freebsd-amd64-race at 45967bb18e04fa6dc62c2786c87ce120443c64f6 :: Running /tmp/workdir/go/src/make.bash with args ["/tmp/workdir/go/src/make.bash" "-force"] and env ["PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" "LANG=C.UTF-8" "HOME=/" "MM_CHARSET=UTF-8" "RC_PID=16" "BLOCKSIZE=K" "WORKDIR=/tmp/workdir" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/tmp/workdir/go1.4" "GO_BUILDER_NAME=freebsd-amd64-race" "GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2" "GOBIN=" "TMPDIR=/tmp/workdir/tmp" "GOCACHE=/tmp/workdir/gocache" "GOPLSCACHE=/tmp/workdir/goplscache" "PWD=/tmp/workdir/go/src"] in dir /tmp/workdir/go/src Building Go cmd/dist using /tmp/workdir/go1.4. (go1.20.6 freebsd/amd64) Building Go toolchain1 using /tmp/workdir/go1.4. Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1. Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1. Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2. Building packages and commands for freebsd/amd64. --- Installed Go for freebsd/amd64 in /tmp/workdir/go Installed commands in /tmp/workdir/go/bin *** You need to add /tmp/workdir/go/bin to your PATH. :: Running /tmp/workdir/go/bin/go with args ["/tmp/workdir/go/bin/go" "install" "-race" "std"] and env ["PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" "LANG=C.UTF-8" "HOME=/" "MM_CHARSET=UTF-8" "RC_PID=16" "BLOCKSIZE=K" "WORKDIR=/tmp/workdir" "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/tmp/workdir/go1.4" "GO_BUILDER_NAME=freebsd-amd64-race" "GO_TEST_TIMEOUT_SCALE=2" "GOBIN=" "TMPDIR=/tmp/workdir/tmp" "GOCACHE=/tmp/workdir/gocache" "GOPLSCACHE=/tmp/workdir/goplscache" "PWD=/tmp/workdir/go/bin"] in dir /tmp/workdir/go/bin ##### Test execution environment. # GOARCH: amd64 # CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz # GOOS: freebsd # OS Version: FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE #0 stable/13-n248759-3684bb89d52: Thu Dec 30 02:37:49 UTC 2021 amd64 ##### Testing packages. ok archive/tar 1.681s ok archive/zip 2.934s ok bufio 1.390s ok bytes 2.508s ok cmp 1.088s ok compress/bzip2 1.469s ok compress/flate 6.201s ok compress/gzip 13.420s ok compress/lzw 1.982s ok compress/zlib 5.231s ok container/heap 1.023s ok container/list 1.033s ok container/ring 1.081s ok context 1.090s ok crypto 2.452s ok crypto/aes 1.076s ok crypto/cipher 1.085s ok crypto/des 1.085s ok crypto/dsa 1.019s ok crypto/ecdh 1.257s ok crypto/ecdsa 1.209s ok crypto/ed25519 1.433s ok crypto/elliptic 1.085s ok crypto/hmac 1.084s ok crypto/internal/alias 1.020s ok crypto/internal/bigmod 1.435s ok crypto/internal/boring 1.020s ok crypto/internal/boring/bcache 1.408s ok crypto/internal/edwards25519 1.757s ok crypto/internal/edwards25519/field 1.127s ok crypto/internal/hpke 1.039s ok crypto/internal/mlkem768 1.634s ok crypto/internal/nistec 1.905s ok crypto/internal/nistec/fiat 1.038s [no tests to run] ok crypto/md5 1.091s ok crypto/rand 1.343s ok crypto/rc4 1.495s ok crypto/rsa 2.441s ok crypto/sha1 1.084s ok crypto/sha256 1.026s ok crypto/sha512 1.026s ok crypto/subtle 1.486s ok crypto/tls 3.649s ok crypto/x509 2.246s ok database/sql 1.580s ok database/sql/driver 1.026s ok debug/buildinfo 1.046s ok debug/dwarf 1.103s ok debug/elf 2.007s ok debug/gosym 1.141s ok debug/macho 1.061s ok debug/pe 1.081s ok debug/plan9obj 1.081s ok embed 1.081s [no tests to run] ok embed/internal/embedtest 1.083s ok encoding/ascii85 1.083s ok encoding/asn1 1.064s ok encoding/base32 1.082s ok encoding/base64 1.048s ok encoding/binary 1.053s ok encoding/csv 1.065s ok encoding/gob 18.938s ok encoding/hex 1.046s ok encoding/json 2.211s ok encoding/pem 2.976s ok encoding/xml 1.220s ok errors 1.074s ok expvar 1.043s ok flag 3.246s ok fmt 1.556s ok go/ast 1.042s ok go/build 7.011s ok go/build/constraint 1.091s ok go/constant 1.091s ok go/doc 1.287s ok go/doc/comment 3.062s ok go/format 1.058s ok go/importer 1.701s ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 1.054s ok go/internal/gcimporter 11.951s ok go/internal/srcimporter 14.450s ok go/parser 2.081s ok go/printer 2.452s ok go/scanner 1.091s ok go/token 1.173s ok go/types 38.130s ok go/version 1.032s ok hash 1.081s ok hash/adler32 1.082s ok hash/crc32 1.113s ok hash/crc64 1.030s ok hash/fnv 1.029s ok hash/maphash 1.028s ok html 1.026s ok html/template 1.240s ok image 1.465s ok image/color 1.046s ok image/draw 1.616s ok image/gif 1.871s ok image/jpeg 2.284s ok image/png 3.998s ok index/suffixarray 1.897s ok internal/abi 1.083s ok internal/buildcfg 1.083s ok internal/chacha8rand 1.025s ok internal/concurrent 1.734s ok internal/coverage/cfile 1.085s ok internal/coverage/cformat 1.084s ok internal/coverage/cmerge 1.069s ok internal/coverage/pods 1.068s ok internal/coverage/slicereader 1.066s ok internal/coverage/slicewriter 1.019s ok internal/coverage/test 1.106s ok internal/cpu 3.202s ok internal/dag 1.016s ok internal/diff 1.045s ok internal/fmtsort 1.063s ok internal/fuzz 1.055s ok internal/godebug 21.461s ok internal/godebugs 70.888s ok internal/gover 1.085s ok internal/itoa 1.085s ok internal/platform 1.617s ok internal/poll 1.449s ok internal/profile 1.079s ok internal/reflectlite 1.088s ok internal/runtime/atomic 1.136s ok internal/saferio 1.165s ok internal/singleflight 1.137s ok internal/sysinfo 1.027s ok internal/testenv 1.224s ok internal/trace 35.866s ok internal/trace/internal/oldtrace 1.677s ok internal/types/errors 1.457s ok internal/unsafeheader 1.086s ok internal/weak 1.025s ok internal/xcoff 1.086s ok internal/zstd 1.795s ok io 1.072s ok io/fs 1.324s ok io/ioutil 1.072s ok iter 1.027s ok log 1.031s ok log/slog 1.133s ok log/slog/internal/benchmarks 1.042s ok log/slog/internal/buffer 1.042s ok log/syslog 2.373s ok maps 1.042s ok math 1.040s ok math/big 3.647s ok math/bits 1.037s ok math/cmplx 1.059s ok math/rand 3.875s ok math/rand/v2 2.582s ok mime 1.039s ok mime/multipart 6.168s ok mime/quotedprintable 1.071s ok net 9.407s ok net/http 10.270s ok net/http/cgi 29.063s ok net/http/cookiejar 1.074s ok net/http/fcgi 1.274s ok net/http/httptest 1.213s ok net/http/httptrace 1.048s ok net/http/httputil 1.649s ok net/http/internal 2.682s ok net/http/internal/ascii 1.025s ok net/http/pprof 6.325s ok net/internal/cgotest 1.056s ok net/internal/socktest 1.050s ok net/mail 1.091s ok net/netip 1.517s ok net/rpc 1.076s ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 1.076s ok net/smtp 1.097s ok net/textproto 1.051s ok net/url 1.041s ok os 6.796s ok os/exec 8.670s ok os/exec/internal/fdtest 1.087s ok os/signal 20.629s ok os/user 1.035s ok path 1.035s ok path/filepath 1.103s ok plugin 1.028s ok reflect 1.555s ok regexp 4.026s ok regexp/syntax 6.789s ok runtime 51.342s ok runtime/cgo 1.083s ok runtime/debug 2.234s ok runtime/internal/math 1.083s ok runtime/internal/sys 1.082s ok runtime/internal/wasitest 1.069s ok runtime/metrics 1.069s ok runtime/pprof 30.545s ok runtime/race 10.195s ok runtime/trace 1.151s ok slices 1.452s ok sort 1.444s ok strconv 3.336s ok strings 2.613s ok sync 1.692s ok sync/atomic 2.876s ok syscall 8.232s ok testing 3.825s ok testing/fstest 1.035s ok testing/iotest 1.080s ok testing/quick 1.201s ok testing/slogtest 1.080s ok text/scanner 1.042s ok text/tabwriter 1.042s ok text/template 1.107s ok text/template/parse 1.031s ok time 13.013s ok unicode 1.034s ok unicode/utf16 1.086s ok unicode/utf8 1.086s ok unique 1.377s ok cmd/addr2line 7.606s ok cmd/api 16.135s ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 4.456s ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 1.065s ok cmd/cgo/internal/swig 1.064s ok cmd/cgo/internal/test 1.600s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testcarchive 25.391s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testcshared 10.398s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testerrors 13.722s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testfortran 1.090s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testgodefs 1.608s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testlife 1.678s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testnocgo 1.042s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testplugin 40.760s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testsanitizers 22.277s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testshared 1.028s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testso 2.410s ok cmd/cgo/internal/teststdio 2.410s ok cmd/cgo/internal/testtls 1.020s ok cmd/compile/internal/abt 1.052s ok cmd/compile/internal/amd64 1.087s ok cmd/compile/internal/base 1.077s ok cmd/compile/internal/compare 1.077s ok cmd/compile/internal/devirtualize 1.077s ok cmd/compile/internal/dwarfgen 1.586s ok cmd/compile/internal/importer 1.956s ok cmd/compile/internal/inline/inlheur 1.470s ok cmd/compile/internal/ir 1.029s ok cmd/compile/internal/liveness 1.436s ok cmd/compile/internal/logopt 1.256s ok cmd/compile/internal/loopvar 1.086s ok cmd/compile/internal/noder 1.087s ok cmd/compile/internal/rangefunc 1.087s ok cmd/compile/internal/reflectdata 1.018s [no tests to run] ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 9.218s ok cmd/compile/internal/syntax 1.176s ok cmd/compile/internal/test 15.462s ok cmd/compile/internal/typecheck 1.378s ok cmd/compile/internal/types 1.025s ok cmd/compile/internal/types2 11.584s ok cmd/covdata 1.055s ok cmd/cover 19.798s ok cmd/dist 1.081s ok cmd/distpack 1.081s ok cmd/doc 1.472s ok cmd/fix 2.769s ok cmd/go 291.215s ok cmd/go/internal/auth 1.084s ok cmd/go/internal/cache 1.158s ok cmd/go/internal/cfg 1.089s [no tests to run] ok cmd/go/internal/envcmd 1.130s ok cmd/go/internal/fsys 1.122s ok cmd/go/internal/generate 1.090s ok cmd/go/internal/gover 1.027s ok cmd/go/internal/imports 1.092s ok cmd/go/internal/load 1.040s ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile 2.486s ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock 2.058s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch 1.030s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost 2.135s ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/zip_sum_test 1.069s ok cmd/go/internal/modindex 1.641s ok cmd/go/internal/modload 1.081s ok cmd/go/internal/mvs 1.070s ok cmd/go/internal/par 1.217s ok cmd/go/internal/str 1.069s ok cmd/go/internal/test 1.051s ok cmd/go/internal/toolchain 1.047s ok cmd/go/internal/vcs 1.046s ok cmd/go/internal/vcweb 1.025s ok cmd/go/internal/vcweb/vcstest 2.736s ok cmd/go/internal/web 1.029s ok cmd/go/internal/work 1.362s ok cmd/gofmt 1.297s ok cmd/internal/archive 1.556s ok cmd/internal/bootstrap_test 1.063s ok cmd/internal/buildid 1.566s ok cmd/internal/cov 1.367s ok cmd/internal/dwarf 1.125s ok cmd/internal/edit 1.031s ok cmd/internal/goobj 1.082s ok cmd/internal/moddeps 1.884s ok cmd/internal/notsha256 1.018s ok cmd/internal/obj 1.508s ok cmd/internal/obj/loong64 1.052s ok cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 1.112s ok cmd/internal/obj/riscv 1.112s ok cmd/internal/obj/s390x 1.020s ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 3.858s ok cmd/internal/objabi 1.088s ok cmd/internal/pgo 1.088s ok cmd/internal/pkgpath 5.358s ok cmd/internal/pkgpattern 1.047s ok cmd/internal/quoted 1.047s ok cmd/internal/src 1.058s ok cmd/internal/test2json 1.867s ok cmd/link 18.012s ok cmd/link/internal/benchmark 1.037s ok cmd/link/internal/ld 9.297s ok cmd/link/internal/loader 1.063s ok cmd/nm 9.612s ok cmd/objdump 5.535s ok cmd/pack 7.908s ok cmd/pprof 3.616s ok cmd/relnote 1.031s ok cmd/trace 1.393s ok cmd/vet 50.147s ##### Running benchmarks briefly. goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: archive/tar cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz Benchmark/Writer/USTAR-4 4042 26219 ns/op 1128 B/op 10 allocs/op Benchmark/Writer/GNU-4 2743 39543 ns/op 1666 B/op 25 allocs/op Benchmark/Writer/PAX-4 2240 51732 ns/op 2112 B/op 32 allocs/op Benchmark/Reader/USTAR-4 4077 26473 ns/op 5170 B/op 16 allocs/op Benchmark/Reader/GNU-4 6037 18989 ns/op 5041 B/op 14 allocs/op Benchmark/Reader/PAX-4 2238 52869 ns/op 8990 B/op 33 allocs/op PASS ok archive/tar 1.747s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: archive/zip cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkCompressedZipGarbage-4 1 319703748 ns/op 828960 B/op 83 allocs/op BenchmarkZip64Test-4 1 137914900 ns/op BenchmarkZip64TestSizes/4096-4 1764 66384 ns/op BenchmarkZip64TestSizes/1048576-4 169 684551 ns/op BenchmarkZip64TestSizes/67108864-4 1 138730667 ns/op PASS ok archive/zip 2.285s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: bufio cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkReaderCopyOptimal-4 248230 451.4 ns/op BenchmarkReaderCopyUnoptimal-4 151777 737.4 ns/op BenchmarkReaderCopyNoWriteTo-4 6598 22855 ns/op BenchmarkReaderWriteToOptimal-4 6364 17495 ns/op BenchmarkReaderReadString-4 138904 854.0 ns/op 144 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkWriterCopyOptimal-4 237133 492.8 ns/op BenchmarkWriterCopyUnoptimal-4 234873 497.6 ns/op BenchmarkWriterCopyNoReadFrom-4 6639 19657 ns/op BenchmarkReaderEmpty-4 39120 2850 ns/op 4224 B/op 3 allocs/op BenchmarkWriterEmpty-4 31231 4099 ns/op 4096 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkWriterFlush-4 597696 189.4 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok bufio 2.515s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: bytes cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkReadString-4 5823 24893 ns/op 1316.37 MB/s BenchmarkWriteByte-4 463 252155 ns/op 16.24 MB/s BenchmarkWriteRune-4 254 465187 ns/op 26.42 MB/s BenchmarkBufferNotEmptyWriteRead-4 28 3967325 ns/op BenchmarkBufferFullSmallReads-4 94 1145533 ns/op BenchmarkBufferWriteBlock/N4096-4 6916 18229 ns/op 14336 B/op 6 allocs/op BenchmarkBufferWriteBlock/N65536-4 398 289981 ns/op 260096 B/op 14 allocs/op BenchmarkBufferWriteBlock/N1048576-4 13 8484073 ns/op 4192256 B/op 22 allocs/op BenchmarkBufferAppendNoCopy-4 5 22005340 ns/op 762.42 MB/s 6710886 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkIndexByte/10-4 4430025 27.11 ns/op 368.86 MB/s BenchmarkIndexByte/32-4 4292486 28.86 ns/op 1108.84 MB/s BenchmarkIndexByte/4K-4 869887 132.0 ns/op 31038.15 MB/s BenchmarkIndexBytePortable/10-4 826647 139.1 ns/op 71.87 MB/s BenchmarkIndexBytePortable/32-4 263565 451.6 ns/op 70.85 MB/s BenchmarkIndexBytePortable/4K-4 2223 52958 ns/op 77.34 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRune/10-4 1000000 100.4 ns/op 99.58 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRune/32-4 1000000 103.2 ns/op 310.03 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRune/4K-4 400756 298.6 ns/op 13715.25 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRuneASCII/10-4 4550454 26.50 ns/op 377.35 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRuneASCII/32-4 4343450 28.21 ns/op 1134.21 MB/s BenchmarkIndexRuneASCII/4K-4 881564 132.5 ns/op 30906.86 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/0-4 7375150 15.96 ns/op BenchmarkEqual/same/1-4 1486404 80.68 ns/op 12.39 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/same/6-4 1593220 77.42 ns/op 77.50 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/same/9-4 1466947 80.18 ns/op 112.25 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/same/15-4 1485536 80.50 ns/op 186.34 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/same/16-4 1573320 76.13 ns/op 210.17 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/same/20-4 1512304 78.87 ns/op 253.59 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/same/32-4 1527226 78.19 ns/op 409.27 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/same/4K-4 73233 1635 ns/op 2505.65 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/1-4 1467709 81.52 ns/op 12.27 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/6-4 1466156 81.37 ns/op 73.74 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/9-4 1452093 81.89 ns/op 109.90 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/15-4 1400391 85.58 ns/op 175.27 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/16-4 1467625 80.65 ns/op 198.40 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/20-4 1378946 85.75 ns/op 233.22 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/32-4 1373551 86.59 ns/op 369.57 MB/s BenchmarkEqual/4K-4 56302 2134 ns/op 1919.40 MB/s BenchmarkEqualBothUnaligned/64_0-4 1467955 81.63 ns/op 784.06 MB/s BenchmarkEqualBothUnaligned/64_1-4 1268535 94.71 ns/op 675.72 MB/s BenchmarkEqualBothUnaligned/64_4-4 1460992 81.64 ns/op 783.97 MB/s BenchmarkEqualBothUnaligned/64_7-4 1469578 81.36 ns/op 786.65 MB/s BenchmarkEqualBothUnaligned/4096_0-4 70657 1699 ns/op 2410.45 MB/s BenchmarkEqualBothUnaligned/4096_1-4 48001 2479 ns/op 1652.61 MB/s BenchmarkEqualBothUnaligned/4096_4-4 126472 952.1 ns/op 4302.19 MB/s BenchmarkEqualBothUnaligned/4096_7-4 126474 945.7 ns/op 4331.36 MB/s BenchmarkIndex/10-4 2946903 40.58 ns/op 246.41 MB/s BenchmarkIndex/32-4 2928066 41.08 ns/op 778.97 MB/s BenchmarkIndex/4K-4 34106 3506 ns/op 1168.38 MB/s BenchmarkIndexEasy/10-4 3059488 39.41 ns/op 253.77 MB/s BenchmarkIndexEasy/32-4 2921012 41.08 ns/op 779.00 MB/s BenchmarkIndexEasy/4K-4 483062 241.8 ns/op 16936.55 MB/s BenchmarkCount/10-4 1582675 75.28 ns/op 132.84 MB/s BenchmarkCount/32-4 1476096 81.56 ns/op 392.35 MB/s BenchmarkCount/4K-4 33816 3543 ns/op 1156.02 MB/s BenchmarkCountEasy/10-4 1531512 78.24 ns/op 127.82 MB/s BenchmarkCountEasy/32-4 1442468 83.30 ns/op 384.16 MB/s BenchmarkCountEasy/4K-4 410548 283.9 ns/op 14428.73 MB/s BenchmarkCountSingle/10-4 3184393 37.90 ns/op 263.84 MB/s BenchmarkCountSingle/32-4 2931715 40.05 ns/op 799.05 MB/s BenchmarkCountSingle/4K-4 1000000 110.1 ns/op 37194.00 MB/s BenchmarkToUpper/#00-4 2837556 41.86 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/ONLYUPPER-4 295354 401.2 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/abc-4 552392 215.4 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/AbC123-4 308434 385.8 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/azAZ09_-4 278608 426.1 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/longStrinGwitHmixofsmaLLandcAps-4 81354 1455 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/longɐstringɐwithɐnonasciiⱯchars-4 40976 2858 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/ɐɐɐɐɐ-4 58250 2051 ns/op BenchmarkToUpper/a\u0080\U0010ffff-4 129962 918.3 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/#00-4 2880392 41.78 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/abc-4 473116 246.7 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/AbC123-4 310188 386.1 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/azAZ09_-4 277716 422.5 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/longStrinGwitHmixofsmaLLandcAps-4 82006 1461 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/LONGⱯSTRINGⱯWITHⱯNONASCIIⱯCHARS-4 40789 2933 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/ⱭⱭⱭⱭⱭ-4 69322 1704 ns/op BenchmarkToLower/A\u0080\U0010ffff-4 124093 945.3 ns/op BenchmarkFields/ASCII/16-4 129723 879.5 ns/op 18.19 MB/s 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/ASCII/256-4 8578 12875 ns/op 19.88 MB/s 704 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/ASCII/4096-4 591 199199 ns/op 20.56 MB/s 9472 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/ASCII/65536-4 36 3364173 ns/op 19.48 MB/s 147456 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/ASCII/1048576-4 2 53686048 ns/op 19.53 MB/s 2269184 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/Mixed/16-4 94773 1258 ns/op 12.72 MB/s 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/Mixed/256-4 5602 19829 ns/op 12.91 MB/s 768 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/Mixed/4096-4 379 314372 ns/op 13.03 MB/s 24832 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/Mixed/65536-4 20 5544218 ns/op 11.82 MB/s 512256 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkFields/Mixed/1048576-4 2 96826514 ns/op 10.83 MB/s 11219200 B/op 24 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/ASCII/16-4 167647 705.5 ns/op 22.68 MB/s 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/ASCII/256-4 12729 9381 ns/op 27.29 MB/s 704 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/ASCII/4096-4 753 160387 ns/op 25.54 MB/s 24832 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/ASCII/65536-4 37 2990327 ns/op 21.92 MB/s 512256 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/ASCII/1048576-4 2 56332857 ns/op 18.61 MB/s 11211104 B/op 25 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/Mixed/16-4 131479 889.0 ns/op 18.00 MB/s 48 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/Mixed/256-4 8545 13619 ns/op 18.80 MB/s 768 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/Mixed/4096-4 546 218706 ns/op 18.73 MB/s 24832 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/Mixed/65536-4 28 3981661 ns/op 16.46 MB/s 512256 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldsFunc/Mixed/1048576-4 2 72113562 ns/op 14.54 MB/s 11219200 B/op 24 allocs/op BenchmarkTrimSpace/NoTrim-4 2142253 55.71 ns/op BenchmarkTrimSpace/ASCII-4 998202 117.5 ns/op BenchmarkTrimSpace/SomeNonASCII-4 113145 1049 ns/op BenchmarkTrimSpace/JustNonASCII-4 50791 2324 ns/op BenchmarkToValidUTF8/Valid-4 477080 246.1 ns/op BenchmarkToValidUTF8/InvalidASCII-4 341416 348.0 ns/op BenchmarkToValidUTF8/InvalidNonASCII-4 97008 1181 ns/op BenchmarkIndexHard1-4 836 140888 ns/op BenchmarkIndexHard2-4 603 197388 ns/op BenchmarkIndexHard3-4 151 789468 ns/op BenchmarkIndexHard4-4 100 1181768 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexHard1-4 5 21284920 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexHard2-4 4 28341620 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexHard3-4 4 31103987 ns/op BenchmarkCountHard1-4 842 141954 ns/op BenchmarkCountHard2-4 597 197802 ns/op BenchmarkCountHard3-4 151 789997 ns/op BenchmarkSplitEmptySeparator-4 1 113520937 ns/op BenchmarkSplitSingleByteSeparator-4 18 6650265 ns/op BenchmarkSplitMultiByteSeparator-4 12 8722769 ns/op BenchmarkSplitNSingleByteSeparator-4 197785 613.5 ns/op BenchmarkSplitNMultiByteSeparator-4 75176 1559 ns/op BenchmarkRepeat-4 192330 598.5 ns/op BenchmarkRepeatLarge/256/1-4 143004 807.7 ns/op 316.96 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/256/16-4 217584 568.8 ns/op 450.11 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/512/1-4 105724 1131 ns/op 452.89 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/512/16-4 139718 847.6 ns/op 604.08 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1024/1-4 69890 1740 ns/op 588.56 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1024/16-4 81772 1455 ns/op 703.73 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/2048/1-4 42166 2826 ns/op 724.82 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/2048/16-4 46500 2551 ns/op 802.86 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/4096/1-4 24655 5002 ns/op 818.91 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/4096/16-4 25873 4780 ns/op 856.99 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8192/1-4 12756 9379 ns/op 873.40 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8192/16-4 13137 8966 ns/op 913.72 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8192/4097-4 23145 5113 ns/op 801.24 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16384/1-4 6717 17687 ns/op 926.32 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16384/16-4 6818 17273 ns/op 948.52 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16384/4097-4 8542 13631 ns/op 901.67 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/32768/1-4 3632 33079 ns/op 990.60 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/32768/16-4 4016 33238 ns/op 985.86 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/32768/4097-4 3505 30777 ns/op 931.83 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/65536/1-4 1777 65261 ns/op 1004.22 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/65536/16-4 1860 62554 ns/op 1047.67 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/65536/4097-4 1956 59349 ns/op 1035.48 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/131072/1-4 468 255010 ns/op 513.99 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/131072/16-4 474 253253 ns/op 517.55 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/131072/4097-4 507 241218 ns/op 526.52 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/262144/1-4 237 504276 ns/op 519.84 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/262144/16-4 237 514259 ns/op 509.75 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/262144/4097-4 235 484966 ns/op 532.22 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/524288/1-4 121 987646 ns/op 530.85 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/524288/16-4 120 995405 ns/op 526.71 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/524288/4097-4 122 973840 ns/op 534.30 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1048576/1-4 62 1950402 ns/op 537.62 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1048576/16-4 61 1970141 ns/op 532.23 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1048576/4097-4 63 1956460 ns/op 533.99 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/2097152/1-4 30 3911268 ns/op 536.18 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/2097152/16-4 28 3865390 ns/op 542.55 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/2097152/4097-4 31 3857263 ns/op 542.76 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/4194304/1-4 14 7809435 ns/op 537.08 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/4194304/16-4 14 7757846 ns/op 540.65 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/4194304/4097-4 14 7680979 ns/op 545.66 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8388608/1-4 7 15456025 ns/op 542.74 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8388608/16-4 7 15349472 ns/op 546.51 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/8388608/4097-4 7 15170487 ns/op 552.82 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16777216/1-4 4 30666425 ns/op 547.09 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16777216/16-4 4 30344125 ns/op 552.90 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/16777216/4097-4 4 30333361 ns/op 553.09 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/33554432/1-4 2 62876655 ns/op 533.65 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/33554432/16-4 2 59105704 ns/op 567.70 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/33554432/4097-4 2 58902039 ns/op 569.66 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/67108864/1-4 1 119093006 ns/op 563.50 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/67108864/16-4 1 119229020 ns/op 562.86 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/67108864/4097-4 1 118469868 ns/op 566.46 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/134217728/1-4 1 261340132 ns/op 513.57 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/134217728/16-4 1 236863060 ns/op 566.65 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/134217728/4097-4 1 237066332 ns/op 566.16 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/268435456/1-4 1 524856758 ns/op 511.45 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/268435456/16-4 1 474916234 ns/op 565.23 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/268435456/4097-4 1 473937948 ns/op 566.39 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/536870912/1-4 1 1045880531 ns/op 513.32 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/536870912/16-4 1 946698051 ns/op 567.10 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/536870912/4097-4 1 948274878 ns/op 566.16 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1073741824/1-4 1 2087939950 ns/op 514.26 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1073741824/16-4 1 1894234434 ns/op 566.85 MB/s BenchmarkRepeatLarge/1073741824/4097-4 1 1897139746 ns/op 565.98 MB/s BenchmarkBytesCompare/1-4 9667389 11.93 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/2-4 9686659 12.05 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/4-4 9480471 12.09 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/8-4 10479787 11.31 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/16-4 10324849 11.21 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/32-4 9068028 12.71 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/64-4 7621875 15.41 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/128-4 6438690 16.45 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/256-4 5859390 20.10 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/512-4 4211832 28.19 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/1024-4 2557606 46.76 ns/op BenchmarkBytesCompare/2048-4 1452650 82.08 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:1-4 2557995 45.88 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:2-4 2607436 45.47 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:4-4 2631051 45.45 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:8-4 2612386 45.55 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:16-4 2602246 46.31 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:32-4 2577423 46.83 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/1:64-4 2538769 47.77 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:1-4 2247363 52.63 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:2-4 338860 360.7 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:4-4 324146 357.1 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:8-4 318854 355.6 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:16-4 322957 368.9 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:32-4 300456 397.1 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/16:64-4 273026 445.5 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:1-4 2043789 58.65 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:2-4 24030 4986 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:4-4 24226 5002 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:8-4 24044 4960 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:16-4 24280 4941 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:32-4 24048 4978 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyASCII/256:64-4 23799 5024 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:1-4 2604698 46.29 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:2-4 2649081 45.96 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:4-4 2593363 46.50 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:8-4 2585132 46.56 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:16-4 2587006 52.25 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:32-4 2555066 46.74 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/1:64-4 2562578 46.70 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:1-4 159535 753.9 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:2-4 284487 417.5 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:4-4 283162 412.8 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:8-4 288670 415.5 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:16-4 280518 417.9 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:32-4 262720 457.4 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/16:64-4 265008 451.6 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:1-4 10000 11020 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:2-4 19863 5988 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:4-4 19886 5994 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:8-4 19856 5980 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:16-4 19844 6060 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:32-4 17976 6632 ns/op BenchmarkIndexAnyUTF8/256:64-4 18088 6540 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:1-4 2659231 45.04 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:2-4 2673183 45.44 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:4-4 2686543 45.57 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:8-4 2635544 45.93 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:16-4 2639109 45.85 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:32-4 2616852 46.21 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/1:64-4 2630868 45.72 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:1-4 341584 343.9 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:2-4 337668 344.2 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:4-4 340754 347.8 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:8-4 341544 347.2 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:16-4 324734 362.9 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:32-4 295069 388.6 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/16:64-4 273661 435.7 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:1-4 25209 4780 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:2-4 25186 4753 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:4-4 25204 4744 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:8-4 25070 4803 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:16-4 25059 4767 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:32-4 25088 4794 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyASCII/256:64-4 24758 4843 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:1-4 2684755 45.32 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:2-4 2626574 45.83 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:4-4 2668944 46.10 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:8-4 2605258 46.18 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:16-4 2620784 46.03 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:32-4 2571571 46.68 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/1:64-4 2570259 45.74 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:1-4 240810 491.6 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:2-4 288661 415.3 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:4-4 286934 415.2 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:8-4 289794 414.4 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:16-4 285772 423.6 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:32-4 260767 458.5 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/16:64-4 255742 464.2 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:1-4 17094 7018 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:2-4 19984 6044 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:4-4 19742 6047 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:8-4 19957 5995 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:16-4 19818 6029 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:32-4 17965 6646 ns/op BenchmarkLastIndexAnyUTF8/256:64-4 17457 6938 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/1:1-4 2992558 39.73 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/1:2-4 2413575 49.46 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/1:4-4 2202512 53.60 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/1:8-4 1973898 61.55 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/1:16-4 1693694 71.02 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/16:1-4 443996 270.1 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/16:2-4 345501 346.0 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/16:4-4 339112 346.2 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/16:8-4 338474 349.5 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/16:16-4 327802 363.4 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/256:1-4 32658 3644 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/256:2-4 25219 4809 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/256:4-4 25050 4806 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/256:8-4 24860 4804 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/256:16-4 24938 4780 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/4096:1-4 1944 57896 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/4096:2-4 1580 75505 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/4096:4-4 1581 75636 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/4096:8-4 1557 75626 ns/op BenchmarkTrimASCII/4096:16-4 1527 76094 ns/op BenchmarkTrimByte-4 2045385 57.33 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic2-4 13216 9029 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic4-4 13225 9013 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic8-4 709 167197 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic16-4 1407 83725 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic32-4 2692 42112 ns/op BenchmarkIndexPeriodic/IndexPeriodic64-4 5168 21760 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesEqual-4 10427174 11.02 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesToNil-4 12200842 9.603 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesEmpty-4 12607394 9.265 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesIdentical-4 12754056 9.376 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesSameLength-4 9940152 10.18 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesDifferentLength-4 11227592 10.23 ns/op BenchmarkCompareBytesBigUnaligned/offset=1-4 1386 85791 ns/op 12222.55 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigUnaligned/offset=2-4 1713 85745 ns/op 12229.19 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigUnaligned/offset=3-4 1392 85043 ns/op 12330.09 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigUnaligned/offset=4-4 1394 86086 ns/op 12180.62 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigUnaligned/offset=5-4 1428 85125 ns/op 12318.23 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigUnaligned/offset=6-4 1377 79827 ns/op 13135.70 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigUnaligned/offset=7-4 1374 83161 ns/op 12609.15 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigBothUnaligned/offset=0-4 1400 79211 ns/op 13237.94 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigBothUnaligned/offset=1-4 1358 84894 ns/op 12351.73 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigBothUnaligned/offset=2-4 1404 86281 ns/op 12153.13 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigBothUnaligned/offset=3-4 1388 80582 ns/op 13012.64 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigBothUnaligned/offset=4-4 1377 84778 ns/op 12368.61 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigBothUnaligned/offset=5-4 1348 86943 ns/op 12060.57 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigBothUnaligned/offset=6-4 1722 72303 ns/op 14502.65 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigBothUnaligned/offset=7-4 1399 81260 ns/op 12904.02 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBig-4 1376 85025 ns/op 12332.69 MB/s BenchmarkCompareBytesBigIdentical-4 13184796 8.992 ns/op 116612918.27 MB/s PASS ok bytes 63.396s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: compress/bzip2 cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkDecodeDigits-4 2 72639675 ns/op 1.38 MB/s 3611596 B/op 27 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeNewton-4 1 292140970 ns/op 1.94 MB/s 3637920 B/op 30 allocs/op BenchmarkDecodeRand-4 5 23101726 ns/op 0.71 MB/s 3642704 B/op 26 allocs/op PASS ok compress/bzip2 2.343s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: compress/flate cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Huffman/1e4-4 67 1716831 ns/op 5.82 MB/s 42743 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Huffman/1e5-4 7 16176296 ns/op 6.18 MB/s 45297 B/op 6 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Huffman/1e6-4 1 162087296 ns/op 6.17 MB/s 49264 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Speed/1e4-4 67 1751956 ns/op 5.71 MB/s 42945 B/op 8 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Speed/1e5-4 6 17291245 ns/op 5.78 MB/s 43641 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Speed/1e6-4 1 175475761 ns/op 5.70 MB/s 53024 B/op 77 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Default/1e4-4 66 1722663 ns/op 5.80 MB/s 43065 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Default/1e5-4 7 16616355 ns/op 6.02 MB/s 45577 B/op 14 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Default/1e6-4 1 164975240 ns/op 6.06 MB/s 53384 B/op 83 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Compression/1e4-4 66 1713083 ns/op 5.84 MB/s 43066 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Compression/1e5-4 7 16528553 ns/op 6.05 MB/s 43229 B/op 13 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Digits/Compression/1e6-4 1 165988102 ns/op 6.02 MB/s 53384 B/op 83 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Huffman/1e4-4 61 1859838 ns/op 5.38 MB/s 43260 B/op 14 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Huffman/1e5-4 6 17882148 ns/op 5.59 MB/s 46464 B/op 23 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Huffman/1e6-4 1 179005519 ns/op 5.59 MB/s 88512 B/op 165 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Speed/1e4-4 78 1490791 ns/op 6.71 MB/s 42948 B/op 18 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Speed/1e5-4 9 12327969 ns/op 8.11 MB/s 47421 B/op 32 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Speed/1e6-4 1 125609876 ns/op 7.96 MB/s 89696 B/op 232 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Default/1e4-4 84 1330001 ns/op 7.52 MB/s 43204 B/op 15 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Default/1e5-4 12 9910602 ns/op 10.09 MB/s 44292 B/op 32 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Default/1e6-4 2 99211942 ns/op 10.08 MB/s 70060 B/op 161 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Compression/1e4-4 85 1332699 ns/op 7.50 MB/s 43565 B/op 15 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Compression/1e5-4 12 9887801 ns/op 10.11 MB/s 44292 B/op 32 allocs/op BenchmarkDecode/Newton/Compression/1e6-4 1 100530907 ns/op 9.95 MB/s 72120 B/op 154 allocs/op BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Huffman/1e4-4 103 1138570 ns/op 8.78 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Huffman/1e5-4 10 11009915 ns/op 9.08 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Huffman/1e6-4 1 109449550 ns/op 9.14 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Speed/1e4-4 49 2207010 ns/op 4.53 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Speed/1e5-4 6 21045095 ns/op 4.75 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Speed/1e6-4 1 194487715 ns/op 5.14 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Default/1e4-4 19 6207751 ns/op 1.61 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Default/1e5-4 2 77342716 ns/op 1.29 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Default/1e6-4 1 790237115 ns/op 1.27 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Compression/1e4-4 19 6795422 ns/op 1.47 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Compression/1e5-4 2 78979624 ns/op 1.27 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Digits/Compression/1e6-4 1 780735275 ns/op 1.28 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Huffman/1e4-4 81 1398141 ns/op 7.15 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Huffman/1e5-4 9 11779185 ns/op 8.49 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Huffman/1e6-4 1 116717011 ns/op 8.57 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Speed/1e4-4 51 2044590 ns/op 4.89 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Speed/1e5-4 7 15707443 ns/op 6.37 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Speed/1e6-4 1 154064363 ns/op 6.49 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Default/1e4-4 19 6065265 ns/op 1.65 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Default/1e5-4 2 68751966 ns/op 1.45 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Default/1e6-4 1 693653494 ns/op 1.44 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Compression/1e4-4 19 6143995 ns/op 1.63 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Compression/1e5-4 2 85236662 ns/op 1.17 MB/s BenchmarkEncode/Newton/Compression/1e6-4 1 877259562 ns/op 1.14 MB/s PASS ok compress/flate 17.333s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: compress/lzw cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkDecoder/1e4-4 52 2252834 ns/op 4.44 MB/s BenchmarkDecoder/1e-Reuse4-4 50 2337754 ns/op 4.28 MB/s BenchmarkDecoder/1e5-4 5 22295429 ns/op 4.49 MB/s BenchmarkDecoder/1e-Reuse5-4 5 22139979 ns/op 4.52 MB/s BenchmarkDecoder/1e6-4 1 221874727 ns/op 4.51 MB/s BenchmarkDecoder/1e-Reuse6-4 1 223767450 ns/op 4.47 MB/s BenchmarkEncoder/1e4-4 56 1959346 ns/op 5.10 MB/s BenchmarkEncoder/1e-Reuse4-4 56 1812059 ns/op 5.52 MB/s BenchmarkEncoder/1e5-4 6 19046703 ns/op 5.25 MB/s BenchmarkEncoder/1e-Reuse5-4 6 18839180 ns/op 5.31 MB/s BenchmarkEncoder/1e6-4 1 194342582 ns/op 5.15 MB/s BenchmarkEncoder/1e-Reuse6-4 1 188852684 ns/op 5.30 MB/s PASS ok compress/lzw 3.618s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: container/heap cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkDup-4 27 3761114 ns/op PASS ok container/heap 1.192s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: context cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkCommonParentCancel-4 21193 5560 ns/op BenchmarkWithTimeout/concurrency=40-4 4872 23507 ns/op BenchmarkWithTimeout/concurrency=4000-4 4815 24644 ns/op BenchmarkWithTimeout/concurrency=400000-4 6591 17119 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=1/Root=Background-4 410486 276.2 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=1/Root=OpenCanceler-4 14973 8251 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=1/Root=ClosedCanceler-4 18901 6379 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=10/Root=Background-4 3176 38055 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=10/Root=OpenCanceler-4 1990 59843 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=10/Root=ClosedCanceler-4 2839 40734 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=100/Root=Background-4 280 427222 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=100/Root=OpenCanceler-4 202 739133 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=100/Root=ClosedCanceler-4 298 391394 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=1000/Root=Background-4 27 4394824 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=1000/Root=OpenCanceler-4 16 7280809 ns/op BenchmarkCancelTree/depth=1000/Root=ClosedCanceler-4 31 3950081 ns/op BenchmarkCheckCanceled/Err-4 264194 449.9 ns/op BenchmarkCheckCanceled/Done-4 397430 301.4 ns/op BenchmarkContextCancelDone-4 481532 241.1 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueNewGoRoutine/depth=10-4 12879 9196 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueNewGoRoutine/depth=20-4 12027 9939 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueNewGoRoutine/depth=30-4 10000 10613 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueNewGoRoutine/depth=50-4 10000 12474 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueNewGoRoutine/depth=100-4 7902 15016 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueSameGoRoutine/depth=10-4 493411 244.4 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueSameGoRoutine/depth=20-4 273970 433.6 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueSameGoRoutine/depth=30-4 192812 619.5 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueSameGoRoutine/depth=50-4 119835 998.9 ns/op BenchmarkDeepValueSameGoRoutine/depth=100-4 61768 1929 ns/op PASS ok context 11.338s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/aes cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkEncrypt/AES-128-4 1880737 63.40 ns/op 252.39 MB/s BenchmarkEncrypt/AES-192-4 1792642 66.89 ns/op 239.21 MB/s BenchmarkEncrypt/AES-256-4 1669227 70.94 ns/op 225.56 MB/s BenchmarkDecrypt/AES-128-4 1902715 63.15 ns/op 253.38 MB/s BenchmarkDecrypt/AES-192-4 1733948 67.09 ns/op 238.49 MB/s BenchmarkDecrypt/AES-256-4 1725739 70.01 ns/op 228.53 MB/s BenchmarkExpand/AES-128-4 1000000 115.4 ns/op BenchmarkExpand/AES-192-4 1000000 109.3 ns/op BenchmarkExpand/AES-256-4 836060 143.1 ns/op BenchmarkCreateCipher/AES-128-4 171139 691.0 ns/op 512 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkCreateCipher/AES-192-4 180327 630.1 ns/op 512 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkCreateCipher/AES-256-4 180433 659.7 ns/op 512 B/op 1 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/aes 2.987s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/cipher cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkAESGCM/Open-128-64-4 184263 652.1 ns/op 98.14 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Seal-128-64-4 370599 314.4 ns/op 203.54 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Open-256-64-4 188884 684.1 ns/op 93.56 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Seal-256-64-4 369690 352.1 ns/op 181.77 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Open-128-1350-4 116820 1414 ns/op 954.68 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Seal-128-1350-4 175908 1044 ns/op 1292.98 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Open-256-1350-4 107821 1508 ns/op 895.06 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Seal-256-1350-4 144156 1220 ns/op 1106.76 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Open-128-8192-4 31436 5104 ns/op 1605.06 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Seal-128-8192-4 43292 4687 ns/op 1747.99 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Open-256-8192-4 23691 5452 ns/op 1502.67 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESGCM/Seal-256-8192-4 24766 5227 ns/op 1567.27 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkAESCFBEncrypt1K-4 7358 15877 ns/op 64.18 MB/s BenchmarkAESCFBDecrypt1K-4 7339 16064 ns/op 63.43 MB/s BenchmarkAESCFBDecrypt8K-4 940 125131 ns/op 65.43 MB/s BenchmarkAESOFB1K-4 10000 10304 ns/op 98.89 MB/s BenchmarkAESCTR1K-4 14818 8118 ns/op 125.53 MB/s BenchmarkAESCTR8K-4 1864 63772 ns/op 128.38 MB/s BenchmarkAESCBCEncrypt1K-4 15100 7944 ns/op 128.90 MB/s BenchmarkAESCBCDecrypt1K-4 18336 6555 ns/op 156.21 MB/s PASS ok crypto/cipher 4.330s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/des cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkEncrypt-4 93798 1240 ns/op 6.45 MB/s BenchmarkDecrypt-4 105222 1128 ns/op 7.09 MB/s BenchmarkTDESEncrypt-4 36253 3274 ns/op 2.44 MB/s BenchmarkTDESDecrypt-4 37185 3194 ns/op 2.51 MB/s PASS ok crypto/des 1.599s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/ecdh cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkECDH/P256-4 968 120879 ns/op 759 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkECDH/P384-4 14 8291614 ns/op 1086 B/op 21 allocs/op BenchmarkECDH/P521-4 5 20724523 ns/op 1534 B/op 21 allocs/op BenchmarkECDH/X25519-4 100 1203921 ns/op 377 B/op 9 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/ecdh 1.767s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/ecdsa cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkSign/P256-4 1812 62418 ns/op 2448 B/op 30 allocs/op BenchmarkSign/P384-4 31 3689309 ns/op 2618 B/op 31 allocs/op BenchmarkSign/P521-4 13 8692211 ns/op 3004 B/op 32 allocs/op BenchmarkVerify/P256-4 968 123831 ns/op 432 B/op 8 allocs/op BenchmarkVerify/P384-4 12 9601254 ns/op 592 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkVerify/P521-4 5 23630593 ns/op 912 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkGenerateKey/P256-4 4203 26510 ns/op 895 B/op 14 allocs/op BenchmarkGenerateKey/P384-4 56 2117900 ns/op 1099 B/op 17 allocs/op BenchmarkGenerateKey/P521-4 22 5257267 ns/op 1413 B/op 17 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/ecdsa 2.654s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/ed25519 cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkKeyGeneration-4 325 355930 ns/op BenchmarkNewKeyFromSeed-4 322 361190 ns/op BenchmarkSigning-4 312 381479 ns/op BenchmarkVerification-4 207 569207 ns/op PASS ok crypto/ed25519 1.695s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/elliptic cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkScalarBaseMult/P256-4 5230 22822 ns/op 368 B/op 6 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarBaseMult/P224-4 144 832133 ns/op 376 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarBaseMult/P384-4 54 2189031 ns/op 504 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarBaseMult/P521-4 21 5362752 ns/op 696 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarMult/P256-4 1396 84973 ns/op 448 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarMult/P224-4 55 2146351 ns/op 440 B/op 10 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarMult/P384-4 20 5851149 ns/op 616 B/op 10 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarMult/P521-4 7 15339280 ns/op 840 B/op 10 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalUnmarshal/P256/Uncompressed-4 16178 7070 ns/op 544 B/op 8 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalUnmarshal/P256/Compressed-4 6496 18062 ns/op 592 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalUnmarshal/P224/Uncompressed-4 3759 28794 ns/op 560 B/op 14 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalUnmarshal/P224/Compressed-4 78 1436981 ns/op 592 B/op 15 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalUnmarshal/P384/Uncompressed-4 2425 47481 ns/op 784 B/op 14 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalUnmarshal/P384/Compressed-4 294 412229 ns/op 848 B/op 15 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalUnmarshal/P521/Uncompressed-4 1544 75260 ns/op 1104 B/op 14 allocs/op BenchmarkMarshalUnmarshal/P521/Compressed-4 96 1202764 ns/op 1184 B/op 15 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/elliptic 3.389s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/hmac cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkHMACSHA256_1K-4 22306 5309 ns/op 192.89 MB/s BenchmarkHMACSHA256_32-4 58017 2064 ns/op 15.51 MB/s BenchmarkNewWriteSum-4 14680 7889 ns/op 4.06 MB/s PASS ok crypto/hmac 1.598s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/internal/bigmod cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkModAdd-4 52504 2228 ns/op BenchmarkModSub-4 52593 2245 ns/op BenchmarkMontgomeryRepr-4 30002 3985 ns/op BenchmarkMontgomeryMul-4 30360 3954 ns/op BenchmarkModMul-4 14172 8333 ns/op BenchmarkExpBig-4 16 6664515 ns/op BenchmarkExp-4 6 17126117 ns/op PASS ok crypto/internal/bigmod 2.106s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/internal/edwards25519 cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkEncodingDecoding-4 3598 28627 ns/op BenchmarkScalarBaseMult-4 346 336238 ns/op BenchmarkScalarMult-4 154 759399 ns/op BenchmarkVarTimeDoubleScalarBaseMult-4 228 524670 ns/op PASS ok crypto/internal/edwards25519 1.629s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/internal/edwards25519/field cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkAdd-4 530863 206.4 ns/op BenchmarkMultiply-4 4357816 27.43 ns/op BenchmarkSquare-4 5341717 22.55 ns/op BenchmarkInvert-4 25022 4762 ns/op BenchmarkMult32-4 1492519 80.33 ns/op PASS ok crypto/internal/edwards25519/field 1.826s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/internal/mlkem768 cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkKeyGen-4 273 436527 ns/op BenchmarkEncaps-4 175 674603 ns/op BenchmarkDecaps-4 142 827350 ns/op BenchmarkRoundTrip/Alice-4 96 1347481 ns/op BenchmarkRoundTrip/Bob-4 175 676233 ns/op PASS ok crypto/internal/mlkem768 1.967s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/internal/nistec cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkScalarMult/P224-4 52 2047210 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarMult/P256-4 1603 74272 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarMult/P384-4 20 5624535 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarMult/P521-4 7 14804506 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarBaseMult/P224-4 158 748458 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarBaseMult/P256-4 8066 15462 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarBaseMult/P384-4 60 1912871 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkScalarBaseMult/P521-4 24 4637757 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/internal/nistec 2.153s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/internal/nistec/fiat cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkMul/P224-4 565267 195.4 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMul/P384-4 305680 387.3 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkMul/P521-4 126186 941.7 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkSquare/P224-4 608031 193.4 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkSquare/P384-4 315388 377.6 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkSquare/P521-4 124657 957.0 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/internal/nistec/fiat 1.827s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/md5 cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkHash8Bytes-4 191335 595.7 ns/op 13.43 MB/s BenchmarkHash64-4 206510 551.9 ns/op 115.97 MB/s BenchmarkHash128-4 183738 650.1 ns/op 196.88 MB/s BenchmarkHash256-4 136456 871.7 ns/op 293.67 MB/s BenchmarkHash512-4 91621 1301 ns/op 393.64 MB/s BenchmarkHash1K-4 55314 2163 ns/op 473.37 MB/s BenchmarkHash8K-4 8205 14346 ns/op 571.04 MB/s BenchmarkHash1M-4 67 1774153 ns/op 591.03 MB/s BenchmarkHash8M-4 8 14304953 ns/op 586.41 MB/s BenchmarkHash8BytesUnaligned-4 187035 595.0 ns/op 13.44 MB/s BenchmarkHash1KUnaligned-4 55267 2177 ns/op 470.44 MB/s BenchmarkHash8KUnaligned-4 8305 14376 ns/op 569.83 MB/s PASS ok crypto/md5 2.906s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/rand cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkRead/32-4 85531 1356 ns/op 23.60 MB/s BenchmarkRead/4K-4 4134 28262 ns/op 144.93 MB/s BenchmarkPrime-4 1 137041682 ns/op PASS ok crypto/rand 1.476s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/rc4 cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkRC4_128-4 13564 8814 ns/op 14.52 MB/s BenchmarkRC4_1K-4 1634 70131 ns/op 14.60 MB/s BenchmarkRC4_8K-4 216 551111 ns/op 14.69 MB/s PASS ok crypto/rc4 1.591s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/rsa cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkDecryptPKCS1v15/2048-4 10 10007279 ns/op BenchmarkDecryptPKCS1v15/3072-4 5 22268308 ns/op BenchmarkDecryptPKCS1v15/4096-4 3 39670626 ns/op BenchmarkEncryptPKCS1v15/2048-4 747 155753 ns/op BenchmarkDecryptOAEP/2048-4 10 10144340 ns/op BenchmarkEncryptOAEP/2048-4 682 174734 ns/op BenchmarkSignPKCS1v15/2048-4 10 10137634 ns/op BenchmarkVerifyPKCS1v15/2048-4 777 153159 ns/op BenchmarkSignPSS/2048-4 10 10193193 ns/op BenchmarkVerifyPSS/2048-4 710 168854 ns/op PASS ok crypto/rsa 2.639s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/sha1 cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkHash8Bytes/New-4 165675 700.7 ns/op 11.42 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8Bytes/Sum-4 203557 558.2 ns/op 14.33 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash320Bytes/New-4 99744 1182 ns/op 270.75 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash320Bytes/Sum-4 115116 1041 ns/op 307.51 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash1K/New-4 58699 2065 ns/op 495.95 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash1K/Sum-4 63007 1886 ns/op 542.87 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8K/New-4 10000 11316 ns/op 723.91 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8K/Sum-4 10000 11115 ns/op 737.02 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/sha1 2.108s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/sha256 cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkHash8Bytes/New-4 141909 831.7 ns/op 9.62 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8Bytes/Sum224-4 165878 695.6 ns/op 11.50 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8Bytes/Sum256-4 172288 688.9 ns/op 11.61 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash1K/New-4 29533 4026 ns/op 254.33 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash1K/Sum224-4 30794 3923 ns/op 261.00 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash1K/Sum256-4 30919 3878 ns/op 264.06 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8K/New-4 4317 27410 ns/op 298.87 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8K/Sum224-4 4376 27341 ns/op 299.62 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8K/Sum256-4 4249 27288 ns/op 300.20 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/sha256 2.277s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/sha512 cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkHash8Bytes/New-4 110787 1044 ns/op 7.67 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8Bytes/Sum384-4 143037 810.2 ns/op 9.87 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8Bytes/Sum512-4 147100 811.3 ns/op 9.86 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash1K/New-4 36589 3254 ns/op 314.73 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash1K/Sum384-4 39807 3005 ns/op 340.78 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash1K/Sum512-4 39632 3000 ns/op 341.36 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8K/New-4 6195 19049 ns/op 430.05 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8K/Sum384-4 6285 18913 ns/op 433.13 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkHash8K/Sum512-4 6054 18844 ns/op 434.73 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op PASS ok crypto/sha512 2.281s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/subtle cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkConstantTimeByteEq-4 16473375 7.283 ns/op BenchmarkConstantTimeEq-4 16661947 7.213 ns/op BenchmarkConstantTimeLessOrEq-4 16815924 7.164 ns/op BenchmarkXORBytes/8Bytes-4 4418414 26.71 ns/op 299.51 MB/s BenchmarkXORBytes/128Bytes-4 3743764 31.55 ns/op 4056.91 MB/s BenchmarkXORBytes/2048Bytes-4 917174 134.0 ns/op 15282.13 MB/s BenchmarkXORBytes/32768Bytes-4 61119 2013 ns/op 16280.56 MB/s PASS ok crypto/subtle 2.043s goos: freebsd goarch: amd64 pkg: crypto/tls cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz BenchmarkCertCache/0-4 223 517390 ns/op BenchmarkCertCache/1-4 217 560212 ns/op BenchmarkCertCache/2-4 224 557093 ns/op BenchmarkCertCache/3-4 218 531926 ns/op BenchmarkHandshakeServer/RSA-4 --- FAIL: BenchmarkHandshakeServer/RSA-4 handshake_server_test.go:1346: #4: read tcp> use of closed network connection Read 0, wanted 51, got , wanted 140303000101160303002800000000000000005df832a2c7d4ac17570d9fc1962a774871f425eccda764cb20ea6acc31f0cb8b ================== WARNING: DATA RACE Write at 0x00c0000c67a0 by goroutine 28: testing.(*common).logDepth() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:1042 +0x3b1 testing.(*common).log() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:1011 +0xa4 testing.(*common).Errorf() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:1075 +0x6a crypto/tls.benchmarkHandshakeServer.func2() /tmp/workdir/go/src/crypto/tls/handshake_server_test.go:1349 +0x56e Previous read at 0x00c0000c67a0 by goroutine 22: testing.(*benchContext).processBench() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:587 +0x944 testing.(*B).run() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:258 +0xae testing.(*B).Run() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:683 +0x9e5 crypto/tls.BenchmarkHandshakeServer() /tmp/workdir/go/src/crypto/tls/handshake_server_test.go:1367 +0x44 testing.(*B).runN() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:193 +0x19c testing.(*B).run1.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:215 +0x7b Goroutine 28 (running) created at: crypto/tls.benchmarkHandshakeServer() /tmp/workdir/go/src/crypto/tls/handshake_server_test.go:1336 +0xa36 crypto/tls.BenchmarkHandshakeServer.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/crypto/tls/handshake_server_test.go:1368 +0x97 testing.(*B).runN() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:193 +0x19c testing.(*B).launch() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:316 +0x385 testing.(*B).doBench.gowrap1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:266 +0x33 Goroutine 22 (running) created at: testing.(*B).run1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:208 +0x194 testing.(*B).Run() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:682 +0x9d4 testing.runBenchmarks.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:543 +0x85 testing.(*B).runN() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:193 +0x19c testing.runBenchmarks() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:552 +0xbb6 testing.(*M).Run() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:2050 +0x152c crypto/tls.runMain() /tmp/workdir/go/src/crypto/tls/handshake_test.go:400 +0xde4 crypto/tls.TestMain() /tmp/workdir/go/src/crypto/tls/handshake_test.go:349 +0x10e main.main() _testmain.go:423 +0x171 ================== ================== WARNING: DATA RACE Write at 0x00c0000c67c9 by goroutine 28: testing.(*common).Fail() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:955 +0x104 testing.(*common).Errorf() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:1076 +0xae crypto/tls.benchmarkHandshakeServer.func2() /tmp/workdir/go/src/crypto/tls/handshake_server_test.go:1349 +0x56e Previous read at 0x00c0000c67c9 by goroutine 22: testing.(*B).Run() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:686 +0xa8d crypto/tls.BenchmarkHandshakeServer() /tmp/workdir/go/src/crypto/tls/handshake_server_test.go:1367 +0x44 testing.(*B).runN() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:193 +0x19c testing.(*B).run1.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:215 +0x7b Goroutine 28 (running) created at: crypto/tls.benchmarkHandshakeServer() /tmp/workdir/go/src/crypto/tls/handshake_server_test.go:1336 +0xa36 crypto/tls.BenchmarkHandshakeServer.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/crypto/tls/handshake_server_test.go:1368 +0x97 testing.(*B).runN() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:193 +0x19c testing.(*B).launch() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:316 +0x385 testing.(*B).doBench.gowrap1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:266 +0x33 Goroutine 22 (running) created at: testing.(*B).run1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:208 +0x194 testing.(*B).Run() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:682 +0x9d4 testing.runBenchmarks.func1() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:543 +0x85 testing.(*B).runN() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:193 +0x19c testing.runBenchmarks() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/benchmark.go:552 +0xbb6 testing.(*M).Run() /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:2050 +0x152c crypto/tls.runMain() /tmp/workdir/go/src/crypto/tls/handshake_test.go:400 +0xde4 crypto/tls.TestMain() /tmp/workdir/go/src/crypto/tls/handshake_test.go:349 +0x10e main.main() _testmain.go:423 +0x171 ================== BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-P256-RSA/TLSv13-4 15 7143562 ns/op BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-P256-RSA/TLSv12-4 16 7040893 ns/op BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-P256-ECDSA-P256/TLSv13-4 100 1008418 ns/op BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-P256-ECDSA-P256/TLSv12-4 172 680568 ns/op BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-X25519-ECDSA-P256/TLSv13-4 54 2108868 ns/op BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-X25519-ECDSA-P256/TLSv12-4 61 1831566 ns/op BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-P521-ECDSA-P521/TLSv13-4 3 33630379 ns/op --- FAIL: BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-P521-ECDSA-P521/TLSv12 handshake_server_test.go:1346: #4: read tcp> use of closed network connection Read 0, wanted 43, got , wanted 1403030001011603030020e9e6b2890af8c715ba574759113fdd7443145ef9ab931663ea47246f97101255 handshake_server_test.go:1349: #4: mismatch on read: got:00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 want:1403030001011603030020e9e6b2890af8c715ba574759113fdd7443145ef9ab931663ea47246f97101255 --- FAIL: BenchmarkHandshakeServer/ECDHE-P521-ECDSA-P521 --- FAIL: BenchmarkHandshakeServer testing.go:1399: race detected during execution of test BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/1MB/TLSv12-4 5 24754654 ns/op 42.36 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/1MB/TLSv13-4 4 31658515 ns/op 33.12 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/2MB/TLSv12-4 3 38949830 ns/op 53.84 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/2MB/TLSv13-4 2 53188824 ns/op 39.43 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/4MB/TLSv12-4 2 66747189 ns/op 62.84 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/4MB/TLSv13-4 2 92172414 ns/op 45.50 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/8MB/TLSv12-4 1 123721104 ns/op 67.80 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/8MB/TLSv13-4 1 180705766 ns/op 46.42 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/16MB/TLSv12-4 1 233519349 ns/op 71.85 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/16MB/TLSv13-4 1 349032734 ns/op 48.07 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/32MB/TLSv12-4 1 467227671 ns/op 71.82 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/32MB/TLSv13-4 1 681083937 ns/op 49.27 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/64MB/TLSv12-4 1 939361332 ns/op 71.44 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/MaxPacket/64MB/TLSv13-4 1 1356084558 ns/op 49.49 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/1MB/TLSv12-4 5 25344307 ns/op 41.37 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/1MB/TLSv13-4 4 32611893 ns/op 32.15 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/2MB/TLSv12-4 3 39538791 ns/op 53.04 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/2MB/TLSv13-4 2 52476668 ns/op 39.96 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/4MB/TLSv12-4 2 68005789 ns/op 61.68 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/4MB/TLSv13-4 2 95764421 ns/op 43.80 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/8MB/TLSv12-4 1 122519337 ns/op 68.47 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/8MB/TLSv13-4 1 181259206 ns/op 46.28 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/16MB/TLSv12-4 1 235090396 ns/op 71.36 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/16MB/TLSv13-4 1 346756416 ns/op 48.38 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/32MB/TLSv12-4 1 472927806 ns/op 70.95 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/32MB/TLSv13-4 1 689431872 ns/op 48.67 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/64MB/TLSv12-4 1 953665425 ns/op 70.37 MB/s BenchmarkThroughput/DynamicPacket/64MB/TLSv13-4 1 1358316885 ns/op 49.41 MB/s BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/200kbps/TLSv12-4 1 703855679 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/200kbps/TLSv13-4 1 707372989 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/500kbps/TLSv12-4 1 287919822 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/500kbps/TLSv13-4 1 288956830 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/1000kbps/TLSv12-4 1 149718730 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/1000kbps/TLSv13-4 1 149518091 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/2000kbps/TLSv12-4 2 79996112 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/2000kbps/TLSv13-4 2 79683492 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/5000kbps/TLSv12-4 3 38512079 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/MaxPacket/5000kbps/TLSv13-4 3 38011694 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/200kbps/TLSv12-4 1 142955187 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/200kbps/TLSv13-4 1 146815920 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/500kbps/TLSv12-4 2 63755428 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/500kbps/TLSv13-4 2 64795775 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/1000kbps/TLSv12-4 3 37170467 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/1000kbps/TLSv13-4 3 37400056 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/2000kbps/TLSv12-4 5 23938974 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/2000kbps/TLSv13-4 5 23659860 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/5000kbps/TLSv12-4 7 16302925 ns/op BenchmarkLatency/DynamicPacket/5000kbps/TLSv13-4 7 15759495 ns/op FAIL exit status 1 FAIL crypto/tls 18.899s FAIL go tool dist: Failed: exit status 1