plan9-386-0intro at 7321aa91c6c7f4c7faa59819a2013971712eba84 :: Running /tmp/workdir-gnot/go/src/make.rc with args ["/tmp/workdir-gnot/go/src/make.rc" "-force"] and env ["home=/usr/glenda" "path=.\x00/bin" "*=" "type=host-plan9-386-0intro" "rcname=gobuildlet" "pid=201" "fn#term%=fn term% {$*}\n" "fn#newworkdir=fn newworkdir {if(test -d $workdir){for(i in `{du -a $workdir|awk '{print $2}'})chmod u+w $i;rm -rf $workdir};mkdir $workdir}\n" "status=" "fn#cd=fn cd {builtin cd $* && awd}\n" "GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2" "workdir=/tmp/workdir-gnot" "objtype=386" "fn#sigexit=" "cflag=" "0=/bin/gobuildlet" "WORKDIR=/tmp/workdir-gnot" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/tmp/workdir-gnot/go1.4" "GO_BUILDER_NAME=plan9-386-0intro" "GOBIN=" "PWD=/tmp/workdir-gnot/go/src"] in dir /tmp/workdir-gnot/go/src Building Go cmd/dist using /tmp/workdir-gnot/go1.4. (go1.20.6 plan9/386) Building Go toolchain1 using /tmp/workdir-gnot/go1.4. Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1. Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1. Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2. Building packages and commands for plan9/386. --- Installed Go for plan9/386 in /tmp/workdir-gnot/go Installed commands in /tmp/workdir-gnot/go/bin *** You need to bind /tmp/workdir-gnot/go/bin before /bin. ##### Test execution environment. # GOARCH: 386 # CPU: QEMU Virtual CPU version 2.4.0 # GOOS: plan9 # OS Version: 2000 ##### Testing packages. ok archive/tar 0.078s ok archive/zip 0.197s ok bufio 0.035s ok bytes 0.129s ok cmp 0.012s ok compress/bzip2 0.038s ok compress/flate 0.410s ok compress/gzip 1.149s ok compress/lzw 0.050s ok compress/zlib 0.289s ok container/heap 0.012s ok container/list 0.012s ok container/ring 0.012s ok context 0.200s ok crypto 1.554s ok crypto/aes 0.024s ok crypto/cipher 0.029s ok crypto/des 0.019s ok crypto/dsa 0.013s ok crypto/ecdh 0.170s ok crypto/ecdsa 0.112s ok crypto/ed25519 0.150s elliptic.test 10161: suicide: sys: trap: fault write addr=0x1b57cf pc=0x00006e00 FAIL crypto/elliptic 0.008s hmac.test 10180: suicide: sys: trap: fault write addr=0x766e652f pc=0x00006640 FAIL crypto/hmac 0.006s FAIL go tool dist: Failed: exit status: 'go 10105: 1'