openbsd-riscv64-jsing at 592da0ba474b94b6eceee62b5613f1c9c1ed9c89 :: Running /home/gopher/build/go/src/make.bash with args ["/home/gopher/build/go/src/make.bash" "-force"] and env ["_=/home/gopher/go/bin/buildlet" "LOGNAME=gopher" "HOME=/home/gopher" "OLDPWD=/home/gopher/src/build" "GOPATH=/home/gopher/go" "ENV=/home/gopher/.kshrc" "PATH=/home/gopher/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/home/gopher/go/bin:/home/gopher/src/go/bin" "SHELL=/bin/ksh" "PS1=[\\u@\\h \\w \\#]$ " "TERM=screen" "USER=gopher" "WORKDIR=/home/gopher/build" "GO_BUILDER_NAME=openbsd-riscv64-jsing" "GO_BUILDER_FLAKY_NET=1" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/home/gopher/go-openbsd-riscv64-bootstrap" "GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=3" "GOBIN=" "TMPDIR=/home/gopher/build/tmp" "GOCACHE=/home/gopher/build/gocache" "GOPLSCACHE=/home/gopher/build/goplscache" "PWD=/home/gopher/build/go/src"] in dir /home/gopher/build/go/src Building Go cmd/dist using /home/gopher/go-openbsd-riscv64-bootstrap. (devel go1.22-c2db520e2b Fri Dec 29 22:56:58 2023 +1100 openbsd/riscv64) Building Go toolchain1 using /home/gopher/go-openbsd-riscv64-bootstrap. Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1. Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1. Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2. Building packages and commands for openbsd/riscv64. --- Installed Go for openbsd/riscv64 in /home/gopher/build/go Installed commands in /home/gopher/build/go/bin *** You need to add /home/gopher/build/go/bin to your PATH. ##### Test execution environment. # GOARCH: riscv64 # CPU: # GOOS: openbsd # OS Version: OpenBSD 7.6 OpenBSD 7.6 (GENERIC.MP) #78: Mon Sep 30 10:43:00 MDT 2024 riscv64 ##### Testing packages. ok archive/tar 1.797s ok archive/zip 3.465s ok bufio 0.621s ok bytes 2.587s ok cmp 0.166s ok compress/bzip2 0.646s ok compress/flate 6.433s ok compress/gzip 31.136s ok compress/lzw 0.515s ok compress/zlib 3.015s ok container/heap 0.305s ok container/list 0.100s ok container/ring 0.105s ok context 0.369s ok crypto 4.432s ok crypto/aes 0.158s ok crypto/cipher 55.349s ok crypto/des 0.166s ok crypto/dsa 0.107s ok crypto/ecdh 0.502s ok crypto/ecdsa 0.334s ok crypto/ed25519 0.712s ok crypto/elliptic 0.167s ? crypto/fips140 [no test files] ok crypto/hkdf 0.140s ok crypto/hmac 0.254s ok crypto/internal/boring 0.085s ? crypto/internal/boring/bbig [no test files] ok crypto/internal/boring/bcache 0.578s ? crypto/internal/boring/sig [no test files] ? crypto/internal/cryptotest [no test files] ? crypto/internal/entropy [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140 [no test files] ok crypto/internal/fips140/aes 0.208s ok crypto/internal/fips140/aes/gcm 0.116s [no tests to run] ? crypto/internal/fips140/alias [no test files] ok crypto/internal/fips140/bigmod 0.509s ? crypto/internal/fips140/check [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/check/checktest [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/drbg [no test files] ok crypto/internal/fips140/ecdh 0.087s ok crypto/internal/fips140/ecdsa 0.278s ? crypto/internal/fips140/ed25519 [no test files] ok crypto/internal/fips140/edwards25519 0.948s ok crypto/internal/fips140/edwards25519/field 0.266s ? crypto/internal/fips140/hkdf [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/hmac [no test files] ok crypto/internal/fips140/mlkem 2.995s ok crypto/internal/fips140/nistec 0.284s ok crypto/internal/fips140/nistec/fiat 0.118s [no tests to run] ? crypto/internal/fips140/pbkdf2 [no test files] ok crypto/internal/fips140/rsa 0.088s ? crypto/internal/fips140/sha256 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/sha3 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/sha512 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/ssh [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/subtle [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/tls12 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/tls13 [no test files] ok crypto/internal/fips140deps 0.742s ? crypto/internal/fips140deps/byteorder [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140deps/cpu [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140deps/godebug [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140only [no test files] ok crypto/internal/fips140test 4.626s ok crypto/internal/hpke 0.147s ? crypto/internal/impl [no test files] ? crypto/internal/randutil [no test files] ok crypto/internal/sysrand 2.279s ? crypto/internal/sysrand/internal/seccomp [no test files] ok crypto/md5 0.148s ok crypto/mlkem 1.135s ok crypto/pbkdf2 0.452s ok crypto/rand 4.544s ok crypto/rc4 0.429s ok crypto/rsa 4.735s ok crypto/sha1 0.216s ok crypto/sha256 0.193s ok crypto/sha3 14.659s ok crypto/sha512 0.170s ok crypto/subtle 1.517s ok crypto/tls 68.003s ? crypto/tls/internal/fips140tls [no test files] ok crypto/x509 5.155s ? crypto/x509/pkix [no test files] ok database/sql 1.258s ok database/sql/driver 0.126s ok debug/buildinfo 0.402s ok debug/dwarf 0.284s ok debug/elf 1.580s ok debug/gosym 0.417s ok debug/macho 0.179s ok debug/pe 0.264s ok debug/plan9obj 0.100s ok embed 0.127s [no tests to run] ok embed/internal/embedtest 0.149s ? encoding [no test files] ok encoding/ascii85 0.106s ok encoding/asn1 0.108s ok encoding/base32 0.321s ok encoding/base64 0.127s ok encoding/binary 0.143s ok encoding/csv 0.171s ok encoding/gob 18.785s ok encoding/hex 0.151s ok encoding/json 4.282s ok encoding/pem 6.856s ok encoding/xml 1.025s ok errors 0.138s ok expvar 0.129s ok flag 0.428s ok fmt 1.064s ok go/ast 0.162s ok go/ast/internal/tests 0.123s ok go/build 57.031s ok go/build/constraint 0.774s ok go/constant 0.139s ok go/doc 0.637s ok go/doc/comment 6.216s ok go/format 0.230s ok go/importer 4.424s ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 0.369s ok go/internal/gcimporter 20.496s ok go/internal/srcimporter 70.981s ok go/parser 3.938s ok go/printer 1.503s ok go/scanner 0.156s ok go/token 0.273s ok go/types 115.400s ok go/version 0.110s ok hash 0.126s ok hash/adler32 0.170s ok hash/crc32 0.219s ok hash/crc64 0.167s ok hash/fnv 0.193s ok hash/maphash 12.354s ok html 0.139s ok html/template 0.782s ok image 0.545s ok image/color 0.232s ? image/color/palette [no test files] ok image/draw 0.991s ok image/gif 1.748s ? image/internal/imageutil [no test files] ok image/jpeg 1.722s ok image/png 3.183s ok index/suffixarray 7.248s ok internal/abi 0.959s ? internal/asan [no test files] ? internal/bisect [no test files] ok internal/buildcfg 0.087s ? internal/bytealg [no test files] ? internal/byteorder [no test files] ? internal/cfg [no test files] ok internal/chacha8rand 0.133s ok internal/copyright 2.003s ? internal/coverage [no test files] ? internal/coverage/calloc [no test files] ok internal/coverage/cfile 7.601s ok internal/coverage/cformat 0.089s ok internal/coverage/cmerge 0.085s ? internal/coverage/decodecounter [no test files] ? internal/coverage/decodemeta [no test files] ? internal/coverage/encodecounter [no test files] ? internal/coverage/encodemeta [no test files] ok internal/coverage/pods 0.109s ? internal/coverage/rtcov [no test files] ok internal/coverage/slicereader 0.083s ok internal/coverage/slicewriter 0.086s ? internal/coverage/stringtab [no test files] ok internal/coverage/test 0.147s ? internal/coverage/uleb128 [no test files] ok internal/cpu 0.196s ok internal/dag 0.127s ok internal/diff 0.093s ? internal/exportdata [no test files] ? internal/filepathlite [no test files] ok internal/fmtsort 0.125s ok internal/fuzz 0.179s ? internal/goarch [no test files] ok internal/godebug 7.673s ok internal/godebugs 67.750s ? internal/goexperiment [no test files] ? internal/goos [no test files] ? internal/goroot [no test files] ok internal/gover 0.086s ? internal/goversion [no test files] ok internal/itoa 0.086s ? internal/lazyregexp [no test files] ? internal/lazytemplate [no test files] ? internal/msan [no test files] ? internal/nettrace [no test files] ? internal/obscuretestdata [no test files] ? internal/oserror [no test files] ok internal/pkgbits 0.088s ok internal/platform 13.128s ok internal/poll 0.220s ok internal/profile 0.124s ? internal/profilerecord [no test files] ? internal/race [no test files] ok internal/reflectlite 0.100s ok internal/runtime/atomic 0.179s ? internal/runtime/exithook [no test files] ok internal/runtime/maps 0.128s ok internal/runtime/math 0.098s ok internal/runtime/sys 0.088s ok internal/saferio 0.560s ok internal/singleflight 0.348s ? internal/stringslite [no test files] ok internal/sync 3.298s ok internal/synctest 7.643s ? internal/syscall/execenv [no test files] ? internal/syscall/unix [no test files] ok internal/sysinfo 0.123s ? internal/syslist [no test files] ok internal/testenv 2.485s ? internal/testlog [no test files] ? internal/testpty [no test files] ok internal/trace 192.148s ? internal/trace/event [no test files] ? internal/trace/event/go122 [no test files] ok internal/trace/internal/oldtrace 1.821s ? internal/trace/internal/testgen/go122 [no test files] ? internal/trace/raw [no test files] ? internal/trace/testtrace [no test files] ? internal/trace/traceviewer [no test files] ? internal/trace/traceviewer/format [no test files] ? internal/trace/version [no test files] ? internal/txtar [no test files] ok internal/types/errors 4.335s ok internal/unsafeheader 0.133s ok internal/xcoff 0.171s ok internal/zstd 0.928s ok io 0.464s ok io/fs 2.365s ok io/ioutil 0.198s ok iter 0.108s ok log 0.136s ? log/internal [no test files] ok log/slog 0.289s ? log/slog/internal [no test files] ok log/slog/internal/benchmarks 0.145s ok log/slog/internal/buffer 0.125s ? log/slog/internal/slogtest [no test files] ok log/syslog 1.534s ok maps 0.100s ok math 0.175s ok math/big 11.605s ok math/bits 0.122s ok math/cmplx 0.104s ok math/rand 2.383s ok math/rand/v2 2.900s ok mime 0.208s ok mime/multipart 8.183s ok mime/quotedprintable 0.363s ok net 17.039s ok net/http 61.506s ok net/http/cgi 2.100s ok net/http/cookiejar 0.240s ok net/http/fcgi 0.564s ok net/http/httptest 0.464s ok net/http/httptrace 0.189s ok net/http/httputil 1.177s ok net/http/internal 1.903s ok net/http/internal/ascii 0.115s ? net/http/internal/testcert [no test files] ok net/http/pprof 4.354s ok net/internal/cgotest 0.098s ok net/internal/socktest 0.108s ok net/mail 0.123s ok net/netip 6.882s ok net/rpc 0.361s ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 0.249s ok net/smtp 0.314s ok net/textproto 0.353s ok net/url 0.227s ok os 10.483s ok os/exec 3.868s ok os/exec/internal/fdtest 0.167s ok os/signal 12.707s ok os/user 0.167s ok path 0.187s ok path/filepath 0.749s ok plugin 0.227s ok reflect 1.423s ? reflect/internal/example1 [no test files] ? reflect/internal/example2 [no test files] ok regexp 5.520s ok regexp/syntax 7.414s ok runtime 268.119s ok runtime/cgo 0.144s ? runtime/coverage [no test files] ok runtime/debug 0.991s ok runtime/internal/wasitest 0.103s ok runtime/metrics 0.124s ok runtime/pprof 51.277s ? runtime/race [no test files] ok runtime/trace 0.239s ok slices 0.626s ok sort 0.392s ok strconv 3.030s ok strings 12.409s ? structs [no test files] ok sync 4.578s ok sync/atomic 6.802s ok syscall 2.292s ok testing 3.551s ok testing/fstest 0.140s ? testing/internal/testdeps [no test files] ok testing/iotest 0.148s ok testing/quick 0.497s ok testing/slogtest 0.105s ok text/scanner 0.165s ok text/tabwriter 0.143s ok text/template 0.333s ok text/template/parse 0.141s ok time 63.729s ? time/tzdata [no test files] ok unicode 0.118s ok unicode/utf16 0.122s ok unicode/utf8 0.172s ok unique 0.576s ? unsafe [no test files] ok weak 0.139s ok cmd/addr2line 13.268s ok cmd/api 173.379s ? cmd/asm [no test files] ? cmd/asm/internal/arch [no test files] ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 5.063s ? cmd/asm/internal/flags [no test files] ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 0.114s ? cmd/buildid [no test files] ? cmd/cgo [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/cgotest [no test files] ok cmd/cgo/internal/swig 0.277s # cmd/cgo/internal/test.test ld: warning: test.go:74 (/_/GOROOT/src/cmd/cgo/internal/test/test.go:74)(/home/gopher/build/tmp/go-link-2099603704/000011.o:(testSendSIG)): warning: rand() may return deterministic values, is that what you want? ld: warning: test.go:74 (/_/GOROOT/src/cmd/cgo/internal/test/test.go:74)(/home/gopher/build/tmp/go-link-2099603704/000011.o:(issue12030conv)): warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf() ok cmd/cgo/internal/test 5.358s ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/gcc68255 [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue23555a [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue23555b [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue26213 [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue26430 [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue26743 [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue27054 [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue27340 [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue29563 [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue30527 [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue41761a [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue43639 [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue52611a [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue52611b [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue8756 [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue8828 [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue9026 [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue9510a [no test files] ? cmd/cgo/internal/test/issue9510b [no test files] ok cmd/cgo/internal/testcarchive 1.340s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testcshared 2.341s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testerrors 172.031s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testfortran 0.469s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testgodefs 13.327s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testlife 13.204s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testnocgo 0.129s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testplugin 0.154s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testsanitizers 0.104s [no tests to run] ok cmd/cgo/internal/testshared 0.157s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testso 26.878s ok cmd/cgo/internal/teststdio 49.650s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testtls 0.115s ok cmd/compile 85.157s ? cmd/compile/internal/abi [no test files] ok cmd/compile/internal/abt 0.170s ok cmd/compile/internal/amd64 0.150s ? cmd/compile/internal/arm [no test files] ? cmd/compile/internal/arm64 [no test files] ok cmd/compile/internal/base 0.095s ? cmd/compile/internal/bitvec [no test files] ok cmd/compile/internal/compare 0.108s ? cmd/compile/internal/coverage [no test files] ? cmd/compile/internal/deadlocals [no test files] ok cmd/compile/internal/devirtualize 0.115s ok cmd/compile/internal/dwarfgen 3.604s ? cmd/compile/internal/escape [no test files] ? cmd/compile/internal/gc [no test files] ok cmd/compile/internal/importer 16.506s ? cmd/compile/internal/inline [no test files] ok cmd/compile/internal/inline/inlheur 6.869s ? cmd/compile/internal/inline/interleaved [no test files] ok cmd/compile/internal/ir 0.182s ok cmd/compile/internal/liveness 0.548s ok cmd/compile/internal/logopt 1.048s ? cmd/compile/internal/loong64 [no test files] ok cmd/compile/internal/loopvar 0.106s ? cmd/compile/internal/mips [no test files] ? cmd/compile/internal/mips64 [no test files] ok cmd/compile/internal/noder 0.157s ? cmd/compile/internal/objw [no test files] ? cmd/compile/internal/pgoir [no test files] ? cmd/compile/internal/pkginit [no test files] ? cmd/compile/internal/ppc64 [no test files] ok cmd/compile/internal/rangefunc 0.191s ok cmd/compile/internal/reflectdata 0.162s [no tests to run] ? cmd/compile/internal/riscv64 [no test files] ? cmd/compile/internal/rttype [no test files] ? cmd/compile/internal/s390x [no test files] ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 88.834s ok cmd/compile/internal/ssagen 0.200s ? cmd/compile/internal/staticdata [no test files] ? cmd/compile/internal/staticinit [no test files] ok cmd/compile/internal/syntax 0.475s ok cmd/compile/internal/test 167.411s ? cmd/compile/internal/typebits [no test files] ok cmd/compile/internal/typecheck 5.468s ok cmd/compile/internal/types 0.163s ok cmd/compile/internal/types2 79.916s ? cmd/compile/internal/walk [no test files] ? cmd/compile/internal/wasm [no test files] ? cmd/compile/internal/x86 [no test files] ok cmd/covdata 0.220s ok cmd/cover 18.838s ok cmd/dist 0.189s ok cmd/distpack 0.155s ok cmd/doc 2.266s ok cmd/fix 40.093s ok cmd/go 751.316s ok cmd/go/internal/auth 0.140s ? cmd/go/internal/base [no test files] ? cmd/go/internal/bug [no test files] ok cmd/go/internal/cache 1.643s ok cmd/go/internal/cfg 0.132s [no tests to run] ? cmd/go/internal/clean [no test files] ? cmd/go/internal/cmdflag [no test files] ? cmd/go/internal/doc [no test files] ok cmd/go/internal/envcmd 0.626s ok cmd/go/internal/fips140 0.171s ? cmd/go/internal/fix [no test files] ? cmd/go/internal/fmtcmd [no test files] ok cmd/go/internal/fsys 0.407s ok cmd/go/internal/generate 0.169s ok cmd/go/internal/gover 0.134s ? cmd/go/internal/help [no test files] ok cmd/go/internal/imports 0.208s ? cmd/go/internal/list [no test files] ok cmd/go/internal/load 0.202s ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile 0.697s ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock 0.196s ? cmd/go/internal/mmap [no test files] ? cmd/go/internal/modcmd [no test files] ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch 0.323s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost 19.186s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/zip_sum_test 0.226s ? cmd/go/internal/modget [no test files] ok cmd/go/internal/modindex 1.065s ? cmd/go/internal/modinfo [no test files] ok cmd/go/internal/modload 0.241s ok cmd/go/internal/mvs 0.188s ? cmd/go/internal/run [no test files] ? cmd/go/internal/search [no test files] ok cmd/go/internal/str 0.089s ? cmd/go/internal/telemetrycmd [no test files] ? cmd/go/internal/telemetrystats [no test files] ok cmd/go/internal/test 0.358s ? cmd/go/internal/test/internal/genflags [no test files] ? cmd/go/internal/tool [no test files] ok cmd/go/internal/toolchain 0.165s ? cmd/go/internal/trace [no test files] ok cmd/go/internal/vcs 0.236s ok cmd/go/internal/vcweb 0.273s ok cmd/go/internal/vcweb/vcstest 22.545s ? cmd/go/internal/version [no test files] ? cmd/go/internal/vet [no test files] ok cmd/go/internal/web 0.121s ? cmd/go/internal/web/intercept [no test files] ok cmd/go/internal/work 1.378s ? cmd/go/internal/workcmd [no test files] ok cmd/gofmt 0.442s ok cmd/internal/archive 7.481s ? cmd/internal/bio [no test files] ? cmd/internal/browser [no test files] ok cmd/internal/buildid 2.507s ? cmd/internal/codesign [no test files] ok cmd/internal/cov 4.290s ? cmd/internal/cov/covcmd [no test files] ok cmd/internal/dwarf 0.208s ok cmd/internal/edit 0.088s ? cmd/internal/gcprog [no test files] ok cmd/internal/goobj 0.089s ? cmd/internal/hash [no test files] ? cmd/internal/macho [no test files] ok cmd/internal/moddeps 11.092s ok cmd/internal/obj 7.566s ? cmd/internal/obj/arm [no test files] ok cmd/internal/obj/arm64 3.188s ok cmd/internal/obj/loong64 1.249s ? cmd/internal/obj/mips [no test files] ok cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 1.498s ok cmd/internal/obj/riscv 5.706s ok cmd/internal/obj/s390x 0.280s ? cmd/internal/obj/wasm [no test files] ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 38.379s ok cmd/internal/objabi 0.139s ? cmd/internal/objfile [no test files] ok cmd/internal/osinfo 0.090s ok cmd/internal/par 0.196s ? cmd/internal/pathcache [no test files] ok cmd/internal/pgo 0.186s ok cmd/internal/pkgpath 0.422s ok cmd/internal/pkgpattern 0.232s ok cmd/internal/quoted 0.091s ? cmd/internal/robustio [no test files] ? cmd/internal/script [no test files] ? cmd/internal/script/scripttest [no test files] ok cmd/internal/src 0.134s ok cmd/internal/sys 0.116s ? cmd/internal/telemetry [no test files] ? cmd/internal/telemetry/counter [no test files] ok cmd/internal/test2json 1.259s ok cmd/link 180.598s ? cmd/link/internal/amd64 [no test files] ? cmd/link/internal/arm [no test files] ? cmd/link/internal/arm64 [no test files] ok cmd/link/internal/benchmark 0.099s ? cmd/link/internal/dwtest [no test files] ok cmd/link/internal/ld 102.507s ? cmd/link/internal/loadelf [no test files] ok cmd/link/internal/loader 0.350s ? cmd/link/internal/loadmacho [no test files] ? cmd/link/internal/loadpe [no test files] ? cmd/link/internal/loadxcoff [no test files] ? cmd/link/internal/loong64 [no test files] ? cmd/link/internal/mips [no test files] ? cmd/link/internal/mips64 [no test files] ? cmd/link/internal/ppc64 [no test files] ? cmd/link/internal/riscv64 [no test files] ? cmd/link/internal/s390x [no test files] ? cmd/link/internal/sym [no test files] ? cmd/link/internal/wasm [no test files] ? cmd/link/internal/x86 [no test files] ok cmd/nm 30.218s ok cmd/objdump 36.103s ok cmd/pack 15.291s ok cmd/pprof 0.181s ? cmd/preprofile [no test files] ok cmd/relnote 0.118s ? cmd/test2json [no test files] ok cmd/trace 0.916s ok cmd/vet 124.917s ##### os/user with tag osusergo ok os/user 0.155s ##### hash/maphash purego implementation ok hash/maphash 12.684s ##### crypto with tag purego (build and vet only) ? crypto/fips140 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/boring/bbig [no test files] ? crypto/internal/boring/sig [no test files] ? crypto/internal/cryptotest [no test files] ? crypto/internal/entropy [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/alias [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/check [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/check/checktest [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/drbg [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/ed25519 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/hkdf [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/hmac [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/pbkdf2 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/sha256 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/sha3 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/sha512 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/ssh [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/subtle [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/tls12 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/tls13 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140deps/byteorder [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140deps/cpu [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140deps/godebug [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140only [no test files] ? crypto/internal/impl [no test files] ? crypto/internal/randutil [no test files] ? crypto/internal/sysrand/internal/seccomp [no test files] ? crypto/tls/internal/fips140tls [no test files] ? crypto/x509/pkix [no test files] ##### GODEBUG=fips140=on go test crypto/... ok crypto 7.514s ok crypto/aes 0.237s ok crypto/cipher 66.981s ok crypto/des 0.168s ok crypto/dsa 0.148s ok crypto/ecdh 0.818s ok crypto/ecdsa 0.710s ok crypto/ed25519 1.576s ok crypto/elliptic 0.306s ? crypto/fips140 [no test files] ok crypto/hkdf 0.119s ok crypto/hmac 0.250s ok crypto/internal/boring 0.160s ? crypto/internal/boring/bbig [no test files] ok crypto/internal/boring/bcache 1.314s ? crypto/internal/boring/sig [no test files] ? crypto/internal/cryptotest [no test files] ? crypto/internal/entropy [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140 [no test files] ok crypto/internal/fips140/aes 0.192s ok crypto/internal/fips140/aes/gcm 0.114s [no tests to run] ? crypto/internal/fips140/alias [no test files] ok crypto/internal/fips140/bigmod 0.890s ? crypto/internal/fips140/check [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/check/checktest [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/drbg [no test files] ok crypto/internal/fips140/ecdh 0.117s ok crypto/internal/fips140/ecdsa 0.390s ? crypto/internal/fips140/ed25519 [no test files] ok crypto/internal/fips140/edwards25519 1.044s ok crypto/internal/fips140/edwards25519/field 0.344s ? crypto/internal/fips140/hkdf [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/hmac [no test files] ok crypto/internal/fips140/mlkem 3.313s ok crypto/internal/fips140/nistec 0.374s ok crypto/internal/fips140/nistec/fiat 0.187s [no tests to run] ? crypto/internal/fips140/pbkdf2 [no test files] ok crypto/internal/fips140/rsa 0.189s ? crypto/internal/fips140/sha256 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/sha3 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/sha512 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/ssh [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/subtle [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/tls12 [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140/tls13 [no test files] ok crypto/internal/fips140deps 1.543s ? crypto/internal/fips140deps/byteorder [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140deps/cpu [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140deps/godebug [no test files] ? crypto/internal/fips140only [no test files] ok crypto/internal/fips140test 6.526s ok crypto/internal/hpke 0.206s ? crypto/internal/impl [no test files] ? crypto/internal/randutil [no test files] ok crypto/internal/sysrand 2.657s ? crypto/internal/sysrand/internal/seccomp [no test files] ok crypto/md5 0.137s ok crypto/mlkem 1.910s ok crypto/pbkdf2 0.621s ok crypto/rand 14.940s ok crypto/rc4 0.454s ok crypto/rsa 5.993s ok crypto/sha1 0.180s ok crypto/sha256 0.134s ok crypto/sha3 18.150s ok crypto/sha512 0.160s ok crypto/subtle 6.736s ok crypto/tls 50.481s ? crypto/tls/internal/fips140tls [no test files] ok crypto/x509 7.550s ? crypto/x509/pkix [no test files] ##### external linking, -buildmode=exe --- FAIL: TestFIPSCheckVerify (0.10s) check_test.go:50: GODEBUG=fips140=on [/home/gopher/build/tmp/go-build3793905483/b001/fips140test.test -test.v] failed: exit status 2 unexpected fault address 0x34e4de fatal error: fault [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x2 addr=0x34e4de pc=0x251a3c] goroutine 1 gp=0x1340021c0 m=0 mp=0x3de3e0 [running, locked to thread]: runtime.throw({0x64c19?, 0x35df9c?}) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1099 +0x38 fp=0x134053cb8 sp=0x134053c90 pc=0x24a010 runtime.sigpanic() /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/signal_unix.go:939 +0x230 fp=0x134053d10 sp=0x134053cb8 pc=0x24bc00 runtime.memmove() /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/memmove_riscv64.s:273 +0x334 fp=0x134053d18 sp=0x134053d18 pc=0x251a3c crypto/internal/fips140/sha256.(*Digest).Write(0x134068300, {0x34e4c0, 0x51570, 0x51570}) /home/gopher/build/go/src/crypto/internal/fips140/sha256/sha256.go:165 +0xac fp=0x134053d70 sp=0x134053d18 pc=0x34f6d4 crypto/internal/fips140/hmac.(*HMAC).Write(...) /home/gopher/build/go/src/crypto/internal/fips140/hmac/hmac.go:73 crypto/internal/fips140/check.init.0() /home/gopher/build/go/src/crypto/internal/fips140/check/check.go:127 +0x298 fp=0x134053e40 sp=0x134053d70 pc=0x35e378 runtime.doInit1(0x3a4010) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/proc.go:7350 +0xe0 fp=0x134053f68 sp=0x134053e40 pc=0x2274b8 runtime.doInit(...) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/proc.go:7317 runtime.main() /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/proc.go:254 +0x350 fp=0x134053fd8 sp=0x134053f68 pc=0x2183f8 runtime.goexit({}) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/asm_riscv64.s:539 +0x4 fp=0x134053fd8 sp=0x134053fd8 pc=0x25064c goroutine 2 gp=0x134002c40 m=nil [force gc (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/proc.go:435 +0x108 fp=0x13403efa8 sp=0x13403ef90 pc=0x24a160 runtime.goparkunlock(...) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/proc.go:441 runtime.forcegchelper() /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/proc.go:348 +0xd4 fp=0x13403efd8 sp=0x13403efa8 pc=0x21868c runtime.goexit({}) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/asm_riscv64.s:539 +0x4 fp=0x13403efd8 sp=0x13403efd8 pc=0x25064c created by runtime.init.6 in goroutine 1 /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/proc.go:336 +0x28 goroutine 3 gp=0x134003180 m=nil [GC sweep wait]: runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/proc.go:435 +0x108 fp=0x13403f788 sp=0x13403f770 pc=0x24a160 runtime.goparkunlock(...) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/proc.go:441 runtime.bgsweep(0x134068000) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/mgcsweep.go:276 +0xb4 fp=0x13403f7c8 sp=0x13403f788 pc=0x202ccc runtime.gcenable.gowrap1() /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:204 +0x2c fp=0x13403f7d8 sp=0x13403f7c8 pc=0x1f706c runtime.goexit({}) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/asm_riscv64.s:539 +0x4 fp=0x13403f7d8 sp=0x13403f7d8 pc=0x25064c created by runtime.gcenable in goroutine 1 /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:204 +0x70 goroutine 4 gp=0x134003340 m=nil [GC scavenge wait]: runtime.gopark(0x134068000?, 0xb7cb0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x134003340?) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/proc.go:435 +0x108 fp=0x13403ff88 sp=0x13403ff70 pc=0x24a160 runtime.goparkunlock(...) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/proc.go:441 runtime.(*scavengerState).park(0x3dd2e0) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/mgcscavenge.go:425 +0x68 fp=0x13403ffb0 sp=0x13403ff88 pc=0x200790 runtime.bgscavenge(0x134068000) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/mgcscavenge.go:653 +0x50 fp=0x13403ffc8 sp=0x13403ffb0 pc=0x200cb8 runtime.gcenable.gowrap2() /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:205 +0x2c fp=0x13403ffd8 sp=0x13403ffc8 pc=0x1f701c runtime.goexit({}) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/asm_riscv64.s:539 +0x4 fp=0x13403ffd8 sp=0x13403ffd8 pc=0x25064c created by runtime.gcenable in goroutine 1 /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:205 +0xb0 goroutine 5 gp=0x134003c00 m=nil [finalizer wait]: runtime.gopark(0x2626c8?, 0x3fdc30?, 0xb8?, 0xe5?, 0x24ad28?) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/proc.go:435 +0x108 fp=0x13403e5b0 sp=0x13403e598 pc=0x24a160 runtime.runfinq() /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/mfinal.go:196 +0x108 fp=0x13403e7d8 sp=0x13403e5b0 pc=0x1f6160 runtime.goexit({}) /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/asm_riscv64.s:539 +0x4 fp=0x13403e7d8 sp=0x13403e7d8 pc=0x25064c created by runtime.createfing in goroutine 1 /home/gopher/build/go/src/runtime/mfinal.go:166 +0x64 FAIL FAIL crypto/internal/fips140test 0.202s FAIL 2024/11/26 13:10:01 Failed: exit status 1 go tool dist: FAILED