdsa_leaf-4 1629 72425 ns/op 12659 B/op 165 allocs/op BenchmarkParseCertificate/rsa_leaf-4 1544 79997 ns/op 14067 B/op 188 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/x509 1.900s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: database/sql cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkConcurrentDBExec-4 52 2046163 ns/op 281726 B/op 1647 allocs/op BenchmarkConcurrentStmtQuery-4 46 2459867 ns/op 271604 B/op 2064 allocs/op BenchmarkConcurrentStmtExec-4 62 1820040 ns/op 222965 B/op 746 allocs/op BenchmarkConcurrentTxQuery-4 57 1952651 ns/op 276903 B/op 2172 allocs/op BenchmarkConcurrentTxExec-4 81 1468497 ns/op 87748 B/op 1553 allocs/op BenchmarkConcurrentTxStmtQuery-4 58 2181369 ns/op 107325 B/op 2061 allocs/op BenchmarkConcurrentTxStmtExec-4 147 784968 ns/op 40116 B/op 380 allocs/op BenchmarkConcurrentRandom-4 52 1974029 ns/op 239826 B/op 1879 allocs/op BenchmarkManyConcurrentQueries-4 3208 31760 ns/op 4121 B/op 20 allocs/op BenchmarkGrabConn-4 311478 375.5 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkConnRequestSet-4 21652 5481 ns/op PASS ok database/sql 2.804s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: debug/elf cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkSymbols64-4 2476 44047 ns/op BenchmarkSymbols32-4 3026 39174 ns/op PASS ok debug/elf 1.305s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: debug/gosym cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 Benchmark115/NewLineTable-4 332812 337.9 ns/op 384 B/op 3 allocs/op Benchmark115/NewTable-4 136 868164 ns/op 180252 B/op 13 allocs/op Benchmark115/LineToPC-4 100 1111937 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op Benchmark115/PCToLine-4 24076 4832 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok debug/gosym 1.795s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: encoding/asn1 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkObjectIdentifierString-4 96645 1247 ns/op BenchmarkMarshal-4 1057 106871 ns/op 8056 B/op 271 allocs/op BenchmarkUnmarshal-4 3694 29574 ns/op 352 B/op 16 allocs/op PASS ok encoding/asn1 1.448s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: encoding/base32 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkEncode-4 519 224908 ns/op 36.42 MB/s BenchmarkEncodeToString-4 463 252206 ns/op 32.48 MB/s BenchmarkDecode-4 205 578753 ns/op 22.66 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeString-4 211 576936 ns/op 22.73 MB/s PASS ok encoding/base32 1.719s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: encoding/base64 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkEncodeToString-4 529 214331 ns/op 38.22 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeString/2-4 490120 235.7 ns/op 16.97 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeString/4-4 342110 344.4 ns/op 23.23 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeString/8-4 277524 412.0 ns/op 29.12 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeString/64-4 53923 2224 ns/op 39.57 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeString/8192-4 495 238510 ns/op 45.80 MB/s BenchmarkNewEncoding-4 90382 1324 ns/op 193.39 MB/s PASS ok encoding/base64 1.961s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: encoding/binary cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkReadSlice1000Int32s-4 1934 58893 ns/op 67.92 MB/s BenchmarkReadStruct-4 22732 5240 ns/op 14.31 MB/s BenchmarkWriteStruct-4 25328 4701 ns/op 15.95 MB/s BenchmarkAppendStruct-4 336781 350.2 ns/op 214.14 MB/s BenchmarkWriteSlice1000Structs-4 24 4543958 ns/op 16.51 MB/s BenchmarkAppendSlice1000Structs-4 25 4391540 ns/op 17.08 MB/s BenchmarkReadSlice1000Structs-4 22 5086540 ns/op 14.74 MB/s BenchmarkReadInts-4 71246 1730 ns/op 17.34 MB/s BenchmarkWriteInts-4 65079 1816 ns/op 16.52 MB/s BenchmarkAppendInts-4 140040 845.3 ns/op 35.49 MB/s BenchmarkWriteSlice1000Int32s-4 1959 59880 ns/op 66.80 MB/s BenchmarkAppendSlice1000Int32s-4 2035 54159 ns/op 73.86 MB/s BenchmarkPutUint16-4 5074051 23.60 ns/op 84.76 MB/s BenchmarkAppendUint16-4 4983898 23.88 ns/op 83.75 MB/s BenchmarkPutUint32-4 3698773 33.06 ns/op 120.99 MB/s BenchmarkAppendUint32-4 3783154 31.36 ns/op 127.57 MB/s BenchmarkPutUint64-4 1936576 62.39 ns/op 128.22 MB/s BenchmarkAppendUint64-4 1801288 66.25 ns/op 120.76 MB/s BenchmarkLittleEndianPutUint16-4 4651522 25.85 ns/op 77.38 MB/s BenchmarkLittleEndianAppendUint16-4 4596856 23.00 ns/op 86.97 MB/s BenchmarkLittleEndianPutUint32-4 3732200 32.02 ns/op 124.91 MB/s BenchmarkLittleEndianAppendUint32-4 3756675 36.00 ns/op 111.11 MB/s BenchmarkLittleEndianPutUint64-4 1944298 61.91 ns/op 129.23 MB/s BenchmarkLittleEndianAppendUint64-4 1802295 60.31 ns/op 132.64 MB/s BenchmarkReadFloats-4 241730 501.8 ns/op 23.91 MB/s BenchmarkWriteFloats-4 223244 533.3 ns/op 22.50 MB/s BenchmarkReadSlice1000Float32s-4 1623 71391 ns/op 56.03 MB/s BenchmarkWriteSlice1000Float32s-4 1609 71514 ns/op 55.93 MB/s BenchmarkReadSlice1000Uint8s-4 127375 1045 ns/op 957.00 MB/s BenchmarkWriteSlice1000Uint8s-4 413385 276.1 ns/op 3622.06 MB/s BenchmarkSize/bool-4 6805129 18.12 ns/op BenchmarkSize/int8-4 6734552 18.89 ns/op BenchmarkSize/int16-4 6843812 17.78 ns/op BenchmarkSize/int32-4 6926648 17.46 ns/op BenchmarkSize/int64-4 6663798 18.84 ns/op BenchmarkSize/uint8-4 6803664 18.31 ns/op BenchmarkSize/uint16-4 6735493 17.46 ns/op BenchmarkSize/uint32-4 6463491 17.99 ns/op BenchmarkSize/uint64-4 6954370 18.03 ns/op BenchmarkSize/float32-4 5610121 22.11 ns/op BenchmarkSize/float64-4 5346421 21.54 ns/op BenchmarkSize/complex64-4 1000000 116.0 ns/op BenchmarkSize/complex128-4 979998 115.2 ns/op BenchmarkSize/binary.Struct-4 418983 264.7 ns/op BenchmarkSize/*binary.Struct-4 358867 322.3 ns/op BenchmarkSize/[]binary.Struct-4 357019 334.7 ns/op BenchmarkSize/[]binary.Struct#01-4 339076 338.1 ns/op BenchmarkSize/[1]binary.Struct-4 314583 363.4 ns/op BenchmarkPutUvarint32-4 1350673 86.56 ns/op 46.21 MB/s BenchmarkPutUvarint64-4 336968 351.7 ns/op 22.75 MB/s PASS ok encoding/binary 8.053s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: encoding/csv cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkRead-4 9169 11638 ns/op 736 B/op 16 allocs/op BenchmarkReadWithFieldsPerRecord-4 10527 11311 ns/op 736 B/op 16 allocs/op BenchmarkReadWithoutFieldsPerRecord-4 9284 11461 ns/op 736 B/op 16 allocs/op BenchmarkReadLargeFields-4 5697 18366 ns/op 3937 B/op 24 allocs/op BenchmarkReadReuseRecord-4 9457 10712 ns/op 96 B/op 6 allocs/op BenchmarkReadReuseRecordWithFieldsPerRecord-4 10000 10834 ns/op 96 B/op 6 allocs/op BenchmarkReadReuseRecordWithoutFieldsPerRecord-4 10000 10718 ns/op 96 B/op 6 allocs/op BenchmarkReadReuseRecordLargeFields-4 6154 17286 ns/op 2977 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkWrite-4 19212 6509 ns/op PASS ok encoding/csv 2.290s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: encoding/gob cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkEndToEndPipe-4 18268 6840 ns/op 1811 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkEndToEndByteBuffer-4 22503 6250 ns/op 1810 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkEndToEndSliceByteBuffer-4 319 385376 ns/op 16691 B/op 330 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeComplex128Slice-4 998 120433 ns/op 492 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeFloat64Slice-4 2002 58174 ns/op 43 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeInt32Slice-4 2043 56541 ns/op 43 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeStringSlice-4 2575 46857 ns/op 150 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeInterfaceSlice-4 63 1846184 ns/op 34764 B/op 252 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeComplex128Slice-4 866 140081 ns/op 24862 B/op 147 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeFloat64Slice-4 1698 67832 ns/op 10452 B/op 147 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeInt32Slice-4 1851 63075 ns/op 9417 B/op 147 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeStringSlice-4 1291 90319 ns/op 38773 B/op 1147 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeStringsSlice-4 470 264500 ns/op 65657 B/op 2172 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeBytesSlice-4 834 141197 ns/op 23186 B/op 161 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeInterfaceSlice-4 133 887718 ns/op 82509 B/op 3156 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeMap-4 100 1111346 ns/op 53802 B/op 159 allocs/op PASS ok encoding/gob 3.408s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: encoding/hex cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkEncode/256-4 22968 5259 ns/op 48.68 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/1024-4 5622 21397 ns/op 47.86 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/4096-4 1376 85230 ns/op 48.06 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/16384-4 349 338901 ns/op 48.34 MB/s BenchmarkDecode/256-4 41426 2796 ns/op 91.56 MB/s BenchmarkDecode/1024-4 9684 11359 ns/op 90.15 MB/s BenchmarkDecode/4096-4 2551 47089 ns/op 86.98 MB/s BenchmarkDecode/16384-4 642 185234 ns/op 88.45 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeString/256-4 36590 3144 ns/op 81.42 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeString/1024-4 9765 12038 ns/op 85.07 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeString/4096-4 2326 48509 ns/op 84.44 MB/s BenchmarkDecodeString/16384-4 612 195175 ns/op 83.95 MB/s BenchmarkDump/256-4 1914 60656 ns/op 4.22 MB/s BenchmarkDump/1024-4 501 241344 ns/op 4.24 MB/s BenchmarkDump/4096-4 123 958734 ns/op 4.27 MB/s BenchmarkDump/16384-4 31 3836270 ns/op 4.27 MB/s PASS ok encoding/hex 3.464s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: encoding/json cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkCodeEncoder-4 3 36855838 ns/op 52.65 MB/s 2796997 B/op 19 allocs/op BenchmarkCodeEncoderError-4 3 42549203 ns/op 45.61 MB/s 5550208 B/op 32 allocs/op BenchmarkCodeMarshal-4 3 39147457 ns/op 49.57 MB/s 10330808 B/op 45 allocs/op BenchmarkCodeMarshalError-4 2 57606548 ns/op 33.68 MB/s 10332384 B/op 58 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalBytes/32-4 30130 4010 ns/op BenchmarkMarshalBytes/256-4 8023 14196 ns/op BenchmarkMarshalBytes/4096-4 736 160848 ns/op BenchmarkMarshalBytesError/32-4 84 1432258 ns/op BenchmarkMarshalBytesError/256-4 82 1422350 ns/op BenchmarkMarshalBytesError/4096-4 74 1592028 ns/op BenchmarkMarshalMap-4 64171 1944 ns/op 299 B/op 8 allocs/op BenchmarkCodeDecoder-4 1 314963609 ns/op 6.16 MB/s 10097096 B/op 40033 allocs/op BenchmarkUnicodeDecoder-4 47989 2487 ns/op 5.63 MB/s 40 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkDecoderStream-4 58516 1785 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkCodeUnmarshal-4 1 269168139 ns/op 7.21 MB/s 2019408 B/op 40002 allocs/op BenchmarkCodeUnmarshalReuse-4 1 269083609 ns/op 7.21 MB/s 2019480 B/op 40005 allocs/op BenchmarkUnmarshalString-4 67576 1755 ns/op 160 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkUnmarshalFloat64-4 165158 712.4 ns/op 144 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkUnmarshalInt64-4 410836 284.7 ns/op 144 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkUnmarshalMap-4 36836 3322 ns/op 320 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkIssue10335-4 134533 912.6 ns/op 176 B/op 3 allocs/op BenchmarkIssue34127-4 142494 957.3 ns/op 84 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkUnmapped-4 29209 3517 ns/op 208 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkTypeFieldsCache/MissTypes1-4 4545 32758 ns/op BenchmarkTypeFieldsCache/MissTypes10-4 1220 85042 ns/op BenchmarkTypeFieldsCache/MissTypes100-4 250 547195 ns/op BenchmarkTypeFieldsCache/MissTypes1000-4 19 6456127 ns/op BenchmarkTypeFieldsCache/HitTypes1-4 718188 157.4 ns/op BenchmarkTypeFieldsCache/HitTypes10-4 680869 169.1 ns/op BenchmarkTypeFieldsCache/HitTypes100-4 1000000 133.8 ns/op BenchmarkTypeFieldsCache/HitTypes1000-4 690081 167.2 ns/op BenchmarkEncodeMarshaler-4 80744 1498 ns/op 76 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkEncoderEncode-4 131886 1387 ns/op 43 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkNumberIsValid-4 5917185 19.60 ns/op BenchmarkNumberIsValidRegexp-4 26758 4476 ns/op BenchmarkUnmarshalNumber-4 50456 2414 ns/op 168 B/op 2 allocs/op PASS ok encoding/json 8.509s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: encoding/pem cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkEncode-4 72 1739343 ns/op 37.68 MB/s BenchmarkDecode-4 28 3717667 ns/op 23.88 MB/s PASS ok encoding/pem 1.424s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: encoding/xml cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkMarshal-4 3488 28870 ns/op 6280 B/op 24 allocs/op BenchmarkUnmarshal-4 1299 89106 ns/op 8217 B/op 185 allocs/op BenchmarkHTMLAutoClose-4 5698 18589 ns/op PASS ok encoding/xml 1.406s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: errors cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkIs-4 399372 271.3 ns/op BenchmarkAs-4 109990 1085 ns/op PASS ok errors 1.319s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: expvar cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkIntAdd-4 453082 235.0 ns/op BenchmarkIntSet-4 420290 292.0 ns/op BenchmarkFloatAdd-4 67734 1537 ns/op BenchmarkFloatSet-4 496383 307.9 ns/op BenchmarkStringSet-4 282608 425.5 ns/op BenchmarkMapSet-4 52441 2122 ns/op BenchmarkMapSetDifferent-4 64308 1702 ns/op BenchmarkMapSetDifferentRandom-4 376 307977 ns/op BenchmarkMapSetString-4 74812 1694 ns/op BenchmarkMapAddSame-4 33705 3356 ns/op BenchmarkMapAddDifferent-4 17380 6567 ns/op BenchmarkMapAddDifferentRandom-4 313 382913 ns/op BenchmarkMapAddSameSteadyState-4 240883 468.6 ns/op BenchmarkMapAddDifferentSteadyState-4 141870 875.4 ns/op BenchmarkMapString-4 9883 11178 ns/op 672 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkRealworldExpvarUsage-4 30693 10135 ns/op PASS ok expvar 3.631s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: fmt cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkSprintfPadding-4 145069 787.4 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfEmpty-4 521389 206.5 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfString-4 429898 293.3 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfTruncateString-4 380534 326.7 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfTruncateBytes-4 198002 603.5 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfSlowParsingPath-4 368713 334.6 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfQuoteString-4 48895 2134 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfInt-4 375693 326.7 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfIntInt-4 290937 506.6 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfPrefixedInt-4 309092 446.4 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfFloat-4 193885 679.3 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfComplex-4 82028 1503 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfBoolean-4 396520 330.1 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfHexString-4 191658 649.6 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfHexBytes-4 89505 1350 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfBytes-4 49911 2093 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfStringer-4 132153 1009 ns/op BenchmarkSprintfStructure-4 53535 2245 ns/op BenchmarkManyArgs-4 102950 1196 ns/op BenchmarkFprintInt-4 102140 1198 ns/op BenchmarkFprintfBytes-4 113269 1115 ns/op BenchmarkFprintIntNoAlloc-4 100143 1206 ns/op BenchmarkScanInts-4 50 2322280 ns/op BenchmarkScanRecursiveInt-4 1 295903942 ns/op BenchmarkScanRecursiveIntReaderWrapper-4 1 308011394 ns/op PASS ok fmt 4.889s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: go/build cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkImportVendor-4 1165 94865 ns/op PASS ok go/build 1.200s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: go/constant cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkStringAdd/1-4 68703 1559 ns/op 160 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkStringAdd/4-4 22005 5406 ns/op 832 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkStringAdd/16-4 6614 18492 ns/op 3168 B/op 23 allocs/op BenchmarkStringAdd/64-4 1765 66236 ns/op 11872 B/op 73 allocs/op BenchmarkStringAdd/256-4 429 274501 ns/op 48992 B/op 267 allocs/op BenchmarkStringAdd/1024-4 104 1192552 ns/op 215570 B/op 1038 allocs/op BenchmarkStringAdd/4096-4 24 4937041 ns/op 846304 B/op 4113 allocs/op BenchmarkStringAdd/16384-4 6 19864684 ns/op 3615200 B/op 16406 allocs/op BenchmarkStringAdd/65536-4 2 72931247 ns/op 15239648 B/op 65564 allocs/op PASS ok go/constant 2.472s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: go/format cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkFormat/array1-10000-4 1 186204278 ns/op 0.35 MB/s 46921136 B/op 49148 allocs/op PASS ok go/format 1.283s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: go/parser cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkParse-4 7 15335426 ns/op 3.51 MB/s BenchmarkParseOnly-4 8 13206894 ns/op 4.07 MB/s BenchmarkResolve-4 68 1720083 ns/op 31.25 MB/s PASS ok go/parser 2.287s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: go/printer cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkPrintFile-4 1 104006758 ns/op 0.50 MB/s 5020224 B/op 27878 allocs/op BenchmarkPrintDecl-4 1155 98255 ns/op 0.33 MB/s 16535 B/op 53 allocs/op PASS ok go/printer 1.249s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: go/scanner cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkScan-4 379 314120 ns/op BenchmarkScanFiles/go/types/expr.go-4 24 4814117 ns/op 8.30 MB/s BenchmarkScanFiles/go/parser/parser.go-4 12 9449928 ns/op 7.85 MB/s BenchmarkScanFiles/net/http/server.go-4 8 14939099 ns/op 8.46 MB/s BenchmarkScanFiles/go/scanner/errors.go-4 290 411773 ns/op 7.53 MB/s PASS ok go/scanner 1.832s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: go/token cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkSearchInts-4 1261585 94.87 ns/op PASS ok go/token 1.299s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: go/types cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkLookupFieldOrMethod-4 152 777005 ns/op BenchmarkNamed/Underlying/nongeneric-4 1605508 74.64 ns/op BenchmarkNamed/Underlying/generic-4 1568548 76.42 ns/op BenchmarkNamed/Underlying/src_instance-4 1000000 110.2 ns/op BenchmarkNamed/Underlying/user_instance-4 1563889 74.22 ns/op BenchmarkNamed/NewMethodSet/nongeneric-4 29894 4101 ns/op BenchmarkNamed/NewMethodSet/generic-4 30358 4022 ns/op BenchmarkNamed/NewMethodSet/src_instance-4 28786 4291 ns/op BenchmarkNamed/NewMethodSet/user_instance-4 28473 4122 ns/op BenchmarkCheck/http/funcbodies/info-4 1 443093246 ns/op 78410 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/http/funcbodies/noinfo-4 1 344547655 ns/op 100827 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/http/nofuncbodies/info-4 1 173234548 ns/op 200532 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/http/nofuncbodies/noinfo-4 1 166040821 ns/op 209219 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/parser/funcbodies/info-4 1 366196463 ns/op 14313 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/parser/funcbodies/noinfo-4 2 83993412 ns/op 62520 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/parser/nofuncbodies/info-4 2 50244733 ns/op 104501 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/parser/nofuncbodies/noinfo-4 3 50000169 ns/op 105018 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/constant/funcbodies/info-4 1 112658566 ns/op 19230 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/constant/funcbodies/noinfo-4 3 47669911 ns/op 45433 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/constant/nofuncbodies/info-4 3 35451534 ns/op 61112 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/constant/nofuncbodies/noinfo-4 3 35510767 ns/op 61012 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/runtime/funcbodies/info-4 1 858147832 ns/op 83525 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/runtime/funcbodies/noinfo-4 1 472335372 ns/op 151743 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/runtime/nofuncbodies/info-4 1 109257643 ns/op 655865 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/runtime/nofuncbodies/noinfo-4 2 94172005 ns/op 760981 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/gcimporter/funcbodies/info-4 1 446473881 ns/op 4571 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/gcimporter/funcbodies/noinfo-4 2 75654634 ns/op 26972 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/gcimporter/nofuncbodies/info-4 2 63842184 ns/op 31963 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/gcimporter/nofuncbodies/noinfo-4 2 63393254 ns/op 32190 lines/s PASS ok go/types 17.010s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: hash/adler32 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkAdler32KB-4 14744 8119 ns/op 126.12 MB/s PASS ok hash/adler32 1.282s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: hash/crc32 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkCRC32/poly=IEEE/size=15/align=0-4 286765 405.2 ns/op 37.02 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=IEEE/size=15/align=1-4 282088 393.5 ns/op 38.12 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=IEEE/size=40/align=0-4 195444 593.4 ns/op 67.41 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=IEEE/size=40/align=1-4 205557 578.4 ns/op 69.15 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=IEEE/size=512/align=0-4 586008 202.6 ns/op 2526.99 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=IEEE/size=512/align=1-4 590538 202.6 ns/op 2527.43 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=IEEE/size=1kB/align=0-4 488400 239.3 ns/op 4278.38 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=IEEE/size=1kB/align=1-4 499566 237.6 ns/op 4310.16 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=IEEE/size=4kB/align=0-4 250760 475.9 ns/op 8606.83 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=IEEE/size=4kB/align=1-4 251695 478.3 ns/op 8563.07 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=IEEE/size=32kB/align=0-4 44103 2721 ns/op 12043.48 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=IEEE/size=32kB/align=1-4 44199 2721 ns/op 12042.57 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Castagnoli/size=15/align=0-4 619044 175.8 ns/op 85.32 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Castagnoli/size=15/align=1-4 613662 176.1 ns/op 85.20 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Castagnoli/size=40/align=0-4 660192 181.6 ns/op 220.25 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Castagnoli/size=40/align=1-4 642885 181.8 ns/op 220.05 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Castagnoli/size=512/align=0-4 447283 254.7 ns/op 2010.41 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Castagnoli/size=512/align=1-4 458379 254.4 ns/op 2012.27 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Castagnoli/size=1kB/align=0-4 365145 322.0 ns/op 3179.69 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Castagnoli/size=1kB/align=1-4 370911 328.6 ns/op 3116.07 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Castagnoli/size=4kB/align=0-4 306759 388.4 ns/op 10545.02 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Castagnoli/size=4kB/align=1-4 301326 390.9 ns/op 10478.72 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Castagnoli/size=32kB/align=0-4 60745 1972 ns/op 16619.18 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Castagnoli/size=32kB/align=1-4 60465 1987 ns/op 16488.62 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Koopman/size=15/align=0-4 317253 376.8 ns/op 39.81 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Koopman/size=15/align=1-4 307196 394.0 ns/op 38.07 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Koopman/size=40/align=0-4 152455 779.5 ns/op 51.31 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Koopman/size=40/align=1-4 154551 770.8 ns/op 51.89 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Koopman/size=512/align=0-4 13675 8486 ns/op 60.33 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Koopman/size=512/align=1-4 14446 8494 ns/op 60.28 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Koopman/size=1kB/align=0-4 6586 17738 ns/op 57.73 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Koopman/size=1kB/align=1-4 6570 16068 ns/op 63.73 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Koopman/size=4kB/align=0-4 1605 80734 ns/op 50.73 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Koopman/size=4kB/align=1-4 1443 80747 ns/op 50.73 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Koopman/size=32kB/align=0-4 172 678634 ns/op 48.29 MB/s BenchmarkCRC32/poly=Koopman/size=32kB/align=1-4 174 692706 ns/op 47.30 MB/s PASS ok hash/crc32 5.903s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: hash/crc64 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkCrc64/ISO64KB-4 260 459473 ns/op 142.63 MB/s BenchmarkCrc64/ISO4KB-4 3968 28692 ns/op 142.76 MB/s BenchmarkCrc64/ISO1KB-4 15643 7700 ns/op 132.98 MB/s BenchmarkCrc64/ECMA64KB-4 262 454668 ns/op 144.14 MB/s BenchmarkCrc64/Random64KB-4 294 402320 ns/op 162.90 MB/s BenchmarkCrc64/Random16KB-4 1058 112217 ns/op 146.00 MB/s PASS ok hash/crc64 2.016s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: hash/fnv cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkFnv32KB-4 14248 8435 ns/op 121.40 MB/s BenchmarkFnv32aKB-4 13743 8727 ns/op 117.33 MB/s BenchmarkFnv64KB-4 13646 8769 ns/op 116.77 MB/s BenchmarkFnv64aKB-4 14234 8471 ns/op 120.88 MB/s BenchmarkFnv128KB-4 2612 44041 ns/op 23.25 MB/s BenchmarkFnv128aKB-4 2666 43775 ns/op 23.39 MB/s PASS ok hash/fnv 2.150s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: hash/maphash cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkHash/n=4/Write-4 748791 148.5 ns/op 26.93 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=4/Bytes-4 5477628 21.83 ns/op 183.27 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=4/String-4 2284755 51.01 ns/op 78.42 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=8/Write-4 748273 148.9 ns/op 53.72 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=8/Bytes-4 5716084 20.94 ns/op 382.07 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=8/String-4 2340746 50.12 ns/op 159.61 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=16/Write-4 791554 149.4 ns/op 107.11 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=16/Bytes-4 5454039 20.91 ns/op 765.15 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=16/String-4 2389502 50.46 ns/op 317.06 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=32/Write-4 770954 148.9 ns/op 214.88 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=32/Bytes-4 5650930 21.12 ns/op 1515.28 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=32/String-4 2294016 52.97 ns/op 604.17 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=64/Write-4 764822 158.7 ns/op 403.25 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=64/Bytes-4 5331492 21.58 ns/op 2965.58 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=64/String-4 2340362 53.51 ns/op 1196.03 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=256/Write-4 591711 201.9 ns/op 1267.75 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=256/Bytes-4 4302385 27.82 ns/op 9202.37 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=256/String-4 1348783 87.02 ns/op 2941.97 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=320/Write-4 556056 208.9 ns/op 1531.70 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=320/Bytes-4 3713613 32.25 ns/op 9922.92 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=320/String-4 846021 121.7 ns/op 2628.83 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=1024/Write-4 383523 313.5 ns/op 3266.17 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=1024/Bytes-4 1370990 86.87 ns/op 11787.56 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=1024/String-4 383092 301.4 ns/op 3397.64 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=4096/Write-4 180115 647.9 ns/op 6322.30 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=4096/Bytes-4 343430 349.7 ns/op 11711.40 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=4096/String-4 106438 1130 ns/op 3624.51 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=16384/Write-4 59635 2008 ns/op 8157.85 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=16384/Bytes-4 85760 1387 ns/op 11810.45 MB/s BenchmarkHash/n=16384/String-4 27218 4420 ns/op 3707.15 MB/s PASS ok hash/maphash 5.392s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: html cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkEscape-4 1396 81207 ns/op BenchmarkEscapeNone-4 187914 624.7 ns/op BenchmarkUnescape-4 1311 88765 ns/op BenchmarkUnescapeNone-4 944264 127.3 ns/op BenchmarkUnescapeSparse-4 18400 6881 ns/op BenchmarkUnescapeDense-4 1926 60693 ns/op PASS ok html 1.847s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: html/template cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkCSSEscaper-4 14254 8459 ns/op BenchmarkCSSEscaperNoSpecials-4 63622 2078 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeCSS-4 43742 2740 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeCSSNoSpecials-4 5588756 21.52 ns/op BenchmarkCSSValueFilter-4 178090 672.8 ns/op BenchmarkCSSValueFilterOk-4 125913 950.0 ns/op BenchmarkEscapedExecute-4 5946 19067 ns/op BenchmarkHTMLNospaceEscaper-4 17810 6683 ns/op BenchmarkHTMLNospaceEscaperNoSpecials-4 92772 1349 ns/op BenchmarkStripTags-4 32941 3640 ns/op BenchmarkStripTagsNoSpecials-4 493630 242.4 ns/op BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithNum-4 30690 3917 ns/op BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithStr-4 8198 14625 ns/op BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithStrNoSpecials-4 25285 4849 ns/op BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithObj-4 6144 17198 ns/op BenchmarkJSValEscaperWithObjNoSpecials-4 17754 6795 ns/op BenchmarkJSStrEscaperNoSpecials-4 78208 1574 ns/op BenchmarkJSStrEscaper-4 17732 6951 ns/op BenchmarkJSRegexpEscaperNoSpecials-4 68985 1640 ns/op BenchmarkJSRegexpEscaper-4 16755 7395 ns/op BenchmarkTemplateSpecialTags-4 142 838614 ns/op BenchmarkURLEscaper-4 5947 19720 ns/op BenchmarkURLEscaperNoSpecials-4 248517 474.9 ns/op BenchmarkURLNormalizer-4 7174 14598 ns/op BenchmarkURLNormalizerNoSpecials-4 247532 492.5 ns/op BenchmarkSrcsetFilter-4 25688 4622 ns/op BenchmarkSrcsetFilterNoSpecials-4 167730 709.7 ns/op PASS ok html/template 5.207s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: image cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkAt/rgba-4 815232 130.0 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAt/rgba64-4 609253 164.9 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAt/nrgba-4 815670 124.9 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAt/nrgba64-4 688392 167.7 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAt/alpha-4 2276457 52.65 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAt/alpha16-4 1460340 83.86 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAt/gray-4 2209942 53.61 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAt/gray16-4 1461975 82.04 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAt/paletted-4 1760049 67.80 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkSet/rgba-4 655855 175.6 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkSet/rgba64-4 574653 199.6 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkSet/nrgba-4 656832 167.8 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkSet/nrgba64-4 597781 200.6 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkSet/alpha-4 1000000 111.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkSet/alpha16-4 786487 150.3 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkSet/gray-4 1293319 90.38 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkSet/gray16-4 761342 151.8 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkSet/paletted-4 584398 199.7 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkRGBAAt-4 1730019 69.97 ns/op BenchmarkRGBASetRGBA-4 1836766 64.13 ns/op BenchmarkRGBA64At-4 953136 110.7 ns/op BenchmarkRGBA64SetRGBA64-4 1252992 98.36 ns/op BenchmarkNRGBAAt-4 1726863 69.15 ns/op BenchmarkNRGBASetNRGBA-4 1820402 65.44 ns/op BenchmarkNRGBA64At-4 1000000 110.8 ns/op BenchmarkNRGBA64SetNRGBA64-4 1283556 93.98 ns/op BenchmarkAlphaAt-4 2981270 39.96 ns/op BenchmarkAlphaSetAlpha-4 3026653 39.36 ns/op BenchmarkAlpha16At-4 1887776 63.36 ns/op BenchmarkAlphaSetAlpha16-4 1960365 61.51 ns/op BenchmarkGrayAt-4 2984558 40.45 ns/op BenchmarkGraySetGray-4 3036460 39.24 ns/op BenchmarkGray16At-4 1889433 63.19 ns/op BenchmarkGraySetGray16-4 1935757 61.31 ns/op PASS ok image 6.436s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: image/color cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkYCbCrToRGB/0-4 5515455 21.76 ns/op BenchmarkYCbCrToRGB/128-4 5509479 21.78 ns/op BenchmarkYCbCrToRGB/255-4 5417040 22.95 ns/op BenchmarkRGBToYCbCr/0-4 5601236 21.53 ns/op BenchmarkRGBToYCbCr/Cb-4 5596707 21.45 ns/op BenchmarkRGBToYCbCr/Cr-4 5587435 21.80 ns/op BenchmarkYCbCrToRGBA/0-4 4483772 26.72 ns/op BenchmarkYCbCrToRGBA/128-4 4295376 27.97 ns/op BenchmarkYCbCrToRGBA/255-4 4493696 26.69 ns/op BenchmarkNYCbCrAToRGBA/0-4 4445887 27.00 ns/op BenchmarkNYCbCrAToRGBA/128-4 4323692 27.04 ns/op BenchmarkNYCbCrAToRGBA/255-4 4438828 26.98 ns/op PASS ok image/color 2.835s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: image/draw cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkFillOver-4 5 23585210 ns/op BenchmarkFillSrc-4 483 254924 ns/op BenchmarkCopyOver-4 10 11167672 ns/op BenchmarkCopySrc-4 668 168555 ns/op BenchmarkNRGBAOver-4 9 11199823 ns/op BenchmarkNRGBASrc-4 16 7017901 ns/op BenchmarkYCbCr-4 13 8545033 ns/op BenchmarkGray-4 28 4288756 ns/op BenchmarkCMYK-4 16 7090176 ns/op BenchmarkGlyphOver-4 31 4128705 ns/op BenchmarkRGBAMaskOver-4 5 21345336 ns/op BenchmarkGrayMaskOver-4 7 16364555 ns/op BenchmarkRGBA64ImageMaskOver-4 4 25984710 ns/op BenchmarkRGBA-4 6 16940720 ns/op BenchmarkPalettedFill-4 1305 89047 ns/op BenchmarkPalettedRGBA-4 6 18716181 ns/op BenchmarkGenericOver-4 3 38472980 ns/op BenchmarkGenericMaskOver-4 7 16727564 ns/op BenchmarkGenericSrc-4 4 25633792 ns/op BenchmarkGenericMaskSrc-4 5 22646400 ns/op PASS ok image/draw 5.950s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: image/gif cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkDecode-4 32 3440082 ns/op 4.49 MB/s 48619 B/op 267 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeRandomPaletted-4 2 86810464 ns/op 3.54 MB/s 79984 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeRandomRGBA-4 1 2199900605 ns/op 0.56 MB/s 417248 B/op 13 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeRealisticPaletted-4 80 1390969 ns/op 11.11 MB/s 79984 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeRealisticRGBA-4 1 109588033 ns/op 0.56 MB/s 105952 B/op 13 allocs/op PASS ok image/gif 4.296s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: image/jpeg cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkFDCT-4 5230 19181 ns/op BenchmarkIDCT-4 6247 17810 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeBaseline-4 12 9019517 ns/op 6.85 MB/s 63024 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeProgressive-4 9 12331365 ns/op 5.01 MB/s 259712 B/op 13 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeRGBA-4 1 112759836 ns/op 10.90 MB/s 4544 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeYCbCr-4 1 141865410 ns/op 6.50 MB/s 4544 B/op 7 allocs/op PASS ok image/jpeg 2.130s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: image/png cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkPaeth-4 15194322 7.895 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeGray-4 18 6463362 ns/op 10.14 MB/s 137026 B/op 102 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeNRGBAGradient-4 4 27215530 ns/op 9.63 MB/s 337328 B/op 188 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeNRGBAOpaque-4 5 23311678 ns/op 11.25 MB/s 346592 B/op 152 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodePaletted-4 30 3850281 ns/op 17.02 MB/s 140358 B/op 309 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeRGB-4 5 21942931 ns/op 11.95 MB/s 332128 B/op 157 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeInterlacing-4 4 26776753 ns/op 9.79 MB/s 605216 B/op 268 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeGray-4 3 41819053 ns/op 7.35 MB/s 852184 B/op 29 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeGrayWithBufferPool-4 3 40973825 ns/op 7.50 MB/s 284053 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeNRGBOpaque-4 1 136496095 ns/op 9.00 MB/s 860248 B/op 29 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeNRGBA-4 1 147154416 ns/op 8.35 MB/s 864088 B/op 29 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodePaletted-4 5 21838268 ns/op 14.07 MB/s 848611 B/op 32 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeRGBOpaque-4 1 127196118 ns/op 9.66 MB/s 860248 B/op 29 allocs/op BenchmarkEncodeRGBA-4 1 547332937 ns/op 2.25 MB/s 864088 B/op 29 allocs/op PASS ok image/png 4.176s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: index/suffixarray cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkNew/text=opticks/size=100K/bits=32-4 3 35353110 ns/op 2.83 MB/s 401488 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=opticks/size=100K/bits=64-4 4 30420554 ns/op 3.29 MB/s 802920 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=opticks/size=500K/bits=32-4 1 184193067 ns/op 2.71 MB/s 2007120 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=opticks/size=500K/bits=64-4 1 162226398 ns/op 3.08 MB/s 4005968 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=go/size=100K/bits=32-4 3 35254583 ns/op 2.84 MB/s 401488 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=go/size=100K/bits=64-4 4 30336333 ns/op 3.30 MB/s 802896 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=go/size=500K/bits=32-4 1 182223675 ns/op 2.74 MB/s 2007120 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=go/size=500K/bits=64-4 1 156363913 ns/op 3.20 MB/s 4005968 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=go/size=1M/bits=32-4 1 383560927 ns/op 2.61 MB/s 4005968 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=go/size=1M/bits=64-4 1 331687833 ns/op 3.01 MB/s 8003664 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=go/size=5M/bits=32-4 1 2390922227 ns/op 2.09 MB/s 20004944 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=go/size=5M/bits=64-4 1 2489084751 ns/op 2.01 MB/s 40001616 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=zero/size=100K/bits=32-4 19 6286369 ns/op 15.91 MB/s 401488 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=zero/size=100K/bits=64-4 16 6497892 ns/op 15.39 MB/s 802896 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=zero/size=500K/bits=32-4 4 30847254 ns/op 16.21 MB/s 2007120 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=zero/size=500K/bits=64-4 4 31709562 ns/op 15.77 MB/s 4005968 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=zero/size=1M/bits=32-4 2 58904915 ns/op 16.98 MB/s 4005968 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=zero/size=1M/bits=64-4 2 58510020 ns/op 17.09 MB/s 8003664 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=zero/size=5M/bits=32-4 1 298442885 ns/op 16.75 MB/s 20004944 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=zero/size=5M/bits=64-4 1 305862331 ns/op 16.35 MB/s 40001616 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=rand/size=100K/bits=32-4 3 39035830 ns/op 2.56 MB/s 401488 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=rand/size=100K/bits=64-4 4 31981172 ns/op 3.13 MB/s 802896 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=rand/size=500K/bits=32-4 1 216024854 ns/op 2.31 MB/s 2007120 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=rand/size=500K/bits=64-4 1 193567835 ns/op 2.58 MB/s 4005968 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=rand/size=1M/bits=32-4 1 447491981 ns/op 2.23 MB/s 4005968 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=rand/size=1M/bits=64-4 1 402740883 ns/op 2.48 MB/s 8003664 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=rand/size=5M/bits=32-4 1 3441340853 ns/op 1.45 MB/s 20004944 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNew/text=rand/size=5M/bits=64-4 1 3528245237 ns/op 1.42 MB/s 40001616 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkSaveRestore/bits=32-4 1 105570741 ns/op 39.59 MB/s 5275648 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkSaveRestore/bits=64-4 1 111101905 ns/op 37.62 MB/s 9469952 B/op 4 allocs/op PASS ok index/suffixarray 28.322s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: internal/chacha8rand cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkBlock-4 1277816 92.82 ns/op 2757.89 MB/s PASS ok internal/chacha8rand 1.293s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: internal/concurrent cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkHashTrieMapLoadSmall-4 801522 143.5 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHashTrieMapLoad-4 570150 183.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHashTrieMapLoadLarge-4 187848 576.4 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHashTrieMapLoadOrStore-4 584886 176.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHashTrieMapLoadOrStoreLarge-4 145444 982.0 ns/op 25 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok internal/concurrent 3.597s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: internal/fuzz cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/1-4 50757 2243 ns/op 0.45 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/2-4 50739 2352 ns/op 0.85 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/4-4 46782 2586 ns/op 1.55 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/8-4 40406 3000 ns/op 2.67 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/16-4 30872 3782 ns/op 4.23 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/32-4 21717 5569 ns/op 5.75 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/64-4 16590 7280 ns/op 8.79 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/128-4 12370 9844 ns/op 13.00 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/256-4 4890 22536 ns/op 11.36 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/512-4 2611 44578 ns/op 11.49 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/1024-4 1452 82679 ns/op 12.39 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/2048-4 721 167085 ns/op 12.26 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/4096-4 372 321826 ns/op 12.73 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/8192-4 186 632847 ns/op 12.94 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/16384-4 96 1285439 ns/op 12.75 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/32768-4 44 2741148 ns/op 11.95 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/65536-4 22 5486658 ns/op 11.94 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/131072-4 10 10949701 ns/op 11.97 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/262144-4 5 23959447 ns/op 10.94 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/524288-4 3 44105941 ns/op 11.89 MB/s BenchmarkMarshalCorpusFile/1048576-4 2 87470740 ns/op 11.99 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/1-4 13898 8669 ns/op 0.12 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/2-4 13642 8974 ns/op 0.22 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/4-4 12169 10024 ns/op 0.40 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/8-4 9470 11273 ns/op 0.71 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/16-4 8336 13787 ns/op 1.16 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/32-4 5817 19840 ns/op 1.61 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/64-4 5124 23146 ns/op 2.77 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/128-4 3829 30358 ns/op 4.22 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/256-4 1498 78783 ns/op 3.25 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/512-4 807 149711 ns/op 3.42 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/1024-4 410 290076 ns/op 3.53 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/2048-4 211 572033 ns/op 3.58 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/4096-4 108 1126217 ns/op 3.64 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/8192-4 52 2258421 ns/op 3.63 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/16384-4 26 4513586 ns/op 3.63 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/32768-4 12 8955161 ns/op 3.66 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/65536-4 6 17902514 ns/op 3.66 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/131072-4 3 35251893 ns/op 3.72 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/262144-4 2 72962262 ns/op 3.59 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/524288-4 1 147832717 ns/op 3.55 MB/s BenchmarkUnmarshalCorpusFile/1048576-4 1 291539978 ns/op 3.60 MB/s BenchmarkMutatorBytes/1-4 43728 2828 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorBytes/10-4 44406 2745 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorBytes/100-4 41289 2965 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorBytes/1000-4 30272 4201 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorBytes/10000-4 9550 14283 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorBytes/100000-4 1336 99481 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorString/1-4 40581 2917 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorString/10-4 41962 2923 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorString/100-4 38209 3395 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorString/1000-4 21757 5952 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorString/10000-4 5635 28417 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorString/100000-4 570 208506 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorAllBasicTypes/[]uint8-4 21835 4936 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorAllBasicTypes/string-4 23762 4930 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorAllBasicTypes/bool-4 71060 1714 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorAllBasicTypes/float32-4 63079 1953 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorAllBasicTypes/float64-4 62228 1935 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorAllBasicTypes/int-4 67531 1811 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorAllBasicTypes/int8-4 67812 1793 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorAllBasicTypes/int16-4 66216 1802 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorAllBasicTypes/int32-4 65925 1828 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorAllBasicTypes/int64-4 65882 1809 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorAllBasicTypes/uint8-4 65370 1856 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorAllBasicTypes/uint16-4 65532 1854 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorAllBasicTypes/uint32-4 65114 1852 ns/op BenchmarkMutatorAllBasicTypes/uint64-4 65593 1846 ns/op PASS ok internal/fuzz 12.328s PASS ok internal/poll 1.078s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: internal/runtime/atomic cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkAnd32-4 20317098 5.892 ns/op BenchmarkAnd32Parallel-4 4564045 26.75 ns/op BenchmarkAnd64-4 20243508 5.498 ns/op BenchmarkAnd64Parallel-4 4037145 29.75 ns/op BenchmarkOr32-4 19711828 5.423 ns/op BenchmarkOr32Parallel-4 4062462 29.33 ns/op BenchmarkOr64-4 20173304 5.893 ns/op BenchmarkOr64Parallel-4 3939709 29.84 ns/op BenchmarkAtomicLoad64-4 20173813 5.916 ns/op BenchmarkAtomicStore64-4 20246756 5.891 ns/op BenchmarkAtomicLoad-4 20416513 5.900 ns/op BenchmarkAtomicStore-4 20311252 5.896 ns/op BenchmarkAtomicLoad8-4 20137927 5.905 ns/op BenchmarkAnd8-4 20377305 5.897 ns/op BenchmarkAnd-4 20286152 5.444 ns/op BenchmarkAnd8Parallel-4 3397168 35.24 ns/op BenchmarkAndParallel-4 3476242 29.94 ns/op BenchmarkOr8-4 20349685 5.905 ns/op BenchmarkOr-4 20273437 5.906 ns/op BenchmarkOr8Parallel-4 4780190 27.23 ns/op BenchmarkOrParallel-4 4236970 28.76 ns/op BenchmarkXadd-4 4010217 29.08 ns/op BenchmarkXadd64-4 3681266 32.14 ns/op BenchmarkCas-4 3267511 35.60 ns/op BenchmarkCas64-4 4745618 34.58 ns/op BenchmarkXchg-4 5020797 34.53 ns/op BenchmarkXchg64-4 3398490 36.47 ns/op PASS ok internal/runtime/atomic 4.915s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: internal/runtime/math cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkMulUintptr/small-4 5508337 20.55 ns/op BenchmarkMulUintptr/large-4 4536567 26.98 ns/op PASS ok internal/runtime/math 1.366s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: internal/zstd cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkLarge-4 1 238112504 ns/op 1.15 MB/s 2851728 B/op 43 allocs/op PASS ok internal/zstd 1.347s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: io cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkCopyNSmall-4 42742 3318 ns/op BenchmarkCopyNLarge-4 669 175706 ns/op PASS ok io 1.499s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: log cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkItoa-4 304513 381.0 ns/op BenchmarkPrintln-4 28532 4298 ns/op 78 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkPrintlnNoFlags-4 42288 2844 ns/op 65 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkConcurrent-4 5658 17895 ns/op BenchmarkDiscard-4 1286532 94.65 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok log 1.836s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: log/slog cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkAttrString-4 25849 4511 ns/op 312 B/op 16 allocs/op BenchmarkWriteTime-4 126252 927.2 ns/op BenchmarkJSONHandler/defaults-4 9320 11827 ns/op 522 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkJSONHandler/time_format-4 5650 20305 ns/op 774 B/op 6 allocs/op BenchmarkJSONHandler/time_unix-4 6382 17825 ns/op 756 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkPreformatting/separate-4 9502 11711 ns/op 516 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPreformatting/struct-4 9828 11766 ns/op 527 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkPreformatting/struct_file-4 7809 14990 ns/op 514 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkJSONEncoding/json.Marshal-4 39220 3111 ns/op 79 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkJSONEncoding/Encoder.Encode-4 37683 3252 ns/op 64 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkNopLog/no_attrs-4 96070 1281 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkNopLog/attrs-4 74804 1714 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkNopLog/attrs-parallel-4 50335 2461 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkNopLog/keys-values-4 71439 1727 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkNopLog/WithContext-4 75792 1682 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkNopLog/WithContext-parallel-4 47461 2525 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPC/0-4 1263225 89.80 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPC/1-4 883615 141.3 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPC/2-4 728893 143.0 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPC/3-4 591937 176.6 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPC/4-4 524811 217.0 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkRecord-4 8193 14351 ns/op BenchmarkDispatch/switch-checked-4 287208 406.1 ns/op BenchmarkDispatch/As-4 275104 428.2 ns/op BenchmarkDispatch/Visit-4 259850 460.4 ns/op BenchmarkUnsafeStrings-4 25938 4629 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op --- BENCH: BenchmarkUnsafeStrings-4 value_test.go:283: Value size = 24 value_test.go:283: Value size = 24 value_test.go:283: Value size = 24 value_test.go:283: Value size = 24 PASS ok log/slog 4.698s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: log/slog/internal/benchmarks cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkAttrs/disabled/5_args-4 1700263 71.16 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAttrs/disabled/5_args_ctx-4 1894384 66.26 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAttrs/disabled/10_args-4 934738 112.1 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAttrs/disabled/40_args-4 280927 411.4 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAttrs/fastText_discard/5_args-4 88593 1327 ns/op 262 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAttrs/fastText_discard/5_args_ctx-4 91459 1423 ns/op 261 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAttrs/fastText_discard/10_args-4 53050 2227 ns/op 680 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkAttrs/fastText_discard/40_args-4 16536 6827 ns/op 3461 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkAttrs/Text_discard/5_args-4 20786 5898 ns/op 597 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkAttrs/Text_discard/5_args_ctx-4 18482 6550 ns/op 602 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkAttrs/Text_discard/10_args-4 13516 9243 ns/op 1086 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkAttrs/Text_discard/40_args-4 4384 25672 ns/op 4274 B/op 15 allocs/op BenchmarkAttrs/JSON_discard/5_args-4 20415 5978 ns/op 522 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAttrs/JSON_discard/5_args_ctx-4 20853 5547 ns/op 525 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAttrs/JSON_discard/10_args-4 15120 7977 ns/op 941 B/op 3 allocs/op BenchmarkAttrs/JSON_discard/40_args-4 5256 21554 ns/op 3754 B/op 3 allocs/op PASS ok log/slog/internal/benchmarks 3.688s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: maps cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkMapClone-4 5 20762874 ns/op PASS ok maps 2.067s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: math cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkAcos-4 4939669 25.16 ns/op BenchmarkAcosh-4 1362014 86.01 ns/op BenchmarkAsin-4 4888267 24.15 ns/op BenchmarkAsinh-4 1371571 87.14 ns/op BenchmarkAtan-4 5706972 20.66 ns/op BenchmarkAtanh-4 1326698 91.93 ns/op BenchmarkAtan2-4 3199410 36.59 ns/op BenchmarkCbrt-4 1703157 70.68 ns/op BenchmarkCeil-4 20267586 5.891 ns/op BenchmarkCopysign-4 2472820 48.20 ns/op BenchmarkCos-4 1456754 82.26 ns/op BenchmarkCosh-4 2019756 59.34 ns/op BenchmarkErf-4 5552794 21.16 ns/op BenchmarkErfc-4 5545717 21.54 ns/op BenchmarkErfinv-4 5608438 21.90 ns/op BenchmarkErfcinv-4 5622684 20.97 ns/op BenchmarkExp-4 8612372 12.99 ns/op BenchmarkExpGo-4 999274 106.4 ns/op BenchmarkExpm1-4 4734235 25.16 ns/op BenchmarkExp2-4 1237356 98.83 ns/op BenchmarkExp2Go-4 1000000 104.2 ns/op BenchmarkAbs-4 3329520 35.89 ns/op BenchmarkDim-4 10082803 11.44 ns/op BenchmarkFloor-4 20055972 5.897 ns/op BenchmarkMax-4 15470083 7.480 ns/op BenchmarkMin-4 14343879 8.104 ns/op BenchmarkMod-4 323349 365.0 ns/op BenchmarkFrexp-4 1759485 68.11 ns/op BenchmarkGamma-4 865768 146.1 ns/op BenchmarkHypot-4 14645652 8.091 ns/op BenchmarkHypotGo-4 1616007 74.01 ns/op BenchmarkIlogb-4 2151580 56.12 ns/op BenchmarkJ0-4 317286 376.8 ns/op BenchmarkJ1-4 332476 356.5 ns/op BenchmarkJn-4 152916 784.1 ns/op BenchmarkLdexp-4 1716193 71.06 ns/op BenchmarkLgamma-4 1000000 101.2 ns/op BenchmarkLog-4 8541872 13.37 ns/op BenchmarkLogb-4 2142669 56.18 ns/op BenchmarkLog1p-4 1662000 72.45 ns/op BenchmarkLog10-4 8432282 14.03 ns/op BenchmarkLog2-4 1484989 82.36 ns/op BenchmarkModf-4 2783396 43.04 ns/op BenchmarkNextafter32-4 2706422 44.14 ns/op BenchmarkNextafter64-4 2736306 44.19 ns/op BenchmarkPowInt-4 527226 214.4 ns/op BenchmarkPowFrac-4 455234 259.3 ns/op BenchmarkPow10Pos-4 4892462 23.58 ns/op BenchmarkPow10Neg-4 5008311 24.21 ns/op BenchmarkRound-4 3535003 35.61 ns/op BenchmarkRoundToEven-4 10124847 10.29 ns/op BenchmarkRemainder-4 478858 251.9 ns/op BenchmarkSignbit-4 5025026 23.91 ns/op BenchmarkSin-4 2049793 58.29 ns/op BenchmarkSincos-4 1262136 94.35 ns/op BenchmarkSinh-4 3847621 31.67 ns/op BenchmarkSqrtIndirect-4 20274327 5.899 ns/op BenchmarkSqrtLatency-4 13074646 9.302 ns/op BenchmarkSqrtIndirectLatency-4 13063215 9.267 ns/op BenchmarkSqrtGoLatency-4 1688254 69.11 ns/op BenchmarkSqrtPrime-4 175682 683.4 ns/op BenchmarkTan-4 1871565 63.80 ns/op BenchmarkTanh-4 1951687 61.32 ns/op BenchmarkTrunc-4 20159444 5.899 ns/op BenchmarkY0-4 333370 356.8 ns/op BenchmarkY1-4 333421 357.6 ns/op BenchmarkYn-4 165571 723.8 ns/op BenchmarkFloat64bits-4 5015310 23.74 ns/op BenchmarkFloat64frombits-4 5007390 24.08 ns/op BenchmarkFloat32bits-4 5019256 23.91 ns/op BenchmarkFloat32frombits-4 4976906 23.90 ns/op BenchmarkFMA-4 18998509 6.223 ns/op PASS ok math 11.943s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: math/big cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkAddVV/1-4 14121787 7.900 ns/op 8101.70 MB/s BenchmarkAddVV/2-4 13260109 9.014 ns/op 14200.48 MB/s BenchmarkAddVV/3-4 12284851 9.587 ns/op 20026.15 MB/s BenchmarkAddVV/4-4 12646171 9.294 ns/op 27543.48 MB/s BenchmarkAddVV/5-4 12150976 9.865 ns/op 32438.39 MB/s BenchmarkAddVV/10-4 11018515 10.35 ns/op 61808.39 MB/s BenchmarkAddVV/100-4 2437413 46.63 ns/op 137259.25 MB/s BenchmarkAddVV/1000-4 255343 477.3 ns/op 134078.03 MB/s BenchmarkSubVV/1-4 14293954 8.262 ns/op 7745.96 MB/s BenchmarkSubVV/2-4 13636165 8.721 ns/op 14676.98 MB/s BenchmarkSubVV/3-4 12926342 9.026 ns/op 21272.55 MB/s BenchmarkSubVV/4-4 13297108 8.754 ns/op 29245.16 MB/s BenchmarkSubVV/5-4 12949987 9.040 ns/op 35397.25 MB/s BenchmarkSubVV/10-4 11145187 10.39 ns/op 61588.43 MB/s BenchmarkSubVV/100-4 2557750 46.87 ns/op 136559.11 MB/s BenchmarkSubVV/1000-4 250628 471.7 ns/op 135688.82 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW/1-4 14341786 8.101 ns/op 987.49 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW/2-4 13477833 8.714 ns/op 1836.07 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW/3-4 12744010 9.358 ns/op 2564.58 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW/4-4 14399716 8.065 ns/op 3967.85 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW/5-4 14877452 8.109 ns/op 4932.66 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW/10-4 12496095 9.477 ns/op 8441.76 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW/100-4 524055 226.1 ns/op 3538.55 MB/s BenchmarkAddVW/1000-4 70900 1599 ns/op 5003.16 MB/s BenchmarkAddVWext/1-4 14870114 8.096 ns/op 988.12 MB/s BenchmarkAddVWext/2-4 13411389 8.722 ns/op 1834.38 MB/s BenchmarkAddVWext/3-4 12834116 9.319 ns/op 2575.31 MB/s BenchmarkAddVWext/4-4 14589919 8.091 ns/op 3955.15 MB/s BenchmarkAddVWext/5-4 14501899 8.067 ns/op 4958.64 MB/s BenchmarkAddVWext/10-4 12133444 9.319 ns/op 8584.62 MB/s BenchmarkAddVWext/100-4 108882 1089 ns/op 734.66 MB/s BenchmarkAddVWext/1000-4 10000 10314 ns/op 775.66 MB/s BenchmarkSubVW/1-4 14293068 8.087 ns/op 989.28 MB/s BenchmarkSubVW/2-4 14018530 7.587 ns/op 2108.89 MB/s BenchmarkSubVW/3-4 13838472 8.722 ns/op 2751.65 MB/s BenchmarkSubVW/4-4 13780672 8.413 ns/op 3803.70 MB/s BenchmarkSubVW/5-4 14381630 8.071 ns/op 4955.94 MB/s BenchmarkSubVW/10-4 12025856 9.320 ns/op 8583.51 MB/s BenchmarkSubVW/100-4 472176 262.9 ns/op 3043.52 MB/s BenchmarkSubVW/1000-4 74330 1625 ns/op 4923.09 MB/s BenchmarkSubVWext/1-4 14816703 8.082 ns/op 989.81 MB/s BenchmarkSubVWext/2-4 14161753 8.407 ns/op 1903.16 MB/s BenchmarkSubVWext/3-4 13739144 8.725 ns/op 2750.81 MB/s BenchmarkSubVWext/4-4 13761014 8.396 ns/op 3811.27 MB/s BenchmarkSubVWext/5-4 14508458 8.092 ns/op 4943.17 MB/s BenchmarkSubVWext/10-4 12072727 9.366 ns/op 8541.96 MB/s BenchmarkSubVWext/100-4 112192 1096 ns/op 729.72 MB/s BenchmarkSubVWext/1000-4 10000 10586 ns/op 755.69 MB/s BenchmarkMulAddVWW/1-4 12925046 9.070 ns/op 7055.85 MB/s BenchmarkMulAddVWW/2-4 12022652 9.958 ns/op 12853.79 MB/s BenchmarkMulAddVWW/3-4 13619745 8.346 ns/op 23006.24 MB/s BenchmarkMulAddVWW/4-4 12846358 9.026 ns/op 28362.21 MB/s BenchmarkMulAddVWW/5-4 12483084 9.649 ns/op 33164.59 MB/s BenchmarkMulAddVWW/10-4 9551286 11.90 ns/op 53766.76 MB/s BenchmarkMulAddVWW/100-4 1440589 83.23 ns/op 76898.21 MB/s BenchmarkMulAddVWW/1000-4 144586 837.0 ns/op 76463.90 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW/1-4 14247469 8.420 ns/op 7600.75 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW/2-4 13287699 9.040 ns/op 14159.62 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW/3-4 12234387 9.681 ns/op 19832.26 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW/4-4 11657119 10.28 ns/op 24894.43 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW/5-4 10988367 10.91 ns/op 29317.93 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW/10-4 10359588 11.03 ns/op 58028.65 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW/100-4 2139206 55.69 ns/op 114928.67 MB/s BenchmarkAddMulVVW/1000-4 231952 492.3 ns/op 129996.17 MB/s BenchmarkDivWVW/1-4 4149764 29.01 ns/op 2205.85 MB/s BenchmarkDivWVW/2-4 2653448 44.78 ns/op 2858.36 MB/s BenchmarkDivWVW/3-4 2094027 56.68 ns/op 3387.46 MB/s BenchmarkDivWVW/4-4 1701076 70.55 ns/op 3628.54 MB/s BenchmarkDivWVW/5-4 1446522 83.46 ns/op 3834.19 MB/s BenchmarkDivWVW/10-4 725266 148.8 ns/op 4301.36 MB/s BenchmarkDivWVW/100-4 89020 1347 ns/op 4749.60 MB/s BenchmarkDivWVW/1000-4 8274 13117 ns/op 4879.17 MB/s BenchmarkNonZeroShifts/1/shrVU-4 14276252 8.375 ns/op BenchmarkNonZeroShifts/1/shlVU-4 14795583 8.069 ns/op BenchmarkNonZeroShifts/2/shrVU-4 13507401 8.595 ns/op BenchmarkNonZeroShifts/2/shlVU-4 14372844 8.090 ns/op BenchmarkNonZeroShifts/3/shrVU-4 13307858 9.061 ns/op BenchmarkNonZeroShifts/3/shlVU-4 13189207 8.690 ns/op BenchmarkNonZeroShifts/4/shrVU-4 11675004 10.07 ns/op BenchmarkNonZeroShifts/4/shlVU-4 12640335 9.328 ns/op BenchmarkNonZeroShifts/5/shrVU-4 11011467 10.86 ns/op BenchmarkNonZeroShifts/5/shlVU-4 11259560 9.969 ns/op BenchmarkNonZeroShifts/10/shrVU-4 7713795 15.52 ns/op BenchmarkNonZeroShifts/10/shlVU-4 8926770 13.11 ns/op BenchmarkNonZeroShifts/100/shrVU-4 1206259 99.59 ns/op BenchmarkNonZeroShifts/100/shlVU-4 1700797 74.00 ns/op BenchmarkNonZeroShifts/1000/shrVU-4 126361 944.4 ns/op BenchmarkNonZeroShifts/1000/shlVU-4 176323 637.8 ns/op BenchmarkDecimalConversion-4 315 381703 ns/op BenchmarkFloatString/100-4 16802 7213 ns/op 392 B/op 8 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatString/1000-4 294 406799 ns/op 2910 B/op 10 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatString/10000-4 3 38084329 ns/op 61552 B/op 57 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatString/100000-4 1 3728339758 ns/op 834960 B/op 493 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatAdd/10-4 236829 491.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatAdd/100-4 226472 487.4 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatAdd/1000-4 205638 579.1 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatAdd/10000-4 114712 1038 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatAdd/100000-4 22430 5302 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatSub/10-4 292982 409.5 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatSub/100-4 293398 408.7 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatSub/1000-4 272540 427.1 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatSub/10000-4 202572 577.1 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatSub/100000-4 56448 2117 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkParseFloatSmallExp-4 2732 41911 ns/op BenchmarkParseFloatLargeExp-4 669 182633 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10x10/WithoutXY-4 289286 409.0 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10x10/WithXY-4 85148 1435 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10x100/WithoutXY-4 163862 776.3 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10x100/WithXY-4 25569 4902 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10x1000/WithoutXY-4 109352 1147 ns/op BenchmarkGCD10x1000/WithXY-4 21241 5834 ns/op BenchmarkGCD100x100/WithoutXY-4 42044 2762 ns/op BenchmarkGCD100x100/WithXY-4 15900 7706 ns/op BenchmarkGCD100x1000/WithoutXY-4 18975 6497 ns/op BenchmarkGCD100x1000/WithXY-4 8307 12857 ns/op BenchmarkGCD1000x1000/WithoutXY-4 3457 33567 ns/op BenchmarkGCD1000x1000/WithXY-4 1880 63729 ns/op BenchmarkHilbert-4 32 3571659 ns/op BenchmarkBinomial-4 18936 6365 ns/op BenchmarkQuoRem-4 32271 4032 ns/op BenchmarkExp-4 24 4491848 ns/op BenchmarkExpMont/Odd-4 216 554835 ns/op 2592 B/op 22 allocs/op BenchmarkExpMont/Even1-4 211 568018 ns/op 3357 B/op 38 allocs/op BenchmarkExpMont/Even2-4 204 578299 ns/op 3825 B/op 53 allocs/op BenchmarkExpMont/Even3-4 205 578970 ns/op 3839 B/op 53 allocs/op BenchmarkExpMont/Even4-4 206 582945 ns/op 3850 B/op 53 allocs/op BenchmarkExpMont/Even8-4 206 584435 ns/op 3838 B/op 53 allocs/op BenchmarkExpMont/Even32-4 205 580016 ns/op 3830 B/op 52 allocs/op BenchmarkExpMont/Even64-4 246 482467 ns/op 3641 B/op 54 allocs/op BenchmarkExpMont/Even96-4 237 500745 ns/op 3789 B/op 51 allocs/op BenchmarkExpMont/Even128-4 276 423469 ns/op 3257 B/op 50 allocs/op BenchmarkExpMont/Even255-4 296 401804 ns/op 2960 B/op 47 allocs/op BenchmarkExpMont/SmallEven1-4 664 179170 ns/op 1312 B/op 34 allocs/op BenchmarkExpMont/SmallEven2-4 583 202433 ns/op 1734 B/op 47 allocs/op BenchmarkExpMont/SmallEven3-4 578 202408 ns/op 1753 B/op 48 allocs/op BenchmarkExpMont/SmallEven4-4 585 201393 ns/op 1741 B/op 47 allocs/op BenchmarkExp2-4 25 4481402 ns/op BenchmarkBitset-4 997614 118.0 ns/op BenchmarkBitsetNeg-4 608943 198.2 ns/op BenchmarkBitsetOrig-4 356776 327.2 ns/op BenchmarkBitsetNegOrig-4 252372 479.0 ns/op BenchmarkModSqrt225_Tonelli-4 212 566289 ns/op BenchmarkModSqrt225_3Mod4-4 700 167752 ns/op BenchmarkModSqrt231_Tonelli-4 204 582056 ns/op BenchmarkModSqrt231_5Mod8-4 585 200396 ns/op BenchmarkModInverse-4 18544 6654 ns/op BenchmarkSqrt-4 2631 46502 ns/op BenchmarkIntSqr/1-4 1644579 72.13 ns/op BenchmarkIntSqr/2-4 1083996 108.0 ns/op BenchmarkIntSqr/3-4 817437 126.1 ns/op BenchmarkIntSqr/5-4 667021 165.1 ns/op BenchmarkIntSqr/8-4 590390 198.2 ns/op BenchmarkIntSqr/10-4 492403 242.8 ns/op BenchmarkIntSqr/20-4 88549 1457 ns/op BenchmarkIntSqr/30-4 66366 1943 ns/op BenchmarkIntSqr/50-4 41835 3024 ns/op BenchmarkIntSqr/80-4 24490 5053 ns/op BenchmarkIntSqr/100-4 18968 6578 ns/op BenchmarkIntSqr/200-4 6346 17227 ns/op BenchmarkIntSqr/300-4 2599 43712 ns/op BenchmarkIntSqr/500-4 1342 92142 ns/op BenchmarkIntSqr/800-4 535 225201 ns/op BenchmarkIntSqr/1000-4 379 311966 ns/op BenchmarkDiv/20/10-4 548658 228.7 ns/op BenchmarkDiv/40/20-4 529550 220.6 ns/op BenchmarkDiv/100/50-4 524046 226.6 ns/op BenchmarkDiv/200/100-4 75513 1673 ns/op BenchmarkDiv/400/200-4 73236 1744 ns/op BenchmarkDiv/1000/500-4 59960 2120 ns/op BenchmarkDiv/2000/1000-4 45488 2859 ns/op BenchmarkDiv/20000/10000-4 2061 58576 ns/op BenchmarkDiv/200000/100000-4 54 2380510 ns/op BenchmarkDiv/2000000/1000000-4 2 71886136 ns/op BenchmarkDiv/20000000/10000000-4 1 2169896479 ns/op BenchmarkMul-4 8 12815033 ns/op BenchmarkNatMul/10-4 310632 341.4 ns/op BenchmarkNatMul/100-4 10000 10715 ns/op BenchmarkNatMul/1000-4 316 370664 ns/op BenchmarkZeroShifts/Shl-4 32214 4011 ns/op BenchmarkZeroShifts/ShlSame-4 6380553 17.87 ns/op BenchmarkZeroShifts/Shr-4 31177 3849 ns/op BenchmarkZeroShifts/ShrSame-4 6350950 18.73 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power/0x10-4 280754 412.9 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power/0x40-4 249810 500.9 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power/0x100-4 166951 749.3 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power/0x400-4 83611 1439 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power/0x1000-4 18058 6419 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power/0x4000-4 3583 33569 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power/0x10000-4 381 312444 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power/0x40000-4 31 3370768 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power/0x100000-4 4 32996133 ns/op BenchmarkExp3Power/0x400000-4 1 304560149 ns/op BenchmarkFibo-4 4 29892556 ns/op BenchmarkNatSqr/1-4 1496773 80.04 ns/op BenchmarkNatSqr/2-4 996420 122.1 ns/op BenchmarkNatSqr/3-4 849099 160.8 ns/op BenchmarkNatSqr/5-4 632406 193.8 ns/op BenchmarkNatSqr/8-4 428386 260.2 ns/op BenchmarkNatSqr/10-4 403777 369.6 ns/op BenchmarkNatSqr/20-4 83490 1637 ns/op BenchmarkNatSqr/30-4 64971 1966 ns/op BenchmarkNatSqr/50-4 38016 3472 ns/op BenchmarkNatSqr/80-4 22411 5293 ns/op BenchmarkNatSqr/100-4 15682 7210 ns/op BenchmarkNatSqr/200-4 6099 18479 ns/op BenchmarkNatSqr/300-4 2732 42560 ns/op BenchmarkNatSqr/500-4 1321 87786 ns/op BenchmarkNatSqr/800-4 580 206293 ns/op BenchmarkNatSqr/1000-4 423 282038 ns/op BenchmarkNatSetBytes/8-4 3389631 34.94 ns/op BenchmarkNatSetBytes/24-4 1000000 109.9 ns/op BenchmarkNatSetBytes/128-4 390370 346.6 ns/op BenchmarkNatSetBytes/7-4 1300713 93.14 ns/op BenchmarkNatSetBytes/23-4 601918 175.0 ns/op BenchmarkNatSetBytes/127-4 305102 378.0 ns/op BenchmarkScanPi-4 326 360375 ns/op BenchmarkStringPiParallel-4 1171 89595 ns/op BenchmarkScan/10/Base2-4 53649 2258 ns/op BenchmarkScan/100/Base2-4 5763 19775 ns/op BenchmarkScan/1000/Base2-4 594 202879 ns/op BenchmarkScan/10/Base8-4 133149 914.8 ns/op BenchmarkScan/100/Base8-4 17170 7069 ns/op BenchmarkScan/1000/Base8-4 1705 70125 ns/op BenchmarkScan/10/Base10-4 141247 830.4 ns/op BenchmarkScan/100/Base10-4 18564 6193 ns/op BenchmarkScan/1000/Base10-4 1873 63611 ns/op BenchmarkScan/10/Base16-4 165016 706.1 ns/op BenchmarkScan/100/Base16-4 21532 5553 ns/op BenchmarkScan/1000/Base16-4 2217 55014 ns/op BenchmarkString/10/Base2-4 274202 418.3 ns/op BenchmarkString/100/Base2-4 41014 2938 ns/op BenchmarkString/1000/Base2-4 4264 28335 ns/op BenchmarkString/10/Base8-4 474210 227.8 ns/op BenchmarkString/100/Base8-4 103804 1150 ns/op BenchmarkString/1000/Base8-4 10000 10194 ns/op BenchmarkString/10/Base10-4 315132 383.5 ns/op BenchmarkString/100/Base10-4 67264 1799 ns/op BenchmarkString/1000/Base10-4 7650 15205 ns/op BenchmarkString/10/Base16-4 582198 207.8 ns/op BenchmarkString/100/Base16-4 139593 866.2 ns/op BenchmarkString/1000/Base16-4 16171 7344 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/0-4 62 1869483 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/1-4 739 155825 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/2-4 759 157980 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/3-4 540 218107 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/4-4 746 157041 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/5-4 476 239633 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/6-4 558 216914 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/7-4 600 200007 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/8-4 738 152426 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/9-4 421 287114 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/10-4 498 244946 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/11-4 490 242692 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/12-4 552 219569 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/13-4 513 231691 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/14-4 604 195248 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/15-4 663 182709 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/16-4 769 151298 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/32-4 764 154002 ns/op BenchmarkLeafSize/64-4 714 169014 ns/op BenchmarkProbablyPrime/n=0-4 15 7078061 ns/op BenchmarkProbablyPrime/n=1-4 13 7987158 ns/op BenchmarkProbablyPrime/n=5-4 9 11328796 ns/op BenchmarkProbablyPrime/n=10-4 7 15365535 ns/op BenchmarkProbablyPrime/n=20-4 5 23558060 ns/op BenchmarkProbablyPrime/Lucas-4 19 6299531 ns/op BenchmarkProbablyPrime/MillerRabinBase2-4 144 834676 ns/op BenchmarkRatCmp-4 310882 419.2 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecExact/1-4 198793 603.1 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecExact/10-4 61406 1976 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecExact/100-4 17678 6852 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecExact/1000-4 3444 32903 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecExact/10000-4 228 524330 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecExact/100000-4 5 21849233 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecExact/1000000-4 1 1109246934 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecMixed/1-4 188659 644.0 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecMixed/10-4 59839 2010 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecMixed/100-4 8098 13186 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecMixed/1000-4 727 165515 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecMixed/10000-4 21 5400148 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecMixed/100000-4 1 302794529 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecMixed/1000000-4 1 20982343532 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecInexact/1-4 311176 381.4 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecInexact/10-4 271827 454.2 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecInexact/100-4 213061 673.5 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecInexact/1000-4 63804 2327 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecInexact/10000-4 7526 17483 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecInexact/100000-4 855 155416 ns/op BenchmarkFloatPrecInexact/1000000-4 69 2054863 ns/op BenchmarkFloatSqrt/64-4 30476 3836 ns/op 160 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatSqrt/128-4 19244 6233 ns/op 208 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatSqrt/256-4 13837 8683 ns/op 304 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatSqrt/1000-4 6688 15696 ns/op 1264 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatSqrt/10000-4 1544 78895 ns/op 18052 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatSqrt/100000-4 100 1053610 ns/op 174752 B/op 19 allocs/op BenchmarkFloatSqrt/1000000-4 2 79802658 ns/op 3549996 B/op 613 allocs/op PASS ok math/big 72.783s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: math/bits cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkLeadingZeros-4 11087161 12.35 ns/op BenchmarkLeadingZeros8-4 10201886 11.79 ns/op BenchmarkLeadingZeros16-4 11303415 10.36 ns/op BenchmarkLeadingZeros32-4 11464351 10.40 ns/op BenchmarkLeadingZeros64-4 9585282 12.46 ns/op BenchmarkTrailingZeros-4 11749225 10.39 ns/op BenchmarkTrailingZeros8-4 11346123 12.39 ns/op BenchmarkTrailingZeros16-4 11810606 10.39 ns/op BenchmarkTrailingZeros32-4 11278556 12.41 ns/op BenchmarkTrailingZeros64-4 11599538 10.44 ns/op BenchmarkOnesCount-4 11752022 9.975 ns/op BenchmarkOnesCount8-4 11795119 10.99 ns/op BenchmarkOnesCount16-4 11000828 9.997 ns/op BenchmarkOnesCount32-4 11505704 11.11 ns/op BenchmarkOnesCount64-4 11974819 9.487 ns/op BenchmarkRotateLeft-4 10965202 10.15 ns/op BenchmarkRotateLeft8-4 10960135 10.53 ns/op BenchmarkRotateLeft16-4 12012037 10.97 ns/op BenchmarkRotateLeft32-4 10550182 10.79 ns/op BenchmarkRotateLeft64-4 11032454 10.42 ns/op BenchmarkReverse-4 19100995 6.218 ns/op BenchmarkReverse8-4 20338999 5.111 ns/op BenchmarkReverse16-4 21310510 5.599 ns/op BenchmarkReverse32-4 19823458 5.906 ns/op BenchmarkReverse64-4 19246453 5.403 ns/op BenchmarkReverseBytes-4 24350494 5.587 ns/op BenchmarkReverseBytes16-4 20972695 5.585 ns/op BenchmarkReverseBytes32-4 21282878 5.583 ns/op BenchmarkReverseBytes64-4 20341275 5.590 ns/op BenchmarkAdd-4 10931062 11.63 ns/op BenchmarkAdd32-4 11914491 9.987 ns/op BenchmarkAdd64-4 10242648 11.34 ns/op BenchmarkAdd64multiple-4 21417268 5.548 ns/op BenchmarkSub-4 10043899 12.11 ns/op BenchmarkSub32-4 11249860 10.46 ns/op BenchmarkSub64-4 11496468 11.34 ns/op BenchmarkSub64multiple-4 21418569 5.521 ns/op BenchmarkMul-4 11993572 10.84 ns/op BenchmarkMul32-4 11881447 9.629 ns/op BenchmarkMul64-4 10705234 10.36 ns/op BenchmarkDiv-4 12222486 9.976 ns/op BenchmarkDiv32-4 11699899 11.22 ns/op BenchmarkDiv64-4 10965662 10.02 ns/op PASS ok math/bits 6.841s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: math/cmplx cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkAbs-4 14811345 7.925 ns/op BenchmarkAcos-4 621554 173.1 ns/op BenchmarkAcosh-4 601123 186.7 ns/op BenchmarkAsin-4 683132 175.6 ns/op BenchmarkAsinh-4 695240 172.0 ns/op BenchmarkAtan-4 1000000 107.9 ns/op BenchmarkAtanh-4 1000000 108.3 ns/op BenchmarkConj-4 20301284 5.898 ns/op BenchmarkCos-4 724086 161.2 ns/op BenchmarkCosh-4 736584 164.2 ns/op BenchmarkExp-4 974300 120.4 ns/op BenchmarkLog-4 1490221 80.07 ns/op BenchmarkLog10-4 1503079 79.73 ns/op BenchmarkPhase-4 3333102 36.30 ns/op BenchmarkPolar-4 2393412 51.77 ns/op BenchmarkPow-4 276292 439.7 ns/op BenchmarkRect-4 1265953 95.38 ns/op BenchmarkSin-4 648936 161.1 ns/op BenchmarkSinh-4 700376 162.4 ns/op BenchmarkSqrt-4 1000000 106.1 ns/op BenchmarkTan-4 443025 257.7 ns/op BenchmarkTanh-4 504042 235.9 ns/op PASS ok math/cmplx 4.044s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: math/rand cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkInt63Threadsafe-4 1000000 105.5 ns/op BenchmarkInt63ThreadsafeParallel-4 937850 121.6 ns/op BenchmarkInt63Unthreadsafe-4 1485322 80.89 ns/op BenchmarkIntn1000-4 1000000 106.7 ns/op BenchmarkInt63n1000-4 1267184 93.17 ns/op BenchmarkInt31n1000-4 1284870 94.05 ns/op BenchmarkFloat32-4 1281085 94.66 ns/op BenchmarkFloat64-4 1473766 76.98 ns/op BenchmarkPerm3-4 277794 432.1 ns/op BenchmarkPerm30-4 31413 3793 ns/op BenchmarkPerm30ViaShuffle-4 32616 3870 ns/op BenchmarkShuffleOverhead-4 21897 5604 ns/op BenchmarkRead3-4 1000000 101.9 ns/op BenchmarkRead64-4 107866 1086 ns/op BenchmarkRead1000-4 6757 16223 ns/op BenchmarkConcurrent-4 225747 563.2 ns/op PASS ok math/rand 3.576s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: math/rand/v2 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkChaCha8MarshalBinary-4 940996 118.8 ns/op BenchmarkChaCha8MarshalBinaryRead-4 368534 315.1 ns/op BenchmarkChaCha8-4 6739245 18.52 ns/op BenchmarkChaCha8Read-4 1000000 106.5 ns/op 300.60 MB/s BenchmarkPCG_DXSM-4 4653986 25.67 ns/op BenchmarkSourceUint64-4 4642623 25.77 ns/op BenchmarkGlobalInt64-4 4084357 29.57 ns/op BenchmarkGlobalInt64Parallel-4 7855760 14.77 ns/op BenchmarkGlobalUint64-4 3963213 30.23 ns/op BenchmarkGlobalUint64Parallel-4 8125306 14.83 ns/op BenchmarkInt64-4 2753245 44.52 ns/op BenchmarkUint64-4 2723702 44.48 ns/op BenchmarkGlobalIntN1000-4 2832778 44.19 ns/op BenchmarkIntN1000-4 2063686 58.03 ns/op BenchmarkInt64N1000-4 2115129 57.76 ns/op BenchmarkInt64N1e8-4 2123877 57.11 ns/op BenchmarkInt64N1e9-4 2122692 57.77 ns/op BenchmarkInt64N2e9-4 2065830 58.36 ns/op BenchmarkInt64N1e18-4 2016231 59.77 ns/op BenchmarkInt64N2e18-4 1978806 59.09 ns/op BenchmarkInt64N4e18-4 1812186 67.82 ns/op BenchmarkInt32N1000-4 2067646 57.74 ns/op BenchmarkInt32N1e8-4 2060845 57.57 ns/op BenchmarkInt32N1e9-4 2107159 57.08 ns/op BenchmarkInt32N2e9-4 2108013 56.32 ns/op BenchmarkFloat32-4 2743556 44.24 ns/op BenchmarkFloat64-4 2712337 44.18 ns/op BenchmarkExpFloat64-4 1402920 77.17 ns/op BenchmarkNormFloat64-4 1565024 76.88 ns/op BenchmarkPerm3-4 438638 271.8 ns/op BenchmarkPerm30-4 41173 2933 ns/op BenchmarkPerm30ViaShuffle-4 42781 2763 ns/op BenchmarkShuffleOverhead-4 56846 2050 ns/op BenchmarkConcurrent-4 3954566 29.88 ns/op PASS ok math/rand/v2 6.606s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: mime cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkQEncodeWord-4 77427 1538 ns/op BenchmarkQDecodeWord-4 165028 721.9 ns/op BenchmarkQDecodeHeader-4 166274 727.5 ns/op BenchmarkTypeByExtension/.html-4 538712 207.6 ns/op BenchmarkTypeByExtension/.HTML-4 406821 281.7 ns/op BenchmarkTypeByExtension/.unused-4 501696 228.9 ns/op BenchmarkExtensionsByType/text/html-4 272503 439.2 ns/op BenchmarkExtensionsByType/text/html;_charset=utf-8-4 166992 747.9 ns/op BenchmarkExtensionsByType/application/octet-stream-4 248793 478.4 ns/op PASS ok mime 2.211s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: mime/multipart cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkReadForm/fields/maxMemory=0-4 888 117348 ns/op 47797 B/op 186 allocs/op BenchmarkReadForm/fields/maxMemory=1048576-4 1015 112939 ns/op 47992 B/op 186 allocs/op BenchmarkReadForm/files/maxMemory=0-4 411 287648 ns/op 104930 B/op 270 allocs/op BenchmarkReadForm/files/maxMemory=1048576-4 742 152916 ns/op 49121 B/op 206 allocs/op PASS ok mime/multipart 1.553s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: mime/quotedprintable cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkWriter-4 1368 86529 ns/op PASS ok mime/quotedprintable 1.200s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: net cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkGoLookupIP-4 213 517318 ns/op 8560 B/op 92 allocs/op BenchmarkGoLookupIPNoSuchHost-4 12 8374512 ns/op 26085 B/op 207 allocs/op BenchmarkGoLookupIPWithBrokenNameServer-4 1 5035422121 ns/op 158128 B/op 224 allocs/op BenchmarkDNSName-4 166364 683.8 ns/op BenchmarkInterfaces-4 8017 14185 ns/op 3320 B/op 41 allocs/op BenchmarkInterfaceByIndex-4 13742 8883 ns/op 1944 B/op 29 allocs/op BenchmarkInterfaceByName-4 7728 14323 ns/op 3384 B/op 42 allocs/op BenchmarkInterfaceAddrs-4 8239 13085 ns/op 3272 B/op 48 allocs/op BenchmarkInterfacesAndAddrs-4 12777 9367 ns/op 2088 B/op 35 allocs/op BenchmarkInterfacesAndMulticastAddrs-4 9753 12019 ns/op 3168 B/op 50 allocs/op BenchmarkParseIP-4 19209 6206 ns/op BenchmarkParseIPValidIPv4-4 1000000 112.0 ns/op BenchmarkParseIPValidIPv6-4 895021 132.1 ns/op BenchmarkIPMarshalText/IPv4-4 805692 137.4 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkIPMarshalText/IPv6-4 313786 370.7 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkIPMarshalText/IPv6_long-4 180832 643.1 ns/op 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkIPString/IPv4-4 166396 710.3 ns/op 32 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkIPString/IPv6-4 19824 6096 ns/op 216 B/op 11 allocs/op BenchmarkIPMaskString-4 81751 1469 ns/op BenchmarkIPEqual/IPv4-4 1432698 83.66 ns/op BenchmarkIPEqual/IPv6-4 1404883 86.10 ns/op BenchmarkSendfileZeroBytes-4 29160 4080 ns/op 80 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-tcp/1024-4 1 1057057881 ns/op 0.00 MB/s 584 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-tcp/2048-4 1 1054060739 ns/op 0.00 MB/s 584 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-tcp/4096-4 1 1039704037 ns/op 0.00 MB/s 584 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-tcp/8192-4 1 1069005131 ns/op 0.01 MB/s 680 B/op 10 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-tcp/16384-4 1 1029415827 ns/op 0.02 MB/s 680 B/op 10 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-tcp/32768-4 1 1069291581 ns/op 0.03 MB/s 584 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-tcp/65536-4 1 1078216138 ns/op 0.06 MB/s 584 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-tcp/131072-4 1 1012629422 ns/op 0.13 MB/s 584 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-tcp/262144-4 1 1054154638 ns/op 0.25 MB/s 584 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-tcp/524288-4 1 1078223268 ns/op 0.49 MB/s 584 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-tcp/1048576-4 1 1074371916 ns/op 0.98 MB/s 584 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-unix/1024-4 1 1022399652 ns/op 0.00 MB/s 32944 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-unix/2048-4 1 1075260897 ns/op 0.00 MB/s 32944 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-unix/4096-4 1 1069773841 ns/op 0.00 MB/s 32944 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-unix/8192-4 1 1068736592 ns/op 0.01 MB/s 32944 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-unix/16384-4 1 1016440256 ns/op 0.02 MB/s 32944 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-unix/32768-4 1 1036095352 ns/op 0.03 MB/s 32944 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-unix/65536-4 1 1053570688 ns/op 0.06 MB/s 32944 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-unix/131072-4 1 1069835001 ns/op 0.12 MB/s 32944 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-unix/262144-4 1 1078159178 ns/op 0.24 MB/s 32944 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-unix/524288-4 1 1076342907 ns/op 0.49 MB/s 32944 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkSendFile/file-to-unix/1048576-4 1 1054467178 ns/op 0.99 MB/s 32944 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkTCP4OneShot-4 4318 25226 ns/op BenchmarkTCP4OneShotTimeout-4 3726 27013 ns/op BenchmarkTCP4Persistent-4 18604 7407 ns/op BenchmarkTCP4PersistentTimeout-4 20269 7904 ns/op BenchmarkTCP6OneShot-4 4034 27086 ns/op BenchmarkTCP6OneShotTimeout-4 3291 34409 ns/op BenchmarkTCP6Persistent-4 15254 6825 ns/op BenchmarkTCP6PersistentTimeout-4 12406 10472 ns/op BenchmarkTCP4ConcurrentReadWrite-4 10000 25199 ns/op BenchmarkTCP6ConcurrentReadWrite-4 10000 24827 ns/op BenchmarkSetReadDeadline-4 128248 940.2 ns/op BenchmarkUDP6LinkLocalUnicast-4 9586 12130 ns/op BenchmarkReadWriteMsgUDPAddrPort-4 17776 9838 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkWriteToReadFromUDP-4 13213 8428 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkWriteToReadFromUDPAddrPort-4 14684 6995 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok net 35.797s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: net/http cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkCookieString-4 39915 2927 ns/op 176 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkReadSetCookies-4 17521 6824 ns/op 1200 B/op 21 allocs/op BenchmarkReadCookies-4 22484 5347 ns/op 2000 B/op 11 allocs/op BenchmarkHeaderWriteSubset-4 25053 4773 ns/op 45 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkCopyValues-4 55747 2143 ns/op 736 B/op 11 allocs/op BenchmarkHexEscapeNonASCII-4 73996 1569 ns/op 192 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkFindChild/n=2/rep=linear-4 2144430 54.44 ns/op BenchmarkFindChild/n=2/rep=map-4 4359411 26.54 ns/op BenchmarkFindChild/n=2/rep=hybrid8-4 1832912 63.34 ns/op BenchmarkFindChild/n=4/rep=linear-4 1000000 104.8 ns/op BenchmarkFindChild/n=4/rep=map-4 4080298 29.03 ns/op BenchmarkFindChild/n=4/rep=hybrid8-4 1000000 114.9 ns/op BenchmarkFindChild/n=8/rep=linear-4 586660 199.5 ns/op BenchmarkFindChild/n=8/rep=map-4 3704881 32.11 ns/op BenchmarkFindChild/n=8/rep=hybrid8-4 533151 209.3 ns/op BenchmarkFindChild/n=16/rep=linear-4 291331 394.6 ns/op BenchmarkFindChild/n=16/rep=map-4 3855822 29.11 ns/op BenchmarkFindChild/n=16/rep=hybrid8-4 2834889 41.77 ns/op BenchmarkFindChild/n=32/rep=linear-4 152372 809.1 ns/op BenchmarkFindChild/n=32/rep=map-4 4038360 26.26 ns/op BenchmarkFindChild/n=32/rep=hybrid8-4 2925307 40.10 ns/op BenchmarkMultiConflicts-4 1 135176184 ns/op BenchmarkServerMatch-4 26481 4763 ns/op BenchmarkReadRequestChrome-4 4802 21234 ns/op 28.77 MB/s 1540 B/op 14 allocs/op BenchmarkReadRequestCurl-4 15032 8098 ns/op 9.63 MB/s 988 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkReadRequestApachebench-4 14727 8080 ns/op 10.15 MB/s 988 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkReadRequestSiege-4 8662 11587 ns/op 13.03 MB/s 1084 B/op 11 allocs/op BenchmarkReadRequestWrk-4 22381 5391 ns/op 7.42 MB/s 924 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkFileAndServer_1KB/h1-4 366 310732 ns/op 3.30 MB/s BenchmarkFileAndServer_1KB/https1-4 315 395134 ns/op 2.59 MB/s BenchmarkFileAndServer_1KB/h2-4 219 530009 ns/op 1.93 MB/s BenchmarkFileAndServer_16MB/h1-4 4 27132316 ns/op 618.35 MB/s BenchmarkFileAndServer_16MB/https1-4 2 59901211 ns/op 280.08 MB/s BenchmarkFileAndServer_16MB/h2-4 1 102293487 ns/op 164.01 MB/s BenchmarkFileAndServer_64MB/h1-4 2 104401514 ns/op 642.80 MB/s BenchmarkFileAndServer_64MB/https1-4 1 231850117 ns/op 289.45 MB/s BenchmarkFileAndServer_64MB/h2-4 1 627934987 ns/op 106.87 MB/s BenchmarkServeMux-4 301 422073 ns/op 17280 B/op 360 allocs/op BenchmarkServeMux_SkipServe-4 361 360799 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkClientServer/h1-4 460 265436 ns/op 6430 B/op 70 allocs/op BenchmarkClientServer/https1-4 321 346880 ns/op 7101 B/op 79 allocs/op BenchmarkClientServer/h2-4 249 451852 ns/op 10395 B/op 77 allocs/op BenchmarkClientServerParallel/4/h1-4 1480 80788 ns/op 10357 B/op 84 allocs/op BenchmarkClientServerParallel/4/https1-4 37 3353953 ns/op 130371 B/op 1063 allocs/op --- BENCH: BenchmarkClientServerParallel/4/https1-4 clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from EOF clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection BenchmarkClientServerParallel/4/h2-4 549 196306 ns/op 12823 B/op 103 allocs/op --- BENCH: BenchmarkClientServerParallel/4/h2-4 clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from read tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from EOF ... [output truncated] BenchmarkClientServerParallel/64/h1-4 1076 94927 ns/op 11482 B/op 85 allocs/op BenchmarkClientServerParallel/64/https1-4 43 3616641 ns/op 146144 B/op 1188 allocs/op --- BENCH: BenchmarkClientServerParallel/64/https1-4 clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from read tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection BenchmarkClientServerParallel/64/h2-4 37 3417617 ns/op 122334 B/op 1046 allocs/op --- BENCH: BenchmarkClientServerParallel/64/h2-4 clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from EOF clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from EOF clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http2: server: error reading preface from client read tcp> read: connection reset by peer clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from read tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from EOF clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection clientserver_test.go:210: server log: http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection ... [output truncated] BenchmarkServer-4 1 1065548758 ns/op 29864 B/op 153 allocs/op BenchmarkClient-4 330 368566 ns/op 4240 B/op 51 allocs/op BenchmarkServerFakeConnNoKeepAlive-4 820 137104 ns/op 7476 B/op 54 allocs/op BenchmarkServerFakeConnWithKeepAlive-4 1604 68428 ns/op 3097 B/op 24 allocs/op BenchmarkServerFakeConnWithKeepAliveLite-4 2007 50784 ns/op 1953 B/op 14 allocs/op BenchmarkServerHandlerTypeLen-4 2010 51480 ns/op 2830 B/op 21 allocs/op BenchmarkServerHandlerNoLen-4 2234 47112 ns/op 2764 B/op 19 allocs/op BenchmarkServerHandlerNoType-4 2530 50715 ns/op 2780 B/op 20 allocs/op BenchmarkServerHandlerNoHeader-4 2023 54408 ns/op 1965 B/op 14 allocs/op BenchmarkServerHijack-4 1269 92040 ns/op 16844 B/op 50 allocs/op BenchmarkCloseNotifier/h1-4 608 191882 ns/op 5963 B/op 53 allocs/op BenchmarkResponseStatusLine-4 686403 160.6 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok net/http 16.415s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: net/http/httputil cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkServeHTTP-4 8575 18501 ns/op 34257 B/op 14 allocs/op PASS ok net/http/httputil 1.381s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: net/netip cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkIPNextPrev-4 127654 894.2 ns/op BenchmarkBinaryMarshalRoundTrip/ipv4-4 1151636 103.6 ns/op BenchmarkBinaryMarshalRoundTrip/ipv6-4 725767 138.6 ns/op BenchmarkBinaryMarshalRoundTrip/ipv6+zone-4 152211 786.5 ns/op BenchmarkStdIPv4-4 192162 688.7 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkIPv4-4 140486 847.1 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkIPv4_inline-4 136238 832.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkStdIPv6-4 170767 740.8 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkIPv6-4 120582 982.2 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkIPv4Contains-4 2347720 52.49 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkIPv6Contains-4 1902294 54.83 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkParseAddr/v4-4 1237557 94.85 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkParseAddr/v6-4 832228 142.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkParseAddr/v6_ellipsis-4 954979 121.3 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkParseAddr/v6_v4-4 787153 156.1 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkParseAddr/v6_zone-4 180876 652.1 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkStdParseIP/v4-4 721404 158.4 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkStdParseIP/v6-4 572782 209.8 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkStdParseIP/v6_ellipsis-4 597847 186.0 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkStdParseIP/v6_v4-4 542220 224.3 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkStdParseIP/v6_zone-4 161503 739.3 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrString/v4-4 568843 209.1 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrString/v6-4 202329 589.7 ns/op 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrString/v6_ellipsis-4 271754 443.8 ns/op 24 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrString/v6_v4-4 349954 343.3 ns/op 24 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrString/v6_zone-4 243676 496.4 ns/op 24 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkIPStringExpanded/v4-4 506253 230.0 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkIPStringExpanded/v6-4 227582 490.6 ns/op 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkIPStringExpanded/v6_ellipsis-4 222333 478.2 ns/op 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkIPStringExpanded/v6_v4-4 242602 502.8 ns/op 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkIPStringExpanded/v6_zone-4 169285 681.6 ns/op 128 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrMarshalText/v4-4 645118 183.6 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrMarshalText/v6-4 219144 523.4 ns/op 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrMarshalText/v6_ellipsis-4 258390 441.6 ns/op 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrMarshalText/v6_v4-4 365065 332.5 ns/op 32 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrMarshalText/v6_zone-4 246762 495.9 ns/op 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrPortString/v4-4 360046 328.0 ns/op 24 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrPortString/v6-4 179666 683.4 ns/op 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrPortString/v6_ellipsis-4 210896 567.3 ns/op 32 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrPortString/v6_v4-4 241002 471.8 ns/op 32 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrPortString/v6_zone-4 194722 608.4 ns/op 32 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrPortMarshalText/v4-4 407822 296.2 ns/op 24 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrPortMarshalText/v6-4 183606 650.6 ns/op 64 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrPortMarshalText/v6_ellipsis-4 216692 552.5 ns/op 64 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrPortMarshalText/v6_v4-4 263535 447.3 ns/op 64 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkAddrPortMarshalText/v6_zone-4 196628 613.3 ns/op 64 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkPrefixMasking/IPv4_/32-4 1521216 86.58 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPrefixMasking/IPv4_/17-4 1442384 83.53 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPrefixMasking/IPv4_/0-4 1400082 79.30 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPrefixMasking/IPv6_/128-4 1444011 83.15 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPrefixMasking/IPv6_/65-4 1538509 83.18 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPrefixMasking/IPv6_/0-4 1440786 83.26 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPrefixMasking/IPv6_zone_/128-4 1449303 80.28 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPrefixMasking/IPv6_zone_/65-4 1444617 83.06 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPrefixMasking/IPv6_zone_/0-4 1445374 83.12 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPrefixMarshalText-4 522626 217.0 ns/op 24 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkParseAddrPort/v4-4 657367 186.2 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkParseAddrPort/v6-4 477838 227.3 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkParseAddrPort/v6_ellipsis-4 590506 205.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkParseAddrPort/v6_v4-4 490221 242.0 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkParseAddrPort/v6_zone-4 156433 731.4 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAs16-4 8487798 14.10 ns/op PASS ok net/netip 9.838s 2024/09/28 01:24:27 Test RPC server listening on 2024/09/28 01:24:27 Test HTTP RPC server listening on goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: net/rpc cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkEndToEnd-4 1968 56850 ns/op BenchmarkEndToEndHTTP-4 1792 56240 ns/op BenchmarkEndToEndAsync-4 4917 20360 ns/op BenchmarkEndToEndAsyncHTTP-4 5384 22406 ns/op PASS ok net/rpc 1.831s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: net/textproto cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkReadMIMEHeader/client_headers-4 4723 22176 ns/op BenchmarkReadMIMEHeader/server_headers-4 7822 15543 ns/op BenchmarkUncommon-4 32946 3281 ns/op 464 B/op 5 allocs/op PASS ok net/textproto 1.559s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: net/url cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkString-4 6346 16367 ns/op 1200 B/op 32 allocs/op BenchmarkResolvePath-4 184856 654.0 ns/op 32 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkQueryEscape/#00-4 818977 141.0 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkQueryEscape/#01-4 140222 905.9 ns/op 64 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkQueryEscape/#02-4 274798 465.8 ns/op 32 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkQueryEscape/#03-4 129362 929.7 ns/op 64 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkQueryEscape/#04-4 22747 5132 ns/op 832 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkPathEscape/#00-4 565220 202.3 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkPathEscape/#01-4 130359 870.0 ns/op 64 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkPathEscape/#02-4 273648 456.5 ns/op 32 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkPathEscape/#03-4 130164 937.3 ns/op 64 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkPathEscape/#04-4 24566 4845 ns/op 704 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkQueryUnescape/#00-4 326976 374.4 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkQueryUnescape/#01-4 143436 841.3 ns/op 24 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkQueryUnescape/#02-4 138165 864.2 ns/op 24 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkQueryUnescape/#03-4 64621 1848 ns/op 64 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkQueryUnescape/#04-4 10000 10017 ns/op 320 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkPathUnescape/#00-4 319893 368.1 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkPathUnescape/#01-4 143409 832.8 ns/op 24 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkPathUnescape/#02-4 137592 863.5 ns/op 24 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkPathUnescape/#03-4 64771 1847 ns/op 64 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkPathUnescape/#04-4 12241 9922 ns/op 320 B/op 1 allocs/op PASS ok net/url 4.084s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: os cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkExpand/noop-4 4357536 27.02 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkExpand/multiple-4 261582 443.6 ns/op 48 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkReaddirname-4 1765 65743 ns/op --- BENCH: BenchmarkReaddirname-4 os_test.go:506: benchmarkReaddirname ".": 143 entries os_test.go:506: benchmarkReaddirname ".": 143 entries os_test.go:506: benchmarkReaddirname ".": 143 entries BenchmarkReaddir-4 519 227009 ns/op --- BENCH: BenchmarkReaddir-4 os_test.go:523: benchmarkReaddir ".": 143 entries os_test.go:523: benchmarkReaddir ".": 143 entries os_test.go:523: benchmarkReaddir ".": 143 entries BenchmarkReadDir-4 1243 92405 ns/op --- BENCH: BenchmarkReadDir-4 os_test.go:540: benchmarkReadDir ".": 143 entries os_test.go:540: benchmarkReadDir ".": 143 entries os_test.go:540: benchmarkReadDir ".": 143 entries BenchmarkStatDot-4 150933 787.3 ns/op BenchmarkStatFile-4 124258 962.6 ns/op BenchmarkStatDir-4 130704 921.6 ns/op BenchmarkLstatDot-4 152596 791.9 ns/op BenchmarkLstatFile-4 125899 943.7 ns/op BenchmarkLstatDir-4 130893 906.5 ns/op BenchmarkRemoveAll-4 56 1850951 ns/op 35499 B/op 526 allocs/op PASS ok os 2.933s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: os/exec cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkExecHostname-4 74 1528304 ns/op 7089 B/op 30 allocs/op PASS ok os/exec 1.167s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: os/user cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkCurrent-4 24756 4548 ns/op PASS ok os/user 1.243s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: reflect cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkBool-4 5256978 22.81 ns/op BenchmarkString-4 3190741 37.46 ns/op BenchmarkBytes-4 2753095 42.73 ns/op BenchmarkNamedBytes-4 1518649 76.74 ns/op BenchmarkBytesArray-4 883533 113.7 ns/op BenchmarkSliceLen-4 3190070 37.82 ns/op BenchmarkMapLen-4 1000000 106.7 ns/op BenchmarkStringLen-4 2378600 51.12 ns/op BenchmarkArrayLen-4 1732204 69.32 ns/op BenchmarkSliceCap-4 3264344 36.56 ns/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/int8-4 512871 228.3 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]int8-4 124196 951.4 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/int16-4 429693 260.6 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]int16-4 119588 1010 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/int32-4 429322 264.5 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]int32-4 119538 1009 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/int64-4 454503 263.0 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]int64-4 121206 993.4 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/int-4 460377 261.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]int-4 120776 989.3 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/uint8-4 526372 228.3 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]uint8-4 154430 745.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/uint16-4 415464 265.4 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]uint16-4 118885 1014 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/uint32-4 461937 260.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]uint32-4 118100 1007 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/uint64-4 435698 264.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]uint64-4 118201 1004 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/uint-4 441244 263.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]uint-4 120337 1001 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/uintptr-4 434169 264.6 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]uintptr-4 117432 994.7 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/float32-4 413971 262.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]float32-4 118322 995.0 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/float64-4 436340 257.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]float64-4 120417 995.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/complex64-4 440728 256.3 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]complex64-4 119836 1005 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/complex128-4 453205 261.3 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]complex128-4 118190 1015 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/bool-4 521257 224.6 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]bool-4 123466 951.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/string-4 457413 256.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]string-4 118394 1011 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[]uint8#01-4 157442 764.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[][]uint8-4 78928 1517 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[6]uint8-4 61503 1951 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkDeepEqual/[][6]uint8-4 43851 2743 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMapsDeepEqual-4 46140 2596 ns/op BenchmarkIsZero/ArrayComparable-4 371360 323.8 ns/op BenchmarkIsZero/ArrayIncomparable-4 40897 2952 ns/op BenchmarkIsZero/StructComparable-4 818994 133.8 ns/op BenchmarkIsZero/StructIncomparable-4 180349 656.7 ns/op BenchmarkIsZero/ArrayInt_4-4 1635114 72.97 ns/op BenchmarkIsZero/ArrayInt_1024-4 22230 5159 ns/op BenchmarkIsZero/ArrayInt_1024_NoZero-4 40436 2939 ns/op BenchmarkIsZero/Struct4Int-4 1629276 72.64 ns/op BenchmarkIsZero/ArrayStruct4Int_1024-4 21040 5088 ns/op BenchmarkIsZero/ArrayChanInt_1024-4 21108 5762 ns/op BenchmarkIsZero/StructInt_512-4 41054 2922 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Bool/Direct-4 4924179 24.95 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Bool/CachedZero-4 960360 108.8 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Bool/NewZero-4 773972 144.0 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Int/Direct-4 3190873 38.17 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Int/CachedZero-4 1000000 111.8 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Int/NewZero-4 755971 144.5 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Uint/Direct-4 3098502 38.94 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Uint/CachedZero-4 999516 108.2 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Uint/NewZero-4 760570 144.2 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Float/Direct-4 3109627 38.24 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Float/CachedZero-4 961983 111.4 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Float/NewZero-4 835200 147.5 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Complex/Direct-4 3090088 39.47 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Complex/CachedZero-4 991348 109.5 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Complex/NewZero-4 744628 146.9 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Array/Direct-4 2764867 42.34 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Array/CachedZero-4 926840 109.0 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Array/NewZero-4 816042 146.5 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Chan/Direct-4 3133347 38.36 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Chan/CachedZero-4 966524 117.0 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Chan/NewZero-4 799833 138.7 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Func/Direct-4 3138937 38.58 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Func/CachedZero-4 1000000 117.0 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Func/NewZero-4 839188 138.8 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Interface/Direct-4 2898076 41.50 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Interface/CachedZero-4 1000000 108.9 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Interface/NewZero-4 758527 143.8 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Map/Direct-4 3147580 38.61 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Map/CachedZero-4 968420 103.7 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Map/NewZero-4 804057 144.0 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Pointer/Direct-4 3116780 38.94 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Pointer/CachedZero-4 1000000 108.1 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Pointer/NewZero-4 847540 142.0 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Slice/Direct-4 2877367 41.41 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Slice/CachedZero-4 1000000 108.7 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Slice/NewZero-4 756556 143.7 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/String/Direct-4 3097606 38.97 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/String/CachedZero-4 1000000 108.3 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/String/NewZero-4 820191 144.1 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Struct/Direct-4 2831751 43.42 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Struct/CachedZero-4 1000000 109.2 ns/op BenchmarkSetZero/Struct/NewZero-4 807187 146.2 ns/op BenchmarkSelect/1-4 250279 485.5 ns/op 80 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkSelect/4-4 105396 1185 ns/op 208 B/op 8 allocs/op BenchmarkSelect/8-4 53166 2178 ns/op 672 B/op 13 allocs/op BenchmarkCall-4 341632 358.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkCallMethod-4 261264 464.2 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkCallArgCopy/size=128-4 106365 1074 ns/op 119.19 MB/s BenchmarkCallArgCopy/size=256-4 101278 1177 ns/op 217.59 MB/s BenchmarkCallArgCopy/size=1024-4 86582 1458 ns/op 702.10 MB/s BenchmarkCallArgCopy/size=4096-4 60366 2464 ns/op 1662.19 MB/s BenchmarkCallArgCopy/size=65536-4 5065 20355 ns/op 3219.58 MB/s BenchmarkFieldByName1-4 2126484 56.37 ns/op BenchmarkFieldByName2-4 148220 878.3 ns/op BenchmarkFieldByName3-4 22867 5225 ns/op BenchmarkInterfaceBig-4 5160508 23.06 ns/op BenchmarkInterfaceSmall-4 5153377 23.07 ns/op BenchmarkNew-4 3168109 38.14 ns/op BenchmarkMap/StringKeys/MapIndex-4 3267 36823 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMap/StringKeys/SetMapIndex-4 2524 45846 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMap/Uint64Keys/MapIndex-4 3128 38203 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMap/Uint64Keys/SetMapIndex-4 2634 45649 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMap/UserStringKeys/MapIndex-4 2997 37263 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMap/UserStringKeys/SetMapIndex-4 2542 46272 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMapIterNext-4 287055 407.5 ns/op BenchmarkTypeForString-4 2681674 45.59 ns/op BenchmarkTypeForError-4 1297555 92.27 ns/op PASS ok reflect 18.460s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: regexp cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkFind-4 17092 7505 ns/op 9386 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFindAllNoMatches-4 27121 5073 ns/op 9491 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFindString-4 19044 6332 ns/op 9250 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFindSubmatch-4 16579 7082 ns/op 9363 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkFindStringSubmatch-4 18511 6971 ns/op 9191 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkLiteral-4 30182 4147 ns/op BenchmarkNotLiteral-4 5517 20248 ns/op BenchmarkMatchClass-4 4354 26939 ns/op BenchmarkMatchClass_InRange-4 4446 25846 ns/op BenchmarkReplaceAll-4 4245 30422 ns/op BenchmarkAnchoredLiteralShortNonMatch-4 163587 733.2 ns/op BenchmarkAnchoredLiteralLongNonMatch-4 168550 736.5 ns/op BenchmarkAnchoredShortMatch-4 99964 1218 ns/op BenchmarkAnchoredLongMatch-4 100004 1227 ns/op BenchmarkOnePassShortA-4 26370 4587 ns/op BenchmarkNotOnePassShortA-4 10000 10188 ns/op BenchmarkOnePassShortB-4 34434 3571 ns/op BenchmarkNotOnePassShortB-4 14731 8068 ns/op BenchmarkOnePassLongPrefix-4 114843 1106 ns/op BenchmarkOnePassLongNotPrefix-4 38196 3191 ns/op BenchmarkMatchParallelShared-4 27699 4173 ns/op BenchmarkMatchParallelCopied-4 40549 3248 ns/op BenchmarkQuoteMetaAll-4 250570 471.3 ns/op 29.70 MB/s BenchmarkQuoteMetaNone-4 423655 281.5 ns/op 92.38 MB/s BenchmarkCompile/Onepass-4 5634 19598 ns/op 4272 B/op 52 allocs/op BenchmarkCompile/Medium-4 2467 48200 ns/op 10152 B/op 112 allocs/op BenchmarkCompile/Hard-4 278 437389 ns/op 90712 B/op 424 allocs/op BenchmarkMatch/Easy0/16-4 4663507 26.16 ns/op 611.64 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Easy0/32-4 38757 3588 ns/op 8.92 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Easy0/1K-4 30075 4009 ns/op 255.42 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Easy0i/16-4 4643964 25.60 ns/op 624.96 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Easy0i/32-4 8011 14672 ns/op 2.18 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Easy0i/1K-4 332 351802 ns/op 2.91 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Easy1/16-4 4804992 25.03 ns/op 639.29 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Easy1/32-4 32995 3674 ns/op 8.71 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Easy1/1K-4 10000 11126 ns/op 92.04 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Medium/16-4 4691965 25.86 ns/op 618.72 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Medium/32-4 9126 13187 ns/op 2.43 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Medium/1K-4 382 311127 ns/op 3.29 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Hard/16-4 4883409 24.20 ns/op 661.16 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Hard/32-4 5463 21725 ns/op 1.47 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Hard/1K-4 216 531319 ns/op 1.93 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Hard1/16-4 1942 61612 ns/op 0.26 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Hard1/32-4 1029 114016 ns/op 0.28 MB/s BenchmarkMatch/Hard1/1K-4 33 3444197 ns/op 0.30 MB/s BenchmarkMatch_onepass_regex/16-4 38815 3100 ns/op 5.16 MB/s 24 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMatch_onepass_regex/32-4 22556 5296 ns/op 6.04 MB/s 23 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMatch_onepass_regex/1K-4 850 142583 ns/op 7.18 MB/s 23 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok regexp 8.301s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: regexp/syntax cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkEmptyOpContext-4 820837 145.4 ns/op BenchmarkIsWordChar-4 266463 459.7 ns/op PASS ok regexp/syntax 2.045s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: runtime cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkCallers/cached-4 96945 1208 ns/op BenchmarkCallers/inlined-4 100935 1177 ns/op BenchmarkCallers/no-cache-4 23960 4973 ns/op BenchmarkFPCallers/cached-4 3765418 31.92 ns/op BenchmarkMakeChan/Byte-4 1494561 68.46 ns/op BenchmarkMakeChan/Int-4 1255108 95.00 ns/op BenchmarkMakeChan/Ptr-4 838731 133.0 ns/op BenchmarkMakeChan/Struct/0-4 1766972 69.13 ns/op BenchmarkMakeChan/Struct/32-4 881185 179.6 ns/op BenchmarkMakeChan/Struct/40-4 686568 186.8 ns/op BenchmarkChanNonblocking-4 13531924 8.434 ns/op BenchmarkSelectUncontended-4 2045301 67.55 ns/op BenchmarkSelectSyncContended-4 45781 2800 ns/op BenchmarkSelectAsyncContended-4 222387 492.4 ns/op BenchmarkSelectNonblock-4 7797537 15.06 ns/op BenchmarkChanUncontended-4 7220 15094 ns/op BenchmarkChanContended-4 798 140372 ns/op BenchmarkChanSync-4 188996 633.2 ns/op BenchmarkChanSyncWork-4 62241 1617 ns/op BenchmarkChanProdCons0-4 104060 1203 ns/op BenchmarkChanProdCons10-4 120692 932.2 ns/op BenchmarkChanProdCons100-4 118384 1392 ns/op BenchmarkChanProdConsWork0-4 78136 1604 ns/op BenchmarkChanProdConsWork10-4 87033 1502 ns/op BenchmarkChanProdConsWork100-4 90210 1403 ns/op BenchmarkSelectProdCons-4 52796 2028 ns/op BenchmarkReceiveDataFromClosedChan-4 1391310 78.21 ns/op BenchmarkChanCreation-4 183292 699.7 ns/op BenchmarkChanSem-4 139638 842.2 ns/op BenchmarkChanPopular-4 102 1115814 ns/op BenchmarkChanClosed-4 977730 117.0 ns/op BenchmarkCallClosure-4 7301110 14.91 ns/op BenchmarkCallClosure1-4 7900104 14.67 ns/op BenchmarkCallClosure2-4 1801102 58.52 ns/op BenchmarkCallClosure3-4 2301084 50.62 ns/op BenchmarkCallClosure4-4 2151786 56.17 ns/op BenchmarkComplex128DivNormal-4 14631028 7.702 ns/op BenchmarkComplex128DivNisNaN-4 11478894 10.45 ns/op BenchmarkComplex128DivDisNaN-4 10865275 10.90 ns/op BenchmarkComplex128DivNisInf-4 14188040 8.687 ns/op BenchmarkComplex128DivDisInf-4 8463200 14.27 ns/op BenchmarkAllocation-4 7495 19856 ns/op BenchmarkReadMemStats-4 9376 19229 ns/op BenchmarkReadMemStatsLatency-4 1 74310 p50-ns 74310 p90-ns 74310 p99-ns BenchmarkWriteBarrier-4 3003066 39.89 ns/op BenchmarkBulkWriteBarrier-4 11908112 10.00 ns/op BenchmarkScanStackNoLocals-4 4 25994795 ns/op BenchmarkMSpanCountAlloc/bits=64-4 14347567 8.440 ns/op BenchmarkMSpanCountAlloc/bits=128-4 13504696 8.260 ns/op BenchmarkMSpanCountAlloc/bits=256-4 12921721 9.110 ns/op BenchmarkMSpanCountAlloc/bits=512-4 9970437 11.34 ns/op BenchmarkMSpanCountAlloc/bits=1024-4 7251453 16.05 ns/op BenchmarkHash5-4 8059141 14.54 ns/op 343.77 MB/s BenchmarkHash16-4 8699577 14.63 ns/op 1093.58 MB/s BenchmarkHash64-4 8088142 15.58 ns/op 4108.72 MB/s BenchmarkHash1024-4 3953413 30.53 ns/op 33537.56 MB/s BenchmarkHash65536-4 90636 1326 ns/op 49413.97 MB/s BenchmarkAlignedLoad-4 10964191 11.29 ns/op BenchmarkUnalignedLoad-4 10692022 11.19 ns/op BenchmarkEqEfaceConcrete-4 8153196 14.77 ns/op BenchmarkEqIfaceConcrete-4 8187525 13.69 ns/op BenchmarkNeEfaceConcrete-4 8053753 13.94 ns/op BenchmarkNeIfaceConcrete-4 8009518 17.38 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2EByteSized/bool-4 7841439 15.23 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2EByteSized/uint8-4 7729735 14.88 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2ESmall-4 7163082 17.08 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2EUintptr-4 7035080 16.77 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2ELarge-4 1710813 66.94 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2ISmall-4 7003596 17.39 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2IUintptr-4 7037476 16.86 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2ILarge-4 1784917 74.09 ns/op BenchmarkConvI2E-4 7013956 17.31 ns/op BenchmarkConvI2I-4 7357086 17.09 ns/op BenchmarkAssertE2T-4 6640890 18.02 ns/op BenchmarkAssertE2TLarge-4 3778909 33.56 ns/op BenchmarkAssertE2I-4 7284654 16.13 ns/op BenchmarkAssertI2T-4 6832558 17.91 ns/op BenchmarkAssertI2I-4 7029524 16.05 ns/op BenchmarkAssertI2E-4 7583889 15.81 ns/op BenchmarkAssertE2E-4 7837582 15.21 ns/op BenchmarkAssertE2T2-4 5438593 22.43 ns/op BenchmarkAssertE2T2Blank-4 6905895 17.88 ns/op BenchmarkAssertI2E2-4 5759714 20.77 ns/op BenchmarkAssertI2E2Blank-4 7836763 14.89 ns/op BenchmarkAssertE2E2-4 5092496 19.92 ns/op BenchmarkAssertE2E2Blank-4 7883122 15.22 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/zero/16-4 7112364 16.67 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/zero/32-4 7279024 16.46 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/zero/64-4 6770313 17.05 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/zero/str-4 6902972 17.68 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/zero/slice-4 7030579 16.49 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/zero/big-4 486638 423.6 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/nonzero/str-4 2080335 58.70 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/nonzero/slice-4 1893780 57.97 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/nonzero/big-4 444555 287.4 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/smallint/16-4 5241534 21.78 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/smallint/32-4 7036766 17.12 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/smallint/64-4 7354322 16.80 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/largeint/16-4 2603726 48.10 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/largeint/32-4 2339652 49.94 ns/op BenchmarkConvT2Ezero/largeint/64-4 2712165 49.68 ns/op BenchmarkMalloc8-4 3233821 41.86 ns/op BenchmarkMalloc16-4 2786139 46.52 ns/op BenchmarkMallocTypeInfo8-4 2793189 43.09 ns/op BenchmarkMallocTypeInfo16-4 2510317 54.09 ns/op BenchmarkMallocLargeStruct-4 330775 442.9 ns/op BenchmarkGoroutineSelect-4 100 1186871 ns/op BenchmarkGoroutineBlocking-4 134 895177 ns/op BenchmarkGoroutineForRange-4 122 955069 ns/op BenchmarkGoroutineIdle-4 138 745713 ns/op BenchmarkHashStringSpeed-4 3922600 28.83 ns/op BenchmarkHashBytesSpeed-4 2182635 54.20 ns/op BenchmarkHashInt32Speed-4 3948146 29.72 ns/op BenchmarkHashInt64Speed-4 3939700 30.02 ns/op BenchmarkHashStringArraySpeed-4 826075 135.9 ns/op BenchmarkMegMap-4 4456123 27.30 ns/op BenchmarkMegOneMap-4 5472207 21.02 ns/op BenchmarkMegEqMap-4 3873 27303 ns/op BenchmarkMegEmptyMap-4 6102165 19.64 ns/op BenchmarkMegEmptyMapWithInterfaceKey-4 3880177 30.39 ns/op BenchmarkSmallStrMap-4 4780447 24.90 ns/op BenchmarkMapStringKeysEight_16-4 4534500 26.25 ns/op BenchmarkMapStringKeysEight_32-4 4629866 25.67 ns/op BenchmarkMapStringKeysEight_64-4 4595436 25.51 ns/op BenchmarkMapStringKeysEight_1M-4 4816394 24.96 ns/op BenchmarkIntMap-4 4723027 25.31 ns/op BenchmarkMapFirst/1-4 5950291 20.08 ns/op BenchmarkMapFirst/2-4 5864145 20.06 ns/op BenchmarkMapFirst/3-4 5916526 20.03 ns/op BenchmarkMapFirst/4-4 5862968 20.45 ns/op BenchmarkMapFirst/5-4 5879162 19.72 ns/op BenchmarkMapFirst/6-4 5858402 20.22 ns/op BenchmarkMapFirst/7-4 5882312 20.08 ns/op BenchmarkMapFirst/8-4 5898997 20.33 ns/op BenchmarkMapFirst/9-4 5287952 22.57 ns/op BenchmarkMapFirst/10-4 5167544 22.82 ns/op BenchmarkMapFirst/11-4 5348679 22.06 ns/op BenchmarkMapFirst/12-4 5142451 22.87 ns/op BenchmarkMapFirst/13-4 5268795 22.80 ns/op BenchmarkMapFirst/14-4 5328277 22.48 ns/op BenchmarkMapFirst/15-4 5261184 22.88 ns/op BenchmarkMapFirst/16-4 5216937 22.81 ns/op BenchmarkMapMid/1-4 5911082 20.39 ns/op BenchmarkMapMid/2-4 5636554 21.02 ns/op BenchmarkMapMid/3-4 5671712 20.10 ns/op BenchmarkMapMid/4-4 5332292 22.16 ns/op BenchmarkMapMid/5-4 5571144 22.00 ns/op BenchmarkMapMid/6-4 5317173 22.53 ns/op BenchmarkMapMid/7-4 5272546 21.95 ns/op BenchmarkMapMid/8-4 5041963 23.46 ns/op BenchmarkMapMid/9-4 4929272 24.72 ns/op BenchmarkMapMid/10-4 4577078 24.50 ns/op BenchmarkMapMid/11-4 4644698 26.32 ns/op BenchmarkMapMid/12-4 4855012 24.44 ns/op BenchmarkMapMid/13-4 4988230 24.42 ns/op BenchmarkMapMid/14-4 4845142 23.74 ns/op BenchmarkMapMid/15-4 5117036 24.16 ns/op BenchmarkMapMid/16-4 4802515 25.09 ns/op BenchmarkMapLast/1-4 5992970 20.07 ns/op BenchmarkMapLast/2-4 5697548 20.66 ns/op BenchmarkMapLast/3-4 5540053 21.10 ns/op BenchmarkMapLast/4-4 5254365 22.48 ns/op BenchmarkMapLast/5-4 5253946 22.30 ns/op BenchmarkMapLast/6-4 5057404 23.70 ns/op BenchmarkMapLast/7-4 4988526 24.40 ns/op BenchmarkMapLast/8-4 4864090 24.13 ns/op BenchmarkMapLast/9-4 4724073 24.65 ns/op BenchmarkMapLast/10-4 4626178 26.63 ns/op BenchmarkMapLast/11-4 4592010 26.28 ns/op BenchmarkMapLast/12-4 4328856 25.34 ns/op BenchmarkMapLast/13-4 4471960 26.27 ns/op BenchmarkMapLast/14-4 5122699 24.70 ns/op BenchmarkMapLast/15-4 4741309 26.25 ns/op BenchmarkMapLast/16-4 4672261 25.46 ns/op BenchmarkMapCycle-4 4291870 27.55 ns/op BenchmarkRepeatedLookupStrMapKey32-4 5272430 22.10 ns/op BenchmarkRepeatedLookupStrMapKey1M-4 4456 22460 ns/op BenchmarkMakeMap/[Byte]Byte-4 946154 168.5 ns/op BenchmarkMakeMap/[Int]Int-4 661765 375.9 ns/op BenchmarkNewEmptyMap-4 5438262 22.46 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkNewSmallMap-4 1962402 61.12 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMapIter-4 693180 149.3 ns/op BenchmarkMapIterEmpty-4 7230267 15.51 ns/op BenchmarkSameLengthMap-4 5813505 19.68 ns/op BenchmarkBigKeyMap-4 2366142 50.03 ns/op BenchmarkBigValMap-4 2249487 52.26 ns/op BenchmarkSmallKeyMap-4 3757766 31.95 ns/op BenchmarkMapPopulate/1-4 2866346 41.47 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMapPopulate/10-4 208898 608.3 ns/op 179 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkMapPopulate/100-4 12393 8944 ns/op 3351 B/op 17 allocs/op BenchmarkMapPopulate/1000-4 1140 105947 ns/op 53289 B/op 72 allocs/op BenchmarkMapPopulate/10000-4 100 1179316 ns/op 427912 B/op 323 allocs/op BenchmarkMapPopulate/100000-4 9 12741014 ns/op 3607259 B/op 3980 allocs/op BenchmarkComplexAlgMap-4 667897 181.3 ns/op BenchmarkGoMapClear/Reflexive/1-4 2386768 50.17 ns/op BenchmarkGoMapClear/Reflexive/10-4 2194160 54.58 ns/op BenchmarkGoMapClear/Reflexive/100-4 757154 132.8 ns/op BenchmarkGoMapClear/Reflexive/1000-4 73089 1577 ns/op BenchmarkGoMapClear/Reflexive/10000-4 9984 12010 ns/op BenchmarkGoMapClear/NonReflexive/1-4 1885152 63.76 ns/op BenchmarkGoMapClear/NonReflexive/10-4 1640338 73.61 ns/op BenchmarkGoMapClear/NonReflexive/100-4 774174 155.2 ns/op BenchmarkGoMapClear/NonReflexive/1000-4 75938 1592 ns/op BenchmarkGoMapClear/NonReflexive/10000-4 9776 11984 ns/op BenchmarkMapStringConversion/32/simple-4 2625001 45.78 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMapStringConversion/32/struct-4 2316525 51.41 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMapStringConversion/32/array-4 2336641 51.03 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMapStringConversion/64/simple-4 2600245 46.04 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMapStringConversion/64/struct-4 2212813 54.00 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMapStringConversion/64/array-4 2250873 54.09 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMapInterfaceString-4 2635411 44.66 ns/op BenchmarkMapInterfacePtr-4 2435012 50.57 ns/op BenchmarkNewEmptyMapHintLessThan8-4 4019355 30.38 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkNewEmptyMapHintGreaterThan8-4 210972 598.0 ns/op 1152 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkMapPop100-4 6526 16117 ns/op BenchmarkMapPop1000-4 511 232090 ns/op BenchmarkMapPop10000-4 31 4078402 ns/op BenchmarkMapAssign/Int32/256-4 4408842 27.63 ns/op BenchmarkMapAssign/Int32/65536-4 2190246 52.43 ns/op BenchmarkMapAssign/Int64/256-4 4262001 28.58 ns/op BenchmarkMapAssign/Int64/65536-4 2015863 56.58 ns/op BenchmarkMapAssign/Str/256-4 3094558 38.01 ns/op BenchmarkMapAssign/Str/65536-4 1726876 72.16 ns/op BenchmarkMapOperatorAssign/Int32/256-4 2294734 51.08 ns/op BenchmarkMapOperatorAssign/Int32/65536-4 1559232 84.69 ns/op BenchmarkMapOperatorAssign/Int64/256-4 2243626 52.27 ns/op BenchmarkMapOperatorAssign/Int64/65536-4 1452032 78.01 ns/op BenchmarkMapOperatorAssign/Str/256-4 838602 2341 ns/op BenchmarkMapOperatorAssign/Str/65536-4 626932 224.9 ns/op BenchmarkMapAppendAssign/Int32/256-4 2019087 65.06 ns/op 32 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMapAppendAssign/Int32/65536-4 486316 226.1 ns/op 35 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMapAppendAssign/Int64/256-4 1936656 62.01 ns/op 34 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMapAppendAssign/Int64/65536-4 456363 238.5 ns/op 40 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMapAppendAssign/Str/256-4 1000000 106.8 ns/op 61 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMapAppendAssign/Str/65536-4 451524 253.2 ns/op 62 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMapDelete/Int32/100-4 2406639 48.95 ns/op BenchmarkMapDelete/Int32/1000-4 2661892 44.87 ns/op BenchmarkMapDelete/Int32/10000-4 2595889 46.37 ns/op BenchmarkMapDelete/Int64/100-4 2390688 50.25 ns/op BenchmarkMapDelete/Int64/1000-4 2644297 45.54 ns/op BenchmarkMapDelete/Int64/10000-4 2464192 46.81 ns/op BenchmarkMapDelete/Str/100-4 1926384 62.44 ns/op BenchmarkMapDelete/Str/1000-4 2125791 56.33 ns/op BenchmarkMapDelete/Str/10000-4 1943158 60.78 ns/op BenchmarkMapDelete/Pointer/100-4 2146908 54.59 ns/op BenchmarkMapDelete/Pointer/1000-4 2354953 50.99 ns/op BenchmarkMapDelete/Pointer/10000-4 2291875 51.84 ns/op BenchmarkMemmove/0-4 16106223 7.385 ns/op BenchmarkMemmove/1-4 2894500 41.75 ns/op 23.95 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/2-4 2745975 41.39 ns/op 48.32 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/3-4 2810382 42.29 ns/op 70.95 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/4-4 2774773 41.64 ns/op 96.06 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/5-4 2870070 42.21 ns/op 118.47 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/6-4 2868800 41.97 ns/op 142.95 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/7-4 2849198 41.76 ns/op 167.64 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/8-4 2739063 44.32 ns/op 180.51 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/9-4 2546398 45.18 ns/op 199.20 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/10-4 2664703 44.69 ns/op 223.76 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/11-4 2648103 44.89 ns/op 245.04 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/12-4 2680176 45.70 ns/op 262.61 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/13-4 2665017 46.88 ns/op 277.29 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/14-4 2656868 45.05 ns/op 310.75 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/15-4 2610380 45.12 ns/op 332.44 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/16-4 2736076 43.73 ns/op 365.84 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/32-4 2607231 44.83 ns/op 713.79 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/64-4 2322378 50.83 ns/op 1259.20 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/128-4 1945588 62.43 ns/op 2050.25 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/256-4 1510303 79.39 ns/op 3224.50 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/512-4 910137 121.8 ns/op 4201.94 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/1024-4 620503 185.8 ns/op 5510.68 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/2048-4 338406 373.3 ns/op 5486.48 MB/s BenchmarkMemmove/4096-4 191799 631.4 ns/op 6486.75 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveOverlap/32-4 2611436 45.44 ns/op 704.16 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveOverlap/64-4 2376486 52.20 ns/op 1226.02 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveOverlap/128-4 1936722 61.90 ns/op 2067.82 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveOverlap/256-4 1502108 80.16 ns/op 3193.64 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveOverlap/512-4 869539 133.8 ns/op 3826.80 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveOverlap/1024-4 603939 187.5 ns/op 5460.97 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveOverlap/2048-4 352736 320.9 ns/op 6381.37 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveOverlap/4096-4 196725 589.4 ns/op 6948.97 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/0-4 16640835 7.155 ns/op BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/1-4 3008362 41.21 ns/op 24.27 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/2-4 2905107 43.25 ns/op 46.24 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/3-4 2761382 40.45 ns/op 74.17 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/4-4 2882310 41.62 ns/op 96.11 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/5-4 2900835 40.99 ns/op 121.97 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/6-4 2908728 42.81 ns/op 140.14 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/7-4 2902586 42.62 ns/op 164.23 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/8-4 2846464 43.26 ns/op 184.91 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/9-4 2661662 45.02 ns/op 199.91 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/10-4 2677118 45.15 ns/op 221.50 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/11-4 2690781 44.33 ns/op 248.16 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/12-4 2712367 44.82 ns/op 267.76 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/13-4 2671683 47.64 ns/op 272.88 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/14-4 2669566 47.75 ns/op 293.18 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/15-4 2479137 44.04 ns/op 340.63 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/16-4 2685504 44.99 ns/op 355.62 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/32-4 2525080 47.78 ns/op 669.74 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/64-4 2202756 53.15 ns/op 1204.16 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/128-4 1853456 64.76 ns/op 1976.41 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/256-4 1447492 83.96 ns/op 3048.90 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/512-4 869690 137.4 ns/op 3725.98 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/1024-4 631760 188.4 ns/op 5436.03 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/2048-4 345147 384.0 ns/op 5333.12 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDst/4096-4 201367 592.9 ns/op 6908.58 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDstOverlap/32-4 2508738 48.09 ns/op 665.39 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDstOverlap/64-4 2195811 54.81 ns/op 1167.77 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDstOverlap/128-4 1888564 63.44 ns/op 2017.61 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDstOverlap/256-4 1458356 83.16 ns/op 3078.41 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDstOverlap/512-4 991578 128.4 ns/op 3988.32 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDstOverlap/1024-4 610269 194.8 ns/op 5257.55 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDstOverlap/2048-4 352310 326.9 ns/op 6264.25 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedDstOverlap/4096-4 181404 649.2 ns/op 6309.73 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/0-4 16853728 7.133 ns/op BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/1-4 2990746 41.51 ns/op 24.09 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/2-4 2884309 41.70 ns/op 47.96 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/3-4 2888451 41.24 ns/op 72.75 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/4-4 2882727 41.27 ns/op 96.91 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/5-4 2895086 41.22 ns/op 121.30 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/6-4 2893076 41.52 ns/op 144.51 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/7-4 2896006 41.47 ns/op 168.81 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/8-4 2772801 43.84 ns/op 182.49 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/9-4 2677494 45.33 ns/op 198.54 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/10-4 2587551 44.42 ns/op 225.12 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/11-4 2693205 44.01 ns/op 249.94 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/12-4 2721468 44.76 ns/op 268.11 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/13-4 2667717 45.07 ns/op 288.42 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/14-4 2670868 44.69 ns/op 313.29 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/15-4 2577356 44.65 ns/op 335.91 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/16-4 2655962 45.21 ns/op 353.87 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/32-4 2583800 46.93 ns/op 681.92 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/64-4 2199244 52.59 ns/op 1216.96 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/128-4 1924134 63.36 ns/op 2020.26 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/256-4 1450520 84.11 ns/op 3043.66 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/512-4 878655 120.4 ns/op 4253.13 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/1024-4 599896 196.1 ns/op 5221.77 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/2048-4 335431 343.9 ns/op 5955.49 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrc/4096-4 189519 653.7 ns/op 6265.84 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_16_0-4 2147647 55.99 ns/op 285.77 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_16_0-4 2171734 56.97 ns/op 280.83 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_16_1-4 2052912 58.19 ns/op 274.96 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_16_1-4 2028025 60.03 ns/op 266.55 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_16_4-4 2045121 59.08 ns/op 270.81 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_16_4-4 2057556 57.87 ns/op 276.49 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_16_7-4 2061055 59.07 ns/op 270.88 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_16_7-4 2065917 57.94 ns/op 276.16 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_64_0-4 1937196 62.65 ns/op 1021.51 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_64_0-4 1824072 64.47 ns/op 992.76 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_64_1-4 1786318 67.28 ns/op 951.28 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_64_1-4 1771111 67.61 ns/op 946.54 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_64_4-4 1702656 70.88 ns/op 902.90 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_64_4-4 1845454 67.98 ns/op 941.51 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_64_7-4 1761872 67.69 ns/op 945.45 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_64_7-4 1793714 67.50 ns/op 948.18 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_256_0-4 1299381 93.51 ns/op 2737.71 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_256_0-4 1000000 118.0 ns/op 2168.80 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_256_1-4 1150107 103.8 ns/op 2466.98 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_256_1-4 1102080 107.8 ns/op 2374.34 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_256_4-4 1166088 102.7 ns/op 2493.73 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_256_4-4 963180 107.8 ns/op 2374.94 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_256_7-4 1160192 103.4 ns/op 2475.12 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_256_7-4 944174 108.8 ns/op 2353.34 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_4096_0-4 155788 734.7 ns/op 5575.19 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_4096_0-4 113492 1056 ns/op 3878.48 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_4096_1-4 153122 777.5 ns/op 5268.39 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_4096_1-4 146308 800.4 ns/op 5117.32 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_4096_4-4 153542 775.9 ns/op 5278.88 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_4096_4-4 147036 786.9 ns/op 5205.30 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_4096_7-4 156234 778.6 ns/op 5260.58 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_4096_7-4 149768 783.8 ns/op 5225.97 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_65536_0-4 8649 11654 ns/op 5623.27 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_65536_0-4 6711 16771 ns/op 3907.66 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_65536_1-4 9690 12492 ns/op 5246.07 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_65536_1-4 7045 14931 ns/op 4389.25 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_65536_4-4 9517 12327 ns/op 5316.46 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_65536_4-4 8930 12364 ns/op 5300.60 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/f_65536_7-4 9637 12229 ns/op 5358.94 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcDst/b_65536_7-4 8786 12485 ns/op 5249.23 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcOverlap/32-4 2539461 47.64 ns/op 671.67 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcOverlap/64-4 2249815 53.61 ns/op 1193.81 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcOverlap/128-4 1909042 63.66 ns/op 2010.76 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcOverlap/256-4 1459048 82.20 ns/op 3114.33 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcOverlap/512-4 890438 137.1 ns/op 3734.37 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcOverlap/1024-4 630963 189.5 ns/op 5404.63 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcOverlap/2048-4 352928 320.6 ns/op 6387.99 MB/s BenchmarkMemmoveUnalignedSrcOverlap/4096-4 187317 632.2 ns/op 6479.29 MB/s BenchmarkMemclr/5-4 14099008 8.375 ns/op 597.01 MB/s BenchmarkMemclr/16-4 14338344 8.371 ns/op 1911.46 MB/s BenchmarkMemclr/64-4 13333216 8.898 ns/op 7192.23 MB/s BenchmarkMemclr/256-4 12874184 9.175 ns/op 27902.40 MB/s BenchmarkMemclr/4096-4 2801029 42.79 ns/op 95721.37 MB/s BenchmarkMemclr/65536-4 153766 731.8 ns/op 89550.35 MB/s BenchmarkMemclr/1M-4 7812 18610 ns/op 56343.34 MB/s BenchmarkMemclr/4M-4 2115 60545 ns/op 69276.08 MB/s BenchmarkMemclr/8M-4 861 123253 ns/op 68060.06 MB/s BenchmarkMemclr/16M-4 482 225862 ns/op 74280.84 MB/s BenchmarkMemclr/64M-4 92 1289500 ns/op 52042.53 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/0_5-4 7889461 13.75 ns/op 363.73 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/0_16-4 8418020 14.28 ns/op 1120.21 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/0_64-4 8064882 14.94 ns/op 4282.51 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/0_256-4 8737832 15.23 ns/op 16814.40 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/0_4096-4 2692351 44.18 ns/op 92703.42 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/0_65536-4 163944 733.0 ns/op 89410.74 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/1_5-4 8388297 14.27 ns/op 350.43 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/1_16-4 8184655 15.36 ns/op 1041.53 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/1_64-4 8034927 14.35 ns/op 4459.69 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/1_256-4 7748516 15.32 ns/op 16706.97 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/1_4096-4 1824163 65.73 ns/op 62314.80 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/1_65536-4 125950 928.9 ns/op 70554.15 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/4_5-4 8404059 14.30 ns/op 349.55 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/4_16-4 8216401 14.53 ns/op 1101.36 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/4_64-4 8570673 13.77 ns/op 4647.00 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/4_256-4 6214953 19.34 ns/op 13238.26 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/4_4096-4 1957352 61.92 ns/op 66151.96 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/4_65536-4 136407 870.9 ns/op 75248.77 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/7_5-4 8408694 14.30 ns/op 349.71 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/7_16-4 8261013 14.50 ns/op 1103.72 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/7_64-4 8031223 14.30 ns/op 4476.46 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/7_256-4 7719685 13.80 ns/op 18549.33 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/7_4096-4 1807069 66.11 ns/op 61957.34 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/7_65536-4 128721 928.4 ns/op 70590.97 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/0_1M-4 6598 18652 ns/op 56216.71 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/0_4M-4 1848 56118 ns/op 74740.82 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/0_8M-4 1084 115541 ns/op 72603.17 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/0_16M-4 369 317237 ns/op 52885.50 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/0_64M-4 91 1289064 ns/op 52060.16 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/1_1M-4 6846 17998 ns/op 58261.48 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/1_4M-4 1581 66334 ns/op 63230.54 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/1_8M-4 752 147469 ns/op 56884.05 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/1_16M-4 390 302682 ns/op 55428.50 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/1_64M-4 76 1347690 ns/op 49795.49 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/4_1M-4 6624 18915 ns/op 55437.46 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/4_4M-4 1564 74333 ns/op 56425.82 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/4_8M-4 805 130816 ns/op 64125.19 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/4_16M-4 388 305827 ns/op 54858.47 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/4_64M-4 91 1294508 ns/op 51841.23 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/7_1M-4 6340 18500 ns/op 56680.60 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/7_4M-4 1520 67305 ns/op 62317.64 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/7_8M-4 914 129651 ns/op 64701.49 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/7_16M-4 373 276507 ns/op 60675.49 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrUnaligned/7_64M-4 91 1290599 ns/op 51998.21 MB/s BenchmarkGoMemclr/5-4 18653430 7.141 ns/op 700.17 MB/s BenchmarkGoMemclr/16-4 16517444 6.313 ns/op 2534.50 MB/s BenchmarkGoMemclr/64-4 15222366 7.583 ns/op 8439.48 MB/s BenchmarkGoMemclr/256-4 14770381 8.097 ns/op 31617.96 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrRange/1K_2K-4 94976 1260 ns/op 76109.11 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrRange/2K_8K-4 31371 3835 ns/op 86968.05 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrRange/4K_16K-4 36578 3281 ns/op 98464.67 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrRange/160K_228K-4 5565 18610 ns/op 89354.94 MB/s BenchmarkClearFat7-4 9787224 11.17 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat8-4 9135241 12.84 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat11-4 8370154 13.10 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat12-4 8212387 14.10 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat13-4 8506292 13.80 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat14-4 8229750 13.77 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat15-4 8992662 13.15 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat16-4 8718686 12.97 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat24-4 8434978 13.02 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat32-4 7962273 14.76 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat40-4 7811007 15.10 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat48-4 7215361 16.32 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat56-4 7066686 16.28 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat64-4 6708802 17.57 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat72-4 6596376 17.89 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat128-4 4733844 24.63 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat256-4 3385804 35.12 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat512-4 1978220 60.51 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat1024-4 990112 101.2 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat1032-4 1000000 101.6 ns/op BenchmarkClearFat1040-4 942631 127.0 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat7-4 10564840 10.99 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat8-4 9083298 12.65 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat11-4 8477268 13.81 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat12-4 8986063 13.81 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat13-4 8312509 14.12 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat14-4 8313247 13.17 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat15-4 8249768 14.11 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat16-4 8860173 13.14 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat24-4 8306301 14.09 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat32-4 8118934 14.42 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat64-4 6830486 17.28 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat72-4 6456771 18.21 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat128-4 4710937 25.01 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat256-4 3371022 34.75 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat512-4 1951477 61.28 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat520-4 1913422 61.63 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat1024-4 1000000 109.2 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat1032-4 1000000 109.6 ns/op BenchmarkCopyFat1040-4 1000000 116.7 ns/op BenchmarkIssue18740/2byte-4 744 161496 ns/op BenchmarkIssue18740/4byte-4 1188 100976 ns/op BenchmarkIssue18740/8byte-4 1695 69496 ns/op BenchmarkMemclrKnownSize1-4 11530911 9.963 ns/op 100.37 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrKnownSize2-4 7734109 15.77 ns/op 126.80 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrKnownSize4-4 4489464 27.05 ns/op 147.87 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrKnownSize8-4 2040564 57.29 ns/op 139.65 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrKnownSize16-4 1000000 115.9 ns/op 138.03 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrKnownSize32-4 551704 220.6 ns/op 145.07 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrKnownSize64-4 254792 440.3 ns/op 145.35 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrKnownSize112-4 164438 757.6 ns/op 147.83 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrKnownSize128-4 139398 869.3 ns/op 147.24 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrKnownSize192-4 93283 1682 ns/op 114.18 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrKnownSize248-4 73423 1614 ns/op 153.63 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrKnownSize256-4 68977 1729 ns/op 148.08 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrKnownSize512-4 34940 3572 ns/op 143.35 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrKnownSize1024-4 15470 6858 ns/op 149.32 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrKnownSize4096-4 4035 27247 ns/op 150.33 MB/s BenchmarkMemclrKnownSize512KiB-4 27 3873644 ns/op 135.35 MB/s BenchmarkReadMetricsLatency-4 17174 4419 p50-ns 4950 p90-ns 18160 p99-ns BenchmarkFinalizer-4 369 313648 ns/op BenchmarkFinalizerRun-4 312492 637.1 ns/op BenchmarkMinFloat-4 2191844 63.98 ns/op BenchmarkMaxFloat-4 2225593 62.74 ns/op BenchmarkPallocBitsSummarize/Unpacked00-4 9779949 13.72 ns/op BenchmarkPallocBitsSummarize/UnpackedFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-4 2945541 40.15 ns/op BenchmarkPallocBitsSummarize/UnpackedAA-4 2529384 46.38 ns/op BenchmarkPallocBitsSummarize/UnpackedAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-4 2547783 47.64 ns/op BenchmarkPallocBitsSummarize/Unpacked80000000AAAAAAAA-4 1777131 67.68 ns/op BenchmarkPallocBitsSummarize/UnpackedAAAAAAAA00000001-4 1696399 70.79 ns/op BenchmarkPallocBitsSummarize/UnpackedBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB-4 2394966 50.08 ns/op BenchmarkPallocBitsSummarize/Unpacked80000000BBBBBBBB-4 1721882 69.44 ns/op BenchmarkPallocBitsSummarize/UnpackedBBBBBBBB00000001-4 1805149 66.66 ns/op BenchmarkPallocBitsSummarize/UnpackedCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC-4 2310600 51.87 ns/op BenchmarkPallocBitsSummarize/Unpacked4444444444444444-4 2303180 52.11 ns/op BenchmarkPallocBitsSummarize/Unpacked4040404040404040-4 2114541 56.58 ns/op BenchmarkPallocBitsSummarize/Unpacked4000400040004000-4 1953082 61.42 ns/op BenchmarkPallocBitsSummarize/Unpacked1000404044CCAAFF-4 1789669 66.54 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern00Size2-4 9390382 12.74 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern00Size8-4 9130820 13.05 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern00Size32-4 9210462 13.06 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFSize2-4 9413468 12.74 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFSize8-4 8526668 13.98 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFSize32-4 7877295 15.24 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternAASize2-4 10421967 11.50 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternAASize8-4 9195168 11.31 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternAASize32-4 9211820 12.43 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASize2-4 9303168 12.72 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASize8-4 9198248 13.12 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASize32-4 9220546 12.25 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern80000000AAAAAAAASize2-4 9360445 12.74 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern80000000AAAAAAAASize8-4 9187318 13.02 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern80000000AAAAAAAASize32-4 9191026 13.02 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternAAAAAAAA00000001Size2-4 9400990 12.08 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternAAAAAAAA00000001Size8-4 9192865 13.03 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternAAAAAAAA00000001Size32-4 9121110 11.86 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSize2-4 9441338 12.73 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSize8-4 8787093 13.66 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSize32-4 8787627 13.65 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern80000000BBBBBBBBSize2-4 9373080 12.72 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern80000000BBBBBBBBSize8-4 8984710 13.65 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern80000000BBBBBBBBSize32-4 8777665 13.66 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternBBBBBBBB00000001Size2-4 9437871 12.75 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternBBBBBBBB00000001Size8-4 8776566 13.74 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternBBBBBBBB00000001Size32-4 8775996 13.67 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCSize2-4 9377695 12.79 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCSize8-4 8780566 13.65 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/PatternCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCSize32-4 8775417 13.66 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern4444444444444444Size2-4 9390721 12.72 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern4444444444444444Size8-4 9196810 13.03 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern4444444444444444Size32-4 9214387 13.05 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern4040404040404040Size2-4 9429972 12.72 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern4040404040404040Size8-4 9198825 13.03 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern4040404040404040Size32-4 9189309 13.11 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern4000400040004000Size2-4 9360496 12.74 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern4000400040004000Size8-4 9097062 13.06 ns/op BenchmarkFindBitRange64/Pattern4000400040004000Size32-4 9191055 12.95 ns/op BenchmarkNetpollBreak-4 4766 25369 ns/op BenchmarkPinnerPinUnpinBatch-4 2353 67381 ns/op BenchmarkPinnerPinUnpinBatchDouble-4 314 347664 ns/op BenchmarkPinnerPinUnpinBatchTiny-4 2358 70112 ns/op BenchmarkPinnerPinUnpin-4 2447626 48.86 ns/op BenchmarkPinnerPinUnpinTiny-4 2419960 49.31 ns/op BenchmarkPinnerPinUnpinDouble-4 941500 125.7 ns/op BenchmarkPinnerPinUnpinParallel-4 6556164 18.10 ns/op BenchmarkPinnerPinUnpinParallelTiny-4 6600153 18.00 ns/op BenchmarkPinnerPinUnpinParallelDouble-4 210757 586.9 ns/op BenchmarkPinnerIsPinnedOnPinned-4 8467620 13.99 ns/op BenchmarkPinnerIsPinnedOnUnpinned-4 8197839 14.58 ns/op BenchmarkPinnerIsPinnedOnPinnedParallel-4 12853252 9.392 ns/op BenchmarkPinnerIsPinnedOnUnpinnedParallel-4 12425846 9.457 ns/op BenchmarkPingPongHog-4 301 351526 ns/op BenchmarkStackGrowth-4 177295 618.6 ns/op BenchmarkStackGrowthDeep-4 1939 61723 ns/op BenchmarkCreateGoroutines-4 54342 2670 ns/op BenchmarkCreateGoroutinesParallel-4 81213 1497 ns/op BenchmarkCreateGoroutinesCapture-4 9813 13872 ns/op 144 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkCreateGoroutinesSingle-4 38898 3102 ns/op BenchmarkClosureCall-4 22736254 5.274 ns/op BenchmarkWakeupParallelSpinning/0s-4 6572 18528 ns/op BenchmarkWakeupParallelSpinning/1µs-4 5638 22857 ns/op BenchmarkWakeupParallelSpinning/2µs-4 4057 28907 ns/op BenchmarkWakeupParallelSpinning/5µs-4 2929 40157 ns/op BenchmarkWakeupParallelSpinning/10µs-4 2283 53773 ns/op BenchmarkWakeupParallelSpinning/20µs-4 1354 87654 ns/op BenchmarkWakeupParallelSpinning/50µs-4 830 146139 ns/op BenchmarkWakeupParallelSpinning/100µs-4 500 244507 ns/op BenchmarkMatmult-4 6213466 18.65 ns/op BenchmarkFastrand-4 14150530 8.527 ns/op BenchmarkFastrand64-4 14264269 8.336 ns/op BenchmarkFastrandHashiter-4 6513202 18.57 ns/op BenchmarkFastrandn/2-4 7490466 16.04 ns/op BenchmarkFastrandn/3-4 7546264 16.06 ns/op BenchmarkFastrandn/4-4 7101466 16.51 ns/op BenchmarkFastrandn/5-4 7365232 16.54 ns/op BenchmarkIfaceCmp100-4 123930 944.0 ns/op BenchmarkIfaceCmpNil100-4 216482 541.4 ns/op BenchmarkEfaceCmpDiff-4 42834 2809 ns/op BenchmarkEfaceCmpDiffIndirect-4 38216 3117 ns/op BenchmarkDefer-4 1584672 75.11 ns/op BenchmarkDefer10-4 1000000 103.9 ns/op BenchmarkDeferMany-4 712850 229.9 ns/op BenchmarkPanicRecover-4 760840 145.2 ns/op BenchmarkGoroutineProfile/small-nil/idle-4 224943 536.1 ns/op 181.0 p50-ns 230.0 p90-ns 389.0 p99-ns BenchmarkGoroutineProfile/small-nil/loaded-4 182678 826.5 ns/op 181.0 p50-ns 240.0 p90-ns 420.0 p99-ns BenchmarkGoroutineProfile/small/idle-4 3246 34154 ns/op 29040 p50-ns 36420 p90-ns 85320 p99-ns BenchmarkGoroutineProfile/small/loaded-4 100 3538158 ns/op 140150 p50-ns 19181486 p90-ns 49647152 p99-ns BenchmarkGoroutineProfile/large-nil/idle-4 204555 492.7 ns/op 180.0 p50-ns 181.0 p90-ns 211.0 p99-ns BenchmarkGoroutineProfile/large-nil/loaded-4 191064 643.2 ns/op 181.0 p50-ns 251.0 p90-ns 410.0 p99-ns BenchmarkGoroutineProfile/large/idle-4 55 2436634 ns/op 2109762 p50-ns 2723092 p90-ns 19610346 p99-ns BenchmarkGoroutineProfile/large/loaded-4 31 4591448 ns/op 3185863 p50-ns 9005828 p90-ns 23332919 p99-ns BenchmarkGoroutineProfile/sparse-nil/idle-4 217114 504.5 ns/op 179.0 p50-ns 181.0 p90-ns 260.0 p99-ns BenchmarkGoroutineProfile/sparse-nil/loaded-4 205539 532.5 ns/op 179.0 p50-ns 181.0 p90-ns 301.0 p99-ns BenchmarkGoroutineProfile/sparse/idle-4 1426 75920 ns/op 72840 p50-ns 76521 p90-ns 173560 p99-ns BenchmarkGoroutineProfile/sparse/loaded-4 154 979356 ns/op 142280 p50-ns 671370 p90-ns 20855568 p99-ns BenchmarkProcYield/1-4 4073193 29.16 ns/op BenchmarkProcYield/10-4 562612 214.3 ns/op BenchmarkProcYield/30-4 175702 625.2 ns/op BenchmarkProcYield/100-4 56016 2065 ns/op BenchmarkProcYield/1000-4 5866 20567 ns/op BenchmarkOSYield-4 800713 148.4 ns/op BenchmarkMutexContention-4 1584504 74.60 ns/op BenchmarkMutexHandoff/Solo-4 6226411 17.27 ns/op BenchmarkMutexHandoff/FastPingPong-4 119170 287.8 ns/op BenchmarkMutexHandoff/SlowPingPong-4 6246 7468 ns/op BenchmarkRWMutexUncontended-4 6736041 17.65 ns/op BenchmarkRWMutexWrite100-4 836113 146.4 ns/op BenchmarkRWMutexWrite10-4 153804 763.6 ns/op BenchmarkRWMutexWorkWrite100-4 545026 203.2 ns/op BenchmarkRWMutexWorkWrite10-4 102213 1398 ns/op BenchmarkSemTable/OneAddrCollision/n=1000-4 3450 30623 ns/op BenchmarkSemTable/ManyAddrCollision/n=1000-4 1413 83728 ns/op BenchmarkSemTable/OneAddrCollision/n=2000-4 1773 61228 ns/op BenchmarkSemTable/ManyAddrCollision/n=2000-4 669 175883 ns/op BenchmarkSemTable/OneAddrCollision/n=4000-4 940 123596 ns/op BenchmarkSemTable/ManyAddrCollision/n=4000-4 315 369472 ns/op BenchmarkSemTable/OneAddrCollision/n=8000-4 476 240741 ns/op BenchmarkSemTable/ManyAddrCollision/n=8000-4 153 755644 ns/op BenchmarkMakeSliceCopy/mallocmove/Byte-4 541923 274.8 ns/op BenchmarkMakeSliceCopy/mallocmove/Int-4 519303 213.7 ns/op BenchmarkMakeSliceCopy/mallocmove/Ptr-4 489156 341.0 ns/op BenchmarkMakeSliceCopy/makecopy/Byte-4 539317 241.6 ns/op BenchmarkMakeSliceCopy/makecopy/Int-4 482486 319.5 ns/op BenchmarkMakeSliceCopy/makecopy/Ptr-4 516003 390.5 ns/op BenchmarkMakeSliceCopy/nilappend/Byte-4 666958 274.6 ns/op BenchmarkMakeSliceCopy/nilappend/Int-4 635811 272.2 ns/op BenchmarkMakeSliceCopy/nilappend/Ptr-4 491739 320.9 ns/op BenchmarkMakeSlice/Byte-4 2838499 38.28 ns/op BenchmarkMakeSlice/Int16-4 3261712 40.62 ns/op BenchmarkMakeSlice/Int-4 2034124 50.74 ns/op BenchmarkMakeSlice/Ptr-4 2363090 70.62 ns/op BenchmarkMakeSlice/Struct/24-4 1577224 70.28 ns/op BenchmarkMakeSlice/Struct/32-4 1000000 100.5 ns/op BenchmarkMakeSlice/Struct/40-4 1000000 126.3 ns/op BenchmarkGrowSlice/Byte-4 1000000 100.8 ns/op BenchmarkGrowSlice/Int16-4 1000000 102.9 ns/op BenchmarkGrowSlice/Int-4 981225 144.1 ns/op BenchmarkGrowSlice/Ptr-4 901407 206.5 ns/op BenchmarkGrowSlice/Struct/24-4 670184 247.0 ns/op BenchmarkGrowSlice/Struct/32-4 460604 329.8 ns/op BenchmarkGrowSlice/Struct/40-4 345344 362.6 ns/op BenchmarkExtendSlice/IntSlice-4 887565 163.5 ns/op BenchmarkExtendSlice/PointerSlice-4 675374 175.3 ns/op BenchmarkExtendSlice/NoGrow-4 1317482 88.77 ns/op BenchmarkAppend-4 1000000 123.6 ns/op BenchmarkAppendGrowByte-4 9 14272432 ns/op BenchmarkAppendGrowString-4 2 92283248 ns/op BenchmarkAppendSlice/1Bytes-4 2844150 40.37 ns/op BenchmarkAppendSlice/4Bytes-4 2854794 42.86 ns/op BenchmarkAppendSlice/7Bytes-4 2802434 44.71 ns/op BenchmarkAppendSlice/8Bytes-4 2767977 44.03 ns/op BenchmarkAppendSlice/15Bytes-4 2595880 47.70 ns/op BenchmarkAppendSlice/16Bytes-4 2619816 46.11 ns/op BenchmarkAppendSlice/32Bytes-4 2564110 45.70 ns/op BenchmarkAppendSliceLarge/1024Bytes-4 151215 961.6 ns/op BenchmarkAppendSliceLarge/4096Bytes-4 34270 4322 ns/op BenchmarkAppendSliceLarge/16384Bytes-4 10000 15944 ns/op BenchmarkAppendSliceLarge/65536Bytes-4 3205 40894 ns/op BenchmarkAppendSliceLarge/262144Bytes-4 530 257169 ns/op BenchmarkAppendSliceLarge/1048576Bytes-4 128 834337 ns/op BenchmarkAppendStr/1Bytes-4 2975972 40.01 ns/op BenchmarkAppendStr/4Bytes-4 2958898 38.81 ns/op BenchmarkAppendStr/8Bytes-4 3126324 38.02 ns/op BenchmarkAppendStr/16Bytes-4 2928180 42.06 ns/op BenchmarkAppendStr/32Bytes-4 2909520 42.34 ns/op BenchmarkAppendSpecialCase-4 1000000 115.6 ns/op BenchmarkCopy/1Byte-4 2957175 41.73 ns/op 23.97 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/1String-4 3321507 36.71 ns/op 27.24 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/2Byte-4 2774812 41.76 ns/op 47.90 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/2String-4 2805646 42.20 ns/op 47.40 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/4Byte-4 2742039 41.42 ns/op 96.56 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/4String-4 2805460 42.14 ns/op 94.93 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/8Byte-4 2744120 42.24 ns/op 189.38 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/8String-4 2800507 43.55 ns/op 183.71 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/12Byte-4 2570457 44.22 ns/op 271.39 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/12String-4 2680600 44.42 ns/op 270.13 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/16Byte-4 2733433 43.28 ns/op 369.68 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/16String-4 2736190 43.37 ns/op 368.95 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/32Byte-4 2628579 46.12 ns/op 693.88 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/32String-4 2612936 45.60 ns/op 701.73 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/128Byte-4 1808930 67.62 ns/op 1892.98 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/128String-4 1803045 62.84 ns/op 2036.94 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/1024Byte-4 578084 190.7 ns/op 5370.00 MB/s BenchmarkCopy/1024String-4 500685 229.3 ns/op 4465.33 MB/s BenchmarkAppendInPlace/NoGrow/Byte-4 47558 2569 ns/op BenchmarkAppendInPlace/NoGrow/1Ptr-4 31329 5913 ns/op BenchmarkAppendInPlace/NoGrow/2Ptr-4 20698 6786 ns/op BenchmarkAppendInPlace/NoGrow/3Ptr-4 15454 11059 ns/op BenchmarkAppendInPlace/NoGrow/4Ptr-4 10000 10420 ns/op BenchmarkAppendInPlace/Grow/Byte-4 230725 565.3 ns/op BenchmarkAppendInPlace/Grow/1Ptr-4 253801 574.2 ns/op BenchmarkAppendInPlace/Grow/2Ptr-4 170910 921.1 ns/op BenchmarkAppendInPlace/Grow/3Ptr-4 154333 923.6 ns/op BenchmarkAppendInPlace/Grow/4Ptr-4 156666 1053 ns/op BenchmarkStackCopyPtr-4 2 88480910 ns/op BenchmarkStackCopy-4 2 73709708 ns/op BenchmarkStackCopyNoCache-4 25 4322047 ns/op BenchmarkStackCopyWithStkobj-4 4 29446758 ns/op BenchmarkIssue18138-4 1252 89165 ns/op BenchmarkCompareStringEqual-4 13346029 9.030 ns/op BenchmarkCompareStringIdentical-4 22755264 5.275 ns/op BenchmarkCompareStringSameLength-4 14792830 7.657 ns/op BenchmarkCompareStringDifferentLength-4 21299802 5.582 ns/op BenchmarkCompareStringBigUnaligned-4 4214 27474 ns/op 38166.95 MB/s BenchmarkCompareStringBig-4 4324 38905 ns/op 26952.51 MB/s BenchmarkConcatStringAndBytes-4 3495888 33.11 ns/op BenchmarkSliceByteToString/1-4 2950970 40.06 ns/op BenchmarkSliceByteToString/2-4 1621225 72.76 ns/op BenchmarkSliceByteToString/4-4 1546939 73.69 ns/op BenchmarkSliceByteToString/8-4 1686748 73.35 ns/op BenchmarkSliceByteToString/16-4 1655482 76.15 ns/op BenchmarkSliceByteToString/32-4 1520032 81.01 ns/op BenchmarkSliceByteToString/64-4 1354802 103.9 ns/op BenchmarkSliceByteToString/128-4 1000000 142.0 ns/op BenchmarkRuneCount/lenruneslice/ASCII-4 3615928 33.18 ns/op BenchmarkRuneCount/lenruneslice/Japanese-4 1318513 90.46 ns/op BenchmarkRuneCount/lenruneslice/MixedLength-4 1546358 77.54 ns/op BenchmarkRuneCount/rangeloop/ASCII-4 5940196 20.19 ns/op BenchmarkRuneCount/rangeloop/Japanese-4 2501281 47.87 ns/op BenchmarkRuneCount/rangeloop/MixedLength-4 2902886 41.24 ns/op BenchmarkRuneCount/utf8.RuneCountInString/ASCII-4 5932813 18.79 ns/op BenchmarkRuneCount/utf8.RuneCountInString/Japanese-4 2498082 47.63 ns/op BenchmarkRuneCount/utf8.RuneCountInString/MixedLength-4 2903916 40.95 ns/op BenchmarkRuneIterate/range/ASCII-4 12800208 9.535 ns/op BenchmarkRuneIterate/range/Japanese-4 2994255 40.05 ns/op BenchmarkRuneIterate/range/MixedLength-4 3608160 33.20 ns/op BenchmarkRuneIterate/range1/ASCII-4 12063842 9.439 ns/op BenchmarkRuneIterate/range1/Japanese-4 2993538 39.99 ns/op BenchmarkRuneIterate/range1/MixedLength-4 3592460 33.32 ns/op BenchmarkRuneIterate/range2/ASCII-4 12120332 9.696 ns/op BenchmarkRuneIterate/range2/Japanese-4 2995994 39.98 ns/op BenchmarkRuneIterate/range2/MixedLength-4 3592460 33.22 ns/op BenchmarkArrayEqual-4 20151380 5.624 ns/op BenchmarkFunc/Name-4 3985570 30.28 ns/op BenchmarkFunc/Entry-4 12434281 9.605 ns/op BenchmarkFunc/FileLine-4 3770170 32.55 ns/op PASS ok runtime 146.061s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: runtime/cgo cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkHandle/non-concurrent-4 34953 3158 ns/op BenchmarkHandle/concurrent-4 16903 6969 ns/op PASS ok runtime/cgo 1.418s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: runtime/pprof cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkGoroutine/Profile.WriteTo_idle_50-4 48 2347452 ns/op BenchmarkGoroutine/Profile.WriteTo_churn_50-4 46 2747763 ns/op 320.0 concurrent_launches/op BenchmarkGoroutine/runtime.GoroutineProfile_churn_50-4 848 167457 ns/op 4.629 concurrent_launches/op BenchmarkGoroutine/Profile.WriteTo_idle_500-4 18 6802539 ns/op BenchmarkGoroutine/Profile.WriteTo_churn_500-4 14 7766046 ns/op 776.0 concurrent_launches/op BenchmarkGoroutine/runtime.GoroutineProfile_churn_500-4 336 357857 ns/op 20.89 concurrent_launches/op BenchmarkGoroutine/Profile.WriteTo_idle_5000-4 3 49238992 ns/op BenchmarkGoroutine/Profile.WriteTo_churn_5000-4 2 57139778 ns/op 6467 concurrent_launches/op BenchmarkGoroutine/runtime.GoroutineProfile_churn_5000-4 52 2255378 ns/op 239.2 concurrent_launches/op PASS ok runtime/pprof 2.770s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: runtime/race cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkSyncLeak-4 57 1973743 ns/op BenchmarkStackLeak-4 17581 6961 ns/op PASS ok runtime/race 1.416s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: runtime/trace cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkStartRegion-4 5117086 19.60 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkNewTask-4 308256 391.8 ns/op 64 B/op 2 allocs/op PASS ok runtime/trace 1.324s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: slices cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkEqualFunc_Large-4 57 2211622 ns/op BenchmarkIndex_Large-4 150 721750 ns/op BenchmarkIndexFunc_Large-4 90 1243937 ns/op BenchmarkCompact/nil-4 9194703 13.33 ns/op BenchmarkCompact/one-4 2568951 47.94 ns/op BenchmarkCompact/sorted-4 1736413 72.19 ns/op BenchmarkCompact/2_items-4 1438263 87.39 ns/op BenchmarkCompact/unsorted-4 1672570 73.05 ns/op BenchmarkCompact/many-4 841318 134.2 ns/op BenchmarkCompact_Large/all_dup-4 2756 42969 ns/op BenchmarkCompact_Large/no_dup-4 3003 39903 ns/op BenchmarkCompactFunc/nil-4 4801712 23.75 ns/op BenchmarkCompactFunc/one-4 2029164 58.80 ns/op BenchmarkCompactFunc/sorted-4 1357998 87.59 ns/op BenchmarkCompactFunc/2_items-4 1000000 101.1 ns/op BenchmarkCompactFunc/unsorted-4 1362714 87.38 ns/op BenchmarkCompactFunc/many-4 738092 149.8 ns/op BenchmarkCompactFunc_Large/all_dup-4 9 12450187 ns/op BenchmarkCompactFunc_Large/no_dup-4 10 10953984 ns/op BenchmarkReplace/naive-fast-4 133891 877.0 ns/op BenchmarkReplace/optimized-fast-4 168656 755.6 ns/op BenchmarkReplace/naive-slow-4 47092 2437 ns/op BenchmarkReplace/optimized-slow-4 55924 2069 ns/op BenchmarkBinarySearchFloats/Size16-4 1525042 74.18 ns/op BenchmarkBinarySearchFloats/Size32-4 1319547 89.99 ns/op BenchmarkBinarySearchFloats/Size64-4 1217647 102.1 ns/op BenchmarkBinarySearchFloats/Size128-4 1000000 113.3 ns/op BenchmarkBinarySearchFloats/Size512-4 850935 137.0 ns/op BenchmarkBinarySearchFloats/Size1024-4 791733 147.5 ns/op BenchmarkBinarySearchFuncStruct/Size16-4 649616 170.9 ns/op BenchmarkBinarySearchFuncStruct/Size32-4 638640 185.1 ns/op BenchmarkBinarySearchFuncStruct/Size64-4 539060 220.7 ns/op BenchmarkBinarySearchFuncStruct/Size128-4 491745 250.3 ns/op BenchmarkBinarySearchFuncStruct/Size512-4 399831 301.2 ns/op BenchmarkBinarySearchFuncStruct/Size1024-4 363050 340.9 ns/op BenchmarkSortFuncStruct/Size16-4 18950 6512 ns/op BenchmarkSortFuncStruct/Size32-4 6637 17501 ns/op BenchmarkSortFuncStruct/Size64-4 8914 12958 ns/op BenchmarkSortFuncStruct/Size128-4 5018 23879 ns/op BenchmarkSortFuncStruct/Size512-4 1345 89031 ns/op BenchmarkSortFuncStruct/Size1024-4 666 176865 ns/op PASS ok slices 7.533s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: sort cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkSearchWrappers-4 186794 630.8 ns/op BenchmarkSortInts-4 2 77791176 ns/op BenchmarkSlicesSortInts-4 3 47218744 ns/op BenchmarkSortIsSorted-4 39 2962802 ns/op BenchmarkSlicesIsSorted-4 72 1656535 ns/op BenchmarkSortStrings-4 2 100999072 ns/op BenchmarkSlicesSortStrings-4 2 68054284 ns/op BenchmarkSortStrings_Sorted-4 34 3497012 ns/op BenchmarkSlicesSortStrings_Sorted-4 55 2128253 ns/op BenchmarkSortStructs-4 1 131935063 ns/op BenchmarkSortFuncStructs-4 1 110827174 ns/op BenchmarkSortString1K-4 351 337659 ns/op BenchmarkSortString1K_Slice-4 264 463946 ns/op BenchmarkStableString1K-4 132 902688 ns/op BenchmarkSortInt1K-4 428 281103 ns/op BenchmarkSortInt1K_Sorted-4 6506 18338 ns/op BenchmarkSortInt1K_Reversed-4 4117 29291 ns/op BenchmarkSortInt1K_Mod8-4 1071 111941 ns/op BenchmarkStableInt1K-4 175 677570 ns/op BenchmarkStableInt1K_Slice-4 208 587976 ns/op BenchmarkSortInt64K-4 4 27353910 ns/op BenchmarkSortInt64K_Slice-4 3 39253704 ns/op BenchmarkStableInt64K-4 2 62694908 ns/op BenchmarkSort1e2-4 566 204770 ns/op BenchmarkStable1e2-4 232 514660 ns/op BenchmarkSort1e4-4 3 43644125 ns/op BenchmarkStable1e4-4 1 169193893 ns/op PASS ok sort 8.943s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: strconv cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkAtof64Decimal-4 964094 106.6 ns/op BenchmarkAtof64Float-4 826826 122.1 ns/op BenchmarkAtof64FloatExp-4 752925 150.0 ns/op BenchmarkAtof64Big-4 589005 205.0 ns/op BenchmarkAtof64RandomBits-4 571716 205.6 ns/op BenchmarkAtof64RandomFloats-4 621384 192.0 ns/op BenchmarkAtof64RandomLongFloats-4 559851 219.9 ns/op BenchmarkAtof32Decimal-4 1000000 109.0 ns/op BenchmarkAtof32Float-4 902925 122.8 ns/op BenchmarkAtof32FloatExp-4 813668 145.7 ns/op BenchmarkAtof32Random-4 496623 235.3 ns/op BenchmarkAtof32RandomLong-4 214906 557.2 ns/op BenchmarkParseInt/Pos/7bit-4 1794548 67.03 ns/op BenchmarkParseInt/Pos/26bit-4 997426 113.5 ns/op BenchmarkParseInt/Pos/31bit-4 752745 141.2 ns/op BenchmarkParseInt/Pos/56bit-4 483925 214.8 ns/op BenchmarkParseInt/Pos/63bit-4 506635 215.2 ns/op BenchmarkParseInt/Neg/7bit-4 1816992 64.07 ns/op BenchmarkParseInt/Neg/26bit-4 892204 121.5 ns/op BenchmarkParseInt/Neg/31bit-4 762910 141.8 ns/op BenchmarkParseInt/Neg/56bit-4 577741 209.1 ns/op BenchmarkParseInt/Neg/63bit-4 523303 223.5 ns/op BenchmarkAtoi/Pos/7bit-4 2523288 46.55 ns/op BenchmarkAtoi/Pos/26bit-4 1238220 92.00 ns/op BenchmarkAtoi/Pos/31bit-4 928431 117.4 ns/op BenchmarkAtoi/Pos/56bit-4 669697 170.6 ns/op BenchmarkAtoi/Pos/63bit-4 457442 239.2 ns/op BenchmarkAtoi/Neg/7bit-4 2563164 46.48 ns/op BenchmarkAtoi/Neg/26bit-4 1396830 97.52 ns/op BenchmarkAtoi/Neg/31bit-4 1124480 108.5 ns/op BenchmarkAtoi/Neg/56bit-4 765409 173.8 ns/op BenchmarkAtoi/Neg/63bit-4 450640 222.1 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/Decimal-4 176064 674.3 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/Float-4 173365 701.1 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/Exp-4 178526 670.7 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/NegExp-4 175767 673.9 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/LongExp-4 147990 805.0 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/Big-4 138248 852.3 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/BinaryExp-4 324675 340.7 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/32Integer-4 177796 668.5 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/32ExactFraction-4 202898 601.6 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/32Point-4 174868 680.9 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/32Exp-4 180918 657.2 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/32NegExp-4 183432 654.2 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/32Shortest-4 194773 611.2 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/32Fixed8Hard-4 204340 576.2 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/32Fixed9Hard-4 196365 599.5 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/64Fixed1-4 238942 492.6 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/64Fixed2-4 244412 496.8 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/64Fixed3-4 241486 495.7 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/64Fixed4-4 239611 498.3 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/64Fixed12-4 139504 864.4 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/64Fixed16-4 164965 722.5 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/64Fixed12Hard-4 179648 672.1 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/64Fixed17Hard-4 153240 782.6 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/64Fixed18Hard-4 3538 30013 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/Slowpath64-4 148201 802.6 ns/op BenchmarkFormatFloat/SlowpathDenormal64-4 150640 791.9 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/Decimal-4 199930 593.3 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/Float-4 180381 619.0 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/Exp-4 209340 571.3 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/NegExp-4 207376 579.0 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/LongExp-4 161130 733.1 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/Big-4 147580 794.4 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/BinaryExp-4 511735 237.2 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/32Integer-4 200594 593.6 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/32ExactFraction-4 222730 531.9 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/32Point-4 194805 608.7 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/32Exp-4 207274 576.3 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/32NegExp-4 211178 568.8 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/32Shortest-4 241707 500.9 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/32Fixed8Hard-4 228333 524.1 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/32Fixed9Hard-4 222211 526.8 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/64Fixed1-4 278550 424.1 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/64Fixed2-4 272444 421.0 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/64Fixed3-4 276928 421.7 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/64Fixed4-4 281091 422.7 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/64Fixed12-4 152174 773.4 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/64Fixed16-4 185311 641.9 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/64Fixed12Hard-4 217154 539.1 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/64Fixed17Hard-4 171943 681.2 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/64Fixed18Hard-4 3784 29537 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/Slowpath64-4 162138 726.4 ns/op BenchmarkAppendFloat/SlowpathDenormal64-4 165519 734.8 ns/op BenchmarkFormatInt-4 26079 4623 ns/op BenchmarkAppendInt-4 25984 4665 ns/op BenchmarkFormatUint-4 139496 862.3 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUint-4 142250 842.8 ns/op BenchmarkFormatIntSmall/7-4 4249960 28.32 ns/op BenchmarkFormatIntSmall/42-4 4284296 28.08 ns/op BenchmarkAppendIntSmall-4 1941716 60.41 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/1-4 2061176 61.61 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/12-4 2001709 60.21 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/123-4 1476460 83.71 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/1234-4 1489687 81.90 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/12345-4 1454859 82.08 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/123456-4 1450770 83.61 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/1234567-4 1366482 83.93 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/12345678-4 1396707 86.01 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/123456789-4 1316605 87.59 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/1234567890-4 1359904 90.50 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/12345678901-4 1283613 97.78 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/123456789012-4 1226395 96.23 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/1234567890123-4 1215487 97.23 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/12345678901234-4 1277805 93.05 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/123456789012345-4 1241162 97.08 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/1234567890123456-4 1298421 95.86 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/12345678901234567-4 1227478 97.40 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/123456789012345678-4 1231107 96.59 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/1234567890123456789-4 1215876 100.3 ns/op BenchmarkAppendUintVarlen/12345678901234567890-4 1198712 101.8 ns/op BenchmarkQuote-4 73382 1673 ns/op BenchmarkQuoteRune-4 608181 168.1 ns/op BenchmarkAppendQuote-4 84547 1437 ns/op BenchmarkAppendQuoteRune-4 1208187 99.79 ns/op BenchmarkUnquoteEasy-4 1916396 62.78 ns/op BenchmarkUnquoteHard-4 74702 1654 ns/op PASS ok strconv 18.476s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: strings cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkBuildString_Builder/1Write_NoGrow-4 636057 176.4 ns/op 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkBuildString_Builder/3Write_NoGrow-4 233196 552.0 ns/op 336 B/op 3 allocs/op BenchmarkBuildString_Builder/3Write_Grow-4 308584 393.4 ns/op 112 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkBuildString_WriteString/1Write_NoGrow-4 629480 175.5 ns/op 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkBuildString_WriteString/3Write_NoGrow-4 235317 540.6 ns/op 336 B/op 3 allocs/op BenchmarkBuildString_WriteString/3Write_Grow-4 319761 384.6 ns/op 112 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkBuildString_ByteBuffer/1Write_NoGrow-4 460770 258.7 ns/op 112 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkBuildString_ByteBuffer/3Write_NoGrow-4 138303 871.2 ns/op 432 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkBuildString_ByteBuffer/3Write_Grow-4 160712 742.6 ns/op 336 B/op 3 allocs/op BenchmarkClone-4 1994432 54.70 ns/op 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkGenericNoMatch-4 29317 4084 ns/op BenchmarkGenericMatch1-4 2961 38901 ns/op BenchmarkGenericMatch2-4 606 194670 ns/op BenchmarkSingleMaxSkipping-4 9550 12037 ns/op 830.79 MB/s BenchmarkSingleLongSuffixFail-4 18295 6677 ns/op 150.06 MB/s BenchmarkSingleMatch-4 380 316063 ns/op 47.46 MB/s BenchmarkByteByteNoMatch-4 83354 1422 ns/op BenchmarkByteByteMatch-4 28592 3888 ns/op BenchmarkByteStringMatch-4 36268 3308 ns/op BenchmarkHTMLEscapeNew-4 108832 1105 ns/op BenchmarkHTMLEscapeOld-4 138406 869.0 ns/op BenchmarkByteStringReplacerWriteString-4 1938 59869 ns/op BenchmarkByteReplacerWriteString-4 2280 49053 ns/op BenchmarkByteByteReplaces-4 6556 17392 ns/op BenchmarkByteByteMap-4 19700 6060 ns/op BenchmarkMap/identity/ASCII-4 774436 152.1 ns/op BenchmarkMap/identity/Greek-4 579608 206.7 ns/op BenchmarkMap/change/ASCII-4 68540 1701 ns/op BenchmarkMap/change/Greek-4 43666 2700 ns/op BenchmarkIndexRune-4 3911563 30.62 ns/op BenchmarkIndexRuneLongString-4 3368984 35.86 ns/op BenchmarkIndexRuneFastPath-4 5119141 23.39 ns/op BenchmarkIndex-4 11382361 10.59 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndex-4 5518669 21.56 ns/op BenchmarkIndexByte-4 12078657 9.475 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/#00-4 6006920 19.51 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/ONLYUPPER-4 3848419 31.18 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/abc-4 477081 232.2 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/AbC123-4 380342 307.4 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/azAZ09_-4 420439 282.4 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/longStrinGwitHmixofsmaLLandcAps-4 100518 1184 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/RENAN_BASTOS_93_AOSDAJDJAIDJAIDAJIaidsjjaidijadsjiadjiOOKKO-4 123294 952.0 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/longɐstringɐwithɐnonasciiⱯchars-4 54229 2251 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/ɐɐɐɐɐ-4 93625 1273 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/a\u0080\U0010ffff-4 174027 711.6 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/#00-4 5845290 21.01 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/abc-4 5251240 22.98 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/AbC123-4 363422 332.1 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/azAZ09_-4 365325 333.5 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/longStrinGwitHmixofsmaLLandcAps-4 170404 704.9 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/renan_bastos_93_AOSDAJDJAIDJAIDAJIaidsjjaidijadsjiadjiOOKKO-4 119912 999.4 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/LONGⱯSTRINGⱯWITHⱯNONASCIIⱯCHARS-4 53373 2216 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/ⱭⱭⱭⱭⱭ-4 106138 1134 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/A\u0080\U0010ffff-4 168991 704.2 ns/op BenchmarkMapNoChanges-4 1000000 111.9 ns/op BenchmarkTrim-4 56398 2122 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkToValidUTF8/Valid-4 4282292 28.87 ns/op BenchmarkToValidUTF8/InvalidASCII-4 301090 402.8 ns/op BenchmarkToValidUTF8/InvalidNonASCII-4 205545 610.6 ns/op BenchmarkEqualFold/Tests-4 80788 1509 ns/op BenchmarkEqualFold/ASCII-4 4428522 26.65 ns/op BenchmarkEqualFold/UnicodePrefix-4 153004 778.1 ns/op BenchmarkEqualFold/UnicodeSuffix-4 163671 741.5 ns/op BenchmarkIndexHard1-4 1273 93513 ns/op BenchmarkIndexHard2-4 915 130603 ns/op BenchmarkIndexHard3-4 192 632303 ns/op BenchmarkIndexHard4-4 182 653242 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexHard1-4 68 1661701 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexHard2-4 70 1667304 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexHard3-4 70 1671179 ns/op BenchmarkCountHard1-4 1233 93657 ns/op BenchmarkCountHard2-4 903 131111 ns/op BenchmarkCountHard3-4 192 624519 ns/op BenchmarkIndexTorture-4 9451 12660 ns/op BenchmarkCountTorture-4 9367 12633 ns/op BenchmarkCountTortureOverlapping-4 2001 57564 ns/op BenchmarkCountByte/10-4 5622496 21.45 ns/op 466.23 MB/s BenchmarkCountByte/32-4 5239624 22.21 ns/op 1440.95 MB/s BenchmarkCountByte/4096-4 1374782 88.06 ns/op 46516.19 MB/s BenchmarkCountByte/4194304-4 1528 77907 ns/op 53837.52 MB/s BenchmarkCountByte/67108864-4 44 3545851 ns/op 18926.03 MB/s BenchmarkFields/ASCII/16-4 412766 258.1 ns/op 61.98 MB/s 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/ASCII/256-4 31773 3602 ns/op 71.07 MB/s 352 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/ASCII/4096-4 2103 54583 ns/op 75.04 MB/s 6144 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/ASCII/65536-4 122 1009399 ns/op 64.93 MB/s 98304 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/ASCII/1048576-4 7 15679295 ns/op 66.88 MB/s 1515520 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/Mixed/16-4 216292 569.6 ns/op 28.09 MB/s 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/Mixed/256-4 15890 7728 ns/op 33.13 MB/s 352 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/Mixed/4096-4 891 137100 ns/op 29.88 MB/s 21504 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/Mixed/65536-4 49 2354207 ns/op 27.84 MB/s 463105 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/Mixed/1048576-4 3 41006092 ns/op 25.57 MB/s 10457376 B/op 24 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/ASCII/16-4 361051 342.8 ns/op 46.68 MB/s 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/ASCII/256-4 25844 4864 ns/op 52.64 MB/s 352 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/ASCII/4096-4 1396 86052 ns/op 47.60 MB/s 21504 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/ASCII/65536-4 68 1505639 ns/op 43.53 MB/s 463106 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/ASCII/1048576-4 4 27012893 ns/op 38.82 MB/s 10457488 B/op 25 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/Mixed/16-4 255838 469.4 ns/op 34.08 MB/s 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/Mixed/256-4 19722 5963 ns/op 42.93 MB/s 352 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/Mixed/4096-4 1095 111920 ns/op 36.60 MB/s 21504 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/Mixed/65536-4 58 1928577 ns/op 33.98 MB/s 463105 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/Mixed/1048576-4 3 33696769 ns/op 31.12 MB/s 10457408 B/op 24 allocs/op BenchmarkSplitEmptySeparator-4 3 43166300 ns/op BenchmarkSplitSingleByteSeparator-4 56 2352724 ns/op BenchmarkSplitMultiByteSeparator-4 85 1423989 ns/op BenchmarkSplitNSingleByteSeparator-4 487431 248.8 ns/op BenchmarkSplitNMultiByteSeparator-4 407830 291.5 ns/op BenchmarkRepeat/5x0-4 5059341 23.71 ns/op BenchmarkRepeat/5x1-4 5234106 23.03 ns/op BenchmarkRepeat/5x2-4 335686 347.5 ns/op BenchmarkRepeat/5x6-4 214267 560.5 ns/op BenchmarkRepeat/10x0-4 5176213 23.07 ns/op BenchmarkRepeat/10x1-4 5061678 23.15 ns/op BenchmarkRepeat/10x2-4 340656 345.7 ns/op BenchmarkRepeat/10x6-4 211564 574.3 ns/op BenchmarkRepeatLarge/256/1-4 106862 1136 ns/op 225.29 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/256/16-4 164226 728.2 ns/op 351.54 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/512/1-4 85606 1363 ns/op 375.75 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/512/16-4 126805 947.1 ns/op 540.58 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1024/1-4 67858 1736 ns/op 589.98 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1024/16-4 91683 1331 ns/op 769.28 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/2048/1-4 49735 2449 ns/op 836.33 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/2048/16-4 61328 1976 ns/op 1036.56 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/4096/1-4 31563 3690 ns/op 1109.96 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/4096/16-4 39174 3170 ns/op 1291.95 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8192/1-4 20112 6338 ns/op 1292.44 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8192/16-4 21135 5609 ns/op 1460.41 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8192/4097-4 6629842 18.28 ns/op 224172.46 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16384/1-4 10000 10201 ns/op 1606.15 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16384/16-4 11274 9747 ns/op 1680.91 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16384/4097-4 17557 6997 ns/op 1756.59 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/32768/1-4 5894 18111 ns/op 1809.31 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/32768/16-4 6265 18605 ns/op 1761.29 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/32768/4097-4 6535 16211 ns/op 1769.15 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/65536/1-4 3372 33222 ns/op 1972.67 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/65536/16-4 2566 44548 ns/op 1471.12 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/65536/4097-4 3021 36774 ns/op 1671.14 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/131072/1-4 1050 116260 ns/op 1127.40 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/131072/16-4 1018 119132 ns/op 1100.23 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/131072/4097-4 1053 112615 ns/op 1127.79 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/262144/1-4 522 202612 ns/op 1293.82 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/262144/16-4 524 233456 ns/op 1122.89 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/262144/4097-4 512 225592 ns/op 1144.15 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/524288/1-4 279 452180 ns/op 1159.47 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/524288/16-4 285 423089 ns/op 1239.19 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/524288/4097-4 270 451305 ns/op 1152.92 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1048576/1-4 130 867437 ns/op 1208.82 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1048576/16-4 132 991022 ns/op 1058.08 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1048576/4097-4 130 978654 ns/op 1067.52 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/2097152/1-4 70 1897477 ns/op 1105.23 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/2097152/16-4 67 1743956 ns/op 1202.53 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/2097152/4097-4 70 1793141 ns/op 1167.54 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/4194304/1-4 31 3424118 ns/op 1224.93 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/4194304/16-4 32 3383026 ns/op 1239.81 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/4194304/4097-4 32 3447218 ns/op 1215.83 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8388608/1-4 16 6724036 ns/op 1247.56 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8388608/16-4 18 6452973 ns/op 1299.96 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8388608/4097-4 18 6580103 ns/op 1274.53 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16777216/1-4 8 12998560 ns/op 1290.70 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16777216/16-4 8 12706020 ns/op 1320.41 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16777216/4097-4 8 13035369 ns/op 1287.05 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/33554432/1-4 4 25393486 ns/op 1321.38 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/33554432/16-4 4 25378192 ns/op 1322.18 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/33554432/4097-4 4 25694614 ns/op 1305.89 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/67108864/1-4 2 53927836 ns/op 1244.42 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/67108864/16-4 3 52720995 ns/op 1272.91 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/67108864/4097-4 2 51717759 ns/op 1297.60 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/134217728/1-4 2 104395889 ns/op 1285.66 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/134217728/16-4 1 100214476 ns/op 1339.30 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/134217728/4097-4 1 100261146 ns/op 1338.68 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/268435456/1-4 1 198051569 ns/op 1355.38 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/268435456/16-4 1 196976519 ns/op 1362.78 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/268435456/4097-4 1 199694101 ns/op 1344.23 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/536870912/1-4 1 430723287 ns/op 1246.44 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/536870912/16-4 1 394283736 ns/op 1361.64 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/536870912/4097-4 1 400545282 ns/op 1340.35 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1073741824/1-4 1 942498463 ns/op 1139.25 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1073741824/16-4 1 791514806 ns/op 1356.57 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1073741824/4097-4 1 800277223 ns/op 1341.71 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatSpaces-4 4845608 24.38 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:1-4 2874050 42.43 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:2-4 2601145 45.74 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:4-4 2618132 45.57 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:8-4 2750091 43.92 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:16-4 2840528 45.38 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:32-4 2729019 41.13 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:64-4 2819126 42.10 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:1-4 2878370 39.50 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:2-4 866355 127.4 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:4-4 926494 128.1 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:8-4 890983 134.7 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:16-4 813063 145.8 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:32-4 746661 157.4 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:64-4 417158 245.0 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:1-4 2845960 41.42 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:2-4 74178 1411 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:4-4 73699 1630 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:8-4 73270 1636 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:16-4 72835 1423 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:32-4 72445 1663 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:64-4 70305 1647 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:1-4 3198037 38.40 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:2-4 2872393 41.24 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:4-4 2740302 42.10 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:8-4 2881761 42.07 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:16-4 2958195 42.59 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:32-4 2846256 41.71 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:64-4 2769468 41.27 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:1-4 2462396 48.16 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:2-4 364784 317.4 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:4-4 376050 316.3 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:8-4 376620 332.6 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:16-4 377625 301.8 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:32-4 366344 312.3 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:64-4 350030 322.8 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:1-4 423639 281.8 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:2-4 25839 4613 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:4-4 26113 4613 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:8-4 26016 4622 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:16-4 27072 4436 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:32-4 25827 4622 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:64-4 26119 4650 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:1-4 3005827 41.87 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:2-4 3003260 40.05 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:4-4 3060801 38.89 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:8-4 2899762 41.90 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:16-4 3047616 40.96 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:32-4 2986268 40.02 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:64-4 2984940 39.80 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:1-4 956013 125.1 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:2-4 901989 126.8 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:4-4 918180 127.7 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:8-4 900048 131.7 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:16-4 757792 134.5 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:32-4 752166 170.0 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:64-4 506672 236.7 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:1-4 73617 1505 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:2-4 73994 1618 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:4-4 73472 1624 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:8-4 73417 1634 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:16-4 72648 1642 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:32-4 72073 1533 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:64-4 69466 1583 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:1-4 2859760 40.05 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:2-4 3003909 39.93 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:4-4 2986249 41.35 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:8-4 2987154 40.05 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:16-4 3031254 40.75 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:32-4 2983311 39.63 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:64-4 3005956 39.20 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:1-4 480381 253.1 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:2-4 226395 518.0 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:4-4 229264 520.1 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:8-4 220248 519.7 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:16-4 229436 511.3 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:32-4 223263 526.3 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:64-4 230170 517.7 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:1-4 32569 3535 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:2-4 15333 7786 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:4-4 15375 7904 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:8-4 15400 8253 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:16-4 14826 8112 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:32-4 14434 7851 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:64-4 14497 8008 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/1:1-4 4714556 24.91 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/1:2-4 3635838 33.75 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/1:4-4 3269341 36.88 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/1:8-4 3010975 40.22 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/1:16-4 2378209 50.23 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/16:1-4 3901509 31.53 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/16:2-4 907459 127.7 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/16:4-4 899407 126.2 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/16:8-4 879390 133.5 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/16:16-4 796605 147.7 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/256:1-4 881840 113.9 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/256:2-4 73832 1623 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/256:4-4 73798 1623 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/256:8-4 73327 1630 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/256:16-4 73035 1646 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/4096:1-4 91858 1315 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/4096:2-4 4681 22080 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/4096:4-4 4581 25503 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/4096:8-4 4635 25475 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/4096:16-4 4468 25500 ns/op BenchmarkTrimByte-4 5278274 22.35 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic2-4 20318 5854 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic4-4 20415 5866 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic8-4 1641 71815 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic16-4 3277 35886 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic32-4 6390 17978 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic64-4 12277 9779 ns/op BenchmarkJoin/0-4 6280983 17.78 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkJoin/1-4 5039595 21.57 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkJoin/2-4 302162 396.5 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkJoin/3-4 214642 558.8 ns/op 24 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkJoin/4-4 166296 728.1 ns/op 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkJoin/5-4 136690 867.7 ns/op 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkJoin/6-4 114699 1041 ns/op 64 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkJoin/7-4 101412 1197 ns/op 64 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkTrimSpace/NoTrim-4 4300346 27.71 ns/op BenchmarkTrimSpace/ASCII-4 2439964 50.08 ns/op BenchmarkTrimSpace/SomeNonASCII-4 194922 617.9 ns/op BenchmarkTrimSpace/JustNonASCII-4 103220 1139 ns/op BenchmarkReplaceAll-4 213670 571.6 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op PASS ok strings 49.844s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: sync cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkCond1-4 51986 2438 ns/op BenchmarkCond2-4 17356 7454 ns/op BenchmarkCond4-4 10000 11868 ns/op BenchmarkCond8-4 3709 30704 ns/op BenchmarkCond16-4 1876 67755 ns/op BenchmarkCond32-4 823 152123 ns/op BenchmarkLoadMostlyHits/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 494691 262.7 ns/op BenchmarkLoadMostlyHits/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 290762 493.5 ns/op BenchmarkLoadMostlyHits/*sync.Map-4 723735 161.9 ns/op BenchmarkLoadMostlyMisses/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 661089 174.1 ns/op BenchmarkLoadMostlyMisses/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 299072 469.3 ns/op BenchmarkLoadMostlyMisses/*sync.Map-4 730672 190.3 ns/op BenchmarkLoadOrStoreBalanced/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 103815 1111 ns/op BenchmarkLoadOrStoreBalanced/*sync.Map-4 81584 1437 ns/op BenchmarkLoadOrStoreUnique/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 99660 1160 ns/op BenchmarkLoadOrStoreUnique/*sync.Map-4 57662 2594 ns/op BenchmarkLoadOrStoreCollision/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 849937 156.4 ns/op BenchmarkLoadOrStoreCollision/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 197383 663.9 ns/op BenchmarkLoadOrStoreCollision/*sync.Map-4 515078 214.5 ns/op BenchmarkLoadAndDeleteBalanced/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 172665 701.8 ns/op BenchmarkLoadAndDeleteBalanced/*sync.Map-4 742576 143.1 ns/op BenchmarkLoadAndDeleteUnique/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 245241 562.1 ns/op BenchmarkLoadAndDeleteUnique/*sync.Map-4 3529548 37.67 ns/op BenchmarkLoadAndDeleteCollision/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 50238 2150 ns/op BenchmarkLoadAndDeleteCollision/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 128336 841.5 ns/op BenchmarkLoadAndDeleteCollision/*sync.Map-4 288184 637.4 ns/op BenchmarkRange/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 4645 23495 ns/op BenchmarkRange/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 451 384006 ns/op BenchmarkRange/*sync.Map-4 1531 89464 ns/op BenchmarkAdversarialAlloc/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 120318 857.0 ns/op BenchmarkAdversarialAlloc/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 279490 471.1 ns/op BenchmarkAdversarialAlloc/*sync.Map-4 88184 1575 ns/op BenchmarkAdversarialDelete/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 210588 490.2 ns/op BenchmarkAdversarialDelete/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 204978 571.8 ns/op BenchmarkAdversarialDelete/*sync.Map-4 256893 552.3 ns/op BenchmarkDeleteCollision/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 93654 1315 ns/op BenchmarkDeleteCollision/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 205848 522.5 ns/op BenchmarkDeleteCollision/*sync.Map-4 1529484 110.2 ns/op BenchmarkSwapCollision/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 68734 1812 ns/op BenchmarkSwapCollision/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 173874 798.5 ns/op BenchmarkSwapCollision/*sync.Map-4 74322 1573 ns/op BenchmarkSwapMostlyHits/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 531 214217 ns/op BenchmarkSwapMostlyHits/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 122431 953.7 ns/op BenchmarkSwapMostlyHits/*sync.Map-4 429644 275.1 ns/op BenchmarkSwapMostlyMisses/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 28174 4186 ns/op BenchmarkSwapMostlyMisses/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 71924 1671 ns/op BenchmarkSwapMostlyMisses/*sync.Map-4 24786 4876 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndSwapCollision/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 235790 446.6 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndSwapCollision/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 135145 937.6 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndSwapCollision/*sync.Map-4 153230 678.3 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndSwapNoExistingKey/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 2967566 46.54 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndSwapNoExistingKey/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 215424 597.7 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndSwapNoExistingKey/*sync.Map-4 1643113 61.40 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndSwapValueNotEqual/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 783764 175.8 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndSwapValueNotEqual/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 187552 671.6 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndSwapValueNotEqual/*sync.Map-4 728809 159.9 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndSwapMostlyHits/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 111459 1095 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndSwapMostlyHits/*sync.Map-4 451008 307.5 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndSwapMostlyMisses/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 497146 305.2 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndSwapMostlyMisses/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 121485 1022 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndSwapMostlyMisses/*sync.Map-4 492994 245.9 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndDeleteCollision/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 293235 951.1 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndDeleteCollision/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 121518 906.9 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndDeleteCollision/*sync.Map-4 180630 698.0 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndDeleteMostlyHits/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 78044 1789 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndDeleteMostlyHits/*sync.Map-4 275383 456.9 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndDeleteMostlyMisses/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 652861 172.5 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndDeleteMostlyMisses/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 135676 887.7 ns/op BenchmarkCompareAndDeleteMostlyMisses/*sync.Map-4 1000000 117.1 ns/op BenchmarkClear/*sync_test.DeepCopyMap-4 51888 2452 ns/op BenchmarkClear/*sync_test.RWMutexMap-4 94670 1201 ns/op BenchmarkClear/*sync.Map-4 35935 3640 ns/op BenchmarkUncontendedSemaphore-4 6450129 18.31 ns/op BenchmarkContendedSemaphore-4 5501082 22.41 ns/op BenchmarkMutexUncontended-4 1667259 88.81 ns/op BenchmarkMutex-4 160876 793.5 ns/op BenchmarkMutexSlack-4 116899 870.2 ns/op BenchmarkMutexWork-4 136309 922.8 ns/op BenchmarkMutexWorkSlack-4 119686 908.0 ns/op BenchmarkMutexNoSpin-4 112080 1124 ns/op BenchmarkMutexSpin-4 150301 752.9 ns/op BenchmarkOnce-4 1000000 116.1 ns/op BenchmarkOnceFunc/v=Once-4 1954160 61.24 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkOnceFunc/v=Global-4 1569926 76.67 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkOnceFunc/v=Local-4 1686530 71.37 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkOnceValue/v=Once-4 1777244 67.87 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkOnceValue/v=Global-4 1519725 78.33 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkOnceValue/v=Local-4 1707332 70.52 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkSemaUncontended-4 9940299 11.96 ns/op BenchmarkSemaSyntNonblock-4 1861034 61.18 ns/op BenchmarkSemaSyntBlock-4 1353814 92.80 ns/op BenchmarkSemaWorkNonblock-4 1867356 65.29 ns/op BenchmarkSemaWorkBlock-4 1000000 118.6 ns/op BenchmarkRWMutexUncontended-4 726864 157.5 ns/op BenchmarkRWMutexWrite100-4 248047 421.1 ns/op BenchmarkRWMutexWrite10-4 174636 638.6 ns/op BenchmarkRWMutexWorkWrite100-4 333627 371.3 ns/op BenchmarkRWMutexWorkWrite10-4 193728 551.4 ns/op BenchmarkWaitGroupUncontended-4 1000000 110.8 ns/op BenchmarkWaitGroupAddDone-4 851242 318.8 ns/op BenchmarkWaitGroupAddDoneWork-4 412994 398.1 ns/op BenchmarkWaitGroupWait-4 5758408 20.83 ns/op BenchmarkWaitGroupWaitWork-4 3271884 36.51 ns/op BenchmarkWaitGroupActuallyWait-4 28212 4240 ns/op 32 B/op 2 allocs/op PASS ok sync 18.995s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: sync/atomic cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkValueRead-4 805608 205.2 ns/op PASS ok sync/atomic 1.332s PASS ok syscall 1.075s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: testing cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkTBHelper-4 198868 611.7 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok testing 1.208s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: text/tabwriter cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkTable/1x10/new-4 9694 10404 ns/op 1520 B/op 21 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/1x10/reuse-4 14812 8120 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/1x1000/new-4 139 877305 ns/op 110960 B/op 1024 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/1x1000/reuse-4 157 766194 ns/op 706 B/op 6 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/1x100000/new-4 2 99350264 ns/op 18285232 B/op 100058 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/1x100000/reuse-4 2 86372094 ns/op 9142520 B/op 50028 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/10x10/new-4 2331 46203 ns/op 5056 B/op 31 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/10x10/reuse-4 2814 41587 ns/op 1 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/10x1000/new-4 26 4456761 ns/op 395143 B/op 1038 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/10x1000/reuse-4 27 4058025 ns/op 14634 B/op 38 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/10x100000/new-4 1 475193765 ns/op 47012832 B/op 100073 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/10x100000/reuse-4 1 468640979 ns/op 47012832 B/op 100073 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/100x10/new-4 294 399527 ns/op 39296 B/op 41 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/100x10/reuse-4 321 367566 ns/op 122 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/100x1000/new-4 3 38465423 ns/op 3270528 B/op 1052 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/100x1000/reuse-4 3 37279845 ns/op 1090176 B/op 350 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/100x100000/new-4 1 4595964837 ns/op 334041984 B/op 100088 allocs/op BenchmarkTable/100x100000/reuse-4 1 4575494699 ns/op 334041984 B/op 100088 allocs/op BenchmarkPyramid/10-4 3933 30330 ns/op 4872 B/op 35 allocs/op BenchmarkPyramid/100-4 46 2249401 ns/op 410536 B/op 230 allocs/op BenchmarkPyramid/1000-4 1 202175542 ns/op 35607016 B/op 2056 allocs/op BenchmarkRagged/10-4 3548 32325 ns/op 4512 B/op 34 allocs/op BenchmarkRagged/100-4 378 313993 ns/op 42416 B/op 188 allocs/op BenchmarkRagged/1000-4 37 3127743 ns/op 408994 B/op 1660 allocs/op BenchmarkCode-4 9788 10286 ns/op 624 B/op 13 allocs/op PASS ok text/tabwriter 14.718s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: text/template/parse cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkParseLarge-4 2 54715306 ns/op BenchmarkVariableString-4 156231 750.9 ns/op 80 B/op 3 allocs/op BenchmarkListString-4 3030 37923 ns/op 2503 B/op 39 allocs/op PASS ok text/template/parse 1.544s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: time cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkAfterFunc1000-4 68 3246634 ns/op BenchmarkAfter-4 88204 1357 ns/op BenchmarkStop/impl=chan-4 184851 743.5 ns/op BenchmarkStop/impl=func-4 198548 643.6 ns/op BenchmarkSimultaneousAfterFunc1000-4 25 4691522 ns/op BenchmarkStartStop1000-4 202 627182 ns/op BenchmarkReset/impl=chan-4 1531183 80.31 ns/op BenchmarkReset/impl=func-4 1350584 75.37 ns/op BenchmarkSleep1000-4 38 3195172 ns/op BenchmarkParallelTimerLatency-4 52 131044 avg-late-ns 396231 max-late-ns BenchmarkStaggeredTickerLatency/work-dur=300µs/tickers-per-P=1-4 37 72736 avg-late-ns 217743 max-late-ns BenchmarkStaggeredTickerLatency/work-dur=300µs/tickers-per-P=2-4 33 54117 avg-late-ns 151862 max-late-ns BenchmarkStaggeredTickerLatency/work-dur=300µs/tickers-per-P=3-4 34 46864 avg-late-ns 154509 max-late-ns BenchmarkStaggeredTickerLatency/work-dur=300µs/tickers-per-P=4-4 33 38319 avg-late-ns 156190 max-late-ns BenchmarkStaggeredTickerLatency/work-dur=300µs/tickers-per-P=5-4 31 56478 avg-late-ns 205593 max-late-ns BenchmarkStaggeredTickerLatency/work-dur=300µs/tickers-per-P=6-4 32 84482 avg-late-ns 277844 max-late-ns BenchmarkStaggeredTickerLatency/work-dur=300µs/tickers-per-P=7-4 30 105876 avg-late-ns 285675 max-late-ns BenchmarkStaggeredTickerLatency/work-dur=300µs/tickers-per-P=8-4 27 108047 avg-late-ns 454225 max-late-ns BenchmarkStaggeredTickerLatency/work-dur=300µs/tickers-per-P=9-4 26 158879 avg-late-ns 1146998 max-late-ns BenchmarkStaggeredTickerLatency/work-dur=300µs/tickers-per-P=10-4 26 764756 avg-late-ns 6179912 max-late-ns BenchmarkStaggeredTickerLatency/work-dur=2ms/tickers-per-P=1-4 34 78096 avg-late-ns 243533 max-late-ns BenchmarkAdjustTimers10000-4 31 4617611 ns/op BenchmarkTicker-4 525727 249.0 ns/op BenchmarkTickerReset-4 1448716 82.81 ns/op BenchmarkTickerResetNaive-4 166647 639.8 ns/op BenchmarkNow-4 355548 336.5 ns/op BenchmarkNowUnixNano-4 350618 343.5 ns/op BenchmarkNowUnixMilli-4 358744 342.3 ns/op BenchmarkNowUnixMicro-4 354756 334.6 ns/op BenchmarkFormat-4 82888 1427 ns/op BenchmarkFormatRFC3339-4 125041 948.1 ns/op BenchmarkFormatRFC3339Nano-4 123078 951.8 ns/op BenchmarkFormatNow-4 117342 1047 ns/op BenchmarkMarshalJSON-4 170550 711.6 ns/op BenchmarkMarshalText-4 176306 695.6 ns/op BenchmarkMarshalBinary-4 381400 315.9 ns/op BenchmarkParse-4 199560 608.4 ns/op BenchmarkParseRFC3339UTC-4 466461 252.8 ns/op BenchmarkParseRFC3339UTCBytes-4 302384 369.3 ns/op BenchmarkParseRFC3339TZ-4 152674 789.3 ns/op BenchmarkParseRFC3339TZBytes-4 117904 1003 ns/op BenchmarkParseDuration-4 806239 147.5 ns/op BenchmarkHour-4 1000000 105.5 ns/op BenchmarkSecond-4 1000000 104.5 ns/op BenchmarkDate-4 1000000 120.6 ns/op BenchmarkYear-4 996577 119.9 ns/op BenchmarkYearDay-4 937791 113.7 ns/op BenchmarkMonth-4 895233 115.4 ns/op BenchmarkDay-4 1000000 118.4 ns/op BenchmarkISOWeek-4 893574 117.3 ns/op BenchmarkGoString-4 122888 978.3 ns/op BenchmarkDateFunc-4 1963046 62.64 ns/op BenchmarkUnmarshalText-4 135734 886.0 ns/op PASS ok time 15.244s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: unicode cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkToUpper-4 697831 164.1 ns/op BenchmarkToLower-4 594067 183.5 ns/op BenchmarkSimpleFold/Upper-4 443200 265.4 ns/op BenchmarkSimpleFold/Lower-4 452223 264.0 ns/op BenchmarkSimpleFold/Fold-4 767886 145.9 ns/op BenchmarkSimpleFold/NoFold-4 471752 268.0 ns/op PASS ok unicode 1.793s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: unicode/utf16 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkDecodeValidASCII-4 763435 146.0 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeValidJapaneseChars-4 877210 122.8 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeRune-4 1895936 63.02 ns/op BenchmarkEncodeValidASCII-4 770316 142.4 ns/op BenchmarkEncodeValidJapaneseChars-4 1000000 103.9 ns/op BenchmarkAppendRuneValidASCII-4 1860714 64.76 ns/op BenchmarkAppendRuneValidJapaneseChars-4 2949399 41.01 ns/op BenchmarkEncodeRune-4 2165902 54.79 ns/op PASS ok unicode/utf16 2.235s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: unicode/utf8 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkRuneCountTenASCIIChars-4 2929495 40.14 ns/op BenchmarkRuneCountTenJapaneseChars-4 1913586 62.81 ns/op BenchmarkRuneCountInStringTenASCIIChars-4 12671730 9.238 ns/op BenchmarkRuneCountInStringTenJapaneseChars-4 2671431 44.43 ns/op BenchmarkValidTenASCIIChars-4 2508015 47.02 ns/op BenchmarkValid100KASCIIChars-4 142 779058 ns/op BenchmarkValidTenJapaneseChars-4 422540 275.5 ns/op BenchmarkValidLongMostlyASCII-4 138 853391 ns/op BenchmarkValidLongJapanese-4 79 1444548 ns/op BenchmarkValidStringTenASCIIChars-4 5811824 20.58 ns/op BenchmarkValidString100KASCIIChars-4 13380 8969 ns/op BenchmarkValidStringTenJapaneseChars-4 637642 170.6 ns/op BenchmarkValidStringLongMostlyASCII-4 1546 76449 ns/op BenchmarkValidStringLongJapanese-4 230 507263 ns/op BenchmarkEncodeASCIIRune-4 11997036 9.961 ns/op BenchmarkEncodeSpanishRune-4 3680148 31.92 ns/op BenchmarkEncodeJapaneseRune-4 3205995 37.20 ns/op BenchmarkEncodeMaxRune-4 2738978 42.29 ns/op BenchmarkEncodeInvalidRuneMaxPlusOne-4 3097909 37.82 ns/op BenchmarkEncodeInvalidRuneSurrogate-4 3147921 37.59 ns/op BenchmarkEncodeInvalidRuneNegative-4 3116440 37.63 ns/op BenchmarkAppendASCIIRune-4 11689710 9.954 ns/op BenchmarkAppendSpanishRune-4 4404127 28.09 ns/op BenchmarkAppendJapaneseRune-4 3199382 37.04 ns/op BenchmarkAppendMaxRune-4 3177580 38.35 ns/op BenchmarkAppendInvalidRuneMaxPlusOne-4 3630448 33.26 ns/op BenchmarkAppendInvalidRuneSurrogate-4 3688222 33.39 ns/op BenchmarkAppendInvalidRuneNegative-4 3701144 33.27 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeASCIIRune-4 3370136 35.11 ns/op BenchmarkDecodeJapaneseRune-4 2964968 41.00 ns/op BenchmarkFullRune/ASCII-4 4372194 27.32 ns/op BenchmarkFullRune/Incomplete-4 1986910 59.79 ns/op BenchmarkFullRune/Japanese-4 4343713 27.94 ns/op PASS ok unicode/utf8 6.248s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: unique cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkMake-4 557458 188.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMakeMany-4 421060 276.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMakeManyMany-4 144128 7887 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok unique 6.771s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: cmd/api cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkAll-4 1 54662886146 ns/op PASS ok cmd/api 55.725s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: cmd/cgo/internal/test cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkCgoCall/add-int-4 953461 118.9 ns/op BenchmarkCgoCall/one-pointer-4 653265 168.0 ns/op BenchmarkCgoCall/string-pointer-escape-4 596894 207.0 ns/op BenchmarkCgoCall/string-pointer-noescape-4 703098 149.2 ns/op BenchmarkCgoCall/eight-pointers-4 301416 398.7 ns/op BenchmarkCgoCall/eight-pointers-nil-4 635120 173.0 ns/op BenchmarkCgoCall/eight-pointers-array-4 40585 3151 ns/op BenchmarkCgoCall/eight-pointers-slice-4 50620 2390 ns/op BenchmarkGoString-4 1425284 70.35 ns/op BenchmarkCGoCallback-4 80097 1518 ns/op BenchmarkCGoInCThread-4 530683 207.2 ns/op PASS ok cmd/cgo/internal/test 2.487s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: cmd/compile/internal/reflectdata cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkEqArrayOfStrings5-4 883592 122.1 ns/op BenchmarkEqArrayOfStrings64-4 125428 948.5 ns/op BenchmarkEqArrayOfStrings1024-4 7774 14112 ns/op BenchmarkEqArrayOfFloats5-4 1280961 93.24 ns/op BenchmarkEqArrayOfFloats64-4 149966 819.9 ns/op BenchmarkEqArrayOfFloats1024-4 9640 12175 ns/op BenchmarkEqArrayOfStructsEq-4 2599 45100 ns/op BenchmarkEqArrayOfStructsNotEq-4 4395 26784 ns/op BenchmarkEqStruct-4 20146142 5.110 ns/op PASS ok cmd/compile/internal/reflectdata 2.196s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: cmd/compile/internal/ssa cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkPhioptPass-4 10000 44194 ns/op BenchmarkInvertLessThanNoov-4 17559554 6.827 ns/op BenchmarkCopyElim1-4 1581 68771 ns/op BenchmarkCopyElim10-4 1530 76986 ns/op BenchmarkCopyElim100-4 661 170977 ns/op BenchmarkCopyElim1000-4 105 1084552 ns/op BenchmarkCopyElim10000-4 7 15038186 ns/op BenchmarkCopyElim100000-4 1 317654551 ns/op BenchmarkDeadCode/1-4 1351 94986 ns/op BenchmarkDeadCode/10-4 1276 99004 ns/op BenchmarkDeadCode/100-4 493 222739 ns/op BenchmarkDeadCode/1000-4 73 1614981 ns/op BenchmarkDeadCode/10000-4 6 18347764 ns/op BenchmarkDeadCode/100000-4 1 228138795 ns/op BenchmarkDeadCode/200000-4 1 455283248 ns/op BenchmarkDominatorsLinear-4 24 5492296 ns/op 1.82 MB/s BenchmarkDominatorsFwdBack-4 18 7518136 ns/op 1.33 MB/s BenchmarkDominatorsManyPred-4 16 7847481 ns/op 1.27 MB/s BenchmarkDominatorsMaxPred-4 16 7698158 ns/op 1.30 MB/s BenchmarkDominatorsMaxPredVal-4 18 7456175 ns/op 1.34 MB/s BenchmarkFuse/1-4 1202 103267 ns/op BenchmarkFuse/10-4 879 126655 ns/op BenchmarkFuse/100-4 278 427109 ns/op BenchmarkFuse/1000-4 31 3930522 ns/op BenchmarkFuse/10000-4 3 44466278 ns/op BenchmarkNilCheckDeep1-4 15633 7866 ns/op 0.13 MB/s 236 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkNilCheckDeep10-4 5986 18254 ns/op 0.55 MB/s 236 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkNilCheckDeep100-4 973 123017 ns/op 0.81 MB/s 1222 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkNilCheckDeep1000-4 97 1170824 ns/op 0.85 MB/s 9487 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkNilCheckDeep10000-4 8 12790667 ns/op 0.78 MB/s 196899 B/op 6 allocs/op BenchmarkDSEPass-4 43 2710500 ns/op 52037 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkDSEPassBlock-4 2 70929892 ns/op 2131776 B/op 54302 allocs/op BenchmarkCSEPass-4 12 9851004 ns/op 65764 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkCSEPassBlock-4 1 110023363 ns/op 3775904 B/op 52688 allocs/op BenchmarkDeadcodePass-4 302 392613 ns/op 89687 B/op 3 allocs/op BenchmarkDeadcodePassBlock-4 1 103292087 ns/op 4054960 B/op 45019 allocs/op BenchmarkMultiPass-4 138 839552 ns/op 217672 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkMultiPassBlock-4 1 199912000 ns/op 9265688 B/op 104815 allocs/op BenchmarkCondRewrite/SoloJump-4 4657418 25.78 ns/op BenchmarkCondRewrite/CombJump-4 4824576 25.80 ns/op PASS ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 12.298s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: cmd/compile/internal/test cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkLoadAdd-4 12393 9348 ns/op BenchmarkExtShift-4 19746 5369 ns/op BenchmarkModify-4 10000 10010 ns/op BenchmarkMullImm-4 23247 6074 ns/op BenchmarkConstModify-4 12050 10006 ns/op BenchmarkBitSet-4 23820 5027 ns/op BenchmarkBitClear-4 23642 5051 ns/op BenchmarkBitToggle-4 23822 5030 ns/op BenchmarkBitSetConst-4 188606 629.4 ns/op BenchmarkBitClearConst-4 190015 628.5 ns/op BenchmarkBitToggleConst-4 190924 630.0 ns/op BenchmarkDivconstI64-4 12178836 9.367 ns/op BenchmarkModconstI64-4 12119120 10.58 ns/op BenchmarkDivisiblePow2constI64-4 10313060 11.22 ns/op BenchmarkDivisibleconstI64-4 12378447 9.787 ns/op BenchmarkDivisibleWDivconstI64-4 8981307 13.38 ns/op BenchmarkDivconstU64/3-4 12381781 9.693 ns/op BenchmarkDivconstU64/5-4 11589847 9.524 ns/op BenchmarkDivconstU64/37-4 11574990 9.703 ns/op BenchmarkDivconstU64/1234567-4 12380402 9.729 ns/op BenchmarkModconstU64-4 11815000 9.669 ns/op BenchmarkDivisibleconstU64-4 12269928 9.720 ns/op BenchmarkDivisibleWDivconstU64-4 8974008 13.36 ns/op BenchmarkDivconstI32-4 10840940 10.08 ns/op BenchmarkModconstI32-4 10727895 10.74 ns/op BenchmarkDivisiblePow2constI32-4 12770312 9.383 ns/op BenchmarkDivisibleconstI32-4 12694371 9.330 ns/op BenchmarkDivisibleWDivconstI32-4 8832093 13.24 ns/op BenchmarkDivconstU32-4 11078880 9.727 ns/op BenchmarkModconstU32-4 12129679 9.765 ns/op BenchmarkDivisibleconstU32-4 11274042 9.197 ns/op BenchmarkDivisibleWDivconstU32-4 8897442 13.35 ns/op BenchmarkDivconstI16-4 12079254 9.676 ns/op BenchmarkModconstI16-4 11915199 9.627 ns/op BenchmarkDivisiblePow2constI16-4 12571989 9.330 ns/op BenchmarkDivisibleconstI16-4 10975048 9.384 ns/op BenchmarkDivisibleWDivconstI16-4 8971827 13.73 ns/op BenchmarkDivconstU16-4 11741293 9.391 ns/op BenchmarkModconstU16-4 11741499 9.747 ns/op BenchmarkDivisibleconstU16-4 10961476 9.409 ns/op BenchmarkDivisibleWDivconstU16-4 9162409 13.06 ns/op BenchmarkDivconstI8-4 12306193 9.345 ns/op BenchmarkModconstI8-4 12277058 9.718 ns/op BenchmarkDivisiblePow2constI8-4 11782230 9.403 ns/op BenchmarkDivisibleconstI8-4 11793126 9.383 ns/op BenchmarkDivisibleWDivconstI8-4 8724594 13.36 ns/op BenchmarkDivconstU8-4 12793250 9.418 ns/op BenchmarkModconstU8-4 12177265 9.751 ns/op BenchmarkDivisibleconstU8-4 10948444 9.357 ns/op BenchmarkDivisibleWDivconstU8-4 8955396 13.35 ns/op BenchmarkMul2-4 261949 460.1 ns/op BenchmarkMulNeg2-4 270063 445.8 ns/op BenchmarkEfaceInteger-4 4703052 23.43 ns/op BenchmarkTypeAssert-4 18343725 6.536 ns/op BenchmarkDiv64UnsignedSmall-4 21516577 5.589 ns/op BenchmarkDiv64Small-4 19855336 5.899 ns/op BenchmarkDiv64SmallNegDivisor-4 19184786 5.662 ns/op BenchmarkDiv64SmallNegDividend-4 19991786 5.896 ns/op BenchmarkDiv64SmallNegBoth-4 20185690 5.643 ns/op BenchmarkDiv64Unsigned-4 17352308 6.842 ns/op BenchmarkDiv64-4 17336968 6.858 ns/op BenchmarkDiv64NegDivisor-4 17312980 6.845 ns/op BenchmarkDiv64NegDividend-4 17356226 6.849 ns/op BenchmarkDiv64NegBoth-4 16964425 6.841 ns/op BenchmarkMod64UnsignedSmall-4 20816762 5.592 ns/op BenchmarkMod64Small-4 19310281 5.726 ns/op BenchmarkMod64SmallNegDivisor-4 19873254 5.906 ns/op BenchmarkMod64SmallNegDividend-4 20182839 5.914 ns/op BenchmarkMod64SmallNegBoth-4 20124786 5.907 ns/op BenchmarkMod64Unsigned-4 16672070 7.127 ns/op BenchmarkMod64-4 16603837 7.185 ns/op BenchmarkMod64NegDivisor-4 16359814 7.145 ns/op BenchmarkMod64NegDividend-4 16644112 7.146 ns/op BenchmarkMod64NegBoth-4 16595246 7.136 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstI32/3-4 21397719 5.595 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstI32/5-4 21289413 5.586 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstI32/12-4 21523335 5.584 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstI32/120-4 21306646 5.590 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstI32/-120-4 20943888 5.582 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstI32/65537-4 21380144 5.593 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstI32/65538-4 21315658 5.590 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstI64/3-4 24383181 5.609 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstI64/5-4 21412839 4.756 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstI64/12-4 21440041 5.592 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstI64/120-4 21362515 5.591 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstI64/-120-4 21395812 5.584 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstI64/65537-4 21262141 5.123 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstI64/65538-4 21311607 5.587 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstU32/3-4 21453490 5.580 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstU32/5-4 21495726 5.165 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstU32/12-4 21469654 4.810 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstU32/120-4 25683760 5.600 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstU32/65537-4 21450427 5.594 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstU32/65538-4 21323347 5.449 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstU64/3-4 21215374 5.594 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstU64/5-4 21545053 5.171 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstU64/12-4 21067507 5.487 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstU64/120-4 21506208 5.594 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstU64/65537-4 21460627 5.581 ns/op BenchmarkMulconstU64/65538-4 21382350 5.584 ns/op BenchmarkShiftArithmeticRight-4 21280802 5.590 ns/op BenchmarkSwitch8Predictable-4 8169520 14.65 ns/op BenchmarkSwitch8Unpredictable-4 8156582 15.34 ns/op BenchmarkSwitch32Predictable-4 12061066 10.16 ns/op BenchmarkSwitch32Unpredictable-4 8174334 15.05 ns/op BenchmarkSwitchStringPredictable-4 8571591 13.21 ns/op BenchmarkSwitchStringUnpredictable-4 5754554 19.76 ns/op BenchmarkSwitchTypePredictable-4 5936346 25.85 ns/op BenchmarkSwitchTypeUnpredictable-4 4962744 24.06 ns/op BenchmarkSwitchInterfaceTypePredictable-4 9485865 13.31 ns/op BenchmarkSwitchInterfaceTypeUnpredictable-4 4915081 23.86 ns/op PASS ok cmd/compile/internal/test 16.392s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: cmd/compile/internal/types2 cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkLookupFieldOrMethod-4 154 768541 ns/op BenchmarkNamed/Underlying/nongeneric-4 1550634 78.62 ns/op BenchmarkNamed/Underlying/generic-4 1505241 80.48 ns/op BenchmarkNamed/Underlying/src_instance-4 1554535 77.56 ns/op BenchmarkNamed/Underlying/user_instance-4 1539436 79.43 ns/op BenchmarkCheck/http/funcbodies/info-4 1 402174553 ns/op 86501 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/http/funcbodies/noinfo-4 1 300828166 ns/op 115642 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/http/nofuncbodies/info-4 1 106703411 ns/op 325941 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/http/nofuncbodies/noinfo-4 2 100029335 ns/op 347759 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/parser/funcbodies/info-4 1 341627401 ns/op 15395 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/parser/funcbodies/noinfo-4 2 65638840 ns/op 80116 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/parser/nofuncbodies/info-4 5 24807775 ns/op 211981 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/parser/nofuncbodies/noinfo-4 5 21880655 ns/op 240351 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/constant/funcbodies/info-4 3 34409219 ns/op 63048 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/constant/funcbodies/noinfo-4 4 29905411 ns/op 72541 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/constant/nofuncbodies/info-4 8 15766755 ns/op 137611 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/constant/nofuncbodies/noinfo-4 8 14539627 ns/op 149219 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/runtime/funcbodies/info-4 1 873759274 ns/op 82236 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/runtime/funcbodies/noinfo-4 1 463879545 ns/op 154897 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/runtime/nofuncbodies/info-4 1 107024211 ns/op 671252 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/runtime/nofuncbodies/noinfo-4 2 85565574 ns/op 839543 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/gcimporter/funcbodies/info-4 1 384094487 ns/op 5327 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/gcimporter/funcbodies/noinfo-4 3 47930958 ns/op 42681 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/gcimporter/nofuncbodies/info-4 4 27623848 ns/op 74046 lines/s BenchmarkCheck/gcimporter/nofuncbodies/noinfo-4 4 26842460 ns/op 76208 lines/s PASS ok cmd/compile/internal/types2 15.787s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: cmd/go cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkExecGoEnv-4 64 2163512 ns/op 2836609 sys-ns/op 272734 user-ns/op PASS ok cmd/go 1.297s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: cmd/go/internal/cfg cpu: AMD EPYC 7B12 BenchmarkLookPath-4 350971 329.3 ns/op PASS ok cmd/go/internal/cfg 1.174s All tests passed.